Egg Hatching People Versus Taukir Mom and General Minority Psyche Striving for Peace and Security, Fighting Terror Taint

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Sep 19, 2008, 2:54:49 PM9/19/08
to Powwow

Egg Hatching People Versus Taukir Mom and General Minority Psyche
Striving for Peace and Security, Fighting Terror Taint

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 68

Palash Biswas

War on Terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 11 Sep
5.4 Central Asia/South Asia. 5.4.1 India; 5.4.2 Afghanistan; 5.4.3
Pakistan .... The fight against terrorism on the streets of Britain is
not a war. ... - 303k - Cached - Similar pages
- Note this
Southeast Asia and the War Against Terrorism
To win the war on terror, Washington must focus on weakening
international terrorist networks by cutting off their sources of
funding. - 45k - Cached
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Mobilizing Multilateral Resources in the War against Terrorism ...
Mobilizing Multilateral Resources in the War against Terrorism: The
Role of ASEAN Inside and Outside of Southeast Asia. Speech of ASEAN
Secretary-General ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
America's War Against Terrorism, 9/11
Alternative Resources on the U.S. "War Against Terrorism" ......
pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from
1971 to the present. ... - 232k - Cached - Similar
pages - Note this
International Terrorism in South Asia
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
International Terrorism in South Asia. K. Alan Kronstadt. Analyst in
Asian Affairs ..... perceived as a proxy war against India. ... - Similar pages - Note this
by KA Kronstadt - All 85 versions
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SOUTHEAST ASIA. Remarks by. MR YANG RAZALI KASSIM. Regional Analysis
Editor, ... - Similar pages - Note this
K P S Gill: Pakistan - Voices of Jehad -- Islamist Extremism ...
"This is a matter of happiness for us that we are going to announce
the holy war against Bush and his cronies from NWFP where the members
of religious ... - 30k - Cached -
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Washington Times - General foresees 'generational war' against ...
A Joint Staff briefing on the long war against terrorism states that
since 2001, ... and along a path through the Middle East to Central
and Southeast Asia. ... - 88k -
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Terrorism in South Asia
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This report reviews the terrorist environment in South Asia, ...... a
strongsupporter in the war against terrorism because their enlightened
policyis that ... - Similar pages -
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by B Vaughn - All 64 versions
Terrorism in Southeast Asia
Combating anti-American terrorism in Southeast Asia presents the
Bush ..... non-NATO ally in recognition of its support of the U.S. war
against terrorism. ...
- 117k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

- The UPA had believed that Islamism was not India’s problem
Swapan Dasgupta

The worst thing that happened to the Manmohan Singh government in the
past seven days was not the serial blasts in the national capital. Far
more devastating than the momentary panic that gripped Lutyens’ Delhi
last Saturday evening was the wave of derision that greeted the home
minister, Shivraj Patil, the man in charge of internal security.

It is one thing for a minister to be attacked for incompetence and
ineffectiveness but it stretches the bounds of political endurance to
be mocked and ridiculed in a time of national crisis. Jawaharlal
Nehru’s favourite ideologue, the irascible V.K. Krishna Menon, had to
confront this in the aftermath of the 1962 debacle. He could never
recover from the taunt of facilitating the manufacture of coffee
percolators in the ordnance factories. As a matter of fact, neither
could Nehru. The disastrous Sino-Indian war broke him emotionally and
damaged his government’s credibility irreparably. The Congress had to
encash every last paisa of the Independence dividend to remain afloat

The depiction of the home minister as an incorrigible dandy, more
interested in his personal appearance than the security of citizens,
may well be a caricature. However, black humour has often captured the
public mood more succinctly than fiery denunciations on television
talk shows, not least because it corresponds to perceived reality.
Patil may have made only a nominal contribution to the United
Progressive Alliance government’s decision in 2004 to scrap existing
anti-terror legislation and focus on the “roots of terror”. It was a
political decision that stemmed from the belief that Islamism was not
an Indian problem and that the socio-economic betterment of minorities
through covert affirmative action would firewall India against a
global menace. At the time the UPA assumed power, India’s liberal
establishment believed — and not entirely without justification — that
the spectacular terrorist attacks during the National Democratic
Alliance’s tenure were the handiwork of imported mujahedin from
Pakistan, with only a sprinkling of local involvement. The priority,
therefore, was to apply international pressure on Pakistan to call off
its dogs and give local Muslims a symbolic sop by scrapping the
Prevention of Terrorism Act.

The divide is complete once again. Islamophobia tells on the Plural
Psyche in India. Terror Strikes justify the US Weapon Industry
launched War against terrorism and US Military Operations right in our
heart. The geopolitics bleeds. It is a straight Civil War between the
Egg Hatching Ruling Hegemony and Taukir`s Mom. More violence and
terrorist activity on the part of Hindus and Muslims in India sparked
the Catholic bishops to condemn the acts and make and appeal to
Indians of all faiths.

Leading Muslim bodies will jointly ask imams across the country to
criticise the Centre during the September 26 Friday prayers for
“targeting the community in the name of the war on terror”. the
telegraph, kolkata reports.

Insecurity is the prime sentiment of Social realism in India. tough
Terror laws and chain of encounters may not help Indian Nation and its
people, neither the South Asian divided geopolitics. It is helping
only US corporate Imperialism and the Fascism! By analyzing the
emergence of Hindu Nationalism and its efforts of marginalization of
religious minorities, Christians in India make the case for
“collective rights” for Christian minorities in India. Unlike other
religious minorities such as Buddhist and Sikhs, Christians have been
denied their right to have an access to the benefits of affirmative
action policies. They review the current debates concerning
“collective rights”, and argues that the state, through affirmative
action policies, should recognize the “collective rights” to protect
and preserve the cultures of Christians in India.

General Minority psyche is striving for Peace and security unsure of
justice, freedom and equality. Rhetoric of Liberation further
alienates them! It should be noted that Indian power politics always
used the Minority insecurity psyche to gain hold on State Power.
Pseudo Secular forces were often instrumental for Riots in India
before the resurgence of Hindutva only after the doors of Ram Janma
Bhoomi Mandir in Ayodhya was opened by then Internal Security Minister
and close ally of then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to invoke Hindutva
sentiment after Operation Blue Star resultant in the untimely demise
of Mrs Indira Gandhi. Hitherto, Hindutva forces never got the power in
India. Bharatiya Jansangh and Hindu Mahasabha were minor forces in

Though Hindu Mahasabha led by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee played decisive
role as stimulant for the rise of Muslim League and partition of
India, Dr Ambedkar and Jogendra Nath Mandal proved to be stronger
forces. Only after the JP movement and complete repression of
Naxalbari and due to absence of an Indigenous National Movement,
Hindutva came into reckoning as the Left struck a deal with the Right
to oust Indira Gandhi. It is a milestone in Indian History.

I remeber those days just after few years of partition while our
people, the partition Victim Bengali refugees ejected from their
homeland way back in East Pakistan and scattered all over the country
as well as the Bhadralok mainstream Bengalies based in West Bengal
held Gandhi and Nehru responsible for the partition. It was the same
sentiment amongst the Sikh Refugees from West Pakistan.In Nainital
Terai Region, my village Basantipur was the last limit of Bengali
area and our neighbours were Rai Sikhs. I shared my childhood with
Sikh children. I used to know Gurmukhi as well as I learnt Kumayuni,
Garwali, Assamese and Marathi later on.

But the RSS activists could not mobilise the Refugee sentiments and it
remained the ideology of small traders all over the country. The Left
used the refugee movement most. On the other hand , Congress used the
Refugees as mobile vote bank everywhere.

I have read so many things relating RSS ideology. But my mindset never

Indira Gandhi was the first person who used Hindutva while using
Military Option against nationalities without addressing the rhetoric
of Liberation! AFPSA was already in vogue. Indira crushed the
Peasants` Insurrection in Eastern part of the country popularly known
as Naxalite Movement. The Indian Army was killing the Naxalites in
West Bengal and at the same time , it was liberating Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Liberation was the best expression of Hindutva as the
people were for the first time changed the mindset with the emergence
of Blind nationalism portraying Mrs Indira Gandhi as the reincarnation
of Goddess Durga. hindutva was appeased unprecedentedly with the
partition of Pakistan!International community did not allow us to win
1965 war and we lost a Prime Minister so Popular Lal Bahadur Shastri!
Bangladesh Liberation worked as a sacred balm for hurt Hindutva
sentiment and the Hindus for the first time felt that the Revenge was
complete against the Holocaust of 1947. We could not unite the
Bleeding Geopolitics but we were successful to divide Pakistan. Since
then, Pakistan is also engaged to try its best to disintegrate India.
Kashmir happens to be a lame excuse!

The Revenge invoked Hindu nationalism and Mrs Indira Gandhi with an
agenda of Soviet model development romped home with landslide majority
in 1971 elections. The refugees, Sikh as well as Bengalies, supported
Mrs Gandhi. This Hindutva and New found Blind nationalism justified
the repression countrywide which created a space for the first Pro US
movement in India, The Total revolution with mind control and
brainwashing in full swing!

But the Brahminical hegemony was trying its best to kill the
Constitution made by an untouchable, Dr BR Ambedkar. Nehru tried and
failed. Mrs Gandhi blocked United states of America to sail into the
peaceful waters of Indian Ocean. Thus, she emerged as an unchallenged
leader of third world and nonalignment movement. In exchange Mrs
Gandhi was able to cahnge the constitution. It was the beginning. She
wanted to stall Mandal commission and introduced a Punjab Politics so
disastrous to lead the nation to Blue star operation and anti Sikh
Riots. For the Sikh Religion it was Holocaust repeated once again and
so soon. It generated Militancy and Terror ad was fed by Agro crisis
in Punjab, hitherto most neglected as far as Industrialisation is
concerned, just after Greene Revolution.

But the new leadership in Congress en cashed the anti Sikh sentiments
in Hindus to hold on Power and Brahminical hegemony. It wanted to
consolidate the Hindutva base with grand Ayodhya initiative, But this
time, strengthened by JP Movement and Left support, RSS was ready to
get the most wanted mileage. Rath yatra by Lal Krishna Adwani created
unprecedented Hindutva wave.

Once again, the war against terrorism is imported in this divided
bleeding geopolitics to invoke Hindutva sustaining monopolistic
Hindutva Brahminical hegemony aligned with Zionism and apartheid! The
serial blasts and terror strikes help the Hindutva and much wanted
Islamophobia happens to be in vogue in a manner never before and it is

My first short story book, `ANDE SENTE LOG’ (EGG HATCHING PEOPLE) WAS
my published short stories dealing the social realism and Indian
social fabrics. My short story `ANDE SENTE LOG’ is all about the
phenomenon of Criminalisation, the mind control game of Fascism and
the imminent brainwashing which dilutes the secular, democratic and
sound conscience of common man. I selected from my experiences during
eighties while Babri Mosque had to be demolished. Riots were universal
everywhere in North India and it was a great relief that entire South
India and North India were spared.

I had been in Meerut during 1984 to 1990. I worked there on a new desk
of a North Indian Media Giant. I was involved in the daily routine to
trace the communal climate of the City. The city was divided into OLd
city and cantonement. In 1987, the divide was diluted and I had to see
the City in fire for months. I analysed the Geography of riots in

I noted it with every detail how the Indigenous production system in
major cities like Meerut, Banaras, Firozabad, Moradabad,
Aligargh,Kanpur,Bareilly had been targeted and how the capitalists,
industrialists took over those traditional industries where the daily
wage labourers were mostly Muslims and traders had been the Hindu in

The riots in North India Urban areas were masterminded by capitalists
and fascists as well. They used scheduled castes everywhere. I
witnessed in Meerut and Bareilly. I saw the peaceful cities like
Bijnore and Bareilly were burning for the first time! Narendra Modi
used the ST and OBC forces to mobilise its Gestapo in Gujarat

Meanwhile, the social engineering in North India led by a cluster of
SC, ST and OBC leaders stalled the Resurgence of Hindutva. It stopped
the Anti Muslim riots for the first time. It was a tough equation for
UPA as well as NDA to recapture the indigenous Vote Bank. Now, they
use the market forces to revitalise the Hindutva. Information
Explosion proved to be a magic. The corporates and MNCs seek Retail
rural network to expand market for their products and use Hindutva as
the most lethal weapon of mind control and brain washing. Hindutva is
also using Globalisation and Imperialism as covers of Fascism.

This equation has done havoc with the internal security in USA and
Europe. USA has not recovered from the shock of 9/11 as yet. War zone
escalated US Interests as well as Market, but the Global financial
crisis and the credit crunch have well exposed the limits of corporate
Imperialism! on the other hand, USA as well as Europe happen to be the
most Instable and insecure Geopolitical Zones worldwide. Despite all
the Nuclear armament and missile technology, space dominance,
technological innovations and capturing all the Natural resources and
markets,Americanism failed miserably and they could not locate Osama
Bin Laden!

Super Power status never guarantees Internal Security, we have to
learn from US!

Is it mere coincidence that Neo Liberalism under the cover of
Liberation, Privatisation and Globalisation followed the Ram Janma
Bhoomi Movement of eighties. It is the same mind control game as the
Naxal Bari Movement was limited in certain areas thanks to the Total
revolution led by JP in mid seventies!

On the evening of September 29, 2006, a frenzied mob barged into Dalit
farmer Bhaiyyalal Bhotmanage's house and lynched his wife Surekha
(44), daughter Priyanka (17) and sons Roshan (23) and Sudhir (21). The
mutilated bodies were then dumped in a nearby canal.

While the court held Sakru Binjewar, his son Gopal, Shatrughan Dhande,
Vishwanath Dhande, Ramu Dhande, Jagdish Mandlekar, Prabhakar Mandlekar
and Shishupal Dhande guilty for unlawful assembly, rioting and murder;
Mahipal Dhande, Dharampal Dhande and Purushottam Titarmare were
acquitted for lack of evidence.

The killings were gruesome, but had no connection with the caste
tussle in Khairlanji village, said ad hoc sessions judge S.S. Das,
while delivering the judgment in the murder of four Dalits two years

The Bhandara ad hoc district and sessions court on Monday held eight
of the 11 accused guilty in the brutal murder of four members of a
Dalit family in Khairlanji — about 780 km from Mumbai.

Srinagar : At least 19 people, including seven security personnel,
were injured on Friday in clashes at a dozen places in the Kashmir
valley where normal life came to a standstill following a 'bandh' call
given by separatists.

The clashes broke out shortly after Friday prayers in different
downtown and uptown localities of the city and Pattan in Baramulla
district when police along with CRPF used force to stop "pro-
independence" protesters from marching on main roads, official sources

Police fired teargas shells and used batons to chase away the stone-
pelting youth at various places. Clashes between the two sides at some
of the places, including Nowhatta, were still continuing when last
reports came.

Six security personnel and four protesters were injured in a clash at
Nowhatta and adjoining localities in the vicinity of Jamia Masjid, the
grand old mosque in the interior city, they said.

Five persons, including a policeman, were injured in a clash at Karan
Nagar and Habbakadal and Hyderpora on the Srinagar-Airport road, the
sources said.

A clash also took place between police and protesters at Pattan, 27 km
from here, on the Srinagar-Baramulla national highway leaving four
protesters injured, the sources said.

In New Delhi,Terror has once again come to haunt national capital on
Friday. An encounter reportedly started at Jamia Nagar in Okhla, south
Delhi between five militants and a special cell of Delhi Police. Two
of the five militants have been killed and one of them has been
arrested by the police. The rest two, however, have manged to escape.
The encounter began at around 11.15 am. The terrorists were holed up
on the fourth floor of house number L-18, behind Khalilullah mosque in
the Batla House area.

Tensions ran high in the Jamia Nagar locality of South Delhi as word
spread of a religious place being "transgressed" reportedly by police
during the encounter with militantson Friday. Two Indian Mujahideen
militants allegedly involved in the Delhi and other recent serial
blasts were on Friday killed in a fierce encounter in South Delhi that
left two Delhi Police Special Cell personnel injured, one of whom is
said to be in a "critical" condition. One terrorist was nabbed at the
end of an hour-long encounter in Jamia Nagar but two others slipped
away, Delhi Police Commissioner Y S Dadwal told reporters. Police
recovered an AK-47 assault rifle along with two .30 pistols and a
computer from the L-18 residence in the area, Dadwal said.

The house where militants were holed up lies very close to a religious
place. Once firing stopped, a large number of people thronged the
narrow lanes of the area and shouted religious slogans. "We are all
against terrorism, then why was our religious places places targeted,"
said one of the residents.

Refuting any such news, DCP South Delhi HGS Dhaliwal clarified that no
religious place was used during the encounter. "The firing was done
from a place near the religious place," he said.

The tensions were fuelled by rumours that the operation was concocted
by police and no fire was shot from inside the house.

Extra reinforcements have been rushed to the area contain any untoward
incident, police said.

Meanwhile one media personnel, who was informing his office about the
encounter, was abused by the local residents. They claimed that no
shot were fired from inside the house and the encounter was a blatant

Neighbours of the house where entire operation unfolded, however,
confirmed that gun shots were fired from both sides. "It all started
at 10.30 in the morning. We were preparing to go to our work when some
police people came in the area," said an eye-witness who refused to
disclose her identity.

In Mumbai, the mother of Abdus Subhan Qureshi alias Tauqeer, prime
accused in the Delhi and Ahmedabad serial blasts, asked her son to
surrender before the authorities irrespective of whether he is
innocent or not.

"If my son is found guilty by the court and authorities, then I would
not stop them from punishing him. He could be hanged before our eyes,"
a tearful Zubeda Qureshi said.

Can stringent laws slash the spurt in India's terror graph? Well,
political parties may have varied opinions on the issue, but India's
first woman IPS officer feels ‘it's the need of the hour’.

"Our laws are weak. We need strong laws to reign in the terrorists.
Laws of the land must keep pace with the new challenges posed by
terrorists," Kiran Bedi said.

However, according to her, stronger laws should be supplemented with
faster legal process. "Terrorists know that it can take up to ten
years for a case to be settled in the court of law. So, judicial
system needs to be expedited."

Bedi, who also served in the United Nations as the Police Adviser to
the Secretary General in Department of Peace Keeping Operations, is
also in favour of a federal agency to tackle terror in the country.
"It's long overdue," she rued.

Known for her courageous act of towing away of the car of the then
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1983, Bedi feels that India's basic
fundamentals of policing are too weak to tackle terror and crime.

"We have no fundamentals in fact. We have structures only.
Fundamentals come through human resource management, which
unfortunately, is the weakest in our country. When 80 per cent of your
constabulary is neglected, than you are bound to be the targets. So,
get your basics right first," she said.

Bedi, now retired, also differs on the ‘notion of being tough or soft
on acts of terror’.

"Basically, we have never addressed the issue of terrorism with
desired will and efforts. Our policies are soft on crime and violence
with a tradition of breaking laws, than how can you tackle terror,"
she said.

A recipient of Ramon Magsaysay Award (1994) for her reforms in Tihar
Jail, she has also expressed disappointment with the equation between
police and citizens.

"There should be 'inclusive policing' and citizens should be co-opted
by police. If you do not make them partners in peace, than how can you
think of their support in times of war," she said.

The Statesman, kolkata reports:The Congress-led UPA government
rejected the question of bringing any law like the repealed POTA to
combat terrorism, asserting that the country already has stringent
legislation meant for clamping down on terror. The Congress leadership
echoed the Prime Minister’s statement yesterday, saying the party is
“open” to “further strengthening terror laws but not at the cost of
subverting human rights and civil liberties”.
In the wake of the 13 September Delhi serial blasts that followed
similar recent terror attacks in several major cities, the government,
particularly the Union home minister, Mr Shivraj Patil, has drawn fire
from various quarters for their alleged “inept and ineffective”
handling of terrorism, with the BJP again raking up its demand to
bring back Pota.
Asked whether the government was planning to enact an anti-terror law
like Pota, the Union information and broadcasting minister, Mr
Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, asserted: “No, no, no. It is a Draconian law
and against human rights. If the present anti-terror laws are
implemented properly, there is no requirement for additional laws.”
On the other hand, in the wake of attacks on churches in Karnataka and
Orissa, the Congress on Friday warned the Opposition ruled states that
they should not commit the "grave mistake" that the Centre is
"powerless to deal with such rogue activities".
"Those who provoke must be prepared to face the consequences...They
will be responsible for the consequences if they keep provoking," said
party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi.
Issuing the warning, Singhvi said, "they (the Opposition ruled states)
should not think that the Centre is powerless to deal with such rogue
Using the phraseology of Atal Behari Vajpayee who had asked Gujarat
Chief Minister Narendra Modi to follow "raj dharma" in the wake of
Godhra riots, Singhvi advised these states to follow the same course
to deal with the situation.
Asked if the Centre will use Article 355 or 356 to deal with the
situation in Karnataka and Orissa, Singhvi said it was not a question
of invoking these Articles.
"The states should not think that the central government is powerless.
The Constitution gives ample powers if provocation and justification
for using such powers arise," he said.
Congress sources said the Centre has issued several "strong" letters
to both Karnataka and Orissa in the last few days to take stern action
and stop the violence against the Christian community and

Meanwhile,The Centre is understood to have decided to invoke Article
355 of the Constitution to warn Orissa and Karnataka to rein in
violence following attacks on churches and prayer halls in the two
states. According to official sources late tonight, a formal
communication in this regard will be sent tomorrow to the governments
of the two states ruled by the Opposition. A BJD-BJP coalition is
ruling Orissa while the saffron party is in power in Karnataka.
A home ministry spokesman when contacted said he was not aware if any
decision has been taken in this regard. Sources said there were a
series of meetings in the home ministry before a decision was taken to
invoke the Article. It is for the second time this month that Orissa
is to be warned under Article 355. Article 355 is a rarely used
constitutional provision that typically holds out the threat of
dismissal of a state government and imposition of President’s Rule if
the warning of the Centre goes unheeded. Under Article 355, a duty has
been cast on the Union government to ensure that governance in states
is carried out in accordance with the Constitution.The Karnataka home
minister described the decision as a political move
The Union Cabinet on Thursday cleared a proposal for signing and
ratification of the agreement on transfer of sentenced persons between
India and Israel. Briefing reporters after the meeting of the Union
Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, the
information and broadcasting minister, Mr Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, said
this agreement would “enable the prisoners to be near their families
and would help in the process of their social rehabilitation”.
Prisoners of Indian origin serving terms in Israeli jails can be
brought back to serve the remainder of their term while Israeli
convicted prisoners could be transferred to their home country.
The Cabinet cleared a proposal to amend the Agricultural and Processed
Food Products Export Development Authority Act (APEDA Act) to vest it
with statutory authority for registration and protection of
intellectual property rights or similar rights (including Geographical
Indications) in the special product names in India and elsewhere. The
registration of Basmati rice, as a geographical indication under the
Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act
1999 can be initiated and APEDA can effectively protect the
geographical indication in India and abroad.
It also cleared the proposal for the setting up of an autonomous
‘Institute of Nanoscience & Technology at Mohali’ under the Department
of Science & Technology at a total cost of Rs 142.45 crore for 11th
Plan Period as a registered society.
Statesman News Service reports from LUCKNOW: Even as the Supreme Court
extends the ban on the Students Islamic Movement of India (Simi), and
the Centre debates the introduction of a law more stringent than the
repealed Pota, a group of NGOs and human rights activists are crying
hoarse over the alleged harassment and subsequent arrests of
“innocent” Muslims. Uttar Pradesh Police’ Anti-terrorism Squad,
however, rubbished the allegations and called them “baseless”.
They claim that the governments of UP and other terror-hit states of
the country are misusing their powers to round up innocent Mulsim men
without any evidence of their being involved in terrorist activities.
“The only evidence they have to support their claim that these men are
terrorists is the confessions they have got from them while they were
in police custody,” said Mr Pandey. Magsaysay awardee Mr Sandeep
Pandey is the most vocal of the group that claims people like Abu
Basher from Azamgarh and Shahbaz Hussain from Lucknow have been
“framed” by police and Intelligence agencies.
“We are conducting an independent investigation into the arrest of
Shahbaz Hussain to find out whether he is indeed involved in terrorist
activities. Prima facie, it appears that the youth has been framed by
UP Police. There is no material evidence to justify his arrest. The
only evidence on the basis of which the youth has been arrested is the
‘confession’ extracted from him during investigation by UP ATS,” said
Mr SR Darapuri, retired IG of UP Police, who is heading the
independent committee looking into the recent arrests of terror
suspects in UP. The retired IG said that their investigations lead
them to believe Hussian was framed.
The anti-Christian violence in Orissa is at risk for spreading to
other states in the nation. The violence has been unanimously
condemned and everything possible should be done to end it. This is
what the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI) said after a
series of attacks were carried out on Christian places of worship
allegedly by the Bajrang Dal and other extremist groups in various
parts of Karnataka on Sunday, September 14.
Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, President of the CBCI, firmly condemned
the attacks and said that “the heightened attacks on Christians, their
dwellings and places of worship in different parts of the country are
the manifestation of the growing intolerance of certain sections of
society that blatantly defy the constitutional rights of the citizens
of this country. We ask them to desist from such provocation of
religious minorities in India and follow a path of dialogue and
dignified approach to sorting out any social, religious and political
The Bishops reiterate their stand that they abhor violence as it
undermines civilized form of living, “and we, as a nation, cannot
allow ourselves to be drawn into the vortex of primitive instincts of
conflict and destruction. The Christian community in India has been
conducting itself in a peaceful manner all this while, and even under
extreme provocation it has exercised restraint. However, it is not to
be construed as weakness, but a preferred option based on sound
principles of civilized living. The Christian community continues to
render its services to all sections of Indian society without any
discrimination. Nevertheless, baseless allegations of fraudulent
conversion have been hurled at it for long by certain vested interests
whose chief agenda seems to be social polarization on the lines of
religious beliefs. We, as responsible citizens of India, will not
succumb to their divisive tactics, but continue to work, in the spirit
of Christ our Master, for the unity, integrity and progress of the
The Bishops also condemned the serial bomb blasts in Delhi on Saturday
evening that claimed 22 innocent lives and injured scores of people.
The militant group “Indian Mujaheddin” has claimed responsibility for
the attacks.
The Church has expressed its condolences for the victims and
solidarity with their families, affirming that “the bomb blast in
Delhi is a dastardly act by those who have scant regard for human life
and its sanctity; and as a civilized society, we must endeavor to
defeat such nefarious designs of the misguided elements of society.”
The Bishops also said they would pray for the victims and their
families, with the special prayer intention for peace and social
reconciliation in the country.
DNA from New Delhi reports: India’s inability to stop attacks on
Christians in Orissa and Karnataka could snowball into a major
international embarrassment. The question international rights groups
are asking is whether these attacks are organised and, if so, what is
the government doing to stop them.
“Deal with the problem. Take action against the culprits. The Indian
government has not made this a priority, the signs were there for all
to see. Now it is scrambling and looking for an answer,” says Brad
Adams, executive director of Human Rights Watch, a respected US-based
rights group.
The tribals of the eastern state are some of the poorest and most
vulnerable sections in the state. Yet neither the state or the Centre
have bothered to provide them with protection and known minority-
baiter like Pravin Togadia is allowed to visit Orissa and make
inflammatory speeches to further incite the crowd.
New Delhi’s standard answer to any queries of the incidents in Orissa
and Karnataka is to say law and order is a state subject and India is
capable of doing what is right. But so far the UPA administration has
been unable to protect minorities. Human rights activists are amazed
at both the central and state government’s lack of will to protect
vulnerable sections of society. “Indian government allows itself to be
pushed into a corner and is on the backfoot,” says Adams.
In Orissa everyone including local reporters were aware of the tension
between the Bajrang Dal activists and the Christians, yet nothing was
done to diffuse the situation.
Since December, tension was building in these areas.
Orissa chief minister Navin Patnaik received all the reports and sat
on them. The priest who was killed should also have been provided
protection, as the danger to his life was known to all. After he died,
the body was taken in a funeral procession through nearly 100 km, and
churches on the way were stoned and attacked. Any sensible government
would not have allowed this.
If Simi and other Muslim organizations are targeted, the Bajrang Dal
which is equally guilty should also be banned, he says. This will at
least give a semblance of fairness and send out the right signals to
minorities in India, already agitated that the Congress government in
Maharashtra has done nothing to implement the Sri Krishna Commission

The Kolkata based News daily the Telegraph reoprts from New Delhi:
Some cabinet ministers, led by Priya Ranjan Das Munshi, appear to
have virtually stonewalled Manmohan Singh’s moves to beef up anti-
terror laws.
“The present law, the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, is
stronger than the laws in the US and the UK, if applied properly. What
do you mean by tougher anti-terror laws?” information and broadcasting
minister Das Munshi said today, after the cabinet last night discussed
such changes.
Another minister echoed Das Munshi’s line to blunt the BJP’s
accusation that the Centre and the Congress were “soft” on terror.
Sources said the majority view at the meeting, called to review the
Delhi blasts and its aftermath, was that there was no need to “sneak
in” a version of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (Pota) by amending
existing laws.
Muslims, they said, remember the act as a “bad dream” and in the run-
up to the elections, any suggestion of reviving it would be
Congress ministers rejected NCP chief Sharad Pawar’s suggestion to
hasten presidential assent to the Gujarat Control of Organised Crime
“We can’t clear such laws. We went to the elections promising Pota’s
repeal. We fulfilled it. Now we can’t bring back Pota and hand it on a
platter to Narendra Modi,” a source quoted a minister as saying.
The UPA has been sitting on the Gujarat law, prompting chief minister
Narendra Modi to accuse the Centre after the Ahmedabad blasts of
scuppering his anti-terror measures.
Another minister pointed out that the Congress had allowed the
Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act to continue, but was told
the NDA government had facilitated its passage.
It was explained that the Centre couldn’t ask the Maharashtra Assembly
to repeal the law and even if the Congress wanted it abolished, it
couldn’t as the NCP, with whom the party shares power, was said to
favour such a “tough” law.
No new step to fight terror was finalised at the meeting, called at
the initiative of home minister Shivraj Patil, who has been under fire
for failure to prevent strikes.
The confusion in the Congress on stronger anti-terror laws also came
through in the way some leaders reacted to the Prime Minister’s
remarks at a governors’ conference yesterday. Singh had said the
Centre was “actively considering legislation to further strengthen the
substantive anti-terrorism law in line with the global consensus” to
fight terrorism.
But the phrase “global consensus”, some party leaders felt, risked
being associated with George W. Bush’s “cowboy” brand of politics
against “Islamic terrorism” after 9/11.
National security adviser M.K. Narayanan briefed the ministers on
“home-grown terrorism”, as distinct from “cross-border terrorism”, and
claimed some local militants owed “allegiance” to the Taliban and al

Singh called for caution in dealing with local terror operatives,
saying there should be no attempt to tar any community. “The
perspective should begin and end with the offender,” he was quoted as

In New Delhi, in a brush with terror in the capital for a second time
in a week, two militants of the 'Indian Mujahideen' allegedly involved
in the serial blasts in Delhi and other places including Ahmedabad,
were killed in a fierce gunbattle that also left an Inspector
seriously wounded in Jamia Nagar in South Delhi on Friday.
One of the two killed was identified as Atif, a prominent operative of
the Indian Mujahideen who is believed to have played a ‘key role’ in
the blasts in Delhi as well as in Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Bangalore,
Delhi Police Commissioner Y S Dadwal said on the shootout that lasted
about an hour.
Atif's accomplice Sajid, also a member of the Indian Mujahideen which
is a shadow outfit of the banned SIMI and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), was
also killed while police nabbed Mohammed Saif who was injured in the
gunbattle in 'Batla House', a four-storied building.
The militants fired eight rounds during the gunbattle while police
retaliated with 22 rounds, Dadwal said adding police also recovered an
AK-47 assault rifle along with two 0.30 pistols and a computer from
the L-18 residence where the militants were staying for the past two
Atif is said to be a close associate of Mohammed Usman Qureshi alias
Tauqeer, the elusive mastermind behind the serial bomb blasts in
various parts of the country in the recent past and had travelled to
Ahmedabad on July 24, two days before the serial blasts in that city,
Dadwal said.
M C Sharma, an ace-shooter Sharma and a highly decorated officer who
had received President's Gallantry Medal and six Police Medals,
sustained three bullet injuries, one each in the abdomen, thigh and
right hand.

Addressing a press conference in south Mumbai, Zubeda said Abdus would
never commit such an act considering his upbringing.
"We come from a very good family and have good traditions," she said.
"Our children have been brought up well and are living in peace with
members of all communities," Zubeda, clad in a black burqa (veil),
She also said her son had been staying with his wife separately since
2001 in suburban Mira Road and they had no idea about what activities
he was involved in.
"We do not want any more trouble for our family because of him,"
Zubeda said. None of the other members of the family was present at
the press conference fearing action against them, the family's lawyer
Mubin Solkar said.
Tauqeer was named by the Gujarat police as being one of the
masterminds behind the Ahmedabad serial blasts.
He is also accused of having sent the threatening emails for terror
group Indian Mujahideen from Mumbai.
In a written statement signed by Abdus' parents, Usman and Zubeda,
they said following the blasts in Ahmedabad and Delhi they found "to
their horror" that their son was accused of being involved in the
dreadful act.
"We wish to state that given the values and principles with which we
have brought up our children, it is impossible to believe that Abdus
Subhan would ever indulge in such acts of violence and terrorism,"
they said.
His parents said Abdus had studied and worked with people from
different communities and therefore it was unlikely that he had hatred
for them.
Pleading with him to surrender, they said that by concealing himself
Abdus would only make himself more prone to further accusations and
would become a "soft target" in the event of any other terrorist act
in future.
"It is very painful that the media has already passed a guilty verdict
against our son even before he has been tried by a court of law," they
Their lawyer Solkar said soon after the serial train blasts in Mumbai
on July 11, 2006, Abdus ceased to keep in touch with his wife and
three children. "He was married in 1999 and lived separate from his
parents since 2001," Solkar said.
The family had no knowledge if Abdus was involved in any activities
related to SIMI or any other terror group. "As far as his parents
know, he had no inclination towards fanatic ideology and was not a
religious fundamentalist," Solkar said.
The family is not even sure if he is alive or dead and had made no
attempt to contact him fearing action from authorities, he added.
Following the interrogation in 2006, the family had decided not to
keep in touch with Abdus as they felt they could get in trouble for
doing so. "The family has co-operated with all authorities so far,"
Solkar said.
He also said Tauqeer had not been shown as a wanted accused in the
July 11 serial train blasts case and had no criminal record.
Sometimes, even an innocent person might run away fearing police
action, Solkar said. Asked why the family did not file a missing
persons complaint after Abdus went missing in 2006, Solkar said that
after interrogation by various agencies they decided not to do so.
"We have no idea if he had any contact with SIMI functionaries like
Safdar Nagori or Ahmedabad blasts accused Abdul Bashar," Solkar said.
Abdus, who was educated in a convent school in Mumbai and then
acquired a diploma in engineering, was also a Microsoft Certified
software engineer, he said.
After completing his education, he worked with a franchisee of Wipro
computers and with software firm Datamatix in the city, Solkar said.
However, in 2001 he quit Datamatix and his family had no idea about
his source of income after that till he left them in 2006, he said.
In Pune, in a caustic remark, Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray on
Thursday said the Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil had not done
Maharashtrians proud with his inept handling of internal security and
had proved to be a disappointment.
"It is fine to see a Maharastrian holding an important portfolio like
Home Ministry. But if this person is failing to discharge his duties
towards the nation effectively, he does not deserve any support just
because he happens to be a Marathi manoos," Thackeray said in an
editorial in Saamna.
The editorial lambasted Patil for what it called an all round failure
in dealing with terrorist attacks claiming lives of innocent people
and asked him to introspect on whether he really had the capability to
shoulder the present responsibility.
Patil should remember that he is sitting in the chair once occupied by
a stalwart like late Vallabhbhai Patel who struck terror in the minds
of anti-India elements when he became the country's first home
minister, Thackeray said.
The Sena supremo said Patil had become Union Home Minister just by
luck and blessings of Congress president Sonia Gandhi even after his
defeat in Lok Sabha poll from Latur.
Ironically, despite his penchant for a well dressed image, Patil was
stripped politically by television channels when he changed his suit
thrice to face the cameras on the day of serial bomb blasts in the
capital, Thackeray said.

New Delhi:A day after the Union Cabinet finalised a plan to strengthen
Delhi police in the wake of the serial blasts, Union Home Minister
Shivraj Patil held a high-level meeting to discuss implementation of
measures to be taken in a ‘time-bound’ manner. The meeting was
attended by Lieutenant-Governor Tejinder Khanna, Chief Minister Sheila
Dikshit, Police Commissioner Y S Dadwal and other senior officials
from the Home Ministry and Delhi police.
"The basic idea of the meeting was how to implement the decision taken
by the Union Cabinet in a time-bound and well-coordinated manner,"
Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta said after the 90-minute meeting held at
Patil's residence.
He said the government was also planning to utilise retired personnel
from army and other paramilitary forces to fill the vacant posts in
the police force.
The meeting has been convened in the wake of serial bomb blasts in the
national capital claiming 24 lives.
Friday fury at terror taint
New Delhi, Sept. 18: Leading Muslim bodies will jointly ask imams
across the country to criticise the Centre during the September 26
Friday prayers for “targeting the community in the name of the war on
The unprecedented decision came at today’s meeting of the Indian
Muslim Co-ordination Committee, made up of organisations such as the
Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind, Jamaat-e-Islami, All India Muslim Majlise
Mushawarat, All India Milli Council and the Muslim Political Council
of India.
The committee will also ask Muslims to scale down Id celebrations as a
“mark of protest” against the government’s “atrocities… against
innocent Muslims”.
Rallies will be held in all state capitals and Delhi on October 16,
the meeting decided.
A charter of demands unveiled by the committee — which it will place
before the public rather than the “anti-minority” government —
Dismissal of home minister Shivraj Patil, the Intelligence Bureau
chief and all state police chiefs wherever blasts have occurred;
A ban on the VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shri Ram Sena and the Hindu Jagran
A national-level panel to probe terror-related incidents.
One significance of the day’s meeting is that the Jamiat, one of
India’s largest moderate Muslim organisations, has for the first time
joined forces with radical Islamic groups like the Jamaat.
“In the interests of the community, we all have decided to join hands
despite our differences,” said Maulana Abdul Hameed Nomani, Jamiat
acting general secretary.
Tasleem Rahmani of the Muslim Political Council of India claimed the
UPA government was one of the most “anti-minority governments”.
“We don’t want to meet the Prime Minister with the charter since he
has never kept his promises to the community,” Rahmani said. The
charter, he said, will be issued as a public statement and it would be
up to the Centre to accept it or face the consequences.
Jamaat official Mujtaba Farooq said the committee was in touch with
political leaders who “care for the community”. The list includes
Prakash Karat, Lalu Prasad and Mulayam Singh Yadav.
Karnataka CM vows round-the-clock security for churches
BANGALORE/NEW DELHI, Sept 18: Even as there were reports that one more
church in Kudremukh had been attacked today, Karnataka chief minister,
Mr BS Yediyurappa, who is facing a demand for a CBI probe, said he
expects the state's Corps of Detectives (COD) inquiry into the
incidents of communal violence in two months time.
The chief minister also promised to provide round-the-clock security
to the Christian community and initiate stringent action against
“unscrupulous” elements. “My government will do everything possible to
protect the interests of all including the Christians,” told a group
of church leaders.
On the other hand, while speaking to reporters, Mr Yediyurappa sought
to downplay the role of pro-Hindutva organisations in the violence,
blaming “anti-government forces” for the continuing communal
disturbance, and said that these elements were trying to “fish in
troubled waters.”
“They are not only disturbing peace and tranquillity in the state but
also trying to make use of the disturbance for their political gain.
This is highly objectionable,” he said.
He also informed that the government will take on the cost of repair
of the damaged places of worship. Meanwhile, Congress leader, Mr MP
Prakash today called for a CBI inquiry stating that any other agency
trying the cases can omit various aspects of the inquiry. The JD(S)
too had given a similar call earlier. In New Delhi, the CPI-M reminded
the Centre today that violence and threats against Christians were “an
assault on the Constitution,” and it must not remain a “silent
Condemning the violence against Christians in Karnataka, the party in
a statement today said it was a matter of concern that “instead of
controlling the violence against the Christian community in Mangalore,
the BJP state government is providing patronage to the criminals of
the Bajrang Dal,” who were “spreading” the violence to other areas.
“It is shameful that the violence has continued for days, religious
functionaries including nuns are being attacked, and churches and
houses of prayer and idols sacred to the community are being broken,”
the CPI-M said.

State govt accused of failure
Statesman News Service
BHUBANESWAR, Sept. 16: The Naveen Patnaik government seems to have
abdicated its responsibility of protecting the life and property of
people in Kandhamal district, alleged a fact-finding team comprising
of professors, social activists and journalists from New Delhi.
Addressing a Press conference here on his return from Kandhamal, the
'Concerned Citizen’s Fact-Finding Team' said that not only has the
government failed to protect life and property it has even failed in
providing relief and in rehabilitating affected people. It is already
more than three weeks since the violence erupted and yet it remains
the government versus just one single district. There is absolutely no
political will to resolve the problem, they charged while wondering
why the CM had not conceded to the demand for an all party meeting and
The delegation comprising of Prof Amit Bhaduri, Mr Manoranjan Mohanty,
Mr Kamal Mitra Chenoy and others felt that it was high time that the
Centre intervenes to ensure that the state government fulfills its
constitutional obligations. Perpetrators and mobilisers of violence
need to be arrested immediately. Senior officials of the
administration need to be held accountable for their dereliction of
duty and a judicial probe at a national level needs to be conducted
into the incidents, they said. The team said they interacted with a
large number of affected people and the verdict of the people was that
the government had failed miserably.
They also complained that FIRs were not being registered and goons
were moving freely. Prima facie the state government is protecting the
perpetuators of violence, they alleged. The violence in the aftermath
of the murder of Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati was not spontaneous or
due to local reasons but a preplanned communal attack, they said
adding that both Dalit and tribal Christians had been targeted. It is
nothing short of religious cleansing, they said.
The relief camps are poorly organised and are far short of the
requirements. Malaria and other diseases have spread in these relief
camps, they said.

Ayodhya voices against Christian attacks
New Delhi, Sept. 18: If the government bans the Bajrang Dal for the
communal violence in Orissa and Karnataka, it can count on the support
of several religious leaders — some of them Hindus.
Several Hindu religious leaders have condemned the attacks on
Christians and churches by Hindu mobs as “beastly behaviour” and say
they should be stopped.
One of the loudest voices came from Ayodhya, the epicentre of the
temple movement.
“The way they are indulging in bloodshed, this is not the work of
sanatana-dharmees (true believers),” said Mahant Gyandas of the
Pancharamanandi Nirvani Akhara at Hanuman Garhi temple.
“It is beastly behaviour and should be stopped just as an animal’s
action is,” the mahant told The Telegraph over the phone from the
heartland temple town.
The Bajrang Dal and the violence in Orissa, where thousands of
Christians have been forced to flee their homes since a Hindu leader
was killed last month, figured at a cabinet meeting yesterday hours
after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh spoke about home-grown terror.
Information and broadcasting minister Priya Ranjan Das Munshi today
hinted that if action could be taken against fundamentalist Islamic
groups, Hindu outfits involved in violence should not be spared.
“We cannot keep quiet on one part and be open on another,” the
Congress leader told reporters.
Activities of the Bajrang Dal, a Sangh parivar outfit, he added, were
under watch and action would be taken at an “appropriate time”.
Over two dozen people have died in Orissa since Vishwa Hindu Parishad
leader Swami Laxmananda was murdered on August 23. Hindu mobs have
also damaged churches in BJP-ruled Karnataka.
But VHP spokesperson in Delhi Vinod Bansal said: “Has any Bajrang Dal
or VHP member been found with RDX or doing anything anti-national?”
The people who indulged in violence in Karnataka, he argued, were not
from the VHP or the Bajrang Dal.
Any move to ban the Bajrang Dal, he said, would only unite Sangh
parivar outfits.
But government sources said while the country was battling groups like
the Indian Mujahideen, outfits like the VHP and the Bajrang Dal were
seen as adding fuel to the communal fire.
Voices in Ayodhya agreed with this view.
The town is witnessing a movement against the Bajrang Dal, though
protests by the Samajwadi Sant Sabha, a wing of the Samajwadi Party,
can be attributed to politics.
Mahant Jugalkishore Shastri, a leader of the Sabha, an outfit of
“socialist saints”, said he had 1,500 signatures of intellectuals,
lawyers and writers who were all for a ban on the Bajrang Dal.
Sabha sources said the group would next month organise a major
offensive against activities of the VHP and the Bajrang Dal.
Mahant Gyandas didn’t have words of appreciation for Shastri but they
appeared to agree on banning the Bajrang Dal and the VHP.
“No one cares for the country, they are all fighting for power and
fooling people,” Gyandas said.
The mahant said these outfits were “separating legs, hands and the
head, tearing each part from a whole body.
Riot victims refuse to return

Riot victims at a camp in Cuttack. Picture by Badrika Nath Das
Cuttack, Sept. 18: The government may be claiming that the situation
in Kandhamal is under control, but it has not been able to convince at
least 15 families staying in a makeshift shelter in Cuttack for a
fortnight now.
Most of them are reluctant to return home, as they feel their lives
are still under threat.
The 100-odd people from Gunjbadi gram panchayat in Kandhamal have been
living in a private building that has been turned into a shelter home
in Peyton Sahi.
“We are safe here. We will not return home till peace is completely
restored,” said 48-year-old Simon Nayak.
His wife Swarnalata Nayak, who had accompanied her husband along with
two daughters and son from Pirigada village, nods in agreement.
They are among the 15 families who fled from the riot-hit district and
found accommodation in Cuttack after spending days in forests.
Ironically, 10 days ago Governor M.C. Bhandare had assured the
families that “they could get back in the shortest possible time, may
be within a week from tomorrow” when he came to visit the relief
He also assured the people that “they will be completely safe in their
houses”. However, to most of the refugees, his words were “hollow”.
The families had initially fled to nearby forests, after assailants
who had been protesting the murder of Swami Laxmananda Saraswati on
August 23, torched their village under Gunjbadi gram panchayat. But,
hunger and thirst forced the families out of the forest after three
Afraid of returning, they turned towards Nuagaon block headquarters
relief camps, only to decide to move to Cuttack later, some 300km
away, when the Nuagaon camp was attacked, too.
“We will not be safe. The assailants will turn up,” said Narayan
Digal. His wife Susama Digal agrees.
Sanatan Nayak (35), who is at the shelter home with his family,
including his 60-year-old mother Sivajini Nayak, also believes that
they are no longer safe in their own homes.
At the Cuttack shelter home, there are 93 people from the same
village, while some 30 others have taken refuge at their relative’s
homes in the city.
The Peyton Sahi Relief Committee members, who voluntarily took up
relief work since September 4, are anxious and unsure of how many more
days they would be able to continue their operations without any help.
Meanwhile, another 23 people from Kandhamal have turned up at the home
over the past few days. “We are expecting more people in the next few
days,” said Kamal Chandra Pradhan, the head of the committee.

Delhi serial blasts IANS
Few takers for police version on Delhi shootout

Friday, 19 September , 2008, 19:16

New Delhi: Hours after the Delhi police claimed to have caught the
mastermind behind the September 13 serial bombings in the capital in a
dramatic shootout, hundreds of people, mostly Muslims, roamed the
narrow bylanes of south Delhi's Jamia Nagar - angry and frankly
sceptical of the claims.
As a loudspeaker from a nearby mosque issued appeals for calm and
thousands of security personnel trawled the area near the Jamia Milia
University, people spilled out into the streets shouting anti-police
slogans and alleging that the bodies had been planted in the fourth
floor apartment for the "fake encounter".
Delhi encounter: Two terrorists killed, 1 held, 2 escape
The media came in for flak after some channels wrongly reported that
the terrorists were hiding in the mosque.
The tension was palpable, long after the half hour shootout which
ended in two terrorists, including the suspected mastermind of the
September 13 blasts Atif, being killed, one being held and two
managing to escape from the warren that is Batla House in Jamia
S A R Geelani, the Delhi University lecturer who was acquitted in the
December 2001 Parliament attack, demanded a judicial probe into the
shootout and said: "People have been harassed in the area for a long
time. It is not something new. Whenever something happens, this area
is the first target being a Muslim one."
That most could not catch sight of the bodies of the two terrorists
who had been killed added to the suspicion.
Furious with the police for not showing the face of the terrorists and
wrapping the bodies in a blanket, Faisal Khan, a resident of the area,
asked: "Why didn't they show us the faces? If they were students or
people from the area we could have recognised them."
R Abid, another resident, wondered how anybody could escape: "See the
area for yourself. How can anybody run away in this crowded locality
amid such huge police deployment."
Full coverage: Delhi serial blasts
The scepticism found wide echo.
Jamia University lecturer Fariyad, who lives just behind the L-18
apartment where the suspected terrorists were said to be hiding, said:
"I don't know whether they were terrorists or students. But one thing
is for sure. I heard only one kind of bullet sounds. It seemed the
firing was only from one side. However, nothing can be confirmed as
Saleemuddin, a local, fumed: "The truth is in front of us. Everybody
is trying to malign Muslims. They are here because this is a Muslim
dominated locality."

Delhi encounter: ‘It all started at 10.30 am’
Posted online: Sep 19, 2008 at 1808 hrs

New Delhi, September 19: Tensions ran high in the Jamia Nagar locality
of South Delhi as news of one religious place being transgressed
reportedly by police came, during the encounter with militants on
The house where militants were holed up lies very close to a religious
place. Once firing stopped, large number of people thronged the narrow
lanes of the area and shouted religious slogans. "We are all against
terrorism, then why was our religious places places targeted," said
one of the residents.
Refuting any such news, DCP South Delhi HGS Dhaliwal clarified that no
religious place was used during the encounter. "The firing was done
from a place near the religious place," he said.
The tensions were fuelled by rumours that the operation was concocted
by police and no fire was shot from inside the house.
Meanwhile, one media personnel, who was informing his office about the
encounter, was abused by the local residents. They claimed that no
shot were fired from inside the house and the encounter was a blatant
Neighbours of the house where entire operation unfolded, however,
confirmed that gun shots were fired from both sides.
"It all started at 10.30 in the morning. We were preparing to go to
our work when some police people came in the area," said an eye-
witness who refused to disclose her identity.

Expressindia » Story
Abu Bashar in Delhi, being questioned by cops
Express News Service
Posted online: Sep 19, 2008 at 0052 hrs

New Delhi, September 18 Named Qayyamudin and Abdul Rafique, say
police, who were entrusted with the job of planting the bombs
The investigation into the Delhi serial blasts got a boost today after
the Ahmedabad police brought Mufti Abu Bashar to Delhi for
Bashar, a suspect in the Ahmedabad blasts, was reportedly involved in
the conspiracy of the Delhi blasts. He is also wanted in the Jaipur
blasts case.
Bashar reportedly told the Ahmedabad police that he had stayed in
Delhi between July 24 and 27. To probe his whereabouts on those days,
the Ahmedabad police have brought him to Delhi during his 15-day
custody. But he is also being questioned about his involvement in the
Delhi blasts and his links with Abu Subhan, who allegedly sent the e-
mails containing the terror warnings.
This afternoon, he was questioned by the Gujarat Police at the New
Delhi Range office of the Special Cell. Thereafter he was taken to a
few other places including Rohini and Okhla.
During questioning, he reportedly named one Qayyamudin and Abdul
Rafique, who were entrusted with the job of planting bombs in Delhi on
Saturday, said a police officer. The Delhi Police has begun a search
for them and several places have been raided already. “We are trying
to get to know more about their hideouts in Delhi and how the other
suspects in the Delhi blasts,” the officer said.
“We need to corroborate his interrogation report and his physical
presence will help us to establish a few other facts — like his
contacting a non-government organisation and a publishing house in
Delhi for financial assistance. These leads will help the
investigation into Saturday’s serial blasts,” said a senior police
Also, he reportedly said his brother Abu Zar, one Danish and Aftab,
who are on run, were behind Ahmedabad blasts. Police suspect that they
may be involved in the Delhi blasts too.
After Bashar’s interrogation, the police might seek the remand of
Safdar Nagori — who is in Indore — to question him. Nagori, the
general secretary of SIMI, is also wanted in connection with a case of
unlawful activities registered against SIMI in 2001.
The Delhi Police had applied for Nagori’s remand earlier too and then
again after his arrest in Indore, but were turned down by the court
both times.
The next chain in the investigation is Shahbaz Husain, a Lucknow-based
businessman, arrested for his alleged involvement in the Jaipur
blasts. He is being questioned by the Jaipur police about the Delhi
After his interrogation today, Delhi police also picked up four
persons and are questioning them. Yesterday, the police had detained
three persons — whose appearance matched the sketches released on
Tuesday — from the Janakpuri district centre. All three belong to
Sangrur in Punjab.
Survey finds a surge in Islamophobia
Posted online: Sep 18, 2008 at 1144 hrs
London, September 18: Europe seems to be turning more intolerant than
ever before, with a global survey suggesting that Islamophobia and
anti-Semitism were on the rise across the continent.
The suspicion of Muslims in Europe was considerably higher than
hostility to Jews, but the surge in anti-Semitism had taken place much
more rapidly, the Pew Survey of Global Attitudes showed.
"Opinions of Muslims in almost all of these countries (Europeans) were
more negative than are views of Jews," analysts of the survey,
conducted across 24 countries, were quoted as saying by the Guardian
newspaper on Thursday.
According to the findings, one in four in Britain and the United
States were hostile to Muslims.
The survey of almost 25,000 people showed that more than half of
Spaniards and half of Germans did not like Muslims. Those holding
unfavourable opinions of Muslims in Poland and France were 46 per cent
and 38 per cent respectively.
In contrast to the US and Britain where unfavourable opinion of Jews
has been stable and low for several years at between 7 and 9 per cent,
the survey found that hostile attitudes to Jews were rising all across
continental Europe from Russia and Poland in the east to Spain and
France in the west.

According to the report in the British daily, anti-Semitism has more
than doubled in Spain over the past three years, with a rise from 21
per cent to 46 per cent.
In the same period anti-Semitism in Germany and France also rose –
from 21 per cent to 25 per cent in Germany and from 12 per cent to 20
per cent in France among those saying they had unfavourable opinions
of Jews. The findings of global opinion released on Wednesday found
that people who were anti-Semitic were likely also to be Islamophobes,
with prejudice marked among the older generations
UPA courts Islamic world

New Delhi, Sept. 18: Trip to Saudi Arabia and Iran. An important guest
from Palestine. Pacts with Oman and Bahrain. Who said the government’s
foreign policy was US-centric?
Under fire for the nuclear deal with America, the Congress-led central
coalition seems to be launching a diplomatic offensive with Islamic
countries to counter allegations of a US tilt.
Those against the deal have also tried to whip up opposition by saying
it is anti-minority.
Sources said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was planning a visit to
Saudi Arabia in November-December while foreign minister Pranab
Mukherjee was thinking of a trip to Iran next month.
Before that, Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas will be in Delhi on
October 7 to lay the foundation stone for a new embassy building in
the capital’s diplomatic enclave at Chanakyapuri.
India is also set to sign social security agreements with Oman and
Bahrain that would help expatriate workers relocate social security
Sources said Abbas’s visit would give the UPA government an
opportunity to underline its close ties with Palestine that had stood
the “test of time” despite India’s growing relations, especially
defence ties, with Israel.
The slew of visits and engagements, the sources said, would help Singh
blunt Opposition attacks that Delhi was leaning towards Washington and
assert that it had an independent foreign policy.
The last time Singh had visited Saudi Arabia was in December 1994. He
was then finance minister and had gone to attend a meeting of the Indo-
Saudi Joint Commission.
Earlier this year, Mukherjee had concluded a successful trip to the
Arab country that led to, among other things, the establishment of a
Saudi-India investment fund.
The social security agreements with Oman and Bahrain have a provision
that exempts contributions in case of short-term contracts.
It means a worker on a short-term contract need not make social
security payments, provided he or she is covered under the Indian
social security system and continues to contribute to the Indian
system during the contract period.
Expatriate workers on long-term contract benefit, too, as they can
relocate social security payments they have made to any other country
they shift to for work.
Bahrain has already announced visa-on-arrival for Indian and Russian
citizens and the formalities are expected to be completed by December.

Police were lax in probing Khairlanji killings: Dalit activists
Meena Menon
They say the Government's decision earlier this week to transfer case
to the CBI has come too late

Two policemen booked as co-accused
Bhandara SP acknowledges laxity in investigation

BHANDARA: Despite the Maharashtra Government's decision to hand over
the Khairlanji case to the CBI earlier this week, Dalit leaders and
activists say the Government's reaction is too late.
The matter was being investigated by the CID since November 7 and only
two days back did the State decide to include two policemen as co-
accused in the case.
The incident occurred on September 29 around 6.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. at
Khairlanji village in Mohadi taluka of Bhandara district. When
Bhaiyalal Bhotmange saw the mob attacking his family, he fled tohis
relative Siddharth Gajbhiye's house in the nearby village of Dhusala
and called the police station at Andhalgaon. Before this, Bhaiyalal's
wife Surekha, who was later killed, had already alerted relatives at
Varti village and also informed Siddharth Gajbhiye's brother Rajendra
who too had called the police.
No entry

Bhandara superintendent of police Suresh Sagar acknowledged that the
local police had been lax in investigating the case. Though the head
constable Baban Meshram went to the village at 8.30 p.m. on September
29 and found no one from the Bhotmange family, the matter was not
investigated. He should have registered a suo motu offence and he and
other officers should have searched all night for the missing people.
There was not even a station diary entry made in this respect, he
pointed out.
Seventeen-year-old Priyanka Bhotmange's body was found on the morning
of September 30 in the canal, about 10-12 km away from Khairlanji. The
matter was entered in the accident death register. In the meanwhile,
Bhaiyalal had reported to the police that his family was missing.
Negligence in duty

The First Information Report was lodged only on the night of September
30. The next morning, following a police search, the other three
bodies were found in the canal. The two head constables, Baban Meshram
and Shahare, and police sub inspector Siddheshwar Bharne from the
Andhalgaon police station, and deputy superintendent of police V. H.
Susatkar have all been suspended for negligence. Now, Meshram has been
arrested under the Atrocities Act for negligence in duty, while Bharne
has been held on other charges.

The first arrest was made on October 1 at 6.30 a.m. While most of the
accused are from Khairlanji itself, there are a few from other
villages. Another lot were arrested the next day. While various
sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Section 302 and the
Atrocities Act have been applied to the 44 accused, there are no
charges of rape or conspiracy as yet. The police demanded that the
bodies of the two women be exhumed as rape was suspected but nothing
conclusive has emerged as yet.
Apart from the police, medical officers who performed the first post
mortem on the four bodies, especially those of the two women, have
also been accused of criminal negligence.
K. D. Ramteke, Bhandara district Civil Surgeon told The Hindu that the
services of Avinash Shende, the medical officer at the rural hospital
Mohadi who had conducted the first post mortem on the four bodies had
been terminated.
"There were so many technical lacunae in the post mortem and I
personally felt the reports were not adequate. The officers did not
send me the post mortem reports till I asked for them a fortnight
later," he said. Manisha Banthe, the medical officer in charge of the
Mohadi rural hospital has also been suspended.
Dr. Shende did not preserve the viscera for a chemical analysis or the
uterus in the case of the two women, which is done routinely. Worse
still, no vaginal swabs were taken. Their clothes too were not sealed
and handed over to the police.
Rape not proved

As a result, the first post mortem did not prove rape and only pointed
to severe multiple injuries inflicted on all four victims. After the
first report, Bhaiyalal and other social organisations appealed to the
police to exhume the bodies and conduct a second examination. The sub-
divisional magistrate ordered the bodies of the two women to be
exhumed on October 4 and the next day three medical officers conducted
a second post mortem. Here the procedures were followed properly but
the bodies were too badly decomposed by then.
Ironically, on October 13, a 10-year-old girl was raped and murdered
in Bhandara and her naked body was found on October 15. The police
ordered a post mortem and asked the medical officers to examine the
possibility of rape. In the Khairlanji case, no such instructions came
from the police.
The incident has created a storm of protest all over the state and the
negligence in investigation is a key issue. In Bhandara, 33 cases have
been booked under the Atrocities Act this year, and about 16 cases
were filed after the Khairlanji incident. Police recorded 101 cases
under the Atrocities Act in the six districts of Nagpur (Rural),
Chandrapur, Bhandara, Gondia, Gadchiroli and Wardha in 2005. This year
for the same region, 106 cases have already been lodged.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Resolution Against Dalit killings in Khairlanji
On 29th September 2006 upper caste forces with a feudal outlook
brutally killed four members of a Dalit family in Khairlanjhi village
(Mohadi Taluka, Bhandara district) in Maharashtra. Bhaiyala Bhotmange
is the sole survivor in this family. The family tilled their own land
for subsistence. His wife Surekha, daughter Prujanta, sons Roshan and
Sudhir were beaten to death. Surekha and Priyanka were stripped, gang
raped and paraded before the village and their private parts injured.
The atrocities are a shame for humanity. The local BJP and NCP
politicians are involved and helped them in suppressing the entire
incident by using the police, administration and hospital officials.
That is why the Dalit masses all over the state came out on the
streets spontaneously against these cruel killings and militantly
protested. The desecration of the Ambedkar statue in Kanpur enflamed
the masses even more and a series of bandhs were called and even two
trains set on fire. The Congress and NCP led Maharashtra government,
instead of acting against the culprits and giving justice to
Bhotmanges', launched police repression against the agitators. They
used Lathi charge, curfews, firings and widespread arrests to crush
the masses. Four Dalits died in these firings.
They exaggerated and propagated that Naxalites are involved in the
agitation only in order to justify their repression. But the Dalit
masses knew that Maoists have always stood with the oppressed. The
masses took inspiration from this and intensified their agitation. The
parliamentary Dalit politicians are using this mass agitation to
bargain with the ruling parties. The anti-Dalit orientation of the
Maharashtra Government stands completely exposed. Maharashtra
government is a casteist fascist government of upper castes which
seeks to maintain the feudal base so that imperialist exploitation can

The Unity Congress - 9th Congress of CPI (Maoist) strongly condemns
the Khairlanjhi killings and stands firmly with the struggling Dalit
masses. We uphold the struggle of Dalits for dignity and equality and
call upon PLGA and masses to counter this killing. This Congress
resolves to continuously struggle against Brahminical, casteist
oppression and all forms of discrimination and untouchability. Dalits
cannot gain liberation without armed struggle against the feudal
order. Hence this Congress pledges to organuse mobilise Dalits for
caste eradication as an integral part of New Democratic Revolution.
This Congress calls upon peasants to demand that all debts of
peasantry be waived, agricultural subsidies be restored, investments
in irrigation and other agricultural needs be increased, proper prices
for agricultural products and ban on MNCs like Monsanto and their GM
Seeds, and opposes the policies of liberalisation, privatisation and

Only New Democratic Revolution will solve the problems of the
peasantry. While struggling on immediate demands we pledge to organise
the vast masses of the peasantry to intensify the armed struggle to
overthrow this semi-colonial, semi-feudal system.

at 8:18 PM
Khairlanji survivor is a lonely outsider as Dalit groups fight
Bhandara (Maharashtra): A year ago, he was the rallying point for the
deeply divided Dalit groups of Maharashtra. As Bhaiyyalal Bhotmange
revisits his Khairlanji village on 29 September 2007 to pay homage to
his wife Surekha, daughter Priyanka and sons Sudhir and Roshan, killed
by a mob on the same day last year, he is a lonely outsider.

Bhaiyyalal has not been invited to a rally in Bhandara, the district
headquarters, organised by Dalit leader Shyamdada Gaikwad. Nor will he
be in Nagpur, where the Khairlanji Action Committee has organised a
shraddhanjali rally to be attended by CPM leader Brinda Karat and
Prakash Ambedkar.

Bhaiyyalal will first visit Khairlanji and later Deulgaon, where his
in-laws stay, to return to Warthi, where he has been staying with
local NCP Dalit leader Dilip Uke.

So sharp are the divisions among the Dalit protestors that they do not
see eye-to eye today. Rajan and Siddharth Gajbhiye, with whom
Bhaiyyalal addressed his first post-Khairlanji press conference under
the aegis of the Khairlanji Action Committee, are today the target of
his wrath.

“Siddharth is responsible for what happened to my family. I had warned
him not to come to the village so often, but he didn’t listen. Now, he
and Rajan go to Mumbai, Delhi and everywhere and use my name to become
leaders,” Bhaiyyalal says hurling expletives. “If the villagers would
have found him, my family would not have been killed. And now how they
are telling the media they are the eye-witnesses?” he asks.

The Khairlanji Action Committee blames Uke for appropriating
Bhaiyyalal and “brainwashing” him. Uke says his being NCP leader has
nothing to do with his solidarity with Bhaiyyalal. “He is a Dalit and
that’s why I am with him,” he says. “I don’t have any axe to grind
like many of his relatives. All have an eye on his money,” he

Convenor of Khairlanji Action Committee Milind Pakhale says, “True,
Bhaiyyalal had become a rallying point but is no more one. I am also
confronted with this question and have no ready answers to give.”
Republican leader Prakash Ambedkar, however, says: “There was never a
sense of unity in the Khairlanji protests. I never had any such
illusions. For tomorrow’s occasion, we have appealed to all Dalits to
congregate before the Ambedkar statue and pay their respects to the
victims. What Bhaiyyalal says about anyone isn’t an issue before us at
this moment. We are now concentrating on the legal case and waiting
for justice,” he says.

Siddharth Gajbhiye, a police patil from the neighbouring Dhusala
village was Bhotmange’s family friend. Owner of 50 acres, he would
employ people from surrounding villages on his farm. Early in
September last year, he had a tiff with a landless labourer. Siddharth
had allegedly beaten him up, resulting in anger among villagers, some
of whom thrashed him severely. Bhaiyyalal’s wife Surekha and daughter
Priyanka had testified before the police against the alleged
assaulters, who were arrested. When they got bail, they set out to
teach Siddharth a lesson. When they couldn’t find him, they returned
to the village and vented their ire at the Bhotmanges. While
Bhaiyyalal fled the spot after seeing the mob, his family was wiped
off in the attack, leading to nationwide outrage and Dalit protests.

Then, everybody seemed to be reaching out to Bhaiyyalal. The
government rushed in with aid, cash and kind, worth over Rs 13 lakh
and the job of a security guard in a government school for Rs 5,000 a
month. Two days before the anniversary of the incident, the government
gave him a house in Bhandara.

Now, no one comes to visit Bhaiyyalal. “I know how I am living,” he
says. He hasn’t yet thought about beginning his life afresh. “That’s
for later. First, I want to see all the killers hanged,” he says. He
isn’t happy with the “slow” pace of the case in a fast-track court in
Bhandara. There have been 24 days of hearing so far, covering only 12
of the total 78 witnesses. “They should be completing at least 4-5
witnesses in a month. I had demanded a special court that would have
been able to do that. The government hasn’t given it,” he complains.
(Source: The Indian Express dated 29 September 2007)

Khairlanji case: RPI demands death penalty for convicted

Nashik, Sept 19: About 200 activists of Republican Party of India
(RPI) belonging to Athawale faction today staged demonstrations
demanding death sentence for those convicted in the Khairlanji case.
Eight persons accused of killing four members of a Dalit family were
held guilty in the Khairlanji murder case, while three others were
"Case against those acquitted should also be reopened and they should
be punished," RPI's state general secretary Priya Kirti Tribhuvan told
The demonstration was staged in front of tehsil office at Niphad town.
The quantum of punishment would be announced next week.
The victims - Surekha Bhaiyalal Bhotmange, her daughter Priyanka, sons
Sudhir and Roshan were beaten to death over a land dispute on
September 29, 2006 and their bodies were thrown near a canal. The
killings evoked a violent reaction across the state.

Protests spread from Nagpur
16 Sep 2008, 0620 hrs IST, Soumittra S Bose ,TNN
NAGPUR: Smoke from burning tyres spiralling into the sky. Roads strewn
with pieces of glass and brick. Helmeted policemen chasing protestors
or trying to douse burning tyres. These were common sights in Nagpur
in October 2006 during the Khairlanji protests.
It was from Nagpur that the Dalit protests fanned out nationwide . As
Dalit anger held the city under siege, the police faced a tough time
controlling the rampaging mobs. State Transport buses, shops and other
public property faced the wrath of the agitators who even battled
What began as a subdued protest suddenly took monstrous shape when an
angry mob set a police vehicle on fire at Indora. Policemen were
indiscriminately attacked. The police chowky at Indora was almost
burned down.
The police resorted to lathicharges and tear gas. "The aggravation at
Indora Chowk prompted us to resort to stricter means to control the
situation,'' said then zonal DCP Amitesh Kumar. "Some ill-advised
leaders took advantage of the sentiment and provoked common citizens
with their ulterior motives,'' said then zonal DCP Prabhat Kumar.
"When the agitation fanned out to different parts of the city, we had
to run around to save the city.''
The protests spread to Vidarbha , Kanpur, Osmanabad, Nanded and
In Mumbai, more than 5,000 protestors halted the crowded Deccan Queen
near Ulhasnagar and torched five bogies. Local trains were also set
afire at Matunga and Ulhasnagar. Parts of Mumbai and its western and
eastern suburbs witnessed violence as police had to resort to
stringent measures to bring the situation under control.
Naxalites fanned the flames
Nagpur: Security agencies saw signs of Naxals inciting mobs to a
considerable extent. Deputy chief minister R R Patil's similar
observation gave the theory official support. Naxal leaders sent
letters to the media condemning the killings. This was seen as a ploy
to attract Dalits to their fold.
Former Naxalite Suresh Harami, who surrendered, revealed that Maoist
leaders wanted to eliminate 13 people, including the 11 accused, an
MLA and another villager.
The sad state of minorities in India

A Correspondent
August 28, 2008 17:41 IST
A large number of young Muslims are being victimised by police on the
charge of being involved in terrorist acts across the country,
according to a public tribunal.

In its report, a people's tribunal on atrocities committed against
minorities in the name of fighting terrorism noted that such instances
were reported more from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh [Images],
Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
In most of the cases, the persons picked up are not shown to be
arrested by the police until many days after their arrest in gross
violation of the law. Their families are also not informed about their
In many cases, they have been tortured in police custody and made to
'confess' and sign blank papers, the report said, adding that the
police has often been humiliating Muslim detenues on the ground of
their religion.
The tribunal, comprising retired judges, academicians and media
persons, said the testimonies it heard showed widespread
communalisation of the police across states in the country.
It also flayed the media for uncritically publicising allegations
levelled by the police.
This has resulted in the destruction of the lives and reputations of a
large number of persons picked up by the police, who have later been
found to be innocent, it added.
The tribunal observed that citizens who are picked up by police
officers for interrogation are subject to repeated harassment and
torture, and are implicated in false cases even after release or
acquittal. They are further subjected to mental and physical torture.

Lamenting on the lack of accountability, the tribunal said
unfortunately, the courts are going along with this behaviour of the
police and are virtually ignoring allegations of torture in police
Criticising the Human Rights Commission for not standing up against
such violations, the jury felt that by and large the complaints were
being treated with casual indifference.
"They either do not take up such cases on the ground that they are the
subject matter of court proceedings or just ask for a routine police
report without getting any independent investigation done on such
serious charges of human right violations."
Some of the recommendations put forth by the tribunal are:

State Human Rights Commission and National Human Rights Commission and
State Minority Commission should take up such matters seriously and
come to independent finding itself and awarding adequate compensation
in suitable Cases. It should not wait for somebody to approach the
commission but should take action Suo-moto.
Courts must not routinely grant police or judicial custody, but must
examine at that stage whether there is any credible evidence against
the accused. The courts should keep in mind that no reliance should be
placed on the alleged confession of the accused even for consideration
of bail/remand.
Whenever any person is released by the police for want of evidence
against him the courts should award adequate compensation for
destruction of his life and reputation. In such cases, the courts
should examine if the prosecution was malafide, and if it is so found,
the police officials involved must be held accountable and the
compensation payable to the victim must be recovered from the officers
Independent police complaints authorities must be immediately set up
at all levels in line with the Supreme Court's judgment in the Police
Reforms case.
Trial courts be provided with a medical officer, who can immediately
examine any accused complaining of torture in police or judicial
The number of trial courts must be greatly increased to ensure speedy
conclusions of Trials. Investigations must also be concluded within
the shortest possible time and extensions of time must not be
routinely given.
The police, during interrogation or investigation, cannot get blank
papers signed by the accused; Police officers found indulging in such
practice must be severely punished.
Narco analysis is a psychologically and physically third degree method
of investigation, which is not even scientifically proven. It must not
be allowed on persons, particularly without consent.
The media, both print as well electronic, should be very careful not
to publicise mere allegations or claims of the police, which can
irreparably damage reputations of innocent persons without subjecting
them to basic scrutiny.
India must immediately sign the International Criminal Court Treaty,
known as the Rome Statute which has been signed by most countries.
Religious minorities under attack in India: US report
Tuesday, 30 November 1999
An American report on human rights in India says attacks on religious
minorities occurred in several states, questioning the government's
ability to prevent sectarian and religious violence or prosecute those
responsible for it.
In its annual 'progress report' on human rights, the US State
Department, however, acknowledged India's commitment to democracy and
respect for human rights. "But numerous serious problems" remained
there, including "excessive use of force" in combating militancy in
Jammu and Kashmir and insurgency in north-eastern states, it said.
"India is a longstanding multiparty, federal, parliamentary democracy
with a bicameral parliament.... the government generally respected the
rights of its citizens; however, numerous serious problems remained,"
the report said.
The report, which also spoke about Gujarat, quoted from a Human Rights
Watch report alleging that "...extremists threatened and intimidated
victims, witnesses and human rights activists attempting to prosecute
those who committed crimes during the 2002 Gujarat riots."
"Attacks on religious minorities occurred in several states which
brought into question the government's ability to prevent sectarian
and religious violence or prosecute those responsible for it," it
alleged. It noted that government officials used special anti-
terrorism legislation to justify the excessive use of force while
combating active insurgencies in Jammu and Kashmir and several north-
eastern states.

However, it admitted that individual cases were investigated by
authorities and perpetrators punished by the courts. The report
condemned terrorist and militant groups, including naxalites, for
attacks on civilians and government officials.
It also highlighted corruption in both the police and the
administration, saying it was "endemic in the government and police
forces, and the government made little attempt to combat the problem,
except for a few instances highlighted by the media."
The report alleged that government forces "continued arbitrary and
unlawful deprivation of life of those in custody. Police and prison
officers also committed "extra-judicial killings of suspected
insurgents and suspected criminals by the use of staged encounter
The report also pulled up India for its "lax" enforcement of laws on
human rights and claimed that "social acceptance of caste-based
discrimination validated human rights violations against persons
belonging to lower castes."

How to Exterminate Muslims in India?
Dalit Voice, Editorial, May 16-31. 1999
Muslims ruled over Spain from 712 AD to 1492 AD for 780 years, yet
today there are no Muslims in Spain though every aspect of Spanish
life has a touch of Islam. Spanish language has many Arabic words, its
music has an Arabic tone, its culture has more Arabic influence than
the European, and proper nouns in Spanish often have the Arabic prefix
al. From 1492, when the last bastion of Muslim political strength
Grenada fell, the Muslims of Spain were on the decline and its
culmination took place after 120 years when the last batch of Muslim
die-hards left Spain in 1612. From that year, Islam vanished from the
Spanish horizons.
A particular noteworthy point is that during this period of Islamic
decline from Spain, the entire civilised world was ruled by Muslims.
The Ottoman Turks had conquered Constantinople in 1553, and were
ruling the entire Balkan Peninsula, Egypt was ruled by the powerful
Mamiukes, Persia was at its political pinnacle under the Abbasi
rulers, and India was ruled by the Moghals. Still Islam vanished from
Spain and none of these great Muslim armies did anything to protect
the Muslims of Spain. How Islam was ejected from Spain had been a
subject of keen study by lndia's Hindu Nazis in the 30s and 40s of
this century. They studied this aspect to be copied in India and to
counter this possibility, the Muslim leaders also studied this to
prevent a repetition of the Spanish methods because Muslims (forming
11.35% of the population as per 1981 census) as lndia's single largest
minorities have become the biggest headache to the upper caste Hindus.
But the present-day Muslims are totally ignorant of the history of
Islamic decline in Spain and hence of the designs surrounding it.

Through this we intend to shed a little light on this subject so that
the thinking section of the Muslims and their sympathisers may do some
more research on this subject. As in India, Spanish Muslims had three
categories: (i) the descendants of the original Arabs, (ii)
descendants of Arab fathers and Spanish mothers and (iii) Christian
converts to Islam. Immediately after the fall of Grenada many of the
original Arabs to save their lives (not property, as they were not
permitted to carry their wealth) left Spain to Tunisia and Morocco;
many died on their journey by the attacking Christian hordes. Rest of
the original Arabs who opted to live in Spain itself were subsequently
branded 'foreigners" (as in India) and destroyers of Spain. The other
category of Muslims viz. the descendants of Muslim fathers and
Christianmothers and converts from Christianity opted to live in Spain
believing in the declaration of King Ferdinand that complete religious
freedom would be guaranteed. (in India also, we are told that Muslims
enjoy full religious freedom and minority rights). The attacks by
Christian on their lives and property during the earlier years was
pardoned as a temporary phenomenon.

Compare it with the development that took place in India after the
partition (1947). But these attacks on Muslim life and property in
Spain did not abate but continued for about 50 years with lesser
intensity in a sporadic manner, just as it is happening in India
today. In the earlier years, the Indian Muslims resisted and fought
back. There were mini-battles in the streets, but gradually there were
one-sided attacks and every time Muslims were the losers. Of late, the
Hindu police itself is let lose to kill the Muslims in India.

While the organized Christian groups were committing such massacres,
Ferdinand's Govt, in Spain adopted the policy of eliminating Muslims
from the services and adopting the following measures:-

Arabic was removed from administration,
schools attached to mosques were debarred from teaching academic and
secular subjects like science, history, mathematics and philosophy.
Only religious teaching could be imparted,
Lessons in history were faked by which the Muslim rule was dubbed as
barbaric. Contribution of Muslims to the development of Spain was
Muslim houses were made objects of constant searching by police on
allegations of arms hoarding and secret meetings,
Original Arab Muslims were projected as enemies of Christians and
destroyers of Spain.
Christian converts were persuaded to reconvert to Christianity on the
ground that their ancestors were forced to become Muslims and as there
is no more coercion, they should revert to Christianity.
Muslims who were from Muslim-Christian parentage were branded as
bastards and ridiculed and persuaded to revert to Christianity.
Marriages performed in the Islamic manner were directed to be
registered with the judicial officers.
Islamic law was declared illegal. Every method followed in Spain is
being experimented in India with better precision and timing.
Thus Muslims in Spain were made objects of ridicule, condemnation and
continuous attack. Burning of Muslim houses and shops was encouraged
to destroy their economy. Mock ceremonies of reconversion of Muslims
to Christianity were held and publicized. In India, Hindu Nazis of all
hues-Arya Samaj, Ramakrishna Mission, Vishwa Hindu Parishad etc,. are
doing the same. The first two generation of Spanish Muslims adopted
passive methods to save their religion by teaching Arabic to their
children at home and mosques, and telling them orally about the
realities but gradually they lost the zeal. When marriages were
ordered to be celebrated only through Govt. agencies, Muslims in early
stages performed dual marriages - one with the Govt. authorities and
again privately in their homes in the Islamic manner. Gradually the
second ceremony was given up as even such a private ceremony was

During this period, Muslim masses gradually fell out of the grips of
the Muslim leadership and Muslim elites started flocking to Turkey,
Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt where they were received with sympathy.
Poor Muslim masses were left uncared for. This is exactly what is
happening in India. The richer, English-educated Muslims are getting
Brahminised. They have become imitators of upper caste Hindus as they
live not in Muslim localities but in Hindu areas. The poor Muslims
(they form 95% of the Muslim population) live in ghettos and being
better followers of Islam, they are left high and dry. Hence they are
getting killed in all anti-Muslim riots.

The seeds sown in the first half of the century in Spain started
yielding results in the second half. There was no political
leadership, no organization to protect Muslims and enlightened
personalities to save the situation. Religious leaders knowing nothing
but Islamic' theology tried their best to save the situation, but
against heavy propaganda by the Govt. agencies, lures and offers to
reconverts, ignorance of Islamic values by the masses and sense of
inferiority nurtured in the minds of Muslim masses were too big a
force to be undone by the theologians. This needed a political
leadership and an organization with arms to counter, but there was
none. Those who spoke of invoking the help of Muslim powers of Turkey
and Egypt were feared and exposed before the authorities (by the
Muslims themselves) to be condemned. Without willing fighters, other
Muslim powers could not help. Those who had settled in Turkey and
Egypt advised the authorities there to desist'from such a thought as
otherwise atrocities on Muslims of Spain would increase. An Ahmed Shah
Abdaii was needed but th@'@ was none. And the Muslim masses joined the
"mainstream" of Spanish life and the mullahs finding no job for their
preaching gradually left Spain. And the last batch to leave Spain
consisted of the diehard mullahs in 1612

In India also the political leadership of the Muslims became a tail of
the Hindu parties led by the upper castes. Only the theological
leadership like that of Moulana Hasan Ali Nadvi has tried to maintain
the cultural identity of the Indian Muslims.

This "Spanish experiment" is being tried with greater energy and
efficiency in India. Urdu, which is as Islamic in India as Arabic was
in Spain, is being eased out. Muslims are voluntarily holding on to
madrasas. English-educated richer Muslims are away from the Muslim
masses. We saw this at the Tablighe Jamat International conference
held in Bangalore (DV, March 15, 1985). They are not going to Muslim
countries, but are taking refuge in their psychological and physical
seclusion. Any move to organise them to protect the Muslim life and
property is branded as communal. Any Muslim flirting, if not
supporting the upper castes, is called a "nationalist Muslim". The
gulf between the Muslim masses and educated rich Muslims is widening
every day. Mass killing of Muslims is considered something natural by
the Muslim leadership itself. Whenever it is raised at international
Islamic platforms such actions are called interference in the internal
affairs of India. Muslims history is deleted from the syllabus. Names
of Muslims who died for India are avoided. A great martyr who died for
India like Tippu Sultan is unknown to youngsters, whereas the name of
Tantia Tope, who fought not for India but for his pension, and Jhansi
Laxmi Bai, who fought for her adopted son's heirship to the throne, is
brought on the lips of every Indian. No Muslim gets awards for his
contribution to science, medicine, music, art or gallantry. Even those
who fought from the ranks of the ruling Congress Party like Moulana
Azad, Kidwai, Syed Mahmood, Humayun Kabir etc. do not have a road or
extension named after them. But there are half-a-dozen in the names of
each upper caste leaders in our towns and cities. History is being re-
written. ("Falsifying Indian History", DV editorial, April 16, 1985).
Muslims are killed daily and their houses and shops burnt. The doors
of the Army, police and administration are closed to them. And yet
Muslim organizations to protect Islam are coming up like mushrooms.
Everybody wants to protect Islam and nobody wants to protect Muslims.
We are really worried.

A study of the Ruling Class policies reveals that it has great
similarity with the one followed by Ferdinand and Isabelle in Spain.
The only difference is that the Hindu upper castes are more sharp and
sophisticated because of the limitations imposed in the 20th century
by the checks exercisable by the United Nations Human Rights Charter
and international public opinion.

The systematic and daily anti-Muslim riots resulting in loss of life
and property, and above all the sense of fear in the hearts of every
Muslim, elimination of the martial Muslims from the Defence,
paramilitary and police forces and brahminising of these forces,
closing the doors of appointments in Govt. services and public
undertakings, Brahminisation of education and like radio,
TV and advertisement, elimination of Urdu as official language from
those areas which form the presentday States of Punjab, Haryana, UP,
Bihar, parts of Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Andhra Pradhesh and
Karnataka overnight in 1947-48, gradual closing of Urdu schools are
all examples of positive anti-Muslim policies.

On the brahminical psychological warfare side comes the cries of
Personal Law amendment, now diluted as common civil code, greatness of
the Indian (Hindu) culture, projection of notorious anti-Muslim
personalities like "Mahatma" Gandhi, B. G. Tilak, Madan Mohan
Malaviya, Veer Savarkar, Lala Laipat Rai as heroes of India to
belittle the contribution of Muslims for the development and progress
of the country, re-writing of Indian history, describing Muslim
professions like beef-selling as a sin and glorifying cow protection
policies, introduction of mechanical slaughter of animals to throw out
of job butchers, declaration of import and export business carried on
by Muslims as smuggling are policies through which vulnerable Indian
masses are misguided, resulting in a psychological anti-Muslim bias.
Muslim electoral constituencies are divided horizontally and
vertically so that they don't have an effective voting power anywhere
and thrusting upon them ultra-secular Muslim leaders who have started
worshipping Hindu idols and such scenes being systematically
televised. Unfortunately Muslim leaders, who are dejected with the
Govt., repose much confidence in Hindu masses and hope to secure their
help ignoring the fact that the poor Hindu (Dalit) masses are as much
victims of such a propaganda. And as on this day only seeds are being
sown. The harvest is yet to come. When the harvest reason comes, what
will be harvested in India is repetition of Spain, unless the Muslims
resort to counter measures soon.

It is high time the Muslim/ intelligentsia rises to the occasion to
undo the repetition of the history of Spain in India. Islam has always
been protected by the Muslim masses and not by the classes. Rich
Muslims, who are not even 5% of the Muslim population (with minor
exceptions) are joining the upper caste exploiters. They may talk of
Islam but they have forgotten the fellow Muslims. Please note:
religion does not protect its followers, but followers protect the
religion. Remember if Islam has to be saved in India, Muslims have to
be saved.

Islam in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Islam in India is the second-most practiced religion after Hinduism.
There are approximately 154 million Muslims in India's population as
of 2008 (according ... - 199k - Cached - Similar pages -
Note this
Islam in India
The Muslims are about 12% of India's population. Their influence on
the Indian society was much stronger because India had many Muslims
rulers. - 12k - Cached - Similar pages - Note
How to Exterminate Muslims in India? by Dalit Voice
- 10:18am
Whenever it is raised at international Islamic platforms such actions
are called interference in the internal affairs of India. Muslims
history is deleted ... - 17k - Cached -
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Quotations by Padit Nehru, Gustav le Bon, Pattabhi Sitaramayya,
Humayun Kabir, NS Mehta, Prof. KM Panikkar, Zaheeruddin Babar. - 18k - Cached
- Similar pages - Note this
Geographica Indica: Islam in India
There are 180 million practicing Muslims in India. A photographic
exhibit depicting a cross section of Indian Muslim communities;
includes pictures of ... - 16k - Cached - Similar pages - Note
India's Muslim Population | Indian Muslims
The ashrafs are upper-class Muslims thought to be of Arab ancestry,
while the ajlafs tend to be considered Hindus who converted to Islam
to escape India's ...
- 24k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Home / Articles / Muslim Legacy In India :: Do Muslims Deserve The ...
Their understanding of the Muslim legacy in India is similar to that
of an ... Muslims came to India long before Babur. The first Muslims
in India were ... - 88k - Cached -
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BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Kashmir Muslims defy India curfew
25 Aug 2008 ... Muslims in Indian-administered Kashmir defy a curfew
as four people die in clashes with security forces. - 60k - Cached -
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Social Stratification Among Muslims In India By Salil Kader
Nevertheless, Muslims in India have responded well to the challenges
of living as a minority in a religiously plural society. ... - 28k - Cached - Similar
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85% of Muslims in India were SC, backward Hindus: Report - Express ...
13 Aug 2008 ... Most muslims in India are forced convert by the
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Blog posts about Muslims in India

India bombings: Muslims angry (at the police, not the jihad ... -
Jihad Watch - 17 Sep 2008
Terrorism & Bomb Blasts in India: Hindus, Muslims, Communalism and ...
- An Indian Muslim's Blog: News & Urdu poetry ... - 16 Sep 2008
SIMI (Student Islamic Movement of India) and Educated Muslims? - Human
Security Gateway: All Updates - 12 Sep 2008

ABC News Police kill two militants in India's capital
Independent, UK - 6 hours ago
... calling itself the Indian Mujahideen has claimed responsibility
for each of the attacks, saying they were avenging atrocities against
Muslims in India. ...
Islam and foreign policy Express Buzz
Indian police battle Islamic militants in capital The Associated Press
Indian police kill most-wanted terrorist Bangkok Post
GulfNews - Daily Pioneer
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BBC News India's Terror Laws: Fighting Terror The Terrorist Way, India - 4 hours ago
Indeed, where India's Muslims obtained rights of citizenship alongwith
all the rest as the Constitution was framed, American Blacks had to
wait for their's ...
The intent behind the terror attacks Rediff
India names New Delhi bomb suspects as anger rises Reuters South
Needed an Anti-Terror Law with Teeth Khaleej Times
Indian Express - Reuters India
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PRESS TV :. Is India capable of becoming a secular democracy?
Kashmir Watch, Pakistan - 11 hours ago
It is a joke listening from Indians talking about “truth and courage”
when the Indian media know only lies and generation of hatred towards
Muslims in India ...
'Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India unquestionable' Economic Times
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WELT ONLINE Indian Muslims angry for being targeted in bomb probe
Daily Times, Pakistan - 16 Sep 2008
The Indian Mujahideen militant group, which says it is avenging
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India's Muslims are less educated, less employed, less healthy and -
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among India’s ...

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These are called "vote banks" in India. The anti-Christian violence in
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Muslims and Hindus ...
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Hindu-majority India has around 140 million Muslims. While communal
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AFP Twenty injured in anti-India protests in Kashmir
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had called on people in the Muslim-majority Kashmir Valley to observe
a strike after ...
Exploring Azad-Iqbal Synthesis
Mainstream, India - 18 Sep 2008
His knowledge of the problems of the Muslims of India, South Asia, and
of Islam as a religion, Arabic and Persian, is commendable. ...
Enemies within the borders
Rediff, India - 4 hours ago
... all is going to be well in the rest of India, is preposterous and
shows a lack of knowledge about the Kashmir issue and Kashmiri radical
Muslims. ...
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AFP Indian police kill 'top Islamic militant' in Delhi shoot-out
AFP - 5 hours ago
Hindu-majority India has around 140 million Muslims. While tensions
have always existed, India's Muslims have in the past largely resisted
organised ...
:. Why anti-Kashmiris attack Kashmiri Muslims?
Kashmir Watch, Pakistan - 17 Sep 2008
It is a joke listening from an India talking about truth and courage
when the Indian media know only lies and generation of hatred towards
Muslims in India ...
Islamic Banking has great economic significance for Indian Economy, India - 18 Sep 2008
There has never been any public committee analyzing the impact of
Islamic banking in India because Muslims of India were never so
evocative about features ...
Andhra cops begin probe into SIMI posters
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Police have initiated a probe into handwritten posters in the name of
Simi, warning of retaliation if arrests of innocent Muslims are not
stopped. ...

AFP Police, Islamic militants clash in Indian capital: reports
AFP - 10 hours ago
Hindu-majority India has around 140 million Muslims. While communal
tensions have always existed, India's Muslims have in the past largely
resisted ... Even UPA hasn’t done enough for Muslims, says E. Ahamed
(Interview), Thailand - 16 Sep 2008
New Delhi, Sep 17 (IANS) Admitting that Muslims were underrepresented
in India’s administration, Minister of State for External Affairs E.
Ahamed said the ...
Islamabad rides a terror tiger
Asia Times Online, Hong Kong - 8 hours ago
"The indigenous Islamists," Indian social scientist Pradip Bose
recently wrote, "have thrived on Muslim alienation since the
phenomenal rise of the Hindu ...
Aboriginal leader says millions withheld by feds from Kashechewan ...
The Canadian Press, TORONTO - 18 hours ago
Vowing to help the community, the federal government pledged funds to
the council so it could administer the project and ensure that
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Dalit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dalits, sometimes called Untouchables in the Indian caste system, are
people who according to traditional Indian society are regarded as low
caste. ... - 102k - Cached - Similar pages - Note
Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied ...
- 3 visits - 16 Aug
Goenka & Dalai Lama preaching Hinduism & deceiving Dalits; Why call
neo-Budhist? ... Brahmins can never make Sikhs surrender; Dalit-Muslim
voice ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar And His People
- 2 visits - 14 Jul
Includes collection of articles and news stories concerning the
Scheduled castes and tribes who were the focus of Dr. Ambedkar's work. - 3k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dalit foundation - Accelerating change for equality
The Dalit Foundation is a registered trust under Indian charity law,
and is governed by an honorary Board of Directors which is
representative of caste, ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights — National Campaign for ...
The 5th National General Council of National Campaign on Dalit Human
Rights (NCDHR) held on the 1st and 2nd of August 2008 in St. Pius
College Campus and ... - 64k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Dalit Women Power
Nari Jagran Manch Dalit Women Power · Who We Are · Micro-Credit ·
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Women Power, Schweiz ... - 5k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
In South Asia's caste system, a Dalit (Hindi: दलित) — formerly known
as untouchable or achuta — is a person outside of the four Varnas, and
considered ... - 19k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Dalit Rights and Issues Home Page
India Together website - news and articles regarding Dalits. - 41k - Cached - Similar pages
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Dalit workers protest social boycott -Chandigarh-Cities-The Times ...
11 Sep 2008 ... BOHA (Mansa): Not many days after Dalits in Guradi
village sat on a 'dharna' demanding their right to fixed wages and
rightful social ...
Dalit_workers_protest_social_boycott_/articleshow/3469170.cms - 42k -
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New Delhi (PTI): A group espousing the protection of Dalit right to
reservations on Thursday opposed UPA government's proposal to give SC
quota to those ...

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Dalit group opposes quota for converts
Hindu, India - 18 Sep 2008
New Delhi (PTI): A group espousing the protection of Dalit right to
reservations on Thursday opposed UPA government's proposal to give SC
quota to those ...
Dalit lovers burnt near Noida
Times of India, India - 20 hours ago
Both teenagers were Dalits. But Rekha, an 18-year-old Class X student,
belonged to a more affluent family than her lover Sonu, a 17-year-old
Class XI ...
Statues of Dalit icons make an exit from Smriti Upwan, India - 17 Sep 2008
The state government, however, installed statues of 11 Dalit icons,
including those of Mayawati, Kanshiram, Bhimrao Ambedkar, Chattrapati
Shauji Maharaj, ...
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BBC News Eight guilty of murdering Dalits
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A court in the western Indian state of Maharashtra has convicted eight
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Verdict in Khairlanji Dalit killings Monday Hindustan Times
Khairlanji Dalit killings verdict on Sept 15 Hindu
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Christians to ‘Stand’ against human trafficking
ChristianToday, UK - 8 hours ago
Speakers at The Stand will include Operation Mobilisation Associate
International Coordinator and Chair of the Dalit Freedom Network, Dr
Joseph D’Souza, ...
Dalit converts to Islam suspects in A'bad blasts
Times of India, India - 13 Sep 2008
A Dalit, Kabira converted to Islam five years ago and works as a
manhole cleaner with AMC. He was released on Friday night after being
in custody for 38 ...
Ahmedabad blasts: Dalit converts to Islam suspects Times of India
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Dalit cause
Daily News & Analysis, India - 16 Sep 2008
The incident riled the Dalits who had gone on the warpath in Nagpur
demanding justice. However, while the case was perceived as caste
violence, ...
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'Ruling is not fair to Dalits'
Times of India, India - 15 Sep 2008
MUMBAI: Many Dalits across the state are expressing unhappiness with
the Khairlanji verdict, with several of them saying that the charges
made under the ...

Reuters AlertNet A church planted by missionaries with India Partners.
(India ...
Mission Network NEws (press release), Grand Rapids - 14 hours ago
Among them, literacy, Dalit, and juvenile boards. She explained that
Hindu extremists do not see missionaries as bringing the love of
Christ. ...
The sangh parivar’s reach for a Hindu state ZNet
Persecution of Christians in India Christian Post
Communal rage: New face of violence Times of India
The Australian - Reuters AlertNet
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Dalit students allege improper
Express Buzz, India - 15 Sep 2008
CHENNAI: Parents of Dalit students were out on the streets on Monday
in protest against improper disbursal of funds for their wards under
welfare schemes. ...

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Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (Hindi: राष्ट्रीय स्वयंसेवक संघ,
English: National Volunteers' Organisation), also known as the
Sangh ... - 98k - Cached -
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All Rights Reserved. - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
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<html> <head> <title>:|:|:|: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh :|:|:|:</
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