Re: [powertalk] Digest for - 2 Messages in 1 Topic

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Sheryl Horne

Dec 5, 2010, 10:27:59 PM12/5/10
Attached is a copy of the error.
I change screen by using the almost invisible menu at the lower left hand corner.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 9:16 PM, <> wrote:


 Topic: Power Talk
    Canary <> Nov 28 04:44PM -0800 ^
    I have downloaded and have been using power talk for a short time. I
    find that it quite useful and i find that it reads each slide OK.
    However if one wants to go from the present slide to a slide which is
    not next in line, eg jumping from slide 1 to slide 6 then an error
    message come up and you are no longer able to have the file read to
    This means you have to restart the ppt presentation which causes it t
    read form the beginning . Is there any thing that can be done to
    correct this. I sometimes read up to 100 slide in one presentation an
    would love to be able to negotiate my way around with audio.


    Steve Lee <> Dec 05 05:31PM ^
    > not next in line, eg jumping from slide 1 to slide 6  then an error
    > message come up and you are no longer able to have the file read to
    > you.
    Hi and my apologies for the delay. Your message got stuck in the
    moderation queue.
    This should not be an problem so perhaps you could provide a little
    more information?
    * How are you changing slide? Keying a number followed by enter or
    something else?
    * What EXACTLY is the error message?
    I can try to to reproduce the problem
    Steve Lee
    Full Measure - open source accessibility -


power talk error.JPG

Steve Lee

Dec 6, 2010, 4:20:28 AM12/6/10
On 6 December 2010 03:27, Sheryl Horne <> wrote:
> Attached is a copy of the error.
> I change screen by using the almost invisible menu at the lower left hand
> corner.

Thanks Sheryl

Well that error is a real pain and it means that PowerPoint is telling
PowerTalk it is 'busy' for an unknown reason. I can't get it to happen
using Office 2002 so we're going to have more difficulty getting to
the bottom of it.

* What version of Office and Windows do you have?
* Are you running the latest PowerTalk as well?
* Does it happen with all your presentations?

Sometimes this problem occurs if you have PowerPoint running when you
start PowerTalk. Is that possible? Can you make sure PowerPoint is not

You could also try using the keyboard method of jumping to another
slide. That also looks smoother for the audience, but you need to know
the slide number.

If that does not work perhaps you could send an sample presentation
that has the problem.


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