Power Talk

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Nov 28, 2010, 7:44:45 PM11/28/10
to PowerTalk
I have downloaded and have been using power talk for a short time. I
find that it quite useful and i find that it reads each slide OK.
However if one wants to go from the present slide to a slide which is
not next in line, eg jumping from slide 1 to slide 6 then an error
message come up and you are no longer able to have the file read to

This means you have to restart the ppt presentation which causes it t
read form the beginning . Is there any thing that can be done to
correct this. I sometimes read up to 100 slide in one presentation an
would love to be able to negotiate my way around with audio.

Steve Lee

Dec 5, 2010, 12:31:12 PM12/5/10
to powertal...@googlegroups.com
On 29 November 2010 00:44, Canary <sgho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However if one wants to go from the present slide to  a slide which is
> not next in line, eg jumping from slide 1 to slide 6  then an error
> message come up and you are no longer able to have the file read to
> you.

Hi and my apologies for the delay. Your message got stuck in the
moderation queue.

This should not be an problem so perhaps you could provide a little
more information?

* How are you changing slide? Keying a number followed by enter or
something else?
* What EXACTLY is the error message?

I can try to to reproduce the problem

Steve Lee

Full Measure - open source accessibility - http://fullmeasure.co.uk

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