Not allowing me to save PowerTalk Settings

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Branko Funda

Jun 4, 2018, 6:42:12 AM6/4/18
to PowerTalk
Hi Steve,

I seem to be having a problem with not being allowed to save the PowerTalk settings.

I've been trying to adjust the settings so that it doesn't read photos by selecting the:

"Ignore Web/Alt text for"
  •     Pictures
However, then I get an error message which reads

Errors occurred
See the logfile

I then try to go to this file, but it's not listed.

This problem didn't seem to be there on my previous laptop, so not sure why it's coming up now.

If you could please help sort this problem out, that would be appreciated - as I don't want PowerTalk to be reading out photos and pictures.

Branko (Australia)

Steve Lee

Jun 4, 2018, 6:51:48 AM6/4/18
That is indeed strange.

Did the version of Windows or Office change when you changed your laptop.

I'll take a look later this week but here are a couple of sugestions

1) in WIndows explorer (launch with windows key + e)
try searching for PowerTalk that might locate the log file for you.

2) As a work around you should be able to set an Alt Text of ' ' (a
single space) for your images in PowerPoint. Then PowerTalk will read
nothing rather than the pretty useless filename the PowerPoint sets as
the default.

Steve Lee
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