Fretlight MIDI infos

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Francesco Grassi

Sep 4, 2006, 8:10:23 AM9/4/06
to Power Tab Developers Support
while in the "Fretlight M-Player 1.2" help file it's written:
Opening Non-Optek MIDI Files

The Fretlight M-Player allows you to open any standard MIDI file and
hear the song through your computer's speakers. In order to view a MIDI
track on the Fretlight Guitar however, the track must be configured as

The track must be named "FMP - name of track". There must be a space
after FMP and a space after the "-".
The track must be configured such that it has six channels (ch. 11-16),
one per string as shown below:

Channel 11 = high E string
Channel 12 = B string
Channel 13 = G string
Channel 14 = D string
Channel 15 = A string
Channel 16 = low E string

The channelization is automatically done when using a MIDI pickup on a
guitar (such as a Roland GK-2A) and recording into a MIDI sequencer.

I buyed a working M-Player file and I had a look into the MIDI events.
It actually seems that channelization starts with Channel 10 = high E
I captured a jpg to send if somebody is interested in viewing these
MIDI events.

Anyway I see 2 kinds of solution approaches between Fretlight Guitars
and PowerTab:
1) (as Danny suggested) export a MIDI file according to the above
specifications (very easy, IMHO)
2) turn on the leds of the guitar while playing the tablature from the
PowerTab interface (much more difficult)

I hope that at least the first approach could be part of the next
PowerTab release.
I'm available to send MIDI events jpg.

Best regards


From: Danny X - view profile
Date: Thurs, Jun 1 2006 11:29 am
Email: "Danny X" <>

Is there any way to make PowerTab software compatible with the
FretLight guitar by exporting the string information to tracks 11-16
and save as a MIDI file? This would allow it to be compatible with the
FretLight M-Player and would greatly expand the versatility of the
FretLight guitar as well as greatly increase the utility of PowerTab.

More information can be found at the bottom of this link:

Danny X

Sep 5, 2006, 4:27:24 AM9/5/06
to Power Tab Developers Support
Thanks, Francesco. This would be the ultimate guitar learning
instrument, IMO.

Please email me the .jpg screenshots at The
next release should export individual string information as the
M-Player would need in order to be able to work with the FretLight, and
most importantly it should work with EXISTING music in PowerTab.

This would be so awesome and would help Optek sell tons of FretLight
guitars. This is the FretLight "killer app".


Francesco Grassi

Sep 5, 2006, 8:55:11 AM9/5/06
to Power Tab Developers Support
Hi Dan,
I'm very happy for your enthusiasm!!!

I have a Fretlight guitar... check your email address.



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