[Postcards from Manila] #313 Cycle of Life

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Bobby Wong Jr.

Mar 21, 2016, 11:04:34 PM3/21/16
to postcards...@googlegroups.com

Everyone knows habitats are sustained by the evaporation & precipitation cycle of water, but seeing is believing. 

Along the coast in the town of Culasi in Antique, that cycle was at work. The distant clouds hugging the mountain slopes provide the humidity and rain that nourishes its primary forest cover, before collecting in mountain streams that eventually find its way to the sea. Along the way, the same water irrigate the rice fields we saw earlier, keep wide expanses of thick beach forests possible, before tip-toeing past mangroves and nipa groves along marshes that flush out to sea. Seeing is believing. Enjoy.

Pixel-peepers: The terrain of a landscape is revealed when it's lit by strong horizontal light. Luckily, that occurs twice a day: shortly after sunrise or just before sunset. It's worth the wait.

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For those who've inquired about buying prints of my postcards, you may purchase them directly from master printmaker Arnel Murillo (murill...@yahoo.com), one of the country's foremost fine-art printmakers.  Arnel uses archival inks and museum-grade paper to ensure his prints will not fade. You will not be disappointed. (All my images are provided gratis to help showcase the beauty of our country. But if you feel generous, help me uplift the lives of the Children of Payatas.  No donation is too big or too small. Get in touch with Fr. Aldrin Suan at aldri...@yahoo.com of the Vincentian Missionaries in the Philippines. As always, thanks and enjoy.)

Posted By Blogger to Postcards from Manila at 3/14/2016 07:53:00 PM
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