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PortUp release 2.5.0 "Christmas edition"

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Harry Lime

Dec 19, 2015, 4:06:12 AM12/19/15
Hello offline updaters!
I am happy to announce you the new PortUp 2.5.0 release.
In this release:
- New download memory management for unicode management. Now, also in regions that use different unicode PortUp should work without problems. 
- A new /reboot switch used in the unattended mode: as requested by Alf, now PortUp reboot the system after the last step.
- Many other little improvements...

As always, I'm waiting for your feedback.

In the meantime, have an Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!


Dec 19, 2015, 11:39:55 AM12/19/15
to Portable Update
    Hey PortUp is really coming along really nicely!  Great work.

    I notice that 'Searching' when running on Windows 7 seems a bit slower than on other Windows OSs.  Is there a possibility of making PortUp perform this particular function a bit faster?

    Cheers, and Happiest of Holidays to you and yours.



Feb 17, 2016, 3:42:23 AM2/17/16
to Portable Update
Hello Harry,
Thanks for such a great software.After the recent update I am not able to get the software to work.The software doesn't go beyond search for updates.I tried older versions too but same problem.


I am guessing there must be something wrong in my settings.I am posting screen shots below, it would be great if you could help me solve the error & get the software to work.

Waiting for a solution
Thank you

Feb 18, 2016, 7:39:13 PM2/18/16
to Portable Update

I have the same problem as Akshay. I'm looking for updates to 64 bit Windows 7, but PotUp 2.5.0 just goes into lala land waiting for something to happen in the search phase (online).

Thanks in advance.


Feb 18, 2016, 7:44:13 PM2/18/16
to Portable Update
I'd have to agree.  Takes like 4 hours for PortUp to search on Windows 7 and get the updates needed.

On Windows 10 it's not nearly that long.

Is this perhaps a Microsoft server problem?

Feb 18, 2016, 8:26:46 PM2/18/16
to Portable Update

Thanks, eohrnberger, I had assumed that PortUp would never find the needed updates. I'll start it again tonight and wait overnight and see what happens. At least if it does work in the end, I will still be in business.


Feb 18, 2016, 8:56:34 PM2/18/16
to Portable Update

On Thursday, February 18, 2016 at 8:26:46 PM UTC-5, wrote:

Thanks, eohrnberger, I had assumed that PortUp would never find the needed updates. I'll start it again tonight and wait overnight and see what happens. At least if it does work in the end, I will still be in business.

No worries in the least.  Sure hope that a solution on the PortUp side can be found.  A search for that long makes it really hard to be using the tool.

Pierre Nye

Mar 31, 2016, 9:05:15 AM3/31/16
to Portable Update
Hi Harry

I have the exact same issue as Akshay
Running on a Win 7 Home Premium 64bit notebook - I have been patient and it has been searching for updates for 15 hours without finishing
I dont know if its crashed (The log shows no errors - looks just like Akshay's log) or just being extremely slow
but dont want to terminate it if its about to complete

The program itself is just magic if only the search portion completed in a reasonably short time


Harry Lime

Apr 3, 2016, 6:04:40 AM4/3/16
Hi Pierre
I have tested many time the app on many VM Win7 32 or 64. Because many of you reported this problem, and because I can't replicate the same environment, I have to ask to all you to produce two files, zipped and sent to
The two files are:
1) The Portup.Log resulting from a /debug session. Instructions are reported on the forum:
2) The WindowsUpdate.log file. 
It's important that these two files contains only information relative to one test done.
More, I need to know what processes use the most of the CPU for example, after 15 hours of running. This because many times I noticed that antivirus slow significantly the process. As antivirus consider also Microsoft Windows Defender and Microsoft Malware Scan ( This probably because the intrinsic architecture of the is very complicated and this can slows down all the computer, However, if is true, can be analyzed by the list of processes that use the most cpu. Consider also that Malware Scan is one of the probably updates to be installed on a fresh computer (mpas-* files). 

Happy updating



Jan 17, 2017, 11:20:27 PM1/17/17
to Portable Update
I know this is kind of a dumb question but was PortUp meant to be used for multiple computers right ?


Jan 17, 2017, 11:26:23 PM1/17/17
to Portable Update
What i'm trying to ask is can I download the updates with a computer that has internet access then copy PortUP's directory including all it's files on a USB drive then plug it into a computer whose have no internet access and install the updates using PortUP ?

Vijay Yajurvedi

Apr 15, 2017, 11:30:44 AM4/15/17
to Portable Update
Hi Harry,

I am getting Type mismatch while I run portup in unattended and noreboot mode.

please suggest.


On Saturday, December 19, 2015 at 4:06:12 AM UTC-5, Harry Lime wrote:

محمود النمر

Oct 14, 2018, 12:46:55 PM10/14/18
to Portable Update
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