Good Morning!
And we're back..
That's right, back for another year. SESO, the best variation of ultimate played indoors.
You and 79 other people running around on a turf field indoors!!
Have you seen the weather today? Well, the High School teams are competing at Twin Brooks today for the Coed State Championships.
SESO is played using standard USAU rules, but with some minor modifications in the following document due to the space and time constraints.
Sub Early/Sub Often is played using standard UPA rules, but with some minor modifications in the following document due to the space and time constraints.
- 7 players on the field per team.
- 4/3 Gender ratio
Play Time
- Games are played for 30 minutes straight through, no timeouts, nothing
- The team with the most points at the end of 30 minutes is the winner. When reseeding, in the event of a tie, overall points come into play. The more you score, the better off you are gonna be.
Start of Play
- The game starts by one team pulling to the other. Team captains flip in order to determine which team pulls and which team receives and at which end of the field.
- A score is made when a team catches the disc in the opposing team's endzone. Unlike, standard ultimate games, after a point is made, teams do not return to their endzone and pull for the next point. Instead, the team that scored drops the disc where they caught it and the opposing team takes possession at that spot and tries to score in the opposite endzone. This means there is constant play.
- Since there is constant play, subbing is done on the fly-hockey style. An area on the sideline is designated as the subbing area for each team. When a player wants to sub out, that person runs over to the subbing area and tags the next player to come in.
- The player entering the game cannot be on the playing field until they have been tagged.
- The player entering the game should be in contact with the sideline, no more than 15 yards from the center line of the field until tagged.
- If a subbing player runs onto the field without tagging, or comes into the field of play to make the tag, "violation" may be called by the opposing team. Play resumes similar to a "pick" call, with the infracting player starting from the subbing area.
- Stall count is to 10
- After a goal, the offensive player can drops the disc and can do a delay of game count to 5, then they can initiate the stall count.
Endzone Turnovers
- If the disc is turned over in the endzone, the opposing team takes possession at the closet available point on the playing field as to where it went out. On the other hand, when a score occurs, the opposing team must take possession where the score was caught.
- If the disc hits the curtain/wall/wire, it is considered out of bounds and is a turnover.
- Opposing team takes possession at the point nearest to the playing field where the disc comes to rest. Where the disc initially went out of bounds does not matter, unlike regular field ultimate.
- team 1 vs team 2
- team 3 vs team 4
- team 2 vs team 4
- team 1 vs team 3
- team 2 vs team 3
- team 1 vs team 4
Remember, this is done on number of games won and overall points
- 3 and 4 finishers
- Championship Game
Sub Early-Sub Often! Four teams (hat tourney style: ALL players RANDOMLY assigned to a team) take turns battling each other in 30-minute games with continuous substitutions. Gender format is 5-2. Experienced HS players through seasoned club players are welcome!