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Richard T Young Jr.

Dec 9, 2013, 10:15:31 AM12/9/13
Good Morning!!!

Snow on the ground, too cold to be outside, miss throwing the disc around?

This Saturday from 6p-10p at the Portland Sports Complex, located on Warren Ave, come get your ultimate on!!

Maine Ultimate will be hosting the first SESO event of the year.

Games are played for 28 minutes and the action is nonstop.  You score, you drop the disc and immediately play defense.  

SESO stands for Sub Early Sub Often.  You run for as long and hard as you can and you get off the field.  Walking on the field?  No way, get off the field and walk on the sidelines.  SESO is a good cardio workout and you get to work on those ridiculous throws that are ill advised outside.  The quickest way to go from Hero to Zero is to be a turnover machine!!

To sign up and for more information, click here:

See you on the fields!!

Maine Ultimate
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