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-- Chief Architect AIM: gffletch Identity Services Engineering Work: george....@teamaol.com AOL Inc. Home: gffl...@aol.com Mobile: +1-703-462-3494 Blog: http://practicalid.blogspot.com Office: +1-703-265-2544 Twitter: http://twitter.com/gffletch
On the REST Status side, it might be nice to specify what all of the
4xx response codes mean when related to PoCo.
For instance a 401 and a 403 both relate to auth, and the original
http spec seems to relate to basic auth, however it would be nice to
have a constant standard in this modern age.
For PoCo I could see a use for 400, 401, 403, 404, 405, 407, 409
400=>'400 Bad Request', //missing params, cookies, or tokens
401=>'401 Unauthorized', //wrong credentials
402=>'402 Payment Required',
403=>'403 Forbidden', //these credentials are not allowed
404=>'404 Not Found', //no data found
405=>'405 Method Not Allowed', //?
406=>'406 Not Acceptable', //?
407=>'407 Proxy Authentication Required', //? delegated
or proxies auth request failed, ie.. opensocial makeRequest
408=>'408 Request Timeout',
409=>'409 Conflict', //?in this case i am using it
for registration, if that ID has been taken, but i could see this on
contact import too
410=>'410 Gone',
411=>'411 Length Required',
412=>'412 Precondition Failed',
413=>'413 Request Entity Too Large',
414=>'414 Request-URI Too Long',
415=>'415 Unsupported Media Type', //when uploading photos,
or submitting json or xml post/ put bodies
416=>'416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable',
417=>'417 Expectation Failed',
// [Server Error 5xx]
500=>'500 Internal Server Error',
501=>'501 Not Implemented',
502=>'502 Bad Gateway',
503=>'503 Service Unavailable',
504=>'504 Gateway Timeout',
505=>'505 HTTP Version Not Supported'
Justin Kruger
Social Media Software Engineer -
San Francisco, CA
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