draft-schema is not linked

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Thomas Koch

Mar 8, 2012, 11:16:17 AM3/8/12
to portable...@googlegroups.com

I just found http://portablecontacts.net/draft-schema.html which is not linked
neither from http://portablecontacts.net nor from

You might want to make it "restful" so that the client does not need out-of-
band information to discover it. :-)


Thomas Koch, http://www.koch.ro

Joseph Smarr

Mar 8, 2012, 12:50:38 PM3/8/12
to portable...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, that's because it started out as an experiment (originally we wanted the schema to be part of the overall protocol spec, but since webfinger and a few other cases wanted to reference just the schema, I pulled it out but didn't advertise it). Clearly the schema has had wider and longer adoption than the full protocol, and that's ok, so it's probably time to make that separation explicit.

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