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how to plot population ancestry values as DAPC plots?

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Oct 28, 2023, 12:25:02 PM10/28/23
to poppr
Dear All
Good Evening
i have dataset (csV file) with Individuals and their Q values as columns. Now i would like to plot them as clusters like DAPC clusters. how to do this by importing ancestry values as dataframe. i need your help to plot these ancestry valus.
Thanking you very much.
Ancestry values.xlsx
dapc pic.jpg

Zhian Kamvar

Nov 11, 2023, 3:38:14 PM11/11/23
to genetist, poppr
I'm not sure how you are expecting to achieve this, but you can plot the Linear Discriminants by extracting them from the DAPC object and plotting them with ggplot2.

I have a (somewhat tortuous) example in a paper I wrote at the end of 2017: You can find the extraction of the DAPC data if you search for `LDS`

Hope that helps

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