ANOVA completely different results w pegas OR ade4 implementation...??

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Gabriella Scatà

Jul 26, 2024, 10:14:27 AMJul 26
to poppr
I tried running poppr:amova with dist= NULL (Euclidean distance calculated by the function itself) and either ade4 or pegas implementation, and I get completely different results.

Eucl_popprAMOVAres = poppr::poppr.amova(
    hier = ~clusters/pop,
    clonecorrect = FALSE,
    within = FALSE,
    dist = NULL,
    squared = FALSE, # false, otherwise it gets sqrooted!
    freq = TRUE,
    correction = NULL,
    sep = "_",
    filter = FALSE,
    threshold = 0,
    algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", 
    threads = 1L, 
    missing = "loci", 
    cutoff = 0.05,  
    quiet = FALSE, 
    method = c("pegas"), 
    nperm = 100000) 


Warning message:
In poppr::poppr.amova(myGenlgiht,  :  Missing data are not filtered from genlight data

Analysis of Molecular Variance

Call: pegas::amova(formula = hier, data = hierdf, nperm = nperm, is.squared = FALSE)

                SSD       MSD  df

clusters   1500.402 1500.4016   1

pop        3329.225  832.3063   4

Error    142431.371  847.8058 168

Total    147260.997  851.2196 173

Variance components:

            sigma2 P.value

clusters   8.63952  0.0000

pop       -0.53478  0.8762

Error    847.80578       

Phi-statistics: (Phi_CT) (Phi_ST) (Phi_SC)

               0.0100939536                0.0094691422               -0.0006311825

Variance coefficients:

       a            b                c

28.98276 29.03448 77.33333


Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4 = poppr::poppr.amova(
    hier = ~clusters/pop,
    clonecorrect = FALSE,
    within = FALSE,
    dist = NULL,
    squared = FALSE, # false, otherwise it gets sqrooted!
    freq = TRUE,
    correction = NULL,
    sep = "_",
    filter = FALSE,
    threshold = 0,
    algorithm = "farthest_neighbor", 
    threads = 1L, 
    missing = "loci", 
    cutoff = 0.05,  
    quiet = FALSE, 
    method = c("ade4"), 
    nperm = 100000) 

Warning message:

In poppr::poppr.amova(myGenlight,  :

  Missing data are not filtered from genlight data


ade4::amova(samples = xtab, distances = xdist, structures = xstruct)


                                                             Df      Sum Sq  Mean Sq

Between clusters                                  1    984.7106 984.7106

Between samples Within clusters     4   3844.9162 961.2291

Within samples                                  168 142431.3705 847.8058

Total                                                     173 147260.9974 851.2196


                                                                                         Sigma               %

Variations  Between clusters                                           0.2675142   0.03139829

Variations  Between samples(*pops) Within clusters  3.9289742     0.46114598

Variations  Within samples (*pops)                             847.8057771  99.50745573

Total variations                                                              852.0022654 100.00000000




Phi-samples-total    0.0049254427

Phi-samples-clusters 0.0046129082

Phi-clusters-total   0.0003139829

 Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4_amova.test = randtest( Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4  )


class: krandtest lightkrandtest

Monte-Carlo tests

Call: randtest.amova(xtest = Scallop_Rep98_Loc95_Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4)

Number of tests:   3

Adjustment method for multiple comparisons:   none

Permutation number:   99

                                      Test                  Obs                  Std.Obs            Alter Pvalue

1   Variations within samples/pops   847.8057771 -10.34458625    less       0.01

2  Variations between samples/pops   3.9289742   8.47441524 greater      0.01

3 Variations between clusters              0.2675142   0.00439018 greater      0.46

How is it possible that the variation between clusters is highly significant when using pegas but highly non significant when using ade4?

I would really appreciate somefeedback...



Zhian Kamvar

Jul 26, 2024, 2:46:03 PMJul 26
to Gabriella Scatà, poppr
This is because `nperm` only applies to the pegas implementation. When you used `randtest()`, it's default is 99 permutations.

To fix this, use 

Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4_amova.test = randtest( Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4, nrepet = 99999)

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Gabriella Scatà

Jul 26, 2024, 7:10:34 PMJul 26
to Zhian Kamvar, poppr
Hi Zhian,
thank you so much for your reply and explanation.

I ran the randtest with the same n repetitions as I used for the pegas amova (100000), but even if now I do get a significance for clusters, it's still much lower than the significance for variations between samples (which would be my populations).
While this is the opposite with pegas...cluster are highly significant, populations are not...

see below the result of the test:
class: krandtest lightkrandtest
Monte-Carlo tests
Call: randtest.amova(xtest = Scallop_Rep98_Loc95_Eucl_popprAMOVAres_ade4,
    nrepet = 1e+05)

Number of tests:   3

Adjustment method for multiple comparisons:   none
Permutation number:   100000
                         Test         Obs    Std.Obs   Alter      Pvalue
1   Variations within samples 847.8057771 -9.8469609    less 9.99990e-06
2  Variations between samples   3.9289742  8.3893135 greater 9.99990e-06
3 Variations between clusters   0.2675142  0.1030489 greater 4.00706e-01

Honestly this makes me feel really uncomfortable about both implementations as they give such different results, and I don't know which I can trust.
Any ideas or suggestions?

Thanks again!

Gabriella Scatà

Jul 29, 2024, 9:14:45 PMJul 29
to poppr
Also, can I ask:
in my pegas amova results ( see below again):
- is it correct that the sigma^2 for clusters = variation among clusters & sigma^2 for pop = variation among populations BUT within clusters?

- what does the Error correspond to in my case? would that be the remaining variation - so variation among individuals BUT within populations or within the all sample?

- so to obtain the % variance for each hierarchical level --> should i sum all sigma^2 values (cluster+pop+error) and then divide each by the sum?
i.e. sigma^2 for clusters/sum sigmas*100 = % variance explained by clusters, and
sigma^2 for error/sum sigmas*100 = % variance due to variation among individuals?

I would really appreciate some feedback and help interpreting these results!



Analysis of Molecular Variance

Call: pegas::amova(formula = hier, data = hierdf, nperm = nperm, is.squared = FALSE)

                SSD       MSD  df

clusters   1500.402 1500.4016   1

pop        3329.225  832.3063   4

Error    142431.371  847.8058 168

Total    147260.997  851.2196 173

Variance components:

            sigma2 P.value

clusters   8.63952  0.0000

pop       -0.53478  0.8762

Error    847.80578       

Phi-statistics: (Phi_CT) (Phi_ST) (Phi_SC)

               0.0100939536                0.0094691422               -0.0006311825

Variance coefficients:

       a            b                c

28.98276 29.03448 77.33333

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