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Dec 31, 2006, 5:01:30 AM12/31/06
to Polyphasic Sleep
Welcome to the Polyphasic Sleep google group!

This group is for the discussion of and support for pursuing polyphasic
sleep schedules.

This group was created as a service to the polyphasic community, to
replace the "uberman" Yahoo group, which is getting overrun with spam.
Whether you're from that group, or came here from elsewhere, you're
welcome to join, lurk, and contribute.

If it's your first time posting to the group, please be patient, as new
members' messages are moderated to prevent spam.

If you have any questions about the group, or its moderation, please

John Hazen

Jan 2, 2007, 3:10:42 AM1/2/07
to Polyphasic Sleep
Hey all-

I don't know if any of you have tried to search the archives, but it
doesn't seem to be working.

After trolling through the help system, and the google group for
moderators, it looks like HTML messages are not indexed for search.

I'm trying to get confirmation of this, and to see if it's something
that will eventually be fixed, or if it's a design decision and we need
to work around it.

If the currently archived messages won't be indexed, there are a few
options on how to proceed:

1) Leave the messages here as-is for folks who want to browse the old
topics, and make sure that a pointer is in the welcome message pointing
to the Yahoo group for actual searches. (Eeew. requires new users to
join the dying group, just to read archives.)

2) Shut down this group for a few days, and re-post all the archived
messages in text/plain. (Due to rate-limiting, it will take about 4
days to get all the old messages again.) I could change everybody's
delivery options to "no-email" for the re-archiving period (unless you
want 5500 messages in 4-5 days).

3) Trickle the old messages slowly into the new group. We could set
some limit, like 10 messages per day, and we could use the incoming
archive as fodder for further discussion. I could modify the forwarder
to forward all messages of one topic before moving on to the next topic,
instead of the current chronological delivery.

If it comes down to it, I'd prefer option 2, because I really would like
the new group to be self-contained, so the old group can finally die in
a sea of spam. I think a small downtime will be less disruptive overall
than having a long-term distraction of dealing with archived messages.

But I hope that I'll just get word that they're working on html indexing
(it's not like they don't know how to index the web!), and we can
proceed as we are, without a whole re-archiving.

I'll keep you posted.


Ian Petersen

Jan 2, 2007, 12:37:37 PM1/2/07
> If the currently archived messages won't be indexed, there are a few
> options on how to proceed:

My vote, if it comes to it, is for option 2. Of course, I'm not
currently in transition, so I'm using this group as a source of
distraction from work, not as a support group....


Tired of pop-ups, security holes, and spyware?
Try Firefox:


Jan 2, 2007, 1:07:35 PM1/2/07
Yeah I'd go with that one too pending a response from Google.



Jan 2, 2007, 5:40:56 PM1/2/07
to Polyphasic Sleep

John Hazen wrote:
> 3) Trickle the old messages slowly into the new group. We could set
> some limit, like 10 messages per day, and we could use the incoming
> archive as fodder for further discussion. I could modify the forwarder
> to forward all messages of one topic before moving on to the next topic,
> instead of the current chronological delivery.

I personally like this one, actually. But in any case, goodbye spammers!


Jan 2, 2007, 5:56:36 PM1/2/07
to Polyphasic Sleep
I think I prefer option 3 as well.
But if necessary, 2 sounds liveable.

On Jan 3, 12:40 am, "#endgame" <> wrote:
> John Hazen wrote:
> > 3) Trickle the old messages slowly into the new group. We could set
> > some limit, like 10 messages per day, and we could use the incoming
> > archive as fodder for further discussion. I could modify the forwarder
> > to forward all messages of one topic before moving on to the next topic,

> > instead of the current chronological delivery.I personally like this one, actually. But in any case, goodbye spammers!

Oi Tchau

Dec 27, 2014, 6:50:04 AM12/27/14
Sup. I'm new here but I used to lurk a different PS forum in which puredoxyk was a moderator. Anyone knows what happened to it? My google-fu doesn't seem to be enough in this case.

Ah, yes, I tried ubersleep in the first semester of 2011 and failed miserably. But just recently I've been experimenting with other things to find what could work for me. My results aren't that concrete yet so I won't post them so soon, but I've managed to sleep only 4 hours last night and I'm only 'pleasently' tired, not 'omg I need a bed right now' tired.

Well, that's it for introductions. Treat me kindly.

Wout Mertens

Dec 29, 2014, 9:35:39 AM12/29/14


I did polyphasic for a while in different incarnations, and while it helped me get really good at napping, I never felt 100% on it. So now I eat right (Paleo) and sleep ad libitum for core sleep and add one or two naps if needed. That makes me feel great most of the time.

Recent research showing how sleep is used to clean the brain (nerve cells shrink and spino-cerebral fluid flushes through the brain) and increased susceptibility to colds etc while polyphasic made me believe that sleep is very important and getting little core sleep might be bad for long-term health.



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Greg Huish

Dec 29, 2014, 12:31:11 PM12/29/14
I'm with Wout on the core sleep thought.  There really isn't anything like feeling fully rested and having the time to achieve that. 

There are different ways I've found life can be approached, the "not enough time for anything busy go go go" mentality a lot of modern day city folks adopt, and the "slow ride take it easy" mentality, in which I presently find myself. 

I guess it depends on what cycle we find ourselves in, sometimes you just don't want to sleep and then polyphasic scheds "work", but that's a huge outpouring of energy for projects and things usually.  A bit manic 

I've had decent success in just choosing the priorities in life to allow me the time to sleep and do the things I want, although a lot of things fell off the wagon to allow that.  We've only got as many hours as we've got, best to learn the art of triage now and save yourself frustration.  Also, I tend to think there is a recharge occuring during sleep that goes beyond merely physical and brain recovery, as if our consciousness' just need to check out of this dense world to recharge.



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Dec 29, 2014, 12:57:18 PM12/29/14

This mailing list certainly have died out recently, and I think it's for the better. I'm now firmly in the camp that weird schedules doesn't really work over longer times, but naps are always awesome.

/John - older and wiser


Dec 30, 2014, 9:11:57 AM12/30/14
Hi, John!  You knew I'd have to jump in and disagree with everything you just said, right?  Of course you did.  ;)

1) this list has been slow for years, but it's still a good source of info for people looking for certain topics, and messages still get answered.  Other forums, etc. have seen a lot *more* activity recently -- mailing lists in general are just kind of an old format, so that's probably what's up with that.  

2)  Objection to the word "weird".  Polyphasic sleep is and always has been more normal than monophasic sleep, numbers-wise.  And if things that go against modern American culture are weird, then put me firmly in *that* camp -- the anti-sedentary-lifestyle, anti-manufactured-food, anti-television-commercial, anti-childhood-pharmaceuticals -- and weird is a flag I'll wear with pride.

3)  "Doesn't really work" for you, sure.  Obviously there are tons of examples of people for whom "alternative" (if we must have a word for it) sleep schedules work just fine.

THE WHOLE POINT here is to be rested and to find the time to do what you need to do and also attain a good balance of waking, sleeping, activity and rest.  The biggest "weirdness" I've seen in polyphasic sleepers is that they're trying to be conscious about finding this balance, and open and educated about their options, instead of swallowing the cultural line that "either you sleep 8 hours monophasic and are healthy, or don't and are not".  Very little research begins to poke huge holes in that claim, and for many of us it simply isn't possible, making alternatives an intelligent, healthy option (or necessity).

What's getting old isn't this mailing list:  It's the myopic view that not sleeping a certain way (of all things) is categorically "weird" or unhealthy.  This world will be a much better place when we grant that what's important is to feel rested and productive, and that individuals should have as much freedom and support to find that as possible.  

And until we live in that world, I'll be lurking this list, and running at least some kind of resource to support communication and information on this topic, because it's made my life incalculably better for almost 15 years now, and other people deserve to have it too.

technically older than old due to the ~4h extra per day, but definitely not wiser in the sense under discussion :P

Greg Huish

Dec 30, 2014, 9:16:49 AM12/30/14
Ya, In fact the whole human species is inherently pretty weird I'd say.  We're all just trying to make it work.

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Dec 30, 2014, 2:44:59 PM12/30/14
The forums may not get much action, but I bet plenty of ppl still watch them.

Polyphasic is like dieting. Lots of ppl get by without it, but... Knowing about sleep health is very empowering. Always be suspicious of miracle claims, you can't survive on a grapefruit a day, lose 5 lbs a week, nor survive without core sleep. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water, use common sense, and I am certain you'll end up healthier smarter and most probably happier. I certainly did.

Jordan Beazley

Dec 30, 2014, 6:52:08 PM12/30/14

I actually have lost 5 lbs a week by eating one meal a day because I was too busy working. Being a lab tech is the worst and I got out of there fast.

Joking aside, I found uberman and variants unsustainable with any kind of working or social life, but if I'm well rested (as in, not working until exhaustion), I naturally sleep biphasically.

I would love to hear what's up with other former uberwomen/men as well.

On Dec 30, 2014 1:45 PM, "FrozenKiwi" <> wrote:
The forums may not get much action, but I bet plenty of ppl still watch them.

Polyphasic is like dieting. Lots of ppl get by without it, but... Knowing about sleep health is very empowering. Always be suspicious of miracle claims, you can't survive on a grapefruit a day, lose 5 lbs a week, nor survive without core sleep. But don't throw the baby out with the bath water, use common sense, and I am certain you'll end up healthier smarter and most probably happier. I certainly did.


Dec 30, 2014, 9:20:28 PM12/30/14

You might have disagreed on all points with my mail, but you certainly agree with a lot of my opinions. Just today I had a long discussion on why she thinks it's wrong to be barefoot at the mall (and, like everywhere).

I might write a longer mail where I pick my words more carefully so you don't have to write long segments on ideas I 100% share.

Oh, and replace American with western or something, we try to be weird in Europe as well ;)


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