Best practice to share CSS across components

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Sönke Rohde

2013年6月29日 13:38:052013/6/29
Is there a best practice/recommended way on how to share styles across components?
I know, one of the nice features of web components is encapsulation but in a component set there are many shared styles.

Right now I just include a common.css like:

<element name="my-component" attributes="foo bar">
  <link rel="stylesheet" polymer-scope="global" href="css/common.css">

In this case it has global scope because it contains @font-face definitions.

Any plans to have a polyfill for css variables?


2013年7月1日 11:22:282013/7/1
Consider this question seconded :).

I'm currently doing the same thing - importing a stylesheet. I've done this in my HTML page as well as my "root" element. I've noticed that Chrome (I'm not using Canary) has downloaded this stylesheet twice. The stylesheet I'm importing is "ink" (basically a third party CSS, similar to bootstrap). I'm not sure if it would be wise for me to keep importing this because I plan on having many polymer elements (thousands-but only like 30 on screen at any given time).

So my question is similar to Sönke - how do I make this work?

Also, I can't seem to get applyAuthorStyles to work- I'm not sure how.


Steve Orvell

2013年7月2日 00:11:302013/7/2
收件人 Sönke Rohde、
Including a stylesheet like this is the recommended way to share styles between elements right now.

The ShadowDOM spec will likely provide api to efficiently share stylesheets. The spec bug is here:

In this case it has global scope because it contains @font-face definitions.

The polymer-scope attribute should be set to global only for a sheet containing just rules that need to be in the global scope like @font-face. That these don't currently work in ShadowDOM is an implementation bug in Chrome. A global sheet will only be included in the global scope once so it's safe to use it wherever you need it. You should use a separate shared stylesheet for ShadowDOM styles.


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Steve Orvell

2013年7月2日 00:11:282013/7/2
 I've noticed that Chrome (I'm not using Canary) has downloaded this stylesheet twice. 

That sounds like a bug but I'm not able to reproduce it. Would you mind filing an issue at with more info? Thanks!

Also, I can't seem to get applyAuthorStyles to work- I'm not sure how.

In Polymer, you can set applyAuthorStyles to true on an element prototype:

    Polymer.register(this, {
      applyAuthorStyles: true

Alternatively, you can set the property directly on a shadowRoot at any time (e.g. this.shadowRoot.applyAuthorStyles = true).

This flag will ensure any styles defined in an enclosing shadowRoot or the document apply to elements in the shadowRoot. One caveat: selectors must match entirely within the shadowRoot that has applyAuthorStyles set to true. A selector using a combinator like "x-foo x-bar" will NOT match if x-foo and x-bar are in different shadowRoots.

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Sönke Rohde

2013年7月2日 00:22:582013/7/2
收件人、Sönke Rohde

On Monday, July 1, 2013 9:11:30 PM UTC-7, Steve Orvell wrote:
Including a stylesheet like this is the recommended way to share styles between elements right now.

The ShadowDOM spec will likely provide api to efficiently share stylesheets. The spec bug is here:

Thanks for point to the spec bug! 

In this case it has global scope because it contains @font-face definitions.

The polymer-scope attribute should be set to global only for a sheet containing just rules that need to be in the global scope like @font-face. That these don't currently work in ShadowDOM is an implementation bug in Chrome. A global sheet will only be included in the global scope once so it's safe to use it wherever you need it. You should use a separate shared stylesheet for ShadowDOM styles.

That makes sense, thanks!

2013年7月2日 02:52:422013/7/2
The author styles feature works perfectly for my use-case, thank you for the help. This is excellent.

As for the double loading - I think I know what the issue is now, the imported HTML file was including the CSS, but so was the root HTML file (which is not a polymer element). So it was just chrome loading the CSS as normal (index.html), and then the polymer element loading it separately. When I add the stylesheet to multiple polymer elements, I don't see a third or fourth loading of the stylesheet.

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