50 liver cysts

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Jul 28, 2020, 1:24:29 AM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Hello everyone!

I am new to this forum and wanted to share my story. I am a 40 year old male, 6 feet1in, 193 lb. Two weeks ago, my gastro ordered an abdominal MRI as part of the investigation about upper left side pain. 

The MRI found 50 small cysts in the liver, the largest being 2cm. There was also one cyst on the tail of the pancreas (1mm), and one very small cyst on one kidney and the MRI also picked up a part of the lung, which had a 3mm
nodule (technically a micronodule). The hepatologist said the cysts are tiny and most of my liver area is healthy tissue. 

All my blood tests came back normal. 

My hospital has a Liver Board, a symposium of liver specialists that meets every week and talks about special cases, going over patients' images. The Liver Board did not think I had a PLD (I do not know why),
but they could not offer any other diagnosis, having ruled out everything else. So, a "mystery" cause, essentially. Their plan is blood tests every 3 months and MRI annually to watch it. 

I was quite shocked when I learned about it. 50 cysts at the age of 40? I never had any problems with the liver until last year when I had a cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection that caused my LFTs to indicate
temporary liver damage. Since the recovery from the virus, all LFTs and US of the liver was normal as of Oct 2019. 

Anyway, I have a couple of questions:

1) Is it "normal" for PLD to have as many as 50 cysts? 

2) Are there any questions you can suggest I should ask the Liver Board?

I would appreciate your comments and questions!



Mike Lyons

Jul 28, 2020, 2:18:25 AM7/28/20
to polycysticl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrey, 

It's a surprise the doctors don't think you have PLD. Please let us know your diagnosis when you have it.

I have at least a hundred cysts. Most are quite small. My liver CT looks like a picture of a cauliflower. 


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Rebecca Wilkinson

Jul 28, 2020, 12:24:57 PM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Hi Andry and members of this group.

I have never really introduced myself but thought I would today.  

My name is Rebecca.  I am 56 and have PKD and PLD.  I have an identical twin sister who has both as well.  Oddly, my sister's cysts are large whereas I have what is called profuse inundation meaning innumerable small ones that look like grape sized blisters on my liver.  My father had it, but he was tall like you Andry (6'4" 220 lbs), and never really suffered any negative effects from the cysts, just enlarged liver but his size could accomodate it.  He died of lung cancer unrelated.  My sister and I are more petite (5' 5") so it was not only uncomfortable (my sister looked like she was pregnant and for me my liver was pressing against my solar plexus and pushing out my ribcage) but also dangerous.  

My sister tried many interventions that had no success--aspiration with alcohol, fenestration with the cysts being "shaved", and dietary changes such as reducing protein--but they were not effective so she had a liver resection through the Mayo in Rochester with Dr Nagorney in 2014.  She had a very bad reaction because of bile leaks and almost died but survived through surgery with Dr. Paul Lin at GWU hospital in DC.  I know that many here have likely had success with Dr. Nagorney but he cuts across the body laterally and Dr. Lin goes in laproscopically and vertically if he can so that is a consideration if you are contemplating surgery.  Both are, of course, very dangerous because both lead to possible bile leaks which can be deadly.  FYI my sister is doing well and the cyst growth has abated.  

I had the surgery a year after my sister in 2015 because of the pressure on my solar plexus, performed by Dr. Lin.  It went well in the sense that I recovered without complications and had no life threatening bile leaks; however, I did not recover from the anesthesia for 24 hours and there was concern that I might not.  Thankfully I did.  Unfortunately, 4 years later, my cysts have continued to grow again causing pressure in my stomach and solar plexus.  This was really disappointing because not only had I been hoping that this would permanently stop the cysts from growing, but I had also believed that menopause (because of reduced estrogen) would slow the growth.  I do not feel like surgery is a viable option again, unless it becomes more life threatening, because of my response to the anesthesia and the danger of bile leaks.  

I had considered taking part of the trials  that Dr. Torres with HALT-PKD was conducting with  out of Mayo clinic but the results were not very promising so it didn't seem worth going to Rochester once a month.  I don't know if there is any more promise on that front...

As a result I have been motivated to find alternative interventions.  I will say that I had a very positive response to going on an Ayurvedic diet.  I am not advocating this for anyone else, just really happy for myself that it had such a positive impact.  The Ayurvedic diet basically eliminates wheat, chocolate, caffeine, fermented goods, vinegar, red meat, dairy, sugar (you can eat honey and maple syrup).  I went on an Ayurbedic cleanse which also included herbs that help detoxify the major organs, especially the liver.  I didn't lose much weight on the diet which was fine (went from 126 to 120 which is about right for my height) but my liver did reduce, especially in the left side where I was experience so much pressure against the stomach and rib cage.  I have continued on this diet for 4 months now and the distension and pressure is greatly reduced.  I plan to stay on it for a year and see what the CT scans show.  That, of course, will be the ultimate measure of change.  If anyone is interested in doing the cleanse, I did it through Dr. Douillard who is based out of Colorado but there are plenty of people who provide people with the herbs and give structured guidelines to do the cleanse. 

Again, I am not recommending this for anyone else, just saying that I have had some initial success with it and plan to continue on it and see if it continues to stave off the cysts growth or, even better, reduce the size even more.  Anyone is free to backchannel me if you want to chat about this.

Back to Andry, it seems like if you have a larger frame and you are not experiencing any problems as a result of the cysts, then your liver should be just fine (most of us, when we have blood tests, find that our livers are functioning just fine).  As I mentioned earlier, my father had cysts but he didn't even give them a second thought.  

Blessings to you all on this listserv and let's hope someday we find a way to prevent or treat this.  Rebecca

Rebecca Wilkinson

Jul 28, 2020, 12:29:52 PM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Hi Andry and members of this group.

I have never really introduced myself but thought I would today.  

My name is Rebecca.  I am 56 and have PKD and PLD.  I have an identical twin sister who has both as well.  Oddly, my sister's cysts are large whereas I have what is called profuse inundation meaning innumerable small ones that look like grape sized blisters on my liver.  My father had it, but he was tall like you Andry (6'4" 220 lbs), and never really suffered any negative effects from the cysts, just enlarged liver but his size could accomodate it.  He died of lung cancer unrelated.  My sister and I are more petite (5' 5") so it was not only uncomfortable (my sister looked like she was pregnant and for me my liver was pressing against my solar plexus and pushing out my ribcage) but also dangerous.  

My sister tried many interventions that had no success--aspiration with alcohol, fenestration with the cysts being "shaved", and dietary changes such as reducing protein--but they were not effective so she had a liver resection through the Mayo in Rochester with Dr Nagorney in 2014.  She had a very bad reaction because of bile leaks and almost died but survived through surgery with Dr. Paul Lin at GWU hospital in DC.  I know that many here have likely had success with Dr. Nagorney but he cuts across the body laterally and Dr. Lin goes in laproscopically and vertically if he can so that is a consideration if you are contemplating surgery.  Both are, of course, very dangerous because both lead to possible bile leaks which can be deadly.  FYI my sister is doing well and the cyst growth has abated.  

I had the surgery a year after my sister in 2015 because of the pressure on my solar plexus, performed by Dr. Lin.  It went well in the sense that I recovered without complications and had no life threatening bile leaks; however, I did not recover from the anesthesia for 24 hours and there was concern that I might not.  Thankfully I did.  Unfortunately, 4 years later, my cysts have continued to grow again causing pressure in my stomach and solar plexus.  This was really disappointing because not only had I been hoping that this would permanently stop the cysts from growing, but I had also believed that menopause (because of reduced estrogen) would slow the growth.  I do not feel like surgery is a viable option again, unless it becomes more life threatening, because of my response to the anesthesia and the danger of bile leaks.  

I had considered taking part of the trials  that Dr. Torres with HALT-PKD was conducting with  out of Mayo clinic but the results were not very promising so it didn't seem worth going to Rochester once a month.  I don't know if there is any more promise on that front...

As a result I have been motivated to find alternative interventions.  I will say that I had a very positive response to going on an Ayurvedic diet.  I am not advocating this for anyone else, just really happy for myself that it had such a positive impact.  The Ayurvedic diet basically eliminates wheat, chocolate, caffeine, fermented goods, vinegar, red meat, dairy, sugar (you can eat honey and maple syrup).  I went on an Ayurbedic cleanse which also included herbs that help detoxify the major organs, especially the liver.  I didn't lose much weight on the diet which was fine (went from 126 to 120 which is about right for my height) but my liver did reduce, especially in the left side where I was experience so much pressure against the stomach and rib cage.  I have continued on this diet for 4 months now and the distension and pressure is greatly reduced.  I plan to stay on it for a year and see what the CT scans show.  That, of course, will be the ultimate measure of change.  If anyone is interested in doing the cleanse, I did it through Dr. Douillard who is based out of Colorado but there are plenty of people who provide people with the herbs and give structured guidelines to do the cleanse. 

Again, I am not recommending this for anyone else, just saying that I have had some initial success with it and plan to continue on it and see if it continues to stave off the cysts growth or, even better, reduce the size even more.  Anyone is free to backchannel me if you want to chat about this.

Back to Andry, it seems like if you have a larger frame and you are not experiencing any problems as a result of the cysts, then your liver should be just fine (most of us, when we have blood tests, find that our livers are functioning just fine).  As I mentioned earlier, my father had cysts but he didn't even give them a second thought.  

Blessings to you all on this listserv and let's hope someday we find a way to prevent or treat this.  Rebecca

On Monday, July 27, 2020 at 10:24:29 PM UTC-7, andrey1496 wrote:

Rebecca Wilkinson

Jul 28, 2020, 12:30:08 PM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease

On Monday, July 27, 2020 at 10:24:29 PM UTC-7, andrey1496 wrote:

Rebecca Wilkinson

Jul 28, 2020, 12:30:21 PM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease

Mark de Buisseret

Jul 28, 2020, 1:55:48 PM7/28/20
to polycysticl...@googlegroups.com

Dont get obsessed by size and cyst numbers. There are a number of reasons why:

1. It depends on the scanner and the operator plus the country where you have it done. In the UK they tend to just rate them as a couple, few, several or extensive and not bother county.
2. Some cysts are microscopic and therefore cant be seen or counted.
3. Cysts burst.
4. Cysts constantly grow.

Remember apparently the troublesome cysts in both PKD and PLD ate the smaller cysts.


On Tuesday, 28 July 2020 Mike Lyons <polycysticl...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi Andrey, 

It's a surprise the doctors don't think you have PLD. Please let us know your diagnosis when you have it.

I have at least a hundred cysts. Most are quite small. My liver CT looks like a picture of a cauliflower. 


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Andrey Ivanov

Jul 28, 2020, 3:48:51 PM7/28/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Hello, everyone!

Thank you so much for your responses!

I live in Western Wisconsin, about 2.5 hours away from Rochester, MN across the river. 

To answer Mike's comment, I am not sure why they did not classify this as PLD. May be because they found a cyst in the pancreas and one kidney as well? They told me that their treatment plan would still be the same if they classified it as PLD. May be it has to do with my insurance and the fact that they would have to consider more expensive options like genetic testing if they put PLD as a diagnosis? (The HMO insurance that I have owns most of the hospitals in my state, so perhaps doctors working for the hospital have to take that into consideration.) 

In regards to Marie-Louise's and Rebecca's comments, I do have symptoms, but the doctors are not sure if they are related to this. My main symptom has been pain in the upper left side under left ribcage after eating. I tried different foods (although I only eat organic) and the cause of that pain eludes me. It is random. It could happen after eating boiled carrots or after pizza. Then it could go away for a week and come back again. The doctor suspected pancreas and that is why I had MRI done. Pancreas does have 1mm cyst on it, but they say it is not large enough to cause my symptoms.  I also have another strange symptom - pins and needles poking on the upper right side, very close to sternum/epigastrium, right under the right breast. This pain happens while bending over or turning over in bed during the day or evening. 

There is no pain of any kind in the mornings or while fasting. 

There is no hepatomegaly as per the MRI images. I do feel bloating and I do feel some enlargement on the right side after eating, but no enlargement was picked up on MRI, so my "feeling" cannot be objectively proven. 

Thank you, again, for your comments!




Jul 28, 2020, 4:08:47 PM7/28/20
to polycysticl...@googlegroups.com

My situation is almost Identical to yours. Lots of small cysts. The difference is that I have many more. I was diagnosed with ASPLD. This is what I was told by Dr Torres or Nagorny. I’m not sure which one I talked to. Large numbers of small cysts are rare. I was told that unlike those that have less large cysts those with many small cysts don’t continue to expand as they drain. It’s still a problem because you can get bloating. Cysts near the bile duct or blood vessels can rupture and it can cause blood poisoning which I regularly experience. He recommended that I avoid food that causes swelling and take nexium or Prilosec if I eat anything that is a phytoestrogen. In my case surgery was not a possibility as the cysts are continuous through out the liver. My diet has been highly modified to reduce the possibility of consuming phytoestrogens. I hope this message gets through to you. I’m not sure how I am supposed to respond with this system.


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Jul 30, 2020, 1:05:57 PM7/30/20
to PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Dear Michael,

Thank you for your message!

I do not think I have ever liked soy products, but I need to look out for the ingredients more carefully now for any soy or major phytoestrogenic ingredients. 

With regards to omeprazole, this is very interesting. There were a few studies done about the hepatoxicity of omeprazole, but it seems to be rather rare. One of the RCTs I read stated that incidences of hepatoxicity was about the same in prilosec as it was in the placebo group, but I think other studies have found more serious connections. 

As for the small cysts bursting - this is horrible!!! Do you have any particular symptoms right when the rupture happens and blood poisoning occurs? Are there any signs to watch out for?

Thank you again for posting!




Jul 30, 2020, 2:08:18 PM7/30/20
to polycysticl...@googlegroups.com
My pleasure Andrey, no symptoms with a small rupture. If you get a cyclic fever and weakness run to have your blood tested. It's a possible indication of bacteria in the blood.

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------ Original Message ------

From: andrey1496
To: PLD Polycystic Liver Disease
Sent: July 30, 2020 at 1:06 PM
Subject: [PolycysticLiverDisease] Re: 50 liver cysts

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