Last but not less important is your own contribution to our cause. You should consider to submit your ownserial numbers or share other files with the community just as someone else helped you with Ulead PhotoImpact 6.0 serial number.Sharing is caring and that is the only way to keep our scene, our community alive.
I am still using photoimpact and have a lot of ufo files. It would be nice if my next editing software could open them. Photoimpact is not compatible with Windows 11 so I am going to have to move to something.
Thank you Ron,
Yes, I am aware that it is a proprietary file. I am not sure of the significance of it being working but, Libre office can open WOrd files, and Photoimpact can open Photoshop files so, if Serif were to put .ufo files in their sights they would, I think, theoretically be able to open them without loss of layers.
I think that there are still quite a few people who use photoimpact still but since it won't install on W11 (I hear) these people will be lookiing for somewhere to go. I am sure Corel would prefer we move to Paintshop Pro but I don't like Corel and have heard good things about Affinity.
The endometrial surface morphology of 38 dogs during different stages of the estrous cycle was investigated with scanning electron microscopy. The cell surface altered from convex in proestrus and estrus to very variable in early metestrus, flattened in late metestrus and became completely plane in anestrus. Microvilli were numerous and long in proestrus and in estrus, became short and variable in number in early metestrus, decreased further in length in late metestrus and became very short and rare in anestrus. The variable appearance in early metestrus was not influenced by changing the osmolarity of the fixative and might be a physiological process. The number of glandular openings showed little variability throughout the estrous cycle. Ciliated cells were rare but present in all cycle stages except in late metestrus. However, in the latter cycle stage and in anestrus rare single strands were noted. Transmission electron microscopy was used to determine the inner structure of these strands. Microtubuli were detected in transversal and longitudinal sections but without the 9 + 2 arrangement which is characteristic for cilia. The nature and function of these structures remain unclear.