Bionicle Mask Of Light Movie Download

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Elin Lidstrom

Dec 23, 2023, 2:34:58 AM12/23/23
to Polly Development

The film takes place on a tropical island in the Bionicle universe. According to legend, the Great Spirit Mata Nui created the island's masked Matoran inhabitants. Mata Nui was sent into a coma by his envious spirit brother Makuta, who began a reign of terror over the island. His reign ended when six guardians, known as Toa, freed the island from his regime. The Matoran, alongside the Toa and Turaga leaders, live in Element-themed regions of the island. The events of the film take place during the latter half of the 2003 storyline.[1][2]

The film starts when two Matoran from the fire village of Ta-Koro called Jaller and Takua discover a Great Kanohi, a Toa mask imbued with Elemental power in a cave, and Takua is rescued from a lava wave by the Fire Toa Tahu. The two Matoran later participate in a multi-tribal game of Kohlii, the island's national sport;[3] the match reveals developing tensions between Tahu and the Water Toa Gali. At the end of the match, the Mask is accidentally revealed and the Turaga recognize its powers. They announce that it heralds the arrival of a seventh Toa destined to defeat Makuta and awaken Mata Nui. Jaller and Takua are sent on a quest to find the Seventh Toa, guided by the Mask. In the meantime, Makuta sends three Rahkshi, beings born from pieces of his own essence, to retrieve the Mask. The Rahkshi invade Ta-Koro in search of the Mask, destroying the village. Tahu is poisoned during the assault, causing his behaviour to become increasingly erratic and worsening his already-strained relationship with Gali.

Bionicle Mask Of Light Movie Download

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The characters of Bionicle had been portrayed in various ways across multiple media, including the official comics, Flash animations used for online videos, and CGI commercials for the sets. The team decided to use the models from the CGI commercials as their working base for the film models. Before commencing with designing the characters, the team went to Lego's Denmark headquarters and received lessons in the Bionicle design process. The team were originally not going to alter the characters that much, but they needed them to be emotive, which necessitated a redesign. The first step in creating the character models was redrawing the skeleton, then adding muscle pods that would interweave with the skeleton: the muscle gave the characters a more textured appearance, and were added to the shoulders, calves, abdomen and chest cavity. Each character was given a "heart light", a pulsating light in their chest which would fluctuate even when the character was stationary in-shot. They also adjusted the eyes, making the sockets shallower than on the sets and giving them a pupil-like glow. While redesigning the Toa, the team consulted with the original Lego staff to determine what materials the characters were made of: the muscles were compared to rubber, the bones described as a mesh of titanium alloy and carbon fibre, while the armour was made of Kevlar. In general, the outer shells remained mostly unchanged from the sets, although the visible gears were removed and armour was fitted to their backs.[18] The Toa were also bulked up a little when compared to their sets so their feats would be believable for viewers.[1]

Several external features were redesigned for the film, including the introduction of a movable mouth to allow for a more human character, and a four-pronged mechanical tongue to make them look less like dolls. Other characters used lights behind their masks to form mouth movement. Particular emphasis was placed on the eyebrows and lips of characters.[1][10] The main change from the original models was the inclusion of hands, which was a necessity if the character performances were to be made realistic.[17] Custom texture maps were created for each character so they would appear unique.[10] In addition to reinventing old characters, the team created original character designs with Lego staff. Makuta, who had only been briefly glimpsed in the comics and web animations, was created through a "Frankenstein principle", taking parts and pieces from multiple Bionicle sets to create the ultimate Bionicle villain. Other original creations included Takua's pet crab Pewku, and a Gukko Bird designed to transport two Matoran.[10] The Rahkshi are described by Bob Thompson as "like hounds hunting down the [Mask of Light]".[3] They were created by Swinnerton, and comic writer Alan Grant helped develop their characters. They were designed to appear more machine-like than the rest of the cast, and their design were strongly inspired by the bio-mechanical artworks of H. R. Giger.[1]

Intrigued and thrilled, Takua removes the totem from its pedestal, triggering a booby trap causing the ground to shake and the stepping stones to sink into the lava. Takua, knocked off balance, accidentally drops the totem into the lava, which, to his astonishment, reveals a golden Kanohi hidden within. Takua grabs the mask from the lava and inspects it, noticing an incomprehensible inscription on the inside of the mask. Suddenly the earth begins to tremble, and the Matoran turn to see a huge wave of lava rushing toward him. Takua throws the mask to Jaller and tries to use his Lavaboard to surf back across the stream, while the lava waves nears. However, before Takua can be overtaken by the lava wave, Toa Nuva Tahu surfs across the lava and grabs him, surfing over the edge of a nearby lava-fall to escape the wave. As they fall toward a lava pool below, the Toa of Fire thrusts his Magma Swords into the side of the cliff, slowing and eventually stopping their descent. Tahu then uses his Kanohi Hau Nuva to protect against a falling stream of lava, and they climb back up to Jaller, who rushes to his friend, reproaching him for his carelessness. Tahu notices and briefly studies the golden mask, telling Jaller to show it to Turaga Vakama. The Toa then urges the Matoran to return to Ta-Koro in time for the championship kolhii tournament, and surfs away. Jaller stores the mask in his backpack, and the two Matoran return to Ta-Koro.

The Toa, Turaga, and numerous villagers from the competing villages Po-Koro, Ga-Koro, and Ta-Koro watch from the stands of the Ta-Koro kolhii field as the kolhii match commences. The teams, composed of Takua and Jaller, Hewkii and Hafu, and Hahli and Macku, play the match, in which Takua attempts a very difficult move but fails spectacularly as the ball hits Vakama. At the end of the game, the Ga-Koro team emerge victorious. As the three teams bow to the Turaga and Toa, the mask slips out of Jaller's bag and shines on Takua, to universal awe and amazement. Takua, however, discreetly shifts the mask to shine on Jaller.

After the game, a special meeting is held by Tahu's Suva to discuss the revelation of the mask. Turaga Nokama, using her Noble Kanohi Rau, translates the inscription on the mask. She announces that it is the legendary Mask of Light, the Kanohi Avohkii, which is destined to be worn only by the Seventh Toa, who, it is said, will finally free the island of Makuta's shadow. Unlike the other six Toa, this Toa would have to be found. Because Avohkii had appeared to shine its light on Jaller, the Turaga designate him as the Herald of the Seventh Toa, and charged him with the duty of searching for this Toa. After some persuasion on Jaller's part, Takua is sent along as the Chronicler to record the journey's events. At the meeting's end, Tahu chooses to stay in Ta-Koro, Pohatu leaves for Onu-Koro to spread word of the arrival of the new Toa, and Gali travels to Kini-Nui to contemplate these revelations.

Meanwhile, riding on Pewku, Jaller and the Chronicler make their way to Le-Koro. As they wander through the jungles of Le-Wahi, they encounter Graalok the Ash Bear, who attempts to frighten them away, thinking them to be intruders. Jaller climbs up a tree and jumps down on top of the Ash Bear. Before either the Matoran or Graalok can be hurt, Lewa appears and entangles the Ash Bear in vines, and prevents Jaller from stabbing the mother bear. To aid Jaller and Takua in their journey, Lewa offers the two Matoran a Gukko as a ride, and leads them in flight toward Ko-Koro, where the Mask's light is shining. However, they are forced to leave behind Pewku, who is too heavy to fly with them. Jaller and Takua land roughly on the top of a glacier above Le-Koro. While the Matoran are talking with Lewa, the Toa hears the Le-Koro drums beating, and tells the Ta-Matoran that Ta-Koro has been destroyed. Jaller despairs and attempts to return to his village but is dissuaded by Takua and Lewa. Lewa departs, deciding that it is his duty to go back to Ta-Koro and aid his brothers. Shortly thereafter, Jaller and Takua meet Kopaka, whom they were unintentionally following, through a Ko-Koro snowstorm. With Kopaka leading the way, the Matoran travel toward Ko-Koro.

On the other side of the island, Lewa has just arrived in Ta-Wahi, too late to help defend against the invasion of the Rahkshi. Tahu berates himself for his inability to protect his village. Gali reproaches him, to Tahu's sharp reply. Despite Gali's attempts to encourage the Toa to stay together, Tahu walks away angrily, the infected scar on his mask gradually changing his mask's color from red to a sickly green.

After reaching the Onu-Koro Highway, Takua and Jaller follow the mask's light into the darkness. Inside the tunnel, Takua is separated from Jaller and Pewku while playing with some glowing blue vegetation, and comes face to face with Makuta's large, glowing, disembodied red eyes. The master of shadows attempts to persuade Takua to hand over the mask, threatening Jaller's death. Takua refuses to betray his fellow villagers and runs away, but is frightened out of continuing the journey, and leaves Jaller to search alone. Afterward, within Mangaia, Makuta releases three more Rahkshi: Vorahk, Kurahk,Turahk.

Takua at first flees along with the rest of the Matoran, but then rides forward and attacks Kurahk with his kolhii stick. He is easily beaten, and Tahu, who arrives to help, steps forward to defend the Chronicler. Tahu is struck with anger from Kurahk, which, aggravating the poison in his mask, causes him to fight against Gali when she tries to aid him. Lewa flies Takua out of the battle zone, telling him to go and warn Jaller. Back in the battle, Tahu is blasted with water from Gali, frozen by Kopaka, and brought out of Onu-Koro. As all this happens, Pohatu hurls his Climbing Claws at Turahk while it scales a wall. Takua, who rides away on Pewku, escapes the searching Rahkshi, and Onua accidentally brings the entire ceiling down on both the two Toa and the remaining Rahkshi, destroying Onu-Koro.

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