A Beautiful Sight for a Festive Season

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Dec 25, 2012, 11:21:33 PM12/25/12
to Annie Deng
Dear Friends,

   At this truly wonderful time of the year, I send you my sincerest greetings and warmest wishes! Happy holidays and may you find joy and success in all your endeavors!

    While we celebrate, let's not forget those who are still in need of help. Spread your holiday spirit by sharing your time, talents, and love! I have found NewYorkCares.org to be a tremendously useful tool in discovering volunteer opportunities. Muck out a house, serve a hot meal, sing a few carols. Charity gladdens the heart. 'Tis the season of giving, won't you give it a try?

Cordially yours,
☆*:.。. o(*^_^*)o .。.:*☆

Picture from the Robert Daniel Jones Memorial Shelter
at St. Mary's Episcopal Church of Manhattanville

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