It is time for America to use our military to force Israel to return the occupied territories

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Apr 10, 2012, 7:10:34 PM4/10/12
to Politics and Electoral Reform Working Group
It is time for America to use our military to force Israel to return
the occupied territories

Israel has failed to obey 69 UN resolutions and the UN passed
Resolution 242 calling for Israel to withdrawal from the occupied
territories. Article 49 Geneva Convention shall not transport or
transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it
occupies and that is exactly what Israel has been doing since their
1967 war.

I demand Israel leave all the occupied territories and turn it over
all the land on West Bank to the Palestinians. I support ending all
foreign aid to Israel until they leave the Occupied territories and
turn get rid of its nuclear weapons.

If we care about the long-term security of Israel it is time for
America to use our military force to return the occupied territories
to the Palestinians.

For the history of terrorist attacks conducted by Israel and their
history of espionage against the US SEE,

For more about how Israel has been treating the Palestinians

Dick McManus for Congress, 2nd CD-WA, 2012
Democrat, Everett/Mill Creek, WA
Chief Warrant Officer/counterintelligence special agent, US Army,
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