Elected Democrats for Bush's Prosecution

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Apr 13, 2012, 6:31:05 AM4/13/12
to Politics and Electoral Reform Working Group
Elected Democrats for Bush's Prosecution

This website is to be used as a petition of elected Democratic Party
Leaders at all levels of leadership within the Democratic Party from
voting Precinct Officers on up the chain of leadership and any
Democrats elected to public office.

By joining this website you are saying that you demand our party pass
a resolution for the prosecution of George W. Bush et al for high
crimes and war crimes.

Furthermore, we are declaring that any and all Democrats elected as
party leaders or elected to public office that does not sign this
petition, they are guilty of being an accessory after the fact to war

Furthermore, we note that the highest duty of elected party officials
and public officials is to take care that the laws are faithful
executed. In other words, if we know a crime has been committed, even
if committed by the former President of the United States, we will not
rest until he is charged, brought before a court and stands trial.
Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives,
relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or
prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after
the fact; one who knowing a felony to have been committed by another,
receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon in order to hinder
the felon's apprehension, trial, or punishment. U.S.C. 18
In other words cowboys/cowgirls, sitting back and doing nothing has
the result of hindering and preventing a trial of AWOL Bush et al for
high crimes and war crimes.
The Bush Administration’s Liability for 269 War Crimes

Two Years Left to Prosecute Bush

29 February 2012: USA 1 March 2012. Elizabeth Holtzman knows
something about struggles for justice in the U.S. government. She was
a member of Congress and of the House Judiciary Committee that voted
for articles of impeachment against President Richard Nixon in 1973.
She proposed the bill that in 1973 required that "state secrets"
claims be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. She co-authored the
special prosecutor law that was allowed to lapse, just in time for the
George W. Bush crime wave, after Kenneth Starr made such a mockery of
it during the Whitewater-cum-Lewinsky scandals. She was there for the
creation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in 1978.
She has served on the Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government
Records Interagency Working Group, bringing long-escaped war criminals
to justice. And she was an outspoken advocate for impeaching George W.

Holtzman's new book, coauthored with Cynthia Cooper, is called
"Cheating Justice: How Bush and Cheney Attacked the Rule of Law and
Plotted to Avoid Prosecution -- and What We Can Do About It." Holtzman
begins by recalling how widespread and mainstream was the speculation
at the end of the Bush nightmare that Bush would pardon himself and
his underlings. The debate was over exactly how he would do it. And
then he didn't do it at all.

Holtzman ends her book by pointing out that legal accountability can
come after many years, as in the case of various Nazis, or of Chilean
dictator Augusto Pinochet, or of the murderers of civil rights
activists including Medgar Evers.

In between, for the bulk of the book, Holtzman, a former district
attorney, lays out the prospects for a prosecution of Bush and others
on charges of lying to Congress about the grounds for war, wiretapping
Americans, and conspiring to torture. This is an excellent sampling of
the many horrors on the list of Bush's abuses, and clearly the three
areas in which Holtzman believes a prosecution would stand the best
chance of success. Her analysis of the war lies parallels and builds
on that of Elizabeth de la Vega, another former prosecutor who has
written on the topic.

Holtzman adds an analysis of the steps Bush took to protect himself
from prosecution in this and each other area. She also examines his
possible legal defenses, finding some of them strong and others easily

In each area Holtzman finds charges that would stick, if our laws were
enforced. She also finds charges that would have stuck, had the
statute of limitations not elapsed, and others for which a couple of
years yet remain. Holtzman believes charges for conspiring to defraud
the government with war lies could be brought until January 20, 2014.
She also believes that charges for violation of FISA could be brought
until that same date, pointing out that changes made to the law have
not provided immunity for prior violations of what the law used to be,
and that immunity has been granted from civil suits but not from
criminal prosecution. Charges of torture, Holtzman concludes, could be
brought at any time in the future.

Holtzman argues for lengthening the statutes of limitations for grave
abuses of power, for creating a special prosecutor, restoring the War
Crimes Act, reclaiming protection against unchecked surveillance,
recovering missing records, pursuing civil cases, impeaching torture
lawyer turned judge Jay Bybee, and looking abroad for hope and change.
She sees some chance of the International Criminal Court pursuing
charges of torture.

This book is an ideal guide for a prosecutor with nerve and decency,
although we haven't found one in this country in the past several
years. Other than Kurt Daims who is running for the office of Town
Grand Juror in Brattleboro, Vermont, which voted to direct its police
to indict Bush and Cheney four years ago, I'm not aware of any
prosecutors in the United States with plans to pursue this kind of


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