Lies to get the US Congress to vote for a resolution to make war on
Iraq and Afghanistan, and lies to keep the Congress funding the wars
I have put together facts that must be looked at in relation to the
fact that the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed by a
controlled demolition and make me ask the question of why Bush and
Cheney went to so much trouble to lie about the threat from al Qaeda
having a WMD. Remember a dirty bomb is no more dangerous then a
regular bomb.
For example, On Jan 24, 2002, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle
claims that on this day Cheney calls him and urges that no 911 inquiry
be made. He is repeatedly pressured thereafter. (Newsweek, 2/4/02).The
Bush administration tried to stall the 911 commission investigation
for one year and later starved the commission of funds and refused to
share much information with the Commission.
For the rest of the story see
or Why we need a new investigation of the mass murder on 9/11 Part 2
to 4