brutal reality

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Sep 24, 2009, 3:17:50 PM9/24/09
to Political Irony
in the end i don't think the public option or health care debate will
make much difference to a lotta me. i'm on Medicaid, have
been for years. poverty sux. anyway...been trying for several days now
to fix a problem Medicaid created by not setting up my renewal as a
phone appt but as face to face. got it rescheduled to phone then that
worker never called. so have been calling several times a day since to
find out whassup. this is classic Medicaid. i've not used Medicaid in
several years even w/ a heart condition due to their insane
transportation policy..oh, they'll provide transport to your
appointment but you first have to find a doctor who accepts Medicaid,
then figure out what to do about your children still at home cuz
they'd don't allow them w/ you & if you can't sort that all out...oh
well. so it is not just an issue of having policies in place but the
actual people in place as well. the doctors. the nurses. medical
staff. Medicaid staff to answer a freaking phone. expanding
transportation to include indigents w/ dependent children. that kinda
thing. i do want it on the books as a general rule day my
child will be an adult & given how things are now probably indigent in
need of public assistance...or maybe at best lower income in need of a
public option. but atm...this does nothing for us but make me worry
what it will mean to others who have to endure the public option
growing pains or worse yet that it really does become another
Medicaid. its very sad & scary. so for now for me...if i'm not able to
connect w/ Medicaid...i will do as so many others do ..if i absolutely
must have medical care...go to the ER. it will have to be literally
life or death though. something that i & many others live w/ every
day... chronic health issues we bandaid along until we just can't any
longer. i'm hoping i can hold out til she's older but ...


Deb Thoughtdancer

Sep 24, 2009, 4:30:30 PM9/24/09
Most of my life I've not had health care. Contract work (and being "pre-tenure" is contract work) means that I dared not *be* sick.... right until the clinical depression nearly took my life.

I find reading this site hard, sometimes. The irony gets so close to home that it hurts. I'm still a financial wreck, still don't have decent health, and no where are they talking about the rest of the health care needs--like my teeth falling out or my brain turning to stressed out gruel. 

Sure, I'm working on a novel. And sure, my partner's a software developer (so the layoff that's coming shouldn't hurt too hard, we *should* find something else soon).  But in reality, the only thing between me and being indigent is a few months with no job. 

Just fixing the insurance isn't going to fix the problems. Cyn needs far more than just insurance. My teeth don't need insurance, they need a dentist. I don't like it, but even with the public option, most of the plan is going to help the insurance industry. Not people.

And that's just wrong.


Sep 24, 2009, 5:38:44 PM9/24/09
to Political Irony
well its much more about poor or working poor or soon to be poor in
America. the 800 lb gorilla in the room no one wants to talk about. or
our crumbling medical infrastructure. or our craptastic aid to
indigent/medically needy community programs that are awash in
regulations that drive people into the streets & under the radar. just
saw an article somewhere online about people living in tunnels under
the casinos in Las Vegas. one dude had been there for 3 yrs. :0 we
don't just need to socialize medicine we need to socialize period.
there are people dying of curable disease here. people dying of hunger
here. not some far off country. but right here. right now.
anyway..babbling. no one wants to talk about the brutal realities. i
am thankful for internet access..such that it is...i at least have a
clue how the so called real world sees things. cuz out here in my neck
of the woods... its a totally different picture. any moves towards
change like a public option are good. but there are much larger issues
that have yet to be even mentioned let alone addressed. major reason
was having Repugs in DC for so long. Repugs & Cons have no clue how
brutal life really is for far too many people. i'd hope the Dims &
Progs would get something going...but now i wonder. if i had the means
to do it...i'd love to immigrate to a country that did consider all of
its citizens not just the wealthy healthy. but i can't.
again...babbling. :)
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Eva Douglas

Sep 24, 2009, 6:03:19 PM9/24/09
There are statistics all over the place telling what happened in the eight years under Karl Rove.  The distance between the very rich and the very poor has widened drastically.  Health care has increase three times in eight years.  Our money was sent to Iraq.  Our jobs sent to China.  This happened.  Now we have a hero to reverse that trend.  Meanwhile after having GWB on the puppet strings for sixteen years, Karl Rove now has Glenn Beck on the puppet strings to convince you that there is nothing wrong with this country.  If you ever get to meet any of the 9/12s, shake their hand and tell them you have never met a real live puppet, brainwashed by Karl Rove.  Karl Rove is in his element at Faux News.  Glenn Beck is not only not educated, he wants the attention that Karl Rove can get him.  You are to accept the status quo.  You aren't to complain.  Glenn Beck is a mouth for Karl Rove.  He loves the attention.
I can't believe how few people are upset about the tax cuts to the rich that Karl Rove shoved down our throats through Bush.  I don't hear anyone up in arms. I was when I did my tax return last year and found I had no tax obligation to the IRS with my 20K income because of the tax cuts to the rich. I yelled in the forest, no one listened. 
You must let your elected representatives know how you feel.  I certainly let Schumer know. I contact him all the time.
You must rid the country of those in position of authority who think that you don't count in this world.
Karl Rove wants the Unions kept but to have no power.  He wants no one but the top 5% of the people in this country to have any wealth, any power.  "The aristocracy and the peasants"  that would make him happy.
We elected the answer in a brilliant man named Barack Obama.  He is heads and shoulders more intelligent than Karl Rove.  Support Obama.  Support him with everything you have.  Use the White House Web Page to let him know how you feel about things.
Defeat Karl Rove.  He keeps very much in the back ground.  I don't watch television so I don't know how much you hear about him.  He leaves no trails of his infamy.
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