More Karl Rove politics

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Eva Douglas

Oct 21, 2009, 7:09:22 PM10/21/09

I think that the response of the White House should be that when Fox News gives more than Fantasy and brainwashing by Karl Rove, then Obama will acknowledge Fox News as a new station.

Daniel Habtemariam

Oct 22, 2009, 11:04:27 AM10/22/09
to Political Irony
Eva, you're right, but can you imagine the reaction conservative
Republicans would have if the White House used words like yours?
Their heads would explode.

It's truly sad (and scary) that a certain segment of the American
public has no clue that Karl Rove/Faux spews right-wing nonsense
instead of news. (They are very sly though, and so they mix in a bit
of news, weather, etc. to make it look like a real news channel.)
They are sick and dangerous people who are often successful in getting
people to vote against their own interests. Just look what their
favorite fake cowboy (Bush 43) did to America.

Above all, let's not forgot the Internet. It has higher ratings than
all of the cable news networks. And more liberals.

Eva Douglas

Oct 22, 2009, 6:55:32 PM10/22/09
I'm reading "A tragic Legacy"  It has interesting premises.  Like all the books about Bush, one has to do research on the authors.  The author stretches things.  I use Wikipedia to research things.   It might be slanted also.  so I keep reading.  A year after Iraq was invaded, 70% of the people in this country still felt that Iraq had something to do with 9/11.  I'm still getting e-mails from people "support our soldiers in Iraq, they are protecting our freedom."  I blow.  Each of those e-mails get a response.  We were invaded by terrorists.  Over 3000 people died on 9/11 so that Bush would invade Iraq.  We should congratulate him.  Over 4000 more of our country have died at Bush's hands in Iraq.  He has done much better than Al Queda.  How many lives and marriages were also ruined by the "family man"?  According to this author, the whole mess was Good on our side against Evil in Iraq.  For that Bush destroyed two countries.  Ours and theirs.  3 Trillion in the hands of the reconstructionists.  Most of them from our country.
90% in February of 2003 felt we should invade Iraq.  I don't have a television so I listed on the radio and read on the Internet.  I'm one of the 10%. "What does Iraq have to do with 9/11?" I would ask.  Of course, Fox News was spawned by the misinformation and has become cancerous.  Can you see why I have been crying for nearly seven years now.  Crying for the perfidy of our country.  Crying for the innocents in Iraq.
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