OK Canada, lets take the U.K. back a couple of years, the year I inadvertently happened across child porn sites, grew furious and accumulated all of the links I could possibly find in that porn ring I stumbled upon and sent the links off to the entire U.K. Federal Parliament, Federal and Provincial governments across Canada including approximately a thousand M.P.P.'s M.L.A.'s M.P.'s Senate, Prime Minister / Ministers / Premiers / RCMP / Supreme Court of Justice urging them all not to look at the sick sites that the links took you too, while demanding that they all report this to the authorities immediately “and wouldn't you know what happened next was that the very next year it was made law that you have to report such Porn to the authorities upon finding it and also since then that department of the law fighting such child abuse was since from there much better funded to aid in the protection of children not only here in Canada but in the U.K. As well. That I think was about the last time the Parliaments of the U.K. Have heard from me directly until now and it was my pleasure to play my part in being there for the well being of children across the globe as I continue to do such on many levels right to this day. Now it is time for me to once again play my part in bringing us closer to an age of foundational understanding focusing mainly on some Primary global issues. By the way, the very next year I found another child porn ring and exposed them to the entire governments as mentioned here in Canada once again only this time included that it was the law that they had to report it! [I am pretty sure I still have those sent e-mails, one of my e-mails dates back to 1999 on my free hot mail account. (That article I never released to the public because I didn't want those links to circulate throughout society, I wanted them banned and gone before general public / anyone got the chance to see these sick things which is why I took these measures.)]
Red = The primary information highlighted within the following compositions.
Blue = Narration and what I have added which I would like you to see within this array of Primary Information.
Supreme Court HIV Disclosure Case Is A No Brainer!
In Bold are clips copied directly from the online site of City News Canada. In between I add outstanding support to one of these two sides.
But lawyers for Mabior and the Quebec woman, who cannot be named, both argue such a sweeping responsibility for disclosure unfairly strips those carrying HIV of their right to privacy. This could have a chilling effect which could "discourage people from being tested and treated for HIV and further endanger both themselves and the public," Mabior's lawyers argue in their submission.
Does convicting a murderer not invade that murderers privacy aka Paul Teal / Bernardo. (when it comes to life and death situations, that is when human rights take a back seat because after all according to the law is it any ones right to murder or in this case taking the chance at someone elses expense to potentially murder knowing you carry the risk?!) If someone offers free ice cream along the way to a clinic, this might discourage people from getting tests done! Being a single guy who does get lucky once in a while I get get tested about once a year (give or take) for potential signs of any STD in my blood and I will continue to do so no matter how much harsher penalties may get for not disclosing such information when diagnosed with HIV! Won't stop me!
Condom users or those who have a low enough viral load to make transmitting the disease unlikely should not be punished, they argue. Criminalizing everyone who has sex without disclosing their HIV would "open the floodgates" to ridiculous prosecutions.
Key words, Viral load = infection no matter how concentrated obviously carries the risk of transmitting the disease! How many people that are infected got infected through transmission by someone with a so called low enough viral load is relevant to closing this absurd angle. How many of them got HIV when their infected Partner insisted upon and ensured the use of a condom? Oh and condoms never break. (sarcasm without laughter)
"It will serve only to turn law abiding citizens into criminals regardless of their efforts to protect their partners by complying with public health advice on HIV prevention. Such a result would shock the community and serve only to further stigmatize the virus and anyone living with it."
If they are law abiding citizens then they obviously are willing to tell people they have the virus in the first place because law abiding is that important to them. Keeping it so that people with HIV have to tell sex partners before sex that they have the virus has been the law for how long / 1998? Do our communities look or sound shocked that this law has in any way further stigmatized the virus?!! Well lets have a look at before this law was made, what was the rate of infection growth before this law compared too after this law. (go by percentage of population in Canada Or even in the U.K. before the law and after) If anything I suspect it has helped to reduce infection spread because the infected are aware that if the do not disclose the information it could lead to serious conflict with the law.
Defence lawyers for the Quebec woman echo those arguments. They say Canada lags far behind other countries when it comes to HIV infections. The law is crying out for modernization and clarification of what constitutes "significant risk," they say.
Canada lags far behind when it comes to HIV infections? That is a good thing and here they are trying to make it ok so that infected people can go around spreading the disease so Canada can catch up with other countries? What kind of sick twisted minds come up with this stuff?
"We submit that only the actual intentional transmission of the virus should be criminalized, as in most of the Commonwealth countries."
If you know that you are infected with HIV and you have sex with someone without telling them, then that quite obviously is intentional whether they contract the virus or not!
I feel for people with HIV, they didn't ask to get it and it is quite the responsibility to have to tell anyone you want to have sex with that you might infect them because if you don't accept that responsibility then the law will have to accept that responsibility for you because lives are at stake.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The Demise Of Religion In The 21st Century, Secondary Support
Unfortunately religion has diseased our evolutions / civilizations / cultures on Earth with war and divide / to the death of millions if not billions over pathetic foundations of religious lies for thousands of years.
Despite the many delusions the religious will attempt to feed you, the essence of something proven to be no more than a lie aka “god” (as proven within this very article) is a tool devised by the selfish and the greedy to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many.
Devising lies which have lead the globe to war and divide for thousands of years / to the death of millions / billions is a sick excuse for any kind of answer. I will include that info again within this article which proves the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. I noticed not anyone has ever come close to contest even so much as a shred of this very factual information! Instead, like so many other religious the religious try and make up excuses / try to make anything else the issue all the while evading the very facts which prove that every religion is based upon a foundation of lies thus exemplifying ignorance towards what fact proves which so clearly reveals ignorance as religions only defence.
Those who care to make mention of Darwin, I will add that (I never read the book or Darwin's writing but I have heard enough from hundreds enough of people over the almost 41 complete years I have lived to extrapolate the primary focus on the subject) evolution only happens when life occurs. Adapt / evolve to survive within your ever changing environments / habitat. Look at the many racial variations of human which have evolved differently in different environments / climates on Earth.
Someone recently asked me:
“If you draw a theoretical line in your head on your desk, from north to south, then keep drawing it right into the stars and beyond, and keep going. The line will go on forever as time wont end, and the space wont end. The line will become infinitely long, but it wont become infinitely small as there is a point of beginning. Looking at the world in this way, there cant be any 'nothing' but there should be a start. But what is the flaw of thinking here?”
My response:
The flaw in thinking there is that you seem to be trying to substitute an example of something going poof into existence out of nothingness by trying to make the issue into the beginning of visualizing a line. For that line to begin, it first took your energy, your matter, and your time to visualize it. For you to come into existence, it took energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Yet before your beginning / your birth, everything it took for you to consist to be able to be born or even consist of now already existed in different forms of energy and matter! Thus no beginning and no end, only change for when you die your energy and matter through time re creates energy and matter as before you were born, you already existed yet you came into the form you now inhabit through the process of energy matter and time re creating energy and matter. You honestly could not see that flaw? Glad to be of assistance!
And by the way, however big the universe is / may be and however big or not anything beyond it may be it still doesn't detract from the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. And to this mere theory of a Big Bang, no bang big or small can first occur without there first be energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Otherwise lets have one factual example of a bang occurring without there first be the energy, matter and time to re create energy and matter. Right, no one will ever have an example because it doesn't happen.
“What constitutes as a real religion?”
The following of a foundation of lies. The foundation of every religion is some ridiculous story about how everything came to be. Again I will include the non contestable factual information that proves every religion is based upon a foundation of lies within this very article.
No religion is realistic, they are all factually proven to be based upon a foundation of lies and these lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions over thousands of years. (I have seen many religious try to play the “my religion is better than every other religion” card, yet they are obviously too stupid to see how even that leads to war and divide let alone they evade the non contestable factual evidence which proves that the very foundation of “every” religion is based upon lies.
I factually exist, my abilities factually exist yet my abilities are yet to be proven. I have faith / believe in my abilities to accomplish my goals and one of those goals being the destruction of religion through sharing the non contestable facts that prove the foundation of every religion is based upon lies coupled with the fact that these lies have lead the globe to war and divide for thousands of years. Yet, my abilities are yet to be proven so to have faith or to believe in my abilities are at least reasonable because again I exist as do my abilities.
Again science is the process that determines fact through peoples beliefs in their own abilities to prove their visions endure the process and upon completing a process with success, that process becomes a formula and that formula becomes the fact. Example, nuclear bomb, harnessing electricity, television, computers, cares, planes, thermometer etc.
Religions are based on factually proven foundations of lies upon which these so called beliefs are now proven false. The religious, having been programed to lie by this disease known as religion, think they can hide the fact that fact reveals them for the delusional liars they prove to be. Sure if the matter was factual evidence proving a religion verified, every person of that religion would be recognizing it without a hitch, but since the factual evidence proves that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, of course the greed and selfishness that comes with the following of such deceptive lies as every religion is based upon, it is more important to the sickly religious to value lies more than they value life so they choose ignorance in hopes that it will delusionally hide that fact reveals them for the lying fools they already prove to be. It's like I live on a planet full of children and you know how easy it is to catch a child in a lie and stand there and watch them while they try and make up other lies to hide they are caught.
Again here is that non contestable factual evidence and at the bottom I'll include an extra paragraph to clear up the one thing that I notice people ignore which is clearly included within this very factual demonstration I am about to share.
It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness which is proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be because the only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is because energy matter and time are always present. Nothing is able to come into existence, let alone be able to process a thought or put that thought into motion via action without there first be the energy matter and time it takes to re create energy and matter which proves that there is no such thing as a god. (foundation of religion is some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be!)
Which is the very non contestable evidence which not only so easily proves that there is no such thing as a god, but that the very foundation / fundamental of every religion is based upon lies.
At best there is some alien life form [of which again "For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter."] taking credit for what even created it thus proving again this alien is no more than a liar for taking credit for what even created it / us and everything throughout the universe in it's present form!
Praying or worshipping is a disgusting sign of ignorance towards respecting your environments for what they do or do not provide for you. All these people of all of these religions who's fundamental is a lie known as god pray to or worship this lie/god thus acknowledging that they also believe that this lie/god has intellect to be able to understand worship or prayers to begin with. Yet for anything to first come into existence to be able to develop an intellect or to use that intellect to put a plan into motion thus re create with the energy and matter already present, it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any of this to first occur because again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness.
And now that extra paragraph.
I have noticed that upon several occasions during interaction with people on various web sites that immediately after reading that which has already been shared, they then have the nerve to ignore that which was already in what they just read and ask me well where did energy and matter come from then? The answer as already revealed within that very demonstration: Proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness. You want to contest any of this as fact then quite simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness or just one factual example of anything that exists going poof into nothingness. No one ever will share even one example and I know this quite simply because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter!
This, what I am about to share certainly doesn't detract from the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. I personally suspect that a Black Holes end possibly births a Sun, a Suns end Births a Planet, a Planets end = debris, a black hole consumes debris. Whether this basic demonstration of my theory be our universes cycle or not, it still does not detract from the fact that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter because beyond this educated guess, primarily anything whether it be a black hole, a Sun, A Planet, you, me, if aliens exist, for anything to first come into existence in it's present form it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Oh and by the way, at least a Sun is proven to exist, same with a black hole, a planet, you, me are all factually recognized as existing because we actually do, as well exists the possibility of other life forms exist. But like my belief in my abilities, are yet to be proven. This information is also, as clearly demonstrated previously within this article, the non contestable factual evidence which proves that the very foundation (ridiculous story) of every religion is based upon lies.
No matter possible theories, beyond it all is a sure thing because how we, everything around us came into existence is simply right down to the very fundamental that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.
Lives are worth more than lies and only the selfish and the greedy / the lowest of the low while basking in a puke of ignorance will tell you different!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
(The following is most certainly far from the same old stereotypical garbage that the media attempts to feed you and the public)
The Sick Minds Of Homosexuality / Genital Mutilation Deception
These people with mutilated genitalia are pretending to be something they are not in attempt to deceive heterosexuals (disrespecting heterosexuality) into thinking they are getting a real woman born with a vagina or an real man born with a penis. When these heterosexuals are tricked, homosexuals then attempt to make it the fault of the heterosexual for homosexuals with mutilated genitalia going this far out of their way to deceive heterosexuals thus take advantage in this most disgustingly deceptive of ways!
There are all of these other surgeries other than the genital mutilation to help them further deceive heterosexuals! Reverse Adams apple / face lifts / bone shaving / oestrogen or testosterone doses and yet homosexuals claim it is the fault of the heterosexual for being deceived. This is the kind of mentality that infuriates me with disgust! No consideration for anyone else that homosexuals go so far out of their way to deceive heterosexuals yet have the delusional brain to turn around and make it out to be heterosexuals fault that homosexuals go so far out of their way to deceive unsuspecting heterosexuals, who are heterosexuals in the first place which quite clearly means heterosexuals don't want to have homosexual sex or mutilated genital homosexual sex because we are heterosexuals!
This is disgusting and an outrage that any heterosexual be taken advantage of in such an offensively infuriating way for it is plain insanity and as a heterosexual activist that backs all of his claims on fundamental Canadian and global issues with non contestable fact, I'll continue to share the fact that these operations inevitably lead to unsuspecting heterosexuals sickly being taken advantage of in this most disgusting way. To top it off, do you all see the homosexual mentality I am now responding too, in my experience on this very issue I find that is what they do to try and justify their sick conduct by delusionally making it out to be the fault of specifically heterosexuals! It is not funny for any heterosexual to be subject to be taken advantage of in this way, It is not acceptable in any way shape or form!
If any so called heterosexual wants to have sex with a person with a mutilated genitalia of the same sex mutilated to look like the opposite sex, then that person is obviously not heterosexual to begin with because that person is either Homosexual or bi sexual. Heterosexuals only desire to have sex with other heterosexuals who have the genitalia they had since they were born / who have never had their genitalia surgically mutilated and that is what makes us heterosexuals!
If you were born with a penis, that is what makes a male, male. If you get that penis mutilated to look like a vagina, then you are still a man with a mutilated penis. Anyone who has sex with you is either a heterosexual you deceived in a most inexcusably disgusting traumatizing way, or that person is a homosexual / bi sexual that is aware of your genital mutilation. Again, heterosexuals are heterosexuals because we have sex with heterosexuals. If someone is looking to have sex with a homosexual of the same sex who has their genitalia mutilated to pretend to be the opposite sex then it makes that person looking to have sex with them bi sexual or homosexual once again! Here we have mentality / sexually insane abusing any kind of respect for heterosexuality!
To top this all off, That Canada's Government funds this sick nightmare / encourages unsuspecting heterosexuals to suffer this sickly deception just so some sexually / mentally messed up individual can continue with this conduct is completely insane!
Homosexuals go around expecting everyone to just accept them for being a homosexual and yet they can't accept it when someone claims to be heterosexual. They go way out of their way to try and deceive heterosexuals thus disrespect heterosexuality with having absolutely no regard then these homosexual mentalities then turn around and blame heterosexuals for being taken advantage of and cry hate crime every time their sickly actions come with repercussion.. (again they have genital mutilation, bone shaving, Adams apple reversal, face lifts etc. all just to deceive unsuspecting heterosexuals.) They try and degrade heterosexuals down to homosexuality through deception then have the nerve to whine hate crime when their deceptions catch up with them. Or attempt to manipulate the heterosexual while ignoring their deception towards the heterosexual in the equation in the first place!
That is what being homosexual is all about these days, whine and complain about homosexuality while going around crapping on heterosexuality and doing anything they possibly can think of in attempt to degrade heterosexuals!
News flash homosexuality doesn't even come close to equalling heterosexuality for the obvious reason that thanks to heterosexuality we even exist, and if it were up to homosexuality to sustain the population, we would have died off thousands of years ago for being a race of sexually defective imbeciles!
We obviously need some legislation preventing this from continuing to further disease our heterosexuals with homosexual deceptions thus ending such funding and criminalizing anyone who offers genital mutilation in Canada! (I do not see why not in the U.K. as well everywhere else on the globe) There ought to be laws aimed towards those with mutilated genitalia to be charged severely for touching anyone in any intimate way without first making clear their genitalia was mutilated just so they could pretend to be something they never will be, the opposite sex. This will save many heterosexuals from such traumatizing humiliation, and perhaps lives and physical health of such sexually / mentally messed up individuals.
Why do jails encourage homosexuality yet prevent heterosexuality! Now that is plain sick discrimination that a homosexual can go to jail and continue practising their sexual defectiveness while heterosexuals really have to pay the price for being in jail! Talk about a free ride!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Canadian Governments Encourage A Murderer As Childrens Role Model!
Hundreds of years ago a man murdered children in attempt to perpetuate his own so called immortality (from what I have read over various websites and seen on the Discovery Channel (come to think about it, it may have been on Show Case) within the past few years, there are hundreds of years of documentation revealing that people lived in fear of this Saint Nicholas because of his bloodshed upon innocent little children) and since then, Christians saw this as an opportunity to propel their religious filth thus glorified this murderer of children into someone who goes around bringing presents / someone to look up too for poor innocent little children. Yes I am specifically speaking of Saint Nicholas / Santa Claws.
For years now, every year around December I write an article about this very sick, disgusting and appalling occurrence to raise awareness with all Canadian Federal and Provincial Parliamentarians with e-mails including all Ministers, Premiers, Prime Minister, MP's, MPP's, MLA's, Senate, Supreme court of justice (about a thousand) across Canada and not one of them have ever responded even expressing the slightest bit of concern!
How would you like it if the children in your family were murdered and then the murderer of these children was then glorified by religious filth and made out to be someone good for children to look up too?
How would people like it if Karla Homolka was the one being glorified or Paul Bernardo for murdering your children? That is exactly what is going on only these poor children were murdered hundreds of years ago by the guy now being glorified as someone for children to look up too, on this sick planet diseased with religious filth and is obviously not only ok with our Canadian Governments, they encourage this disgusting inexcusable filth Upon Canada every year!
When the Saints come marching in, hide your children! I bet in lieu of this that the Canadian government's next step would be to encourage Canadians put Ted Bundy's Name and every other murderers name on childrens presents and make him / them out to be a good guy for them to look up to as a role model because what do they care that a murderer is being propelled as a role model for children to look up too?! They already do it with Santa Clause! (I mean really what excuse is for the lack of concern on this subject from within governing bodies especially?)
(every) Religion is (factually proven to be based upon) a filthy foundation of lies which have lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years but the Canadian government obviously doesn't care as they quite clearly demonstrate through evading the very non contestable factual evidence I have been sharing with them for years that proves this beyond any shadow of doubt because lies are quite obviously as they so clearly demonstrate with their evasions of addressing the facts that prove it, is more important to them to hold pathetic lies as precious than to care / even have concern that such lowly filthy disgusting sickly lies (foundation of every religion as factually proven) have been leading to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years.
Again here is that non contestable factual evidence and at the bottom I'll include an extra paragraph to clear up the one thing that I notice people ignore which is clearly included within this very factual demonstration I am about to share.
(The following is the same as outlined in red within the previous article titled “The Demise Of Religion In The 21st Century, Secondary Support” It is well written, thoroughly explained, brief and most importantly not contested simply because it is supported foundationally by fact)
It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness which is proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be because the only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is because energy matter and time are always present. Nothing is able to come into existence, let alone be able to process a thought or put that thought into motion via action without there first be the energy matter and time it takes to re create energy and matter which proves that there is no such thing as a god. (foundation of religion is some ridiculous story of how we / everything came to be!
Which is the very non contestable evidence which not only so easily proves that there is no such thing as a god, but that the very foundation / fundamental of every religion is based upon lies.
At best there is some alien life form [of which again "For anything to first develop intelligence, or come into existence to develop an intelligence, or use that intelligence to come up with a plan or put that plan into motion (to first be able to create / re create) it takes three things, it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter."] taking credit for what even created it thus proving again this alien is no more than a liar for taking credit for what even created it / us and everything throughout the universe in it's present form!
Praying or worshipping is a disgusting sign of ignorance towards respecting your environments for what they do or do not provide for you. All these people of all of these religions who's fundamental is a lie known as god pray to or worship this lie/god thus acknowledging that they also believe that this lie/god has intellect to be able to understand worship or prayers to begin with. Yet for anything to first come into existence to be able to develop an intellect or to use that intellect to put a plan into motion thus re create with the energy and matter already present, it first takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter for any of this to first occur because again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness.
And now that extra paragraph.
I have noticed that upon several occasions during interaction with people on various web sites that immediately after reading that which has already been shared, they then have the nerve to ignore that which was already in what they just read and ask me well where did energy and matter come from then? The answer as already revealed within that very demonstration: Proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Again not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness. You want to contest any of this as fact then quite simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness or just one factual example of anything that exists going poof into nothingness. No one ever will share even one example and I know this quite simply because the fact remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter!
Ignorance is religions only defence!
One final point
They have been teaching religious filthy lies to children, so it is just as easy to remove the religious filthy part and replace it Canadian Laws and Governing 101. Sure public schools could easily gear themselves this way cost effectively.
We have something called public schools, again gear it like the filthy religious schools only instead of taking advantage of innocent little children with religious lies, teach them the laws and governing we are all expected to abide by and pay for. A very cost effective method. Why do I bring this up again:
Children are being abused from being raped, to being beaten, to being kept in a cage living in / eating feces etc. I'm sure that sick list goes on and I would think that anyone with any decent sense of morality would wonder how this is allowed to happen especially when these children are attending public schools? It is because for days of now the way an abuser gets away with abusing a child is quite obviously making that abusers lies that child’s reality thus allowing the abuser to continue to abuse the child. How do we stop this, mandatory education of governing ways kindergarten throughout high school thus ensuring children realities are no longer the lies the abuser feeds them because their realities become the laws and governing we are all already expected to abide by and pay for! I have been sharing this for eleven and a half years now and yet children are still being abused and we are not being educated of the laws and governing we are all expected to abide by and pay for. It is not only people as children that will benefit but as these children become adults they will be less susceptible to be taken advantage of thus less deprivation thus less corruption.
I think that it is sad that Canadians pay our governments to be ignorant towards such major concerns, which basically means that I have to continue to do my part until I have accomplished my goals for the well being of the future of all life in Canada and on the Globe! Well since no one within our Canadian governments have the guts or perhaps even the brains to back it up I'll continue playing the part of Canada's Guts and Brains until perhaps I rub off on them well enough! This is my job and I do not plan on failure!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Remember, just because I love and care about you, doesn't mean I have to like any of you or am going to treat any of you as individuals with respect you do not deserve! I love my temper ;) as it is put to good use whether anyone likes it or not!
(Even though my primary directives as an activist are focused upon the well being of the future of the life on this planet as I spend much of my time of fundamental global and Canadian issues, sometimes I extend myself to tackling various issues I stumble across, such as this following Provincial issue here in Ontario Canada. It demonstrates the fury and the anger of being bush wacked by your own governing system in one of the most modernly thought up rude ways I have seen in a while. Of course within this article are many surprises such as the made mention of my work in correlation of the title and contents of this entire message you now read. Only when I initially wrote it, it slipped my mind that I had the U.K. Parliament on my lists at the time. That was when I thought of what a splendid idea for an icebreaker to include once again include the U.K. Parliament. I think the problem here lies with Provincial lack of commitment towards competence with mathematics as it looks like a last resort / desperate plea to bush wack citizens in such a not so appealing and surprising way. The Ontario government stopped citizens from getting tax returns monies, and decided to dish it out in supplemental cheques from my understanding on a monthly basis starting in June. Of course I didn't find this out until I went to do my taxes.)
Ontario Government Victimizes Low Income Citizens Into Starvation
Whats a low income person suppose to do now? In the past low income people could cash in their taxes for an agreed amount of their refund of which was deducted from the cash back money supplied in that refund. Now with no refund thanks to this Ontario Government bushwhack, how are many low income people going to even afford to do their taxes? I bet the Ontario Government took into account that low income people are apparently tax geniuses thus allot of low income people can do their own taxes (me being very sarcastic) and because low income people are generally not even familiar with how to fill out a tax form (I myself have never even done it), allot of tax returns will now not be done at all. Of course the Ontario government must be aware of this which is in part why they did it, to play banker and gain interest of monies not claimed while claiming to do this to help the poor! Deprive poor people of the last thing / only thing they have too look forward too to cover up your previous scandals and call it a raise in monthly cheques or a supplemental. Of course because of such things as recent past government scandals, the Ontario government is in deficit and now they feel necessary to deprive the poor of that one thing every year they get to use to replenish old raggedy clothes / to eat decent for once a year (once a year a small portion of money that amounts to a small fraction of what these greedy vacant minded Provincials make in a week!) and use that money to supplement our future subsidies and without even being warned! Remember people it is the poor who can no longer afford television now that it is off the air waves to suit corporate greed via digital grave robbers. I myself haven’t come across a 24 hour news station via radio (like duh) let alone television was just fine and digital was an option at the time!
So what is in store next year, ya going to line up the poor and call it a mercy killing?!
What is all of this amounting too? Depress the poor into suicide? Deprivation of television, now deprivation of tax refunds?
This is appalling and I think you within the Ontario governing Parliament have all worn your welcome very thin if you have any at all left so very early in this term in office!
So this rule applies to everyone otherwise it is clearly discrimination against the poor. Doesn't matter of your income is OK and you get back thousands, you get it in supplements otherwise the government is clearly practising discrimination.
So why would this government do such a thing?
A) Allot of people will not be able to come up with the money to do their taxes thus will be no supplemental for them at all.
B) The Premier of Ontario is religious and seeks to make the public wine in using the poor religious lowly filthy excuse as a reason to get upset.
C) Delaying tax refunds allows government to play banker / use the money to gain interest.
How about we evict you from government tear up your pathetic pensions etc. and condemn you and your families to get no other opportunities / employment or otherwise for the next 50 years. You and your families live on welfare! Live with the bugs, the mice, the crack heads, the depressed and even get to eat out of a food bank, oh yeah the life of luxury that I bet you would all love!How does this appeal to you?! In my opinion, this is what you all and your families in hindsight of what you think of low income people deserve and would certainly look good on you in a reasonable twist of irony! You wish this upon the poor so why not your own families. As an activist, I have spent the last 11 and a half years fighting for the well being of the future of the life on this planet. A few years ago (approx 5) after fighting while working different jobs I began to realize that this task is way too much to be exemplified as a mere hobby so I decided to give up on my own selfishness to give my all in the fight for the well being of the future of the life on this planet.
(I know, as an activist I am hard on my subjects but I do have my reasons)
The government funds me welfare / social assistance / what they call here in Ontario “Ontario Works”to do my job. This gives me a fine education of what it is like to be poor, and with my talents and abilities what better experience for me to gain then among those of us who have it the toughest so I can learn about it and be there for them if need be. Well just so happens that it need be.
What have I accomplished as an activist you may wonder.
For starters I would like to say that you do not have to strive for perfection to be the best. You also do not have to be perfect at spelling or grammar to prove you are smarter than all the rest. Anyone that calls this blasphemy is because they are an ignorant little fruit cake still trying to make stereotypical mind control nonsense precedence by giving you the old“just because spelling or grammar doesn't interest you to be perfect at it, or because you do not seek to be perfect in any way shape or form that you could never be better at anything or smarter than anyone who does seek such perfections” BS has certainly had me step up to the plate on several frontiers to easily prove them the foolish liars they are. I am now a specialist and ignorance / the filthiest kinds of greed are my primary targets on global and Canadian fundamental issues.
I would like to say also that someone recently asked me, why should the public have to pay you “welfare”when there are others getting paid thousands to do the same job. For starters this person didn't name one other person on this globe that does what I do, and quite simply because there is no other. Secondly I also do what I do because society has fallen apart into a bliss of sloppiness so badly, that apparently people are way too caught up in their day to day lives (provide for your family etc) to have the time to pay attention to whats going on in this world and further more, dig into the fundamentals of these, and sometimes ancient problems that are otherwise going to be thrown at our children / grandchildren in a greater heap of corruptive projection if continued to be left unattended. Every generation the people ignore things, things get worse and the next generation instead of addressing the problem, ignores the problem then it gets worse / escalates and handed down etc. never being accounted for and further making a mockery of society. I am a human being of many extreme talents, but I gave it it all up for the well being for the future of the life on this planet to dedicating my life to understanding human history and pioneering the information to end the major cycles of corruption from individual throughout international levels for us all and you are all lucky to have me let alone while this world literally starves me to death for the exemplary work I do! If I continue to starve to my death these next few months because the Ontario government isn't taking poverty seriously and instead deems furthering suffering as priority then the world loses a gem over pathetic brainless moronic ignorant crap . I have proven it time and time again through backing my claims with non contestable fact on primary Canadian and global issues before the entire Canadian Federal / Provincial governments / Media Thousands of social internet groups / celebrities / common folk / friends etc. over the last 11 and a half years.
How about going back a couple of years, the year I happened across child porn sites, grew furious and accumulated all of the links to the sites and sent them off to the entire (federal U.K. Government as well as the) entire Federal and Provincial government including a thousand M.P.P.'s M.L.A.'s M.P.'s Senate, Prime Minister / Ministers / Premiers / RCMP / Supreme Court of Justice telling all to report this to the authorities immediately “and the very next year it was made law that you have to report it as a citizen upon finding it and that department of the law was since from there on much better funded.” But oh no not one of you I bet even made mention to the public that I had anything to do with any of it. By the way, the very next year I found another child porn ring and exposed them to the entire governments as mentioned once again only this time included that it was the law that they had to report it! (I am pretty sure I still have those sent e-mails, one of my e-mails dates back to 1999 on my free hot mail account. (That article I never released to the public because I didn't want those links to circulate throughout society, I wanted them banned and gone before general public / anyone got the chance to see these sick things which is why I took these measures.)
I sat back and watched the government for years (as we all have) cower from dealing with 1 / 6 nations issues until I brought up the fact just a couple of years ago that when treaties were created after the early 19th century wars with U.S.A., they were created because the First / Six Nations (why not call yourselves / and live like Canadians?) wanted nothing to do with government, they wanted land so that they could chief themselves. Yet these days, now they get Canadian governing services and expect land claims to still be valid! Now I admit the government still appears to avoid the protests etc. even though I gave them a leg to stand on. Last I heard (again the poor have no T.V., no news since the air waves were cancelled for digital greed) the 6 nations were claiming Toronto Queens Park as their land and they were (from what I heard) claiming they were protesting greed. Yeah right, when settlers arrived there was about enough 1 / 6 nations people across North America to moderately populate Cuba and now hundreds of years later are trying to claim that the entire continent / half the world belongs to them and they go on about protesting greed! Oh right, there were enough of you to populate a small fraction of the entire continent means to them that they some how seem to think this means they deserve ownership over all. How is that not greedy?!! Protesting greed please.
I back the government up on everything I see them do that makes sense such as even way back to the pit bull ban in hopes to help quell the public because why not just let people walk around with a lion on a string if your going to let people walk around with Pit Bulls. (sure some of you remember) I back the government on closing the doors to publicly funded religious anything because such filthy lies of which every religions foundation is factually and non contest-ably proven to be based upon and children deserve better than to be poisoned with such filth as such lies have already lead the globe to thousands of years of war and divide / the death of millions / billions!
What puzzles me is that aren't children whats important to our future? A) Children are being abused from being raped, to being beaten, to being kept in a cage living in / eating feces etc. I'm sure that sick list goes on and I would think that anyone with any decent sense of morality would wonder how this is allowed to happen especially when these children are attending public schools? It is because for days of now the way an abuser gets away with abusing a child is quite obviously making that abusers lies that child’s reality thus allowing the abuser to continue to abuse the child. How do we stop this, mandatory education of governing ways kindergarten throughout high school thus ensuring children realities are no longer the lies the abuser feeds them because their realities become the laws and governing we are all already expected to abide by and pay for! I have been sharing this for eleven and a half years now and yet children are still being abused and we are not being educated of the laws and governing we are all expected to abide by and pay for. It is not only people as children that will benefit but as these children become adults they will be less susceptible to be taken advantage of thus less deprivation thus less corruption. If you think I'll ever give up until I complete my goals or face death even if that means soon I starve to death because our Ontario government are acting as honourable as a bunch of skid marks in your underwear then think again!
Or how about that it is I that has been sharing that since created and for hundreds / thousands of years since created Marriage honoured the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our existence which is quite obviously heterosexuality because again did a farmer ever marry her pig? No! Did a herder ever marry his goat? No! Did a man ever marry a man? No! Did a woman ever marry a woman? No! Thus is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves marriage honours the one sexual orientation to which we owe our very existence. Yet our pathetic and weak federal government imposed ignorance towards this fact under false threat of discrimination from the sexually defective (gays / if it were up to gays to sustain the population we would have died off thousands of years ago for being a race of sexually defective)! Or even years ago I was the one that pioneered the factual info proving that sexual orientation was never an equal or human right and that info is quite simply beastiality, incest and paedophilia. Just before Television went off the air waves, I saw some religious nut job on TVO giving a lecture like he was the one that pioneered the information all these years later and of course he was abusing that info by trying to use it to perpetuate his religious filth!
I have been sharing for years the non contestable factual evidence which proves every religion that exists / ever existed is based upon a fundamental / foundation of lies. No one has even come close to contesting this proof with even so much as a shred of validity. These lies have lead to the death of millions / billions over thousands of years and continue to lead us here on Earth to war and divide and yeah I have been sharing this information for 11 and a half years and do you think our governments exemplify even so much as a shred of concern to this, one of the largest global motivation of destruction. Ignorance is religions only defence and we all know the government certainly doesn't lack ignorance because again how many of them are religious and keep in mind that ignorance is religions only defence. It takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter, not anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness which is proof that energy matter and time always was, is and always will be because the only thing that doesn't change is that change occurs and that is because energy matter and time are always present. Nothing is able to come into existence, let alone be able to process a thought or put that thought into motion via action without there first be the energy matter and time it takes to re create energy and matter which proves that there is no such thing as a god. (the foundation of every religion is a lie about how we got here) I am the pioneer of this information and I am more than proud to relentlessly continue the good fight for the future of the life on this planet as I continue to share this information for global awareness leading to change / in this instance progression.
I also set out to make the very best Single Player and Multi 3 vs 3 Player Age Of Mythology with and without the Titans expansion scenarios ever created (Way better than even the ones that came with the game). I include with every scenario, the info for gamers to find more of my work and when they look, they will find years of activism as well the games I made. You can find these and two new Age of Wonders Shadow Magic scenarios by searching for DavidJSpetch in YouTube. Click on my member name and it will take you to my channel page where on the left hand column you will find the links to the free download able scenarios. If I can single handedly make Age of Mythology bigger than ever before then people most certainly will more so find my work thus become aware of the Canadian and global issues I address with the foundational facts I share.
I could go on and on about my accomplishments and primary directives (my work that I take very seriously), I know I have impacted the globe and Canada. And for the low low price of starvation, never getting to go anywhere, and now I do not even for a month get to eat good or replenish my rags because the government just blind sighted the poor with no longer getting tax returns. I got no notice, I owed money expecting to pay that money with my taxes and now that I can't pay that money from a tax return I do not get, I get to starve this month. Of course with the 50 bucks I had left from my cheque I was so furious I grabbed a 26er of vodka to quell my temper / anxiety and some cigarettes so here I sit! No television because I can't afford it, no money to go anywhere or do anything as well I get to starve. Thanks allot especially for not even warning us! Most of my cloths are like 10 years old with wearing holes and it would have been nice to replace an article or two of clothing. I have the inner strength to wear rags and wear them well but I certainly feel for those who don't. Aside from saving the poor from starvation or homelessness I would think that someone like me would have Canadians feel all that much more worth while to fund social assistance, that there is someone out there pulling down the hammer for the well being of the future of all for it is all moving into the future together for better or worse so enough ignorance, it's time to make things better for our future.
Many, living off of the system have a problem called the lack of ambition from those for example with serious drug addiction or prostitutes that abuse the system by collecting services while what they call“working” Oh yeah it's ok to scam the government in every way as long as you are a prostitute, you don't even have to pay taxes for working, get paid top dollar, still get to fight the court for extra rights they aren't even taxed for while they collect welfare! Speaking of scam, I wouldn't doubt it that low income people are going to be furious and increase our theft problems after what you have done but I bet that is part of your plan to get low income people behind bars so they will be easier for you to manage!
I have seen / learned many things of society living among the poor, and as one of them I stand strong for us all. I am very likely to write a very insightful piece sometime in the near future to genuinely further help society remedy our problems.
Yes it would be nice to help people remedy their drug addictions etc. so we can grow stronger as a Nation / Globe but it would be nice to have enough jobs to go around to accommodate such a new demand, however if you think about it, with black markets crumbling, new interests will take place on legitimate terms of our legal society structures thus increase prosperity in the amount of legal jobs available. It would also be nice to make prostitutes pay taxes for their so called work just like every other legitimately working person.
I will remind you all that I am going to seriously starve this month, if this bothers you then you may plow this Ontario Government until they at least release our tax returns immediately (since they screwed up at this time of year, deny shut down of any government structure throughout these so called holidays so that poor people can get what they deserve while this religious propaganda filth gets put on the back burner where it belongs, and also plow this government until they account for their scandals!
As a poor person on Welfare in Canada over the past few years I have learned that you pretty much have to live out of a food bank, You never, and I mean never have the money to do anything or go anywhere because if you do that means you are going to starve even more than you would by going without! The worst month to go to a food bank is in December because you can only go to one food bank and some years all you can get is pasta and sauce and you get the religious trying to pass the publicly funded food drive stuff on you like some sort of religious filthy gift!
Oh December for the poor, less food then any other time of the year, now no income tax refund which again once a year only amounts to a fraction of what these provincials make in a week, this year no more television, can't afford to go anywhere or do anything. Again whats there too look forward to for the poor, a mercy killing?
How is the government helping low income people with their idea of supplementing them with their own tax refunds let alone especially when allot of those low income people can't afford to have their taxes done without the refund?? Why do these people in government continuously get away with polishing their own heads with their own back sides? It's time you release poor peoples tax returns immediately!
Well I have so many things to say right now I could go on and on but for now this will most certainly be enough. I will leave you with FYI. The last project I completed in support of my Activism was in October when I made 4 of the best scenarios ever created for Age of Mythology all with inclusive info on how to find my work. These are the very best of the best and the level of sophistication turned into fun will blow anyone who ever played AOM away. I was exhausted, and without television, also my local library was / is still being renovated I decided it was the perfect time for me to take a much needed break. Normally I would be prepping my strategies but I barely have enough food to live for a short while as long as I do not go anywhere or do anything. How depressing, thanks allot Ontario Government for screwing the poor over so well and for giving no heads up.
Proud of who I am / what I have become and what I do!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
( these following 3 articles, are about aircraft needlessly putting citizens lives at risk only to show boat over residential areas in any city, were arranged so that you may see them as they were released instead of newer to older. They likely cover everything about the subject and more. They also offer an alternative to the problem. I Guessing citizens of the U.K.'s lives are being subjected in such a way as well.)
1) Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment / 2) Revenue Explosion Canada / Lets build the first Roller Coaster Stadium(s)
Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment /
How many people can be instantly killed when an old fighter / bomber Jalopy / jet or a pair of synchronized planes / jets screw up? What is the excuse, Tradition? So what ...you are going to keep this as tradition until what ~ when people get killed only so you can show boat a couple of jets over a football game?!
I can see that people would want to do something exciting at a football game for example to keep fans entertained during half time. Don't try telling me that this is the only thing you can come up with especially when it puts the lives of Canadians in the middle of a city all around a stadium at risk just to promote a little excitement at a football game.
I'm not attending the football game and the football stadium isn't located near the airport and Hamiltonian's lives or the lives of those in any pro ball city are worth more than being put at risk just to get your kicks off at a ball game!
A couple of years ago, I phoned Andrea Horwath's (MPP) office as well David Christopherson's (MP) office on this issue. I got their voice mail so a left a message asking if they could get back to me at the number I was at if either of them would just direct me to whom to address this issue. I waited for approximately a month and neither of them returned my call. Don't tell me that being concerned for the well being and safety of peoples lives is not worth cause for addressing this issue which is exactly about the government letting private enterprise put citizens lives at risk just to entertain at their event! I was living in Hamilton East who was represented by Andrea and David, so I gave them both a piece of my mind and knew the day would come that I would address this issue once again on a larger scale.
A great place for the stadium = The Airport!
That way if people want to put their lives at risk to see an air show they can do it under designated air space, not residential areas otherwise put your brains together and come up with a way of entertaining without risking our / Canadian citizens lives over entertainment at a ball game or any event for that matter!!!
13 years ago when living in Ottawa Ontario Canada (I did ice storm clean up for Cumberland, Did high rise swing stage restoration in Ottawa and Tent erection / part supply delivery and removal all over the area) I looked up and saw a couple of jets synchronized flying one day. I turned my head and saw a cop car heading my way so I looked into the police man's eyes while pointing my finger at the sky and made like I pulled a trigger of a gun at the planes (FYI I am not into guns). He then aggressively pulls up on the curb like I am some sort of smart ass or trouble maker, gets out of his car as he demands "What are you saying?" so I replied "You see those jets synchronized flying up there, how many Ottawa citizens are going to get slaughtered if they make one little mistake while flying over residential areas? Get them out of the sky!" I then proceeded to walk away as he then backed off onto his radio as he must have realized I wasn't being a smart ass one bit!
I know that it is not only in Hamilton this has occurred (flying jets over residential areas for entertainment purposes) so this looks like it could very well be a federal matter to me. I also know that they say there are less plane crashes than car crashes. Yet what they don't mention that I recall and I am just guessing a ball park figure that there is what, about 1 plane in the air for every 100 000 - 200 000 cars on the road? All it takes is one mistake and many people who are not even willing to attend such events could be dead in the crack of a whip and all for what? Someone in private enterprise paying someone else to put my life / other city goers lives at risk just to entertain at their show! Who in governing is responsible for allowing this?
I know allot of people love football, and I see the entertainment value for society as a whole in having such as pro sports in general. People are proud of their teams, and even become dedicated fans. I know that half time requires a little entertainment for the fans while the players take five. Putting people in a residential areas lives at risk to do this is quite obviously not worth it. I know that I don't want to be hearing that people died because of someone else putting their lives at risk only to entertain a few people in a stadium in the middle of a city. I will most certainly will not avoid bringing this to all of your attention quite obviously because it is time we put a new plan into action before things eventually go badly instead of waiting for civilians to die before changes occur.
I'm also, for this article, going to include CFL as a part of my federal mailing list in hopes that they have the decency to take it upon themselves to make such changes before government, I am confident, soon adjusts legislation. The sooner the better obviously.
Hey you want to fly something over a stadium just to entertain a few fans, then you had better invent the first Nerf helicopter or make sure that the stadium is under designated air space AKA Airport!
Needless Risk Of Lives Lost In A City Over Entertainment (think of the headlines especially in the event of disaster) How does that reflect upon the CFL / The Government / You?!!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I looked up CFL contact info and found no e-mail so I will contact them from their site in their feedback section as well.
Off The Wall (slightly off topic) minor addition:
Speaking of Hamilton and Ottawa ...
As far as the Cops in Ottawa go, I got a kick out of them. I came out of a 3 story bar one night in Market Square to an intersection with about 20 Cops standing in a circle talking in the middle of the street so I shouted at them "Aren't you guys suppose to be at Tim Horton’s?" They all looked at me and one of them said something like "How would you like to come for a trip to the station" I stopped and facing 20 of them just down the street I replied "Hey, I'll kick your ass" a second of pause and all of us just bursted into laughter. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it.
Back to Hamilton, a question for Mayor Bob Bratina. Is the reason that the public computers (library) were downgraded so badly because of budget cuts? That is my guess but really it has raised a slight bit of curiosity. I love that we even have public internet access, it is just a little bewildering as to why it feels we just went from 2011 back to the 1990's.
Revenue Explosion Canada / Lets build the first Roller Coaster Stadium(s)
Before the game, half time, after the game get ready to ride the coaster / watch people from the bleachers as they scream along the track. I would opt to make it a quiet yet sizable track because a wooden track for example would be too thunderously loud surrounding and throughout the stadium / bleachers in my opinion. Talk about an attraction. a serious hard core revenue generator and likely to spark a whole lot of new interest towards foot ball ;) Just make sure it is safe. Perhaps even make a Football theme park attraction with perhaps a few rides in front of the main entrance would be a nice touch out of it for off days / off season when games are not being played and perhaps even a rotational band shell for inside the park stadium during games, and towards the theme park during off days / season. Allow a couple of decent permanent restaurants to be established. It would generate revenue alright and could put the CFL popularity through the roof. Don't do the Coaster Stadium Theme Park cheesy, do it with style and consider making the stadium with a few more seats than anticipated is the only other thing I request for the construction of it.
Designing a safe yet thrilling quiet ride around a stadium for a few good screams especially for entertainment at half time would definitely be an exciting / safe alternative to showboating aircraft over residential areas..
... and of course, "The Cat Coaster" (Ti Cats in Hamilton for example) ceases operating during the game lol ;)
All would rock and people would be pumped / happy and visiting the Theme park perhaps all year round.. What better place to sign autographs and promote CFL on site. Investors would likely leap thousands of feet in a single bound to get in on this. Sure it would cost millions, but especially in the long run would quite obviously be worth it / pay itself off easily.
Having written the article titled "Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment" yesterday (today is Sept. 07 2011), I put my mind to the test to help even more so encourage an alternative opposing air craft show boating over residential areas was the very best I could come up with as well help the CFL spark interest and if it turns out to be the wave of the future then everyone involved benefits. A few minutes of my time could revolutionize the whole football franchise and make the environment we live safer for everyone. It is worth it for me to take the time to shoot this out there.
Something like this would definitely spark interest for even me to check it out (honestly, always loved to play sports but never got into following professional sports myself as I am more so inclined to focus the majority of my time on fundamental Canadian / global issues to resolve problems for us all over the world where as others may focus more of their time into their passion of sports) from there, it is up to the CFL to work their magic. Sure I could throw a little more of my magic your way CFL, it is for a good cause. Just describe what it is you are looking for and if I don't have an answer in the crack of a whip, in my off time I'll see what I can come up with and get back to you.
Of course the parking lot would be fullest during games but even a nice carnival joining the theme park every now and then and even throw concerts during off time would bring even more people to the theme park to potentially spark new fan base interest in football. How do you spark new fan base in football / you offer promotions of safer environment for everyone and pleasures that appeal to general non sports fans to spark that interest in football duh. Piece of cake and my pleasure CFL / Canada. If this Original / creative multi beneficial package does interest you, make me a fair offer CFL / cut me in, I'm not greedy. I think that the Canadian Government will even want in / benefit on this one for you all to ponder as you all get this info and yes I obviously will again include the CFL my mailing list for this one. People from all over the world will come ;) Oh and a nice on site hotel would be convenient / optional.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
CFL Official takes risking Canadian Citizens lives as a joke
After posting these two articles
1) Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment
2) Revenue Explosion Canada / Lets build the first Roller Coaster Stadium(s)
Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:35 pm on the CFL Official web site I got an easy 700 views and 77 responses / posts over 2 days.
Here are the 8 responses of opposition to these articles. These are posters who tried to defend CFL needlessly putting citizens lives at risk in cities / residential areas to do it. This was the very best they came up with. If any of you can give a better opposition, please do feel free to brinf it on for I am ready to go.
1) by -Hammer Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:11 pm
"Are you kidding ME!
That old jalopy is the Avro Lancaster, specifically the Andrew Mynarski Memorial Lancaster, a man who won the Victoria Cross! It's the Dam Buster, it helped win World War II and is an integral part of our military heritage! It's part of our history and a welcome part of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. It's a completely airworthy plane, and if you had half a brain you'd realize that a large number of Aircraft from that era are more then airworthy and still used today such as the DHC-2 Beaver and the Douglas DC-3. Unreal. "
2) by PIGSEYE Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:18 pm
"Seems to me that same standard would have to apply to any noncommercial plane. There must be hundreds of private citizens flying their planes for pleasure/entertainment every day over every major city in the world, no? You want to ground all of them too?"
3) by MadJack Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:20 pm
"May as well ban automobiles too, when people drive cars, sometimes they get into accidents and people die."
(this next response, Hammer quotes Pigseyes response and adds)
4) by -Hammer Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:24 pm
"We're gonna have to also close both Toronto and Montreal's airports too, given that they are both surrounded by populated areas."
5) by wolverine29 Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:36 pm
"And then there's the beer, oh and don't forget all the heart clogging burgers and hot dogs, and soda pop with high fructose corn syrup which makes people obese. Keep up the good fight David!!! LOL"
6) by joedavtav Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:16 pm
"To the original poster from a commercial pilot and aerospace engineering grad:
Show me a tangible statistic that demonstrates air show flyovers of sports games is any riskier than walking your dog and I'll give credence to the idea that they shouldn't be done. In the absence of such information, I'll continue to enjoy the flyovers.
To your concern about 'designated airspace'... Would it surprise you to know that Ivor Wynne Stadium is in John C. Munro's control zone which extends a 7 nautical mile radius from said airport. So for all intents and purposes, IWS and the majority of the populated city of Hamilton is in the same 'airspace' as CYHM.
As for altitude restrictions over cities... here's an excerpt from the Canadian Aviation Regulations:
(link edited out)
Given these are high performance airplanes travelling a high speed only 1 nautical mile from Hamilton harbour, I'd bet they meet part (a) of this particular regulation by a long shot when flying over IWS.
Planes fly over cities all the time. Many airports have been developed around and people willingly buy homes and set up businesses along departure and arrival paths of aircraft. There is risk to everything. We can't stop flying merely because a plane could crash.
If we applied a no-fly rule over any semblance of cityscape or any population of people, we'd best stop all forms of urban transportation with a probability of catastrophic failure equal or greater than that of aircraft. So this means no transportation on highways, railways or shipping routes.. all such transportation must stop because some statistically improbable but ultimately inevitable event will happen...
See KHL plane crash... By this line of reasoning, all air transportation for sports teams must stop or we will lose another. Well you know what? Unfortunately we will lose another be it 10, 50 or 200 years from now. They might as well walk since buses are known to go over bridges and boats have foundered at sea. Ah wait... people have died falling down stairs, no stairs for sports teams either...
If you die in a plane crash or as a result of a plane falling on your head, it was your time. Tragic but it was less likely than dying in a car crash, being murdered or falling. We can learn from every disaster what unlikely chain of events lead to the disaster and continue to improve our safety but we will never have a 100% disaster-proof system of anything.
(link edited out)
Fireworks could blow into a crowd, concert stages collapse in freak windstorms and a plane could crash into a stadium during a sports event (though probably as likely from a random transport aircraft as a flyover air show plane).. Guess what? An asteroid will eventually strike the planet too!
We can't stop living because things that are improbable on a day-to-day basis inevitably do happen over long periods of time.."
7) by MulderS Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:22 pm
"When was the last time a plane doing a stadium fly over crashed?
I live in Belleville, and the military TRAINS the pilots to fly, they have many hercs and jets going on ALL THE TIME. No one complains. When was the last time there was an issue? No one here can remember. Risk the life is citizens? Yeah Right Buddy. Quit blowing hot air. This complaint will never take off. They've been doing it for years in Hamilton.
You'd think there's way more of a risk in Belleville than Hamilton. Military Base CFB Trenton right around the corner, as I said, There is not a single day the planes are not in action. And now flying high either, Probably at times lower than I've seen in Hamilton at games. And your UPSET at what? 9 days a year? Just Labour Day? "
8) by Dust Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:27 pm
"I wish they did more flyovers at the stadiums for games.
If you want your life devoid of entertainment build yourself a bomb shelter, I won't judge. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of better causes that you could be using your time to help promote. When I read the initial post I think of tin foil and a hat."
My responses to those comments:
1) Oh right in your bubble where planes never crash and Canadian citizens lives especially in heavy populated cities are worth less than entertaining a game at everyones expense Hammer.
You ask if I am serious / kidding ?!
2) PIGSEYE, well said and yeah, why should anyone get such pleasures flying private jets over residential areas when it risks the lives in the cities below?! That would be next on my list on this topic! You want to risk your own life flying, do it over non residential areas!
3) MadJack / when someone goes on to the street / on the road, corosses a road etc. you accept responsibility as a driver / pedestrian knowing that cars are going to be there. Me not being at a stadium having my life put a risk like I / all other citizens in surrounding residentials etc. don't have a choice in the matter just so some private enterprise can entertain a few fans is a completely different matter. If it were at the airport, people would know the risk they are taking in going and all city goers lives would not senselessly be put at risk.
4) Hammer, you are absolutely correct. When cities are planned, it helps to have someone that knows what they are doing when planning it rather than having to eventually reconstruct infrastructure and locations for different venues etc. However, at least these Airports are not putting people lives at risk just to show boat over residential areas surrounding the airport are they and if they are I'll be all over it. One other thing to consider, when an airport is built, and you buy a house near the airport, the price is cheaper because of the noise and risk you accept to live there. But yeah eventually for the safety of surrounding residents in any city, it is wise to place airports just outside of a city.
5) I didn't respond to wolverine directly since I already covered my point as revealed in responses 3 and 4. In other words it is peoples choice to consume beer, burgers, hot dogs, soda pop, corn syrup etc.
6) Joedavtav, OK because people walk their dogs and some people get attacked, that is just cause why you put Canadians lives at risk just to show boat over residential areas? Sounds like the old "don't throw the murderer in jail because there are plenty of murderers out there just going to murder anyway" speech in defence of needlessly putting citizens lives at risk. In the article I quite clearly point out that before this happens it is time for a change and yet you appear to be the type who would rather it happen before you are deprived of showboating over events. Are you willing to accept responsibility in the event of disaster when it does, if allowed to continue, happen?
well it is obviously time to change designated air space then Joe.
Joe, Altitude is not the issue.
Planes fly all the time sure, but they are not showboating over residential areas are they.
People are willing to buy property around airports because they are willing to take that risk to get their property cheaper. where I live is no where near the air port because I opt not to take that risk.
ships don't fly over cities, cars don't fly over cities, and if you want to go in the water or on the road, it is because you accept the risk.
even a crowd watching fireworks have the choice to be there knowing the risk.
7) MulderS I have already blown away your so called conflict on one or more occasions right here on this very thread. If you go back and read you will see that what I share with you now is verified. Are you willing to accept the responsibility, apologies to the families etc. when there is an accident and explain to everyone that it is because some private enterprise feels that it is more important to promote their franchise than it is to look out for the well being of the lives of the citizens in the city they host their event within? I suppose this is where you too cower away MulderS.
8) Dust, you wish they did more fly overs at games not being held in a residential areas because that would needlessly put lives at risk only to promote someones private franchise right Dust?
That was the very best the CFL official web sites opposition had to offer. As you can see for yourself I blew them all away.
In and throughout these responses I was bombarded with a slew of personal attacks including that of the management of that very site on several occasions.77 posts in two days closing in on 800 views (was getting rather popular rather quickly) Including the management a few of them were claiming that the two articles beginning the thread we incoherent. I asked for one example of this. They place my name in an internet search engine, brought up an article from approximately ten years ago, put part of a paragraph in quotes and tried to use that as evidence proving that the two articles beginning this very thread were incoherent. I requested a second time for an example that the two articles beginning the thread we incoherent. They then give me a quote from one of my responses in the discussion we were engaging long after the subject articles were presented. Then management (jm02) tells me:
(CFL Official Management) by jm02 Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:36 pm
"There are far more errors in your "article" than MadJack pointed out"
And yet out of all of their personal attacks not one of them shared even one example from either of the two articles that proves there so called claim of incoherence in any way shape or form. Yet they exemplified incoherence themselves in their own actions by claiming my articles were incoherent while providing other sources that were not even from these articles as evidence. As well 8 responses verified recognition of coherence to be able to respond directly towards the fundamentals of this issue.
Sure I don't mind all of the personal attacks, I have gotten use to it over the years / I can take it. The only reason that I bring this up is because I had many of them attempting to gang up on me with personal attacks including the management, and again I don't mind.
One of them who was part of this gang, was jm02 (management) who while harassing me with personal attacks, was telling me to refrain from personal attacks because they would have loved it if I had let them walk all over me like they tried so hard to do. It was OK for the management to turn a blind eye on multiple occasions when so many of them including the management gang up on one person with personal attacks, but when that one person managed to stay on top of the pile they delete the issue entirely and suspend me from the site thus avoiding facing the foundation of the entire issue. I have no intentions of going back there for I have better things to do than waste my time on a site with bias management.
Now as you can see, some people tried to at least stick with the issue and tried to put up a fight defending private enterprise needlessly placing citizens lives at risk only to show boat an air show. Again I didn't choose to go to the show, so why is my / Canadian citizens lives being put at risk for a show we are not even attending just so some private enterprise can make money?
It's about prevention of needless deaths because think about when something does go wrong and people die, how will this reflect upon the CFL / The Canadian Government / You?! Especially when it could have easily been prevented!
In lieu of this, the CFL Officials obviously take the risk of citizens lives to promote their show as a big joke. They appear to just want to fluff off the issue until one day one / many of you die because of such an accident occurring then that's when I suppose they plan that they make changes or worse, come up with some excuse so that they can keep doing it. In other words it worth risking your life for them to make money just so that they can showboat an air show at their event hence they for now get away with it.
I was nice in sharing this issue with the CFL directly on their official web site and offering my services for conjuring alternate solutions. I took the time to genuinely answer every serious response of relevance directed towards the issue. In the end no one could contradict what I shared for we had covered all prospectives they offered and in the end, people who choose to drink beer, go to an event, eat burgers, watch fireworks, buy a house, fly a plane, drive a car etc. choose to take the risk in doing such. I'm not going to a football game, so why is my life and every other citizens life around the stadium being put at risk just so that private enterprise can showboat an air show?!! All of you who want to see an air show, you do that and accept the risks in doing such and do it over a non residential area. Canadian citizens didn't choose to take that risk especially for your private enterprise needlessly putting our lives at risk.
I get swarmed by attempts of sabotage by even Official site management (people attempting to make anything else the issue as well personal attacks) attempting to make a circus out of the issue / dumb it down.
CFL on their Official site just exemplified that they take risking Canadian Citizens lives as a joke just so that they can show boat an air show over residential areas and I certainly hope Canadian MP's, MPP's, MLA's Ministers, Senate etc does not find that in the least bit amusing for the citzens of Canada and their families sake!
Rest assured, about 1000 MPP's, MLA's, Ministers, Senate etc. will be getting this information today and over the next couple of days from me personally via e-mail as well many various web sites.
F.Y.I. I saved each and every web page of posts on this very topic including all 77 responses (at the time I saved it) directly from the Official CFL Website before they so conveniently erased it which is how I was able to share with you the exact words these people used and exactly when they responded.
Do we really have to wait for people to get killed before people get the picture thus stop residential area air craft show boating? On the out skirts of a city for example, if a plane were to crash chances are it will in a field, where as in a city it takes out a house / a building / a city block / gas station etc. and how many lives?
This is your chance to use your common sense to save some lives Canada! Sad these players of the CFL teams work so hard for a franchise that risks the lives of Canadian citizens just to showboat a half time show when people primarily come to see them play. To bad they do not have representatives that take such issues as the lives of Canadian citizens needlessly being put at risk seriously. I'll never forget the CFL for that.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
(I am confident that many of you are aware of this recent so called global event that occurred called the Slut Walk. Upon hearing it myself I was inspired to snuff it out)
Why The Slut Walk Is Ridiculous / Invalid
(Whats the matter, you guys have too much of a hard time putting something so simple into words? Yeah those of you who are familiar with me likely were hoping i would and those of you just becoming familiar with me are about to become aware of one of the many reasons I do what I do)
Here we have a bunch of women going on this Slut Walk and they claim that this is in support of protesting anyone who says that it is the woman's fault that women get raped.
Women have made men horny for thousands of years just like men have made women horny for thousands of years hence here we are which proves that it is asinine to claim that one gender is not at fault because women in general will always (as long as humans exist) turn men on and men in general will always (as long as humans exist) turn women on. Unfortunately for some it just so happens that we have something called rapists. Not only men are rapists women are too.
As a heterosexual single male when I see a naked woman, seeing her naked / near naked has the potential to make me horny just on sight. Just so happens that I do not rape women. But for all those who do, how is wearing clothing that lets it all hang out not triggering these men who do rape women to get horny and start thinking about their next victim? I mean they are obviously desperate to get off to feel they have to rape someone in the first place!
It is sad really because I really enjoy bikinis etc. when I go to the beach but even there lurking amongst the rest of us at any time could be the next offender getting aroused by near naked bodies. Come back down to Earth here. If you are going to walk around looking like your body is hanging out then take precautions like walk with a friend or carry mace etc. if legal. Even if you are fully clothed, take the same precaution because there could be some previously aroused predator looking for their next victim fully clothed or not. Don't let that victim be you.
Sure if I see something revealing in a skirt of an attractive lady I'm likely to take a second glance as my heart pounds a little stronger and I feel that surge of sexual adrenaline and it may even inspire me to say hi. But we all know that there are sex offenders out there who likely feel that same sexual adrenaline only they obviously do not know how to deal with it in an acceptable manner (hence we have laws against rape) and if I am getting sexual surges upon seeing such things, how are rapists not being effected by what women wear / how revealing what they wear is? This so called Slut walk was obviously not all that well thought out for it doesn't make sense. Sure we don't want to see women get raped, but it is time to stop ignoring the obvious that naked or near naked sexually arouses because again women are getting raped!
I mean what is it you guys are really thinking, the more you let your bodies hang out the less chance of compelling rapists to get turned on to their next victim who could very well be the next woman who comes along who is fully clothed at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I understand that this is a very sensitive issue for many, so no need to thank me for being here looking out for you victims. I do it because I care.
No matter what you wear, take every precaution to take care of yourselves. Be prepared at all times for the well being of your own self preservation to help prevent rape. I myself am working on the well being of the future of the life on the planet to make things safer for everyone which includes major reduction of rape and all other crime through simple deliverance from temptation to do such in the first place but that all begins with tearing apart the foundations of lies our societies have built up even over thousands of years and restructuring our country / our world around factual foundations to bring us to something called an age of understanding which is a far cry from this age of chaos / manipulation foundated on lies which only feeds the selfish and the greedy who thrive on taking advantage of those from a time of weakness. Problem for now is that people in society are still too stupid / blinded by a veil of ignorance to realize that they support and reward the very selfish and greedy who will continue to lie steal and cheat until people smarten / wake up once and for all and put an end to this nightmare.
I'm already on it, I've already been showing the globe the way for years.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
This oldest piece of the information of all the information I am now sending was created / sent 19 / 04 / 2011 is actually two combined into one and was sent as one on that date just less than a year ago. I didn't send you all of the pieces I have written in the time frame between then and now, but you got much so here goes the last article (s)
I was watching Global (television station) one night and saw this story break on the news and was the story ever bias, one sided and ignorant. So I wrote this to awaken people to reality beyond stereotypical garbage that the media feeds them.
A Woman dressing Like A Male With A Deep Voice Al-legates Gay Hate Crime. The Big Fat Lie
A woman attempting to look (hair clothes) like a man and talks with a deep voice (deceptive) goes walking into a woman's washroom and allegedly gets beat up. Deceitfully looks like a guy, talks with a deep voice and walks into a woman's washroom!!!
Now I am compelled to share I do not encourage violence on anyone. Lets take a look at this picture again: This gay woman dresses and mimics to talk like a guy with a deep voice and this gay woman allegedly got punched out for going into a woman's washroom by people this gay woman has not ever met before and the first thing this gay woman does is run to the media to try to make it out to be a hate crime when it only goes to reveal of the media they know not what they say for it has not been proven to be a hate crime, only alleged as such as it is alleged every single time we all see / hear / read it on / in the news. It was even being perpetuated by the police station as a hate crime. Obviously in lieu of such a simple observation the main stream media and this police station are proven bias brainless morons (those who generally let others do their thinking for them.)
If the people who allegedly did this are not known to the individual allegedly assaulted, then for all we know these individuals were gay to begin with which proves that this is deliberate discrimination against heterosexuals which boils right down to the police department being this irresponsible as revealed on the news aside from the media as well. Secondly, before this gay person allegedly got beat up by these people, how many heterosexuals have been beat up by these same people?! My point is that people who are publically violent that I have seen in my time are generally ready to throw gloves whenever someone makes them angry indiscriminately gay, heterosexual, black, white, oriental, middle eastern, European, Spanish, old, young etc. and yet when a gay person is in a fight, that's when it's made out to be a hate crime. Open your eyes, gays are proven to be a whole lot of liars who will say and do anything, lie cheat steal to push their bias agenda upon society including attempting to make heterosexuals out to be haters. I'll include proof of that claim quite clearly as you read on.
Because society is chalked full of brainless morons (those who generally let others do their thinking for them), gays can deliberately go out in days of now with the intent to deliberately start a fight themselves, then turn around and claim hate crime every single time so then they can be cascaded all over the news as a victim of a hate crime while other gays share sympathy / try to put them on a pedestal.
Think about it, this gay woman is attempting to look so much like a guy and they are walking into a woman's washroom! If I see what deceptively appears to be a guy walking into a woman's washroom I'm not about to pounce that person myself with physical violence but am way more than likely to say something upon noticing such without so much as a maintenance uniform being worn. I bet that from there, in many cases, that the gay woman in response would show no consideration for others that she is deceitfully attempting to look like a man while walking into a woman's washroom, then start giving you attitude like you are retarded for not recognizing that this woman pretending to be a man is actually a woman. All the while knowing that no matter what she says or no matter how disgustingly rude or violent she herself first gets (use this as fuel to bully), no matter what happens to her from there she, according to the brainless morons (those who generally let others do their thinking for them) in the media and at these police stations etc., for now can still get away with calling it a hate crime. I also am willing to bet that these individuals who have allegedly done this alleged assault also beat up heterosexuals too only you don't catch that on the news! These are alleged violent offenders because they allegedly beat people up and it just so happens that allegedly this time this person who got beat up was gay.
Oh yeah it's ok for people to generally go around punching out heterosexuals, that's love not news. As soon as someone punches out a homosexual it is always made out to be a hate crime to try and promote such lies at heterosexual expense to try and gain sympathy to their foundation of lies they already have been pushing on society for decades now.
We have obviously a problem here, we have women attempting to be masculine to the point of deception where people look at this seemingly looking male going into womens washroom (red flag) thinking it's a perverted guy because this woman is spending much of her time focusing on her masculinity appearance. If you are going to spend so much time mimicking a guy, and people who have never met you before are deceived into seeing a guy walking into a woman's washroom (I'm sure many people / general public would have a problem with that / it just so happens that not all of us practice or encourage violence) then how can you be so ignorant towards the very fact that womens washrooms were made for women and here you are mimicking a guy in the first place?! Digging for people to say something so you can start a fight then cry hate crime? You gays might want to start having for consideration for others within society instead of being so ignorant and rude while getting mad at others for your own deceptions to the point of calling it a hate crime. And to think this is all simply because you gays have a hard time accepting yourself for what you are and it appears easier for you to try and blame everyone else for your discomfort with yourselves while you lie cheat and steal your way through society these past couple of decades. If that is too much to ask, then thank you for clearly demonstrating your lack of consideration for the rest of society and instead of accepting responsibility for your deceptions, trying to make haters out of heterosexuals That is unacceptable and I'm all over it, all over the gays, all over the media, all over police stations everywhere etc.!
Here it is, the very manifested foundation of lies which the gays use to foundate their every issue over the past couple of decades with simply demonstrated "non contestable" factual evidence found everywhere within the following article just recently released:
Gays Outlawing Natural Conception & Replacing It With Artificial Insemination?!
Let me guess, sometime in the near future the gays are going to try and make natural conception illegal and replace it with artificial insemination with the claim that because heterosexual natural conception discriminates Homosexuality natural ability to conceive and have children. They'll whine and complain about how natural conception violates their so called equal or human rights and because they are human and can't have children through natural conception with homosexuality, make natural conception illegal so it is the same for everyone.
Does that really sound ridiculous? Think about it, the way things have been going / what they have already done is much the same .... for example:
They managed to temporarily for now make a complete mockery of marriage by ignoring what fact beyond shadow of doubt already proves while making up lies and delusions to perpetuate a pathetic and selfish bias agenda. For hundreds / thousands of years since marriage was created only heterosexual unions were ever honoured with marriage thus is the very non contestable factual evidence proving that marriage is exclusively about honouring the union of the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence which is quite obviously heterosexuality. As pathetic as it is, gays even try to make the issue about tradition and trying to claim that you can't use tradition as evidence. Yet such a cheap attempt at ignoring this very above mentioned non contestable fact, marriage wouldn't even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions nor would any of us even exist now if it were not for heterosexual unions. Marriage honours the one sexual orientation to which we all owe our very existence and for thousands of years since marriage was created again did a farmer ever marry her pig? No! Did a herder ever marry his goat? No! Did a man ever marry a man? No! Did a woman ever marry a woman? No! That is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves that marriage was never about honouring beastiality or homosexuality (sexual unions which lead to decay) ~ if it were up to homosexuality or beastiality to sustain the human population we quite obviously would have died off thousands of years ago for being a race of sexually defective imbeciles and where is the honour in that?
Oh and if you ever hear anyone going on about documented gay relationships in ancient Greece, be sure to point out the fact that it was not marriage.
Sexual orientation as an equal or human right:
Sexual orientation describes what a person has sex with.
Beastiality: Clearly describes the orientation of a person that has sex with animals, when someone says beastiality the general public knows it is human having sex with an animal and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.
Pedophilia: Clearly describes the orientation of a adult that has sex with children, when someone says pedophilia, the general public knows it an adult having sex with a child and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.
Incest: Clearly describes the orientation of a being that has sex with a biological family member, when someone says incest, the general public knows it a being having sex with a biological family member and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.
Which is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves that sexual orientation never was an equal or human right, but the gays obviously lacked the consideration to even give that a second thought. Their bias agenda is obviously too important for them to care about taking into consideration what non contestable fact reveals. I honestly question whether or not they want pedophilia, incest and beastiality legalized because they are after all primarily the ones who have been going around claiming that sexual orientation ever was an equal or human right to begin with.
Calling Heterosexuals Homophobe:
Even calling it homosexualophobe doesn't make sense for a phobia is an irrational fear of something let alone we are all homosapiens therefor homophobe could really be just a cheap attempt at claiming we have an irrational fear of ourselves. Now lets get to this irrational fear of something which is exactly what a phobia describes. As a heterosexual, if I am walking down the street and suddenly two guys kiss, I do not run away screaming for my life because I am scared, the look on my face is that of natural repulsion to say the very least. My point is that heterosexuals are not afraid of gays for being gay, we all are on some level naturally repulsed with homosexuality and it goes into the depths of our very genetic codes which have in turn thus far ensured our survival as a race. If you do not have that natural repulsion then you are either bi sexual or homosexual obviously. Now the ones who are having the hardest time accepting that they are homosexual are the homosexuals themselves quite obviously because ignore that heterosexuals have a natural repulsion towards homosexuality and instead they pathetically claim that we are afraid while trying to make bad people or haters out of heterosexuals for being naturally repulsed with a sexually defective orientation. Again if it were up to gays to sustain the human population we would have died off thousands of years ago for weakly being a race of sexually defective, so how can you blame any heterosexual of heterosexuality (our life seed) for being repulsed?! It is natural. The sooner you start accepting fact and dealing with it the sooner you will start making any real progress because ignoring the facts while attempting to make criminals out of those of heterosexuality to which we all owe our existence, and while basing all of your fundamentals backing your claims with lies and delusions while ignoring facts is obviously unacceptable especially circulating this proven garbage through school curriculum will come back to bite you in a big way especially if you don't start acknowledging it soon because the longer it festers, the more disdain society will have once the veil of ignorance and B.S. you have been pushing through media etc. is lifted as people become aware of these facts that I share. How many people are going to be outraged with the lies and bias garbage being pushed on our innocent little children will come of this and you only have yourselves, your ignorance, selfishness and greedy little bias inconsiderate agenda to thank.
I'll be the one at the core of restoring much of the damage you have done, and I'll make sure people understand that I was not the one duping society with lies in the first place. I'll make sure that everyone knows who to thank (those who they so pathetically refer to as gay leaders) for being disillusioned with lies and then having those delusions flattened with fact of reality when all is finally restored.
Gay Pride Parade:
For the thousandth time, what is there to be proud of for being gay?! Remember gay, these days (is another word of miniscule importance twisted out of context by homosexuals having a hard time accepting themselves for what they are) describes homosexuality and homosexuality clearly describes a person for what they have sex with. What is there to be proud of for a man to have sex with a man or a woman having sex with a woman? I am proud to be heterosexual because thanks to heterosexuality we even exist is at least a reason to be proud of being heterosexual. So what is there to be proud of for being a homosexual which clearly describes individuals for having sex with the same sex? Hey if you guys are going to throw a parade at least have a valid reason. Then they have the nerve to whine and complain about how some cities treat them badly. Hamilton Ontario Booed them out of the city last I heard and I got to say, being my home town they made me proud for shooting down the whole lot of liars throwing an invalid garbage parade. A mailman describes a person male / female / heterosexual / gay / pedophile / incest abuser / animal abuser for their occupation of mail delivery. Same with fireman, cop, construction etc. So again homosexuality describes a person for having sex with the same sex so tell me what is there to be proud of in that?!
Also heterosexuals as well a paedophiles incest abusers and animal abusers contribute to society, help charities, volunteer etc. but that is not reason to be proud of heterosexuality, (or any of the other sexually defective orientations) that is reason to be proud of being human. So again what is their to be proud of for being homosexual?!
Heterosexuals who are to old and too young is natural and contributes to population control but it is no reason to be proud of being heterosexual. Paedophilia I suppose in the majority of cases leads to population control but that is obviously no reason to be proud of a sexual orientation same as beastiality and homosexuality.
I'm even going to be kind and once again share a little of my magic with you on the parade issue. Call it a Gays Seeking Acceptance From Society Parade and you will be way more than likely to find a little more acceptance from society in a positive way. At least it gives such a parade something that it now lacks which is validity.
Sex Change:
A man with mutilated / inverted penis is just a man with an inverted penis pretending to be something he never was or will ever be to deceitfully take advantage of unsuspecting heterosexual males in this most disgusting way! A woman with mutilated / flipped out vagina is just a woman with an flipped out vagina pretending to be something she never was or will ever be to deceitfully take advantage of unsuspecting heterosexual females in this most disgusting way! The Phrase sex change is an all out lie because the fact remains that women are born with vagina's and men are born with penises. What kind of man he becomes, or woman she becomes depends upon life choices but no matter what kind of man he becomes, or what kind of woman she becomes, they will always be the gender that they were since birth no matter how hard it is for homosexuals to accept themselves for what they are even though they try and blame everyone else for being the ones who do not accept them for what they are.
(Again yet another of the many fine examples of homosexuals disrespecting heterosexuality let alone society)
So you see the whole gay agenda thing really is bias for it is all factually proven that these gay so called leaders base their very fundamentals of each and every issue they try to force down societies throats with no more than lies and delusions while ignoring / masking the very facts which proves this very claim as demonstrated with the above mention in this very article. they will try and claim that each and every one of these issues is about something else (marriage isn't about marriage, sexual orientation isn't about sexual orientation, homophobe isn't about a phobia etc.) in their bias little agenda over and over again and is obviously the best they got and that is quite sad really because when you look at it, they have spent the last couple of decades trashing and bashing society with lies and yet go figure the latest I heard is about gay suicide rates being at an all time high as of late! Put two and two together and open your eyes.
They trash society by (for now) making a complete mockery out of marriage with lies, trash society with the lie referring to sexual orientation as an equal or human right which is quite obviously pulling for the legalization of all sexual orientations which is obviously quite unacceptable They trash society making up a lie known as the word homophobe to try and label heterosexuals with such a delusion, They trash society with a parade that carries absolutely no validity and they trash society with a lie that there be such a thing as a sex change so that men with inverted penises can try and deceive heterosexual men with this most repulsive lie and so that women flip their vagina's outside their bodies so that they can take advantage of unsuspecting heterosexual female victims Then they have the nerve to try and pass the blame everyone else because their delusions are not the worlds reality nor will it ever be.
While trashing society they even try to make being gay out to be cool, and yet what is so cool about it? You are just a person with a sexual defect and since when did your delusional little minds think that this comes with some sort of pedestal? OK so now we have youth being fooled into thinking that it is cool until they foolishly come out of the so called closet and learn quickly that the little fantasy B.S. portrayed by these so called gay leaders via media etc. just isn't there in reality because in reality here on the planet heterosexuals are naturally repulsed with homosexuality on some level and going around claiming your gay doesn't exactly bring you brownie points. Balance the natural repulsion with seeking acceptance instead of ignoring it by so pathetically trying to label it as fear / ram garbage / lies down everyone's throat and you may then see the light at the end of that tunnel. I'm telling you that renaming your little parade with what I suggested, play an active part in the restoration of marriage to the respectful state in which it was before you made a complete mockery of it, renounce that sexual orientation never was an equal or human right and that the word homophobe carries no real validity would be a great start and would likely surprise you to find that you will turn more than a few heads your way in a most positive and accepting manner.
Think about it, all this the gays have done and yet they seem to pass the blame off on heterosexuals for homosexual suicide rates being at an all time high when all they have to blame is mostly themselves for being ignorant greedy selfish bias liars who have been ramming this rubbish down societies throats. Then they somehow seem to think that they in any way are role models?!
This is an outrage and perhaps it is time that I kick this up a notch because the sooner we restore the damage they have been doing, the less damage their will be as an outcome in the long run and it is also time we put a stop to this madness before it really does escalate more delusions and lies messing up society which is only in support of a bias agenda thought up my pea brained nitwits who are now acclaimed to be gay leaders! Perhaps the gays might want to seek out a gay with brains / a level head to represent them for some real positive progress for a change. Really, they are on the news etc. trying to tell society how it is according to their delusions then they come back expressing their disappointment in society when in fact it is their delusions based upon ignorance which is the real disappointment.
I am heterosexual, I do not hate anyone. I love and care about the well being of the life on this planet hence I have dedicated many years towards it through sharing with society fundamental information of claims backed by non contestable fact on some of the largest global / Canadian issues. Gay sex doesn't interest me in the least, I don't care to hear about it. I don't care to see it on sit coms or movies etc. and especially now that the gays have been bashing society with lies for many years to wash over society with a hazing of garbage, if it has anything to do with homosexuality I won't watch because I am that repulsed by it. I am heterosexual and you may start to want accepting the fact that all heterosexuals on some level are repulsed with homosexuality. Making heterosexuals out to be bad for being naturally repulsed with homosexuality is unacceptable and I'll be like a raving animal all over the lot of you every time I see it or hear about such! I do not advocate violence.
Oh and the homosexuals who cry hate crime when they get beat up, I'm willing to bet that the person who beat them up also beat up some heterosexuals too but you don't hear the heterosexuals making it out to be about discrimination. People who are publicly violent that I have seen generally practice violence on anyone that pisses them off or gets on their nerves indiscriminately even if they face a group of police. They might focus their natural repulsion of homosexuality in a violent way but that only makes them a violent offender.
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Well that is it for now for this update. Parliamentarians of the U.K. and new Parliamentarians of Canada. I will update you in the U.K. a couple of times per year, and as for you Parliamentarians here in Canada, you are on a much shorter leash ;) I will leave you all with my newest single player age of mythology Titans scenario (Best one on the entire planet ever created) just released Feb 11 2012) I create the very best myself to promote the activism I do for the fight for the well being of the life on this planet as any of you / anyone will find out upon playing.
Best Titans scenario on the Globe AOMT Amazing 1 Player Released Feb 11 2012 and more
AOMT Amazing 1 Player Released Feb 11 2012
AOMT Scab Party Multi 3 vs 3 Created Oct 27 2011
AOMT Freakantos Multi 3 vs 3 Created / Released Oct 24 2011
Created / released Oct 21 3 vs 3 Multi Player "Monkey in The Middle"
Created Oct. 18 2011. AOMT Game Wizard 1 PLayer
New 1 Player Scenario Created "AOMT Sweet Victory" September 27 2011 release.
AOMT Ascend 1 player Age of Mythology scenario for those with the Titans expansion. Created July 23th 2011
Hope you enjoy!
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!