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Bright eyed and Bushy Tailed. Farewell to Jack Layton.

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Aug 23, 2011, 6:41:12 PM8/23/11

Bright eyed and Bushy Tailed. Farewell to Jack Layton.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed / energetic, tenacious eager and full of ideals is how I remember Jack.

I didn't always see eye to eye with Jack but all and all it was nice / comforting to know Jack was in a leading role in the Federal Parliament fighting for mostly those facing domestic financial struggles and now that he is gone I am confident that I am not the only one feeling a little emptiness / awe struck at his sudden departure, and also that I am not the only one left to wonder of the direction in future course of the Canadian Federal NDP without Jack Layton physically present. At least they carry with them the experience he shared which is leaving them with allot more then many may realize..

I hope Olivia and the rest of Jack's family / loved ones continue on Strong with in mind that generally when we humans pass on (even think of passing on), we know that deep down that we want our loved ones we left behind not to fall apart with pain and sorrow but to take all of the experience we have shared and turn that pain and sorrow into strength and courage to continue on stronger for having known us.

I think I can be at liberty to speak for Canada when I say we miss you already Jack.

Jack said he would be returning in September. I think it appropriate out of respect for Jack that on opening day of Parliament coming back into session in September that all attending members share in a minute of silence in memory of Jack and televise it for Canadians to share. Then share a brief clip (video) of one of Jacks most shining moments. Perhaps Olivia / Jacks family and the NDP can choose / or vote on which clip. A few non offensive words from a chosen member of parliament before they begin legislation on that day would be nice.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

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