They don't say sexual orientation that doesn't lead to harm is an equal or human right

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Jun 22, 2011, 4:13:45 PM6/22/11
They don't say sexual orientation that doesn't lead to harm is an equal or human right

 I was just in a Lawyers office discussing Land Lord Tenant issues and I happened to mention that I am an activist and he asked me what do I address and so I demonstrated the non contestable factual evidence which proves that every religion is based upon a fundamental of lies and he contradicted none of the facts and began to tell me that some of his good friends are religious and he was telling me they are not all bad people until I reminded him that no matter how much good they claim to do they still support a factually proven fundamental of lies which has lead the globe to war and divide for thousands of years leading to the death of millions / billions right to this very day. That kind of silenced him until I went on to say that the religious, when they do something they do it in support of promoting their fundamental of lies and he said you can';t prove that and I replied, when you step into a food bank and look up at the walls etc. there is religious filth crap there everywhere and if they were not doing it to promote their fundamental of lies aka their religious filth then why are they attaching religious filth when they attempt to help people and again he grew silent. He couldn't handle the slut walk (I guess it was an uncomfortable topic for him) so I refrained from getting to my point that nudity / near nudity sexually arouses and unfortunately we do have rapists. After all I was there for legal assistance for a specific issue. I shared with him that sexual orientation was never an equal or human right and he went on to say yes say sexual orientation that doesn't lead to the harm of others or animals is an equal or human right, they say sexual orientation is an equal or human right. And I said but that is not what they claim, they claim sexual orientation is an equal or human right thus generalizing it and yet:

Sexual orientation describes what a person has sex with.

Beastiality: Clearly describes the orientation of a person that has sex with animals, when someone says beastiality the general public knows it is human having sex with an animal and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.

Pedophilia: Clearly describes the orientation of a adult that has sex with children, when someone says pedophilia, the general public knows it an adult having sex with a child and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.

Incest: Clearly describes the orientation of a being that has sex with a biological family member, when someone says incest, the general public knows it a being having sex with a biological family member and there is no denying with any validity that it clearly describes this sexual orientation.

Which is the very non contestable factual evidence which proves that sexual orientation never was an equal or human right, but the gays obviously lacked the consideration to even give that a second thought. Their bias agenda is obviously too important for them to care about taking into consideration what non contestable fact reveals. I honestly question whether or not they want pedophilia, incest and beastiality legalized because they are after all primarily the ones who have been going around claiming that sexual orientation ever was an equal or human right to begin with.

 So if you seek to correct the apparent intent of meaning, then admit sexual orientation never was an equal or human right and simply claim that "sexual orientation that doesn't lead to the harm of others is an equal or human right" because that at least carries validity and doesn't generalize all sexual orientations because again "sexual orientation" never was an equal or human right!

 I am glad that Lawyer and I had that talk because I am confident that Members of Parliament / Legislation etc. didn't understand what may now be clear to you all.

and yeah I will keep that Lawyers name confidential.

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!
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