Place Your Bets, Will I Be Evicted From My Home Of 4 Years? Verdict Still Pending!

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Nov 10, 2012, 4:07:23 PM11/10/12


Place Your Bets, Will I Be Evicted from my home of 4 years?? Verdict Still Pending

Thursday November 8 2012 I Arrived 1:30 pm room B 6th floor at 119 King st. w. Hamilton Ontario Canada for my hearing to represent myself.

To get your oral copy at the Landlord Tenant Board at this location where my hearing was held request

File: SOL-30866-12

Upon receiving it, I will soon release the verdict in a future message. I think that the Board charges almost 6 bucks per oral copy.

"I swear to be honest and genuine towards the proceedings of this hearing" sounds appropriate as opposed to the forcing of religious paraphrases into the hearing or having any religious book present! An excellent method of encouraging equality and reducing calamity during the hearing is to make this the universal expression ~ "I swear to be honest and genuine towards the proceedings of this hearing"

Of course in the title of this piece, I meant place your bets metaphorically ;)

Oh and there are two things about this hearing that seriously offends me, and one of the two things that I will share with you now is that I requested to see the video that the applicant brought to the hearing because it proves, along with one of the Applicant's statements on N 4 termination of tenancy, that the pictures to the board to get this hearing consisted of misleading information. Upon requesting to see the video at the beginning of the hearing, the Member of the Board told me that we would get to it later but that obviously never happened (it's all in the oral copy) and the second thing that really angers me I will reveal upon receiving the verdict. You can probably guess what that is upon reviewing the hearing.

Oh and I will be updating my federal / Provincial Territorial mailing lists soon once again in 2012 considering all the changes that have occurred since my last update this year. Feel free to share with with other MP's, MPP's, MLA's, senators etc. that have recently gained a chair.


 One other thing, if you listen to the original hearing set date 25 of October 2012 (morning) the applicant said she knocked on my door twice, then on Novemember 8 she then said that she only knocked once. She came to my door and knocked three times fyi.


David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!
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