Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Sep 6, 2011, 4:42:25 PM9/6/11
to poli...@googlegroups.com

Hamilton Ontario Risks it's Citizens Lives Over Entertainment

How many people can be instantly killed when an old fighter / bomber Jalopy / jet or a pair of synchronized planes / jets screw up? What is the excuse, Tradition? So what ...you are going to keep this as tradition until what ~ when people get killed only so you can show boat a couple of jets over a football game?!

I can see that people would want to do something exciting at a football game for example to keep fans entertained during half time. Don't try telling me that this is the only thing you can come up with especially when it puts the lives of Canadians in the middle of a city all around a stadium at risk just to promote a little excitement at a football game.

I'm not attending the football game and the football stadium isn't located near the airport and Hamiltonian's lives or the lives of those in any pro ball city are worth more than being put at risk just to get your kicks off at a ball game!

A couple of years ago, I phoned Andrea Horwath's (MPP) office as well David Christopherson's (MP) office on this issue. I got their voice mail so a left a message asking if they could get back to me at the number I was at if either of them would just direct me to whom to address this issue. I waited for approximately a month and neither of them returned my call. Don't tell me that being concerned for the well being and safety of peoples lives is not worth cause for addressing this issue which is exactly about the government letting private enterprise put citizens lives at risk just to entertain at their event! I was living in Hamilton East who was represented by Andrea and David, so I gave them both a piece of my mind and knew the day would come that I would address this issue once again on a larger scale.

A great place for the stadium = The Airport!

That way if people want to put their lives at risk to see an air show they can do it under designated air space, not residential areas otherwise put your brains together and come up with a way of entertaining without risking our / Canadian citizens lives over entertainment at a ball game or any event for that matter!!!

13 years ago when living in Ottawa Ontario Canada (I did ice storm clean up for Cumberland, Did high rise swing stage restoration in Ottawa and Tent erection / part supply delivery and removal all over the area) I looked up and saw a couple of jets synchronized flying one day. I turned my head and saw a cop car heading my way so I looked into the police man's eyes while pointing my finger at the sky and made like I pulled a trigger of a gun at the planes (FYI I am not into guns). He then aggressively pulls up on the curb like I am some sort of smart ass or trouble maker, gets out of his car as he demands "What are you saying?" so I replied "You see those jets synchronized flying up there, how many Ottawa citizens are going to get slaughtered if they make one little mistake while flying over residential areas? Get them out of the sky!" I then proceeded to walk away as he then backed off onto his radio as he must have realized I wasn't being a smart ass one bit!

I know that it is not only in Hamilton this has occurred (flying jets over residential areas for entertainment purposes) so this looks like it could very well be a federal matter to me. I also know that they say there are less plane crashes than car crashes. Yet what they don't mention that I recall and I am just guessing a ball park figure that there is what, about 1 plane in the air for every 100 000 - 200 000 cars on the road? All it takes is one mistake and many people who are not even willing to attend such events could be dead in the crack of a whip and all for what? Someone in private enterprise paying someone else to put my life / other city goers lives at risk just to entertain at their show! Who in governing is responsible for allowing this?

I know allot of people love football, and I see the entertainment value for society as a whole in having such as pro sports in general. People are proud of their teams, and even become dedicated fans. I know that half time requires a little entertainment for the fans while the players take five. Putting people in a residential areas lives at risk to do this is quite obviously not worth it. I know that I don't want to be hearing that people died because of someone else putting their lives at risk only to entertain a few people in a stadium in the middle of a city. I will most certainly will not avoid bringing this to all of your attention quite obviously because it is time we put a new plan into action before things eventually go badly instead of waiting for civilians to die before changes occur.

I'm also, for this article, going to include CFL as a part of my federal mailing list in hopes that they have the decency to take it upon themselves to make such changes before government, I am confident, soon adjusts legislation. The sooner the better obviously.

Hey you want to fly something over a stadium just to entertain a few fans, then you had better invent the first Nerf helicopter or make sure that the stadium is under designated air space AKA Airport!

Needless Risk Of Lives Lost In A City Over Entertainment (think of the headlines especially in the event of disaster) How does that reflect upon the CFL / The Government / You?!!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

 I looked up CFL contact info and found no e-mail so I will contact them from their site in their feedback section as well.

Off The Wall (slightly off topic) minor addition:


Speaking of Hamilton and Ottawa ...

As far as the Cops in Ottawa go, I got a kick out of them. I came out of a 3 story bar one night in Market Square to an intersection with about 20 Cops standing in a circle talking in the middle of the street so I shouted at them "Aren't you guys suppose to be at Tim Horton’s?" They all looked at me and one of them said something like "How would you like to come for a trip to the station" I stopped and facing 20 of them just down the street I replied "Hey, I'll kick your ass" a second of pause and all of us just bursted into laughter. Sometimes it's not what you say, but how you say it.

Back to Hamilton, a question for Mayor Bob Bratina. Is the reason that the public computers (library) were downgraded so badly because of budget cuts? That is my guess but really it has raised a slight bit of curiosity. I love that we even have public internet access, it is just a little bewildering as to why it feels we just went from 2011 back to the 1990's.

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