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Age of Mythology (&Titans) Scenarios, links, descriptive spotlights, objectives & hints

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David Jeffrey Spetch

Aug 26, 2011, 12:55:30 PM8/26/11

Age of Mythology (&Titans) Scenarios, links, descriptive spotlights, objectives & hints

To find and download these games for free, follow the link where you will find these on a list ready for download.

The Well That Could Kill 1 player (Created 2010) Part 1 / The beginning of the dream series.


Circe got so high and mighty on the life that her heroics in sorcery lead her down such a path that one day she just Fainted during middle of conjuring a spell. Now she sleeps and she has this nightmare that plays over and over again and is a little different every time. The Nightmare of Phoenix Keep in Swine Valley has begun once again and the only way Circe can awaken from this re occurring nightmare is for you to help her claim victory on this plain! If Circe dies here, you can still win as she then waits helplessly and silently pleading for you to free her. Looks like the Argo-naughts are going to have to help Circe to be set free from this, yet another prison once again as they too have been drawn into this nightmare of Circe.


You have a potential Sanctuary to finish fortifying and maintain called Phoenix Keep. A Potential Legendary Wonder to become, the Keep is a marvel of glory with it's own unique structure and a primary purpose of defense in mind when created. Once you wear through player 4 and player 5 you have some time to rebuild and how much time you have depends upon how fast you wear through your opponents. Get ready from here because you are going to need to beat 2 opposing empires who seek to take you over in your seemingly weakened state. You must defeat all your enemies to win. See Spotlight and check hints.


The Well of Urd is yours to use and could very well lead you too the path of victory over your enemy but beware because going through too early may result in fatal consequence for you! It's a struggle for victory in this very eventful fast paced action packed scenario, I suggest you upgrade and grow very fast.

Medusas Crush 1 Player (Created 2010) Sequel to The Well That Could Kill part 2 of the Dream series


Yes this is the sequel to The Well That Could Kill. Fortunately the gang was victorious over The Well That Could Kill, unfortunately their escort dropped them off in a land where dreams borderline nightmares. A land where distant Medusa of the Deep cast spells to crush all empires. A land where there is a way to stop Medusas from casting spells but that way is quite the feat within itself.

Objective 1

Your over all objective is primarily to defeat all your enemies to win but for now follow the way to the temple. Destroy the temple and all guarding it to set free the prisoners.


Be careful because Circe can easily kill the prisoners before they get a chance to convert to join you.

Objective 2

Follow the road beyond where the temple was to free more slaves that could possibly work for you!


Again beware because Circe can easily kill the slaves before they have a chance to convert to your army if you are not cautious. Once they are free you can build a settlement but if you do desire to build a settlement do it before you have a chance to claim a settlement owned by nature as since you are at the first age, you can only build a settlement if you have no town center.

Objective 3

Continue following the road to find a town center being held by nature. To take over the town center simply destroy the obelisk along the road path in front of the town center.


Again before you do this, you might want to use your workers to build a town center so you may have two town centers in the first age.

Objective 4

Choose one ally Empire. You may choose The Greeks, The Egyptians or The Norse which are each empires. Find the Hill fortt to the south east and destroy it to gain the help of an Uber you may want to aid you in defeating the Medusas that cast spells.


Every empire is your enemy until you choose one which then makes the other two allied against you and your new ally. Choose quickly. You might really want to free the Uber to help you take down Living Poseidon Statues which inevitably what kills the Medusas casting spells from the deep.

Objective 5

Defeat all enemies to win. There are three medusas in the deep who will cast spells in turn, not only effecting your empire but all four empires and they will continue to do so until the Medusas are killed. To Kill them: Once you get your uber find the three shrines each guarded by units along with a Living Poseidon statue. Kill a Poseidon statue and one of the Medusa dies thus can no longer cast spells.


Beware: When you release your Uber, both your ally and enemy empires each get an Uber as well. To Kill a hero: Build a structure over a dead enemies hero / Uber to put an end to it's resurrection / existence.

Candy Land 1 player (Created 2010) Sequel to Medusas Crush part 3 of the Dream series


Having beaten Medusas Crush, our heroes found themselves in a new dream land. One day they decided to set off to find some cows to bring back to town. Since they left, a visitor had arrived and began transforming our heroes new land into something of great value. Another visitor passing through has rallied the neighboring empires against you to take Candy Land for themselves. Over 3 hours of surprises, the second hour is better than the first etc. By far my favorite AOM scenario of all time, and I'm guessing soon to be your all time favorite too ;) Enjoy!

(what can I say, when I created this it was my pride and joy of AOM as you will see why upon playing it)

Objective 1

Follow the path north to the statue of lightning. Destroy the statue of lightning and most nature around you will join you! You must protect your market within Candy Land at all costs. You lose the market, you lose control of Candy Land and is also one sure way that you lose the game.


You might want to take what Arkantos says at the very beginning into serious consideration. I then strongly suggest you focus on advancing to the mythic age. Even though Candy Land brings you much wealth, do not under estimate what you are up against.

Objective 2

Protect market. Focus on advancing to the mythic age as soon as possible. Your ally will soon introduce them self. When they do, you will see many statues of lightning protecting you. When they get destroyed they hatch units that will either belong to you, your ally, or your enemies empires.


Since you are not able to destroy your allies statues to hatch units, I would suggest protecting them at all costs since they are protecting you. You have idle villagers scattered throughout your claim, find them and task them to work. You also have docks for fishing.

Since then I discover that if you change your diplomacy you can attack the statues however as you will see upon playing that doesn't really help your cause here)

Objective 3

You must defeat all enemies to win. You lose your starting market, you lose the game. There are three gates each guarding a direct route to an enemy. At the other side of each gate are two hill forts. Each time you bring down a hill fort (there are 6) Osiris will evoke heavy powers upon your enemies to help you crush them.


Player six hides mainly at each corner of the map as well has units guarding your enemy empires. When you bring down a player 2 hill fort, Osiris will cast power on player 2 main town center. Same with player 3 and 4 hill forts effecting plyr 3 and 4. During 2nd hour of game play Osiris begins to grant you powers right through to the 4th hour. Many awesome surprises await.

Shadow Empire 1 player (Created 2010) Sequel to Candy Land part 4 of the Dream series


Having finally beaten Candy Land, Osiris's son came and swept our heroes off into a re occurring dream of his and told our heroes that if they help him beat the shadow empire in his dream, he will show them passage to the next realm. Our heroes find themselves trapped in a Tamarisk tree. Tree Bounties: Tree 1 = 10 000 gold, 2 = 10 000 wood, 3 = 10 000 food, 4 = Free Heroes, 5 = Gain a small powerful army, 6 = 10 000 gold, 7 = 10 000 wood, 8 = 10 000 food, 9 = Unlock a bounty of Egyptian monuments to greatly increase your favor momentum. 10 creates havoc upon enemies. Of the other number 11 - 15 trees, three give you resources and the other two each give you great powers. Enjoy and good luck!

Objective 1

Destroy all enemy empire buildings and units to win. Chop down Tamarisk Trees to gain bounties of resources, favor, powers and gifts. Right now your villagers in the First Tamarisk tree area are chopping away at tree 4 to set free our heroes. Beat your enemies weak link empire before the timer is up to ensure that you have a chance at victory. See Spotlight and check hints.


Here you can build both Egyptian and Greek myth and regular units. I suggest you let your villagers first free your heroes on tree 4 and throughout the game focus some effort into unlocking bounties by chopping through Tamarisk Trees. I suggest you begin to up your villager count and you begin with just enough resources for a second town center.

Objective 2

Now that the Shadow has awakened it's brood mainly for defense against you and all of the other Empires in this land. Your enemy is also your ally. Even though The Shadow may attack your enemy empires, as well you, it may not seriously aggress you unless provoked. Continue to destroy all enemy empires and units, only now this includes destroying the Shadow Empire.


This is where your creativity really comes into play. I suggest finding and cutting down trees 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in the eastern corner of the map. Keep in mind, of the two trees that give great power, remember to use the power before you chop through the second of these two trees otherwise your power will be replaced / void by the next power. Good luck and have fun / Enjoy

Rise to Power 1 player (Created 2010) Sequel to Shadow Empire part 5 and finally of the Dream series


Having destroyed the Shadow Empire, our heroes were escorted into the next realm where they were greeted by Kemsyt who explained that he is with the champion Empire here and as long as they remain undefeated, Kemsyt is trapped here as are your hero's now that they arrived. The only way out of course is to defeat Kemsyts champion Empire. Here you fight as Empire 1 vs. Empire 2, when over you fight as 3 vs 4, when over you fight as 5 vs 6, when over you fight as 7 vs. 8 and 9 which is the final battle. Each time you defeat an empire on the first 3 battlefields, you win your heroes of the battle you are fighting right to fight in the final battle. You also get bonuses for the next up coming battle. If an empire defeats you, you simply move on to the next battlefield without any bonuses. Do not ever accept any empires attempt to surrender, you must defeat them yourself otherwise you will not be able to move on to the next battlefield. Have fun / Enjoy!

Objective 1

Defeat Empire 2 to allow Ajax and Arkantos to fight in the final battle. If your enemy asks if they can surrender choose "no" otherwise face the penalty of being stuck on this land without being able to move on to the next battle. In other words you must find and wipe out your enemy yourself. No Mercy! If Player 2 destroys your empire, you still move on to the next battle. There are 3 statues of lightning, when destroyed one of them will grant you power of devastation.


If you defeat empire 2, you also get a bonus on the next battlefield. If you are the one who gets destroyed here, don't worry because when it's over you automatically start on the next battlefield only you don't get the bonuses and you don't get Arkantos and Ajax in the final battle.

Objective 2

Welcome to the next battlefield, the Battle for Odysseus and Chiron. Defeat player 4 to win Odysseus and Chirons pretense on the final battlefield as well bonuses on the next battlefield. If plyr 4 asks to surrender choose "no" or suffer not being able to move on to the next battlefield. There are three statues of lightning and when destroyed one will grant you a devastating power.


If you have won the last round then you will see some additional units, have some additional resources and will see your building bonus which are outlines of building structures ready to be built. I suggest you task some units on building them. I also encourage that instead of advancing immediately, focus more on growth to survive.

Objective 3

Welcome to battlefield 3, The battle for Circe and Son of Osiris. Defeat player 6 to win Circe and Sons right to fight on the final battlefield in a big way as well win bonuses for the final battlefield! There are three statues of lightning, upon destroying them one of them will grant you power of destruction. If player 6 asks to submit then choose "no" otherwise suffer not being able to advance to the final battlefield.


Again, if you have won the last round you will have found that you have bonuses for this battlefield. I suggest tasking some villagers to construct your building bonuses.

Objective 4

Welcome to the Final Battlefield on your Rise To Power, and with the power you have or have not earned, lets see if you are capable of emerging victorious. Defeat player 8 and player 9 to claim victory. You have sleeping guardians. to awaken them, destroy the 4 statues of lightning in player 9 base area.


Outside player 9 base area, player 9 has another 3 statues of lightning as does player 8 have 3. Upon destroying the six statues, two of them will grant you a devastating power. All of the heroes you have on this Battlefield, you earned! Have fun and I hope you really enjoyed Rise To Power

Ride The Lightning 1 player (Created Canada day 2010)


A new religion plagued the land with it's curse thus turning citizens against one another as religion has been doing to us here on Earth for thousands of years just so that the greedy and the selfish can continue to take advantage of the unaware. Amanra, furious with the spread of yet another religions disgusting lies seeks to drive such a disgusting lowly curse away from her lands, and so she chased it north right out of Egypt. Amanra begins to realize just how pathetic lowly, dirty and disgusting religion really is and how its lies pit us foolish race of humans at war and divide vs. each other only to serve the greedy and the selfish who seek to take advantage of the unaware for she has seen with her own eyes how lies of religion collide thus pitting everyone against each other. Amanra seeks to remove such filth from her lands. AOM, a perfect modern symbol towards the fact that filth know as religion has been leading the globe to war and divide for 1000's yrs.

Objective 1

There are 5 Oasis, each with a Player 6 Army guarding the path to a Player 6 Statue of Lightning. Find the weakest Player 6 Army and destroy the Statue Of Lightning that they guard. This will grant you an Army to take on the second weakest of the Player Six Armies and so on until you get granted the toughest Army to take down the toughest final Player 6 Army. Find and destroy the Gate Of Troy. The final player 6 Statue is beyond that gate.


You will want to remember which mistakes you make, so that next time you play you might live. I suggest you avoid tantalizing the stronger Armies until you become strong yourself. You strategize well and you will wind up with a powerful army after destroying the first 4 PLYR 6 Statues Of Lightning. Making haste could easily lead to an early defeat here. I also suggest that you make Apes of Set To aid you when you can. Be weary of where you do battle.

Objective 2

Ultimately, your Empire awaits. There is a Living Poseidon Statue Guarding the Way Out. Travel East to destroy the last Player 6 Statue Of Lightning to grant you an Uber to kill the Living Poseidon Statue. When the Living Statue Dies, you then begin with an Empire as Player 1 and are granted all the great gifts you may have earned.


Also Traveling west will bring you to 8 Player 7 Statues of lightning. Each one you destroy grants your Up coming Empire advantages. I strongly suggest that you destroy them all if you are capable. When you become Player 1 Empire, you can no longer destroy Obelisks for gifts. I think you will agree you must Ride The Lightning to win this one.

Objective 3

Destroy all Player 3 units and buildings. Do not accept a submission if an Enemy Empire offers a surrender, select no and continue to defeat them yourself to claim victory here. If you accept a submission, you will not be able to finish the game. No Mercy.


If you earned all of your gifts, I suggest you play aggressively. Now that you have become an Empire you can no longer go back and destroy Obelisks for gifts.

Objective 4

Destroy all player 4 Units and buildings. Do not accept a submission, if an Enemy Empire offers a surrender select no and continue to defeat them yourself to claim victory here. If you accept a submission, you will not be able to finish the game. No Mercy!


Again I recommend you play aggressively.

Objective 5

Defeat all Player 2 Units and buildings to win. If player 2 tries to surrender, this time you can accept to claim victory.


Good luck and hope you enjoyed this treat which was a pleasure to create. Today is Canada Day 2010 and I would like to dedicate AOM Ride The Lightning to the fight for the well being of the future of the life on our planet as an activist I have taken on many fundamental global issues over the past decade and in same it's also the fight for global unity. No longer allowing greed and selfishness to pit us at war vs. each other.

Unchained 1 player (Created 2010)


Ornlu had pups of great magical ability. Skult was paid off to convince Ornlu's master that Reginleif request their audience at Skults escort. Skult then sold the pups to a Theocrat who intends to use the pups to create another door way to Cronos. Athena Showed up Offering Ornlu The Amulet of Choice. In using the Amulet, the wearer is taken to an ulterior dimensional plane where all souls exist in part. If Ornlu's Spirit is strong enough to Raise an army to regain the pups on this plane, and his spirit is strong enough to raise an Empire to victory here, the pups will be returned safely i Ornlu's reality back in Ornlu's homeland. Ornlu's soul is bound to the units here, Ornlu appearing to die only means physical presence is gone and the quest goes on.

Objective 1

Conjuring Of An Army: In front of you, you find 3 Obelisks. As soon as you destroy one of them, it will grant you an army. The other two Obelisks become invalid for they will no longer grant you an army and same goes no matter which of the three you destroy first. Each army granted is different depending upon which Obelisk you first destroy. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Being the Norse certainly can have it's advantages here. For what little resources you have, remember building a structure over a fallen enemy re spawning hero ends that heroes existence.

Objective 2

A Method Of Healing: Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, the first one you destroy will grant you it's own unique method of healing. Thus also once again rendering the other two Obelisks invalid and again same goes no matter which of the Obelisks you destroy first. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Fire Giants and Walking Woods up ahead! ...!! Mountain Way Clue: The destruction of a gate is sealed with first the destruction of one charged with lightning as well the destruction of a simple structure which stands alone along side a great giant.

Objective 3

1000 Each Resource Bonus For Your Future Empire: Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, the first you destroy will unleash it's own unique army on you. Again attacking the first one gives you the bonus, however renders the other two Obelisks invalid and again all in same no matter which of the Obelisks you first destroy. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Battle Boars andTrolls up ahead! Mountain Way Tip: Somewhere along the way you might want to use what little gold you have to build walls and gates to aid you in claiming victory where victory otherwise may seem impossible.

Objective 4

A Pair Of Giants: Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, the first one you destroy will grant you it's own unique pair of Giants. Thus Once again rendering the other two Obelisks invalid and again in same no matter which one you destroy first. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Manticores and Hydra up ahead. Mountain Way Tip: There are so many ways that this game can play out through your multitude of choices and tactical strategies, however I urge you to keep in mind that if you live to the end of the Mountain Way, you are then transformed into one of three potential Empires. The quicker you finish the Mountain Way, the less stock piled your future enemy Empires will be.

Objective 5

A Choice Of Power: Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, the first one you destroy will grant you it's own unique power of offensive tactical use. Again this r endures the other two Obelisks invalid and again in same no matter which one you destroy first. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Apes, Wadjets and Gargarensis up ahead!

Objective 6

Replenish The Ranks Or Die: Of the Six Obelisks up ahead, one of them, if destroyed first will unleash an army of doom upon you. The other five each have their own unique army to grant you, but of those 5 the first one destroyed voids all other 5 Obelisks including the once that could kill you. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Son of Osiris and Statue of Lightning up ahead! You may not want them to choose the first Obelisk to be destroyed for you.

Objective 7

2 Egyptian Monuments For Future Empire: If you survive this Quest, you will eventually be given the choice of one of three different Empires to begin the real meat of this game. Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, each of them will grant one of your potential future Empires 2 Egyptian Monuments. The Other two Obelisks do remain valid as each grants monuments to one potential future Empire, and each also unleashes an army upon you. Continue along the Mountain Way.


Anubites and Statue of Lightning up ahead! You do not have to destroy any of these, but to get your next Objective, you must destroy all 3. Since you do not know which Obelisk grants which potential future Empire the Monuments, it is likely best to destroy all 3 to ensure that you do get the monuments.

Objective 8

3 Re spawning Heroes For Your Future Empire: Of the next 3 Obelisks you will find, each of them will grant one of your 3 future Empires ~ Three Res pawning Heroes. Again the other two Obelisks do remain valid as each grants Heroes to one Empire and each also unleashes a vicious army upon you. There is a Colossus to be found, the bounty reward upon his death is 1 lightning bolt granted. There is also an Obelisk with the colossus, when destroyed your future Empire gains an ally and an army is unleashed upon you. Find the Gate of Troy.


Mummies, War Elephants and Chariot Archers up ahead! Beware for choosing the wrong way may prove fatal from here. You might want that bounty for what awaits beyond the gate. If you choose to destroy the Obelisk by the Colossus, you face a strong army but your future Empire gains a very unique and useful ally along with 3000 each resource bonus. Destroy all 3 Obelisks for New Objectives.

Objective 9

Choose Your Empire: Other than the Obelisk previously mentioned with the Colossus, the next three Obelisks you will find beyond the gate will each grant you an Empire. Which Empire you get depends upon which Obelisk you first destroy. Once destroyed, be prepared to be briefly welcomed to your new Empire.


Your Slice of Pie is just up ahead! It is of course not only earning a slice of Pie here on the Mountain Way, it's about how big a slice you earn when you finally transform into your future Empire.

Objective 10

Welcome to your New Empire: Follow the road north to the lava cave holding 3 heroes hostage. Outside the cave is 3 Obelisks. Destroying either of the Obelisks first releases one of the three Heroes. Again this leaves the other two Obelisks invalid and the other two heroes perish in the Lava. The Hero you release is then teleported to one of your enemy Empires. Being the leader of that Empire, that hero convinces that Empire to become your ally.


I would recommend destroying one of the Obelisks in front of the Cave to the North to gain an ally Empire as soon as possible. If Athena is your ally, she will have an army attacking each of your enemy Empires to distract them to give you enough time to win over one of them as your ally.

Objective 11

For The Lives And Honor Of Ornlu's Pups: Now that you have set free a hero,one of your enemies is now your ally. If any 2 of the 3 original enemy Empires including your new allies empire are destroyed, the Osiris guarding the Theocrat will vanish. Kill the Theocrat to claim victory.


Find and cut down the Tamarisk Tree near the Mountain Way to receive a bounty of resources and power. In,case you didn't notice, you have 2 docks. Even if your ally Empire gets killed, you only need to destroy one other Empire to get passed Osiris and kill Theocrat to rescue Ornlu's pups.

Hades Gift 1 player (Created 2010)


In the middle of doing a favour for Hades, Athena set off to fulfill an obligation she made to build a resort for creatures who got left behind from wars of past. During Athena's construction, she was blind sided by an unseen powerful foe who Imprisoned her in a Great Wonder. Hades, in need of that favour from Athena called upon Arkantos to free Athena. Arkantos and Ajax both jumped at the chance to help their friend and also accepted Hades gift: In caves, most enemy land units you kill, Hades will immediately send back to join you. On the down side, when in the sun the gift has the opposite effect and can be at a greater extent. Your glory here is becoming powerful enough to bring down this Great Wonder thus setting free Athena. Ajax and Arkantos were suppose to meet at the cave entrance but Ajax didn't show so Arkantos makes his way into the cave as we begin.

Objective 1

Find the jail wall at the exit of this first cave and destroy it. Find ways to get through the caves while saving your units from being killed. Remember as you move along, different units that you accumulate can be used for different parts of getting your armies safely through the very long and challenging path before you. You have this cave to pass through as well as one other cave. By the time you exit the second cave, you will need to have accumulated a large powerful army to succeed from there.


Build, protect and heal your army. By the time you exit the second cave you will need as many units as you can accumulate to score large. Look for iron fences, destroying them frees the prisoners behind them who join you. When a dead unit comes back to join you, remember to look for that unit where you originally found the enemy unit you killed.

Objective 2

Follow the path to the next cave entrance and destroy the jail wall blocking the entrance. Ajax comes to join you in battle and after explains his delay and how it came about that a couple of giant birds dropped them off here.


You know how Hades gift works in caves, now that you enter the sun, remember it has the opposite effect on enemy units. Use the units you accumulated special abilities to help get your army safely through this. Remember, some of you may even find this area relatively easy but by the time you exit the second cave, you will need a massive and powerful army to reap the rewards that await.

Objective 3

Find your way to the exit of this cave and destroy the jail wall blocking the exit.


Again, find a way to get as many of your units through the cave safely and also accumulate as many units as possible because again by the time you leave this cave you most certainly will need them and the more the merrier.

Objective 4

Find and destroy the Gate of Troy.


You had better hope for your sake that you are able to find a way to make it to the Gate of Troy with a sizable and powerful army. Many prizes await to be won beyond this gate.

Objective 5

Find and destroy the next Gate of Troy. Conquer caves and valleys for benefits /prizes. Cave 1) 50 000 each resource plus 4 sons of Osiris. 2) 25000 each resource plus 2 sons of Osiris. 3) 10 000 each resource plus a son of Osiris. 4) Army of 10 Chimera. 5) Siege weapons. / Valley 6) Gain a Nidhog. 7) Gain 2 Rocs. 8) Gain full iron weapons shields and Armour along with upgrading Greek units to champions. 9) Gain 8000 each resource.


The difficulty of the cave is determined by what you get. 50 000 each resource cave for example is next to impossible. Of course first taking on weaker caves / valleys might help you get strong enough to take on stronger caves and valleys. As soon as you knock down the gate of troy you can no longer collect prizes from caves and you are also granted 3000 each resource plus ten villagers.

Objective 6

Find and destroy the Player 7 Wonder to free Athena.


Now that the gate is down, Empire Two and Empire Three will soon descend upon you. I suggest you build a town center and temple to advance to the next age as soon as possible so you can start building structures that make armies. Remember, you will likely also need houses right away.

Humongous 1 player (Created 2010)


Having heard of Amanra's Campaign to remove religion from her lands in Ride The Lightning, many of the Sensible Great Leaders take notice of how such filthy lies other wise known as religion has been leading people to war and divide all the while those who make up / brainwash people with such filthy lies are the very ones who prosper off such filthy deception. They obviously even stoop so low in lies to tell you that if you do not follow their religion you will suffer for it when you die because they will obviously say and do anything to maintain power and control over the many. Such is the sickness in the disease known as religion. All These Great Leaders agree to abolish religion for all time if all of the religious artifacts within the two light houses guarded mainly by the greediest of all the religious liars are destroyed. They now call upon a hero to take on this great feat as so begins your journey of Epic proportions to finally bring the globe to unity

Objective 1

Ultimately you must destroy two lighthouses thus destroying all religious artifacts to finally awaken the world to an era of global unity. One lighthouse is to the very South of the map, The other is to the very East of the map as revealed in the intro. Travel to the very southern corner of your map to Coral Island and destroy the Lighthouse. You can try to sneak passed the Empires on the mainland to make it through the tunnel entrance in the center of the map to get to the second mainland if you want too. I wouldn't advise it.


Off the shore to the East is a mainland which hosts 4 Empires at war vs. each other 2 vs 2. They will all attack you. I strongly suggest destroying the lighthouse on Coral Island to the south before you attempt to settle the mainland. Upon the destruction of this lighthouse, you will be awarded advantages to help you breach the mainland and take over your opponents. If you can't beat Coral Island, look for how to at the bottom of the read me file that came with this game.


Find the lake in mainland. You must pass through the tunnel entrance in the lake to make it on to the shore of the second mainland.


You do not have to destroy the 4 Empires at war on the first mainland however if you do, you will be helping yourself with a population advantage later in the game. Making it through the tunnel marks that you are half way to potentially accomplishing your goals. Strategize well, this is where the fun begins.


Get to the Eastern shore so you may cross the channel and fight through the Gates to ultimately destroy the Second lighthouse along with all of it's artifacts to claim victory.


You might want to dominate this second mainland to provide some stability while you attempt to destroy the second lighthouse. In destroying this lighthouse, you will set free the Earth from the disease / largest hate crime against humanity ever known as religion once and for all and in same obviously bring the globe to unity with the crumbling of such filthy lies. You will be the one known as the all time Humungous Champion of us all to all future generations. Good Luck!

Momentum 2 versions: 1 player & a 3 vs 3 multi player (Created 2010)


The Dark Players 20 statues carry 10 prizes. That is one prize between each set of twins. Again if you beat your opposing team in destroying any one of these statues, your team gets the prize and their statue becomes void. If they beat you, they get the prize and your statue becomes void. Be the first to destroy all 10 Dark Player statues and win an extra bonus for your Team. Be the first to destroy the lighthouse and win great powers of devastation for your team.


Team 1 = plyr 1, 2, 3 vs. Team 2 = plyr 4, 5, 6. Each team has a comp player on their side. To begin the Heroes Journey, select your statue near your Heroes and hit delete on your keyboard. Deleting this statue begins the quest. Destroy Dark Players statues of lightning and lighthouse to engage opposing team. Cut down Tamarisk Trees to gain major resources for your team. To kill player 9 destroy Opposing Teams Gate of Troy Entrance. Defeat all enemy units and buildings to win.


If victorious at heroes journey look for your heroes at your teams blue Platform near the center of the map. The Dark Player has 20 statues of lightning dividing you from your opposing team. Each statue has a twin on your opponents side of the map. If you are the first to destroy one of each set of twin statues, you gain the rewards as well in destroying your statue first, you void your opposing team the chance of getting that prize.

The Titaning 3 vs 3 Multi Player (Created 2010 / 2011)


Every Player can gain advantages depending upon their own personal strategies early in the game through knocking down nature statues of Myth Units for resources and villagers, to working together as a team later in the game towards unlocking the secret of the Marsh. Your Computer Ally has the potential to become very powerful and helpful if all seems doomed.


Player 1, 2, 3 is Team 1. Player 4, 5, 6, is Team 2. Each Team has a Computer Ally, Team 1 has player 7, Team 2 has player 8. Near each of your starting Town Centers is a Tamarisk Tree and a near by fenced off 6 berry bushes. By chopping down the Tamarisk Tree you evoke a Titan to fight for your Empire at the center of the map and gain resources. When all three of your teams Tamarisk Trees are down, only then is the key forged to unlock the secrets of the swamp. Killing all Marshmellow units and Lighthouse behind the Gate of Troy in the swamp grants resources and brings down the wall guarding the berry bushes. Pick all 6 berry Bushes clean to evoke another Titan.

(Team 1: The Chewies 1 The Insults 2 The Cannibals 3 vs. Team 2: The All Sneaks 4 The Buggars 5 The Fuglies 6)


Team 1 is bound to fight the Northern Swamp. Team 2 is bound to fight the Southern Swamp. Player 9 (Marsh Mellows) are Neutral until a Team chops down their 3 Tamarisk Trees. Each Team must first take down their 3 Tamarisk Trees to be able to fight the Marsh Mellows. Killing Nature Statues of Myth Units near your starting Town Center gives you resources and even villagers but that statue turns into the myth unit ready to fight you.

Promethea 2 versions 1 player & 3 vs 3 multi player (Created / Released Feb 1st 2011)


Everyone is welcome to embark on this Great Adventure of Epic Proportions to bring your enemies quivering to their knees right here in Promethea. Some people celebrate their birthday by having a party. I'm celebrating My 40 Birthday by sharing this marvel with you which is why it is being released Feb 1 2011 Marking 40 years on the planet.


Team 1 = Player 1, 2 & 3. Team 2 = Player 4, 5 & 6. This is a conquest. To Kill Osiris and your Teams Promethean Titan Nemesis = Team 1, Kill all seven player 7 Myth Unit Armies . Team 2, kill all seven Player 8 Myth Unit Armies. Upon Killing each Army, your Team is also awarded resources or surprises (as well destroys boulder walls). Destroy enemy teams 2 Gates of Troy. Upon destroying each Gate, your team is awarded 1 titan each player along with a power. Chop down The Tamarisk tree to gain resources for your team.

(Team 1: The Chewies 1 The Insults 2 The Cannibals 3 vs. Team 2: The All Sneaks 4 The Buggars 5 The Fuglies 6)


Each Team has an Arena. Team 1 Arena is located to the South of the Teams starting point. Team 2 Arena is Located to the North of the Teams starting point. You will find 3 armies of myth units in the Arena. Killing each army grants your Team resources. The greater the Myth unit, the more the bounty you recieve. Once cleared, the arena makes a great location for a forward base. Free units behind jail walls by destroying jail walls and these units will join your team. Click on Signs for messages to be shared with all.

Ascend 1 player (Created / Released July 23 2011)


Zeus was pawned off on the Lesser Titans as a child by his parents for babysitting purposes. Zeus grew to have some compassion for the lesser Titans back then and it was recently re kindled. Kronos is responsible for their banishment so they want revenge. Zeus called for heroes from far and wide. 5 heroes answered his call for the opportunity to Ascend to Olympus. As so begins this scenario.

Objective 1

Choose a hero.


Using your mouse, drag the cursor on the monitor over a hero and simply left click on the hero to select a hero and you will begin The Gauntlet portion of the game. The hero you choose belongs to either the Greeks, Egyptians, Norse or Atlanteans and depending on the hero you now choose will attach that civilization to you from this point on right through the Empire conquest portion of the game.

Objective 2 The 5 versions of this game

A) Welcome to the Atlantean version of this Scenario (This Atlantean version comes with Implode and 2 Servants for healing in the Water just left of this starting platform). Upon completing the Gauntlet / killing Kronos you will then become player 2. Follow the Waves North - West to find and kill Folstag. (check hints)

B) Welcome to the Greek Version of this scenario. (This Greek version comes with 5 restorations) Upon completing the Guantlet / killing Kronos you will then become player 3. Follow the waves North - West to find and kill Folstag. (check hints)

C) Welcome to a Norse version of this scenario . (This Norse version comes with 2 Valkyrie and a healing Spring) Upon completing the Gauntlet / killing Kronos you will then become player 4. Follow the waves North - West to find and kill Folstag. (check hints)

D) Welcome to the Egyptian version of this scenario. (In this Egyptian version you get Son of Osiris for healing and 2 Ancestor powers) Upon completing the Gauntlet / killing Kronos you will then become player 5. Follow the waves North - West to find and kill Folstag.

E) Welcome to a Norse version of this scenario. Upon completing the Gauntlet / killing Kronos you will then become player 6. (In this Norse version you get Regenlief for healing and a Frost power) Follow the waves North - West to find and kill Folstag. (check hints)


To the East is an alternate passage filled with Greek Armies and 3 statues of lightning. Upon killing all of these Greek units and 3 statues of lightning, you Gain 2 Titans. Getting the 2 Titans assures you unlocked the bonus statues of lightning which will appear in the Gauntlet. Kill all statues of lightning to get the 3000 each resource bonus for your future Empire. Not doing the East Passage means you do not get the Titans, the bonus and nor will your units be replenished in the Gauntlet.

Objective 3

To gain a Titan Ally simply kill all enemy units from here to the two castles at the wooden wall, as well destroy the castles. If you choose not to kill all units, simply destroy the castles to get new Objective


It may be obvious that you might want to heal your units before moving on

Objective 4

Kill Kronos. Beyond The Gate of Troy there is a regular statue of Kronos. Find and destroy this statue to set free Gaia under your control to enable you to kill Kronos. Before the Gate of Troy, there are three statues of lightning. Destroying all three unlocks two Titan Ally, and destroying one of these statues alone releases a Titan Ally.


One of the three statues of lighting between here and the Gate of Troy is hidden but not that hard to find. If you destroy all three statues your two Titans will appear at the third and hidden statue location. The more Titans you have, the better your chances at finding and destroying the statue of Kronos to release Gaia.

Objective 5

Since this most recent banishment of Kronos, player 8 has sent it's castles to work on creating another portal for Kronos to enter. Find and destroy the Fifteen Player 8 Castles to put a stop to Kronos and claim victory.


Your Gates of Troy and statues of lightning guarding the gate are also defense mechanisms that will aid you when your domain is under attack. There is no time to waste here so I recommend you advance quickly as well grow quickly and make many military buildings. Good luck!

David Jeffrey Spetch

Ps. Be good, be strong!

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