SCOTUS Overturns Another Landmark, Foundational 20th Century Ruling

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Jun 29, 2024, 2:06:10 PM (3 days ago) Jun 29
to Political Euwetopia
It might not have the social outrage of overturning five decades of abortion protection, but overturning four decades of "Chevron deference" will have a huge effect on the daily lives of all of us.

The far-right majority on the SCOTUS has been firing the opening salvos on our system of administrative law, particularly where government protection of the environment, workers, and consumers from being run over by huge corporate interests is concerned. Acting as an unelected, life-tenured GOP/MAGA super-legislature, with zero regard for precedent or stare decisis, and with billionaire Leonard Leo Federalist Society mandate to repeal wholesale the 20th century, they just overturned the Court's landmark 1984 Chevron, Inc v Natural Resources Defense Council ruling, with 2024 Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo.

The former ruling has been foundational to our system for the last four decades, lying at the heart of our federal agencies' regulatory powers, ranging from the the EPA and the FDA to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and their/our ability to protect ourselves from dangerously greedy predatory businesses and banksters.

The Supreme Court Ends Chevron Deference—What Now?
For one, the ability of federal agencies like the EPA to set rules and enforce environmental protections now shrinks.
NRDC_Jeff Turrentine
June 28, 2024

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling today in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo dealt a severe blow to the ability of federal agencies to do their jobs by ending the 40-year-old precedent of “Chevron deference.” Instead of deferring to the expertise of agencies on how to interpret ambiguous language in laws pertaining to their work, federal judges now have the power to decide what a law means for themselves. As a result, despite not being accountable to the people, judges will now be able to expand their role into the realm of policymaking.

“In one fell swoop, the majority today gives itself exclusive power over every open issue—no matter how expertise-driven or policy-laden—involving the meaning of regulatory law,” wrote Justice Elena Kagan in her dissent from the ruling. “As if it did not have enough on its plate, the majority turns itself into the country’s administrative czar.”

The decision has profound consequences, not only for the country’s rule of law but also for how agencies—such as those protecting the public against everything from pollution and contaminated food to workplace hazards and rising drug prices—are able to function. Here’s what you need to know. 

The balance of power

We're taught in school about how the U.S. government’s separation of powers is supposed to work: Congress writes the laws, the executive branch carries them out, and the judiciary—including the Supreme Court—resolves arguments about what these laws mean and evaluates whether they're being enforced properly. In reality, these powers overlap at times between the branches of government, and overall, the system relies on a certain degree of trust. 

For instance, as society, technology, and the economy have grown more complex, so, too, has the task of governance. Because Congress is not equipped to micromanage the day-to-day administration of the legislation that it passes, it must rely on federal agencies—under the supervision of the president—to carry out laws and policies according to their best good-faith interpretations. Likewise, federal judges have a role in determining the meaning of Congress’s laws in order to settle disputes. But the act of policymaking has always belonged to the two elected branches.  

Today, however, the Supreme Court seized for both itself and lower-court judges a policymaking role that the Constitution did not intend for them to have. The court stripped many federal agencies tasked with protecting public health, public safety, and the environment—including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, to name just two—of their power to interpret the laws they carry out. Instead, federal judges now get to call the shots. 

What is “Chevron deference,” and how does it work?

Chevron deference is the latitude federal judges give agencies over how to interpret the statutes they administer when a dispute arises. Some 40 years ago, the Supreme Court articulated a relatively simple two-part test. First, the judges examine the wording and the context of the statute in question to see if Congress’s intent is clear. If it is, then the matter is settled: The agency is obliged to follow the letter of the law.

What it comes down to is this: If Congress has left an agency with a policy choice, the agency should get to make it, not the courts.

David Doniger, Senior Federal Strategist for NRDC's Climate & Energy Program

But if the statutory language is ambiguous—that is, if it has two or more reasonable interpretations—the reviewing court must defer to the agency’s choice in how to carry out the law. The idea behind such deference is that expert agencies, accountable to an elected president, are better suited than federal judges to make the policy choices that Congress left open.

Established in 1984 by the Supreme Court’s ruling in Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, this jurisprudential doctrine has underpinned U.S. administrative law ever since and has governed some of our most important protections involving pollution, food safety, and more. David Doniger argued the Chevron case on behalf of NRDC, which at the time was trying to get the EPA to adequately enforce pollution controls at industrial facilities under the Clean Air Act. The agency under then president Ronald Reagan was more inclined toward pursuing industry-friendly deregulation than decreasing pollution. Citing statutory ambiguity, Reagan’s EPA proffered its interpretation of the Clean Air Act’s directive—an interpretation that was, unsurprisingly, much more to the liking of polluters and industrial facility owners (like Chevron). The court ultimately ruled in favor of the agency, and the precedent of Chevron deference was born.

Today, Doniger, who currently serves as senior federal strategist for NRDC’s Climate & Energy program, distills the court’s reasoning in the 1984 case. “What it comes down to is this: If Congress has left an agency with a policy choice, the agency should get to make it, not the courts,” he says. 

The case that overruled Chevron deference

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo pitted the owners of a New England fishing company against a federal agency, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). The Magnuson-Stevens Act sets catch limits to help prevent overfishing and requires fishing boats to have a government-appointed inspector onboard to monitor compliance. 

Fishing companies incur the cost of these monitors—in plaintiff Loper Bright’s case, about $700 a day—but the company argued that NMFS had no authority to force it to do so. A district court disagreed, reasoning that Congress left that question open for the agency to decide. Applying Chevron, the court deferred to NMFS’s choice that the boat owner should pay. A federal appeals court affirmed this decision. 

The plaintiffs then appealed to the Supreme Court, which in May 2023 announced that it would take up the case.

A recipe for chaos

At the time of the 1984 Chevron v. NRDC ruling, Doniger notes, it was widely perceived in legal and political circles that judges in the lower federal courts were inappropriately crafting policy by deciding for themselves what certain laws meant, effectively substituting their own ideas for the discernment of agency experts. “So the Supreme Court was basically saying to the lower courts: Stop inserting your own policy preferences under the guise of interpreting the law,” Doniger says.

That order, in and of itself, is apolitical, because the Chevron sword cuts both ways. In administrations that are seeking to relax protections (such as Reagan’s EPA in the Chevron case itself), agency heads won’t like having their decisions overruled by judges with a different way of seeing things. For presidential administrations that prioritize climate action, curbing pollution, and promoting environmental justice, Chevron deference has helped allow environmental progress. John Walke, a senior advocate in NRDC’s Environmental Health program, has argued many cases in federal court where Chevron deference has come into play, and he thinks combatants on both sides of the political divide should bemoan its erasure. Walke says, “Regulatory agencies can be harmed, but deregulatory agencies can be harmed as well.” 

Chevron deference’s detractors argue that the doctrine gives agencies a rubber stamp to impose onerous restrictions and rules. But as noted by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonpartisan law and policy institute, federal agencies face legal challenges to their rules all the time—and only prevail in about 70 percent of these challenges, even with the Chevron doctrine on their side. In other words, their powers are far from unchecked.

Both Doniger and Walke think that ending Chevron deference could potentially usher in a new era marked by legal and administrative chaos. For instance, in Chevron v. NRDC, the Supreme Court admonished the lower courts to not usurp agency prerogatives by making public policy through their rulings. Now the Supreme Court has reopened the door for federal judges to decide how executive-branch agencies should go about their daily business whenever Congress has used ambiguous language, which, it should be noted, isn’t always unintentional. Sometimes Congress is purposefully inexplicit in order to give the subject-area experts space to decide how best to implement a regulation. For example, an agency made up of occupational safety specialists should already be well equipped to decide how to handle the technical, nuts-and-bolts aspects of imposing workplace protections—rules about equipment usage, say, or the need for periodic employee rest breaks—without the meddling of judges. And given the complexity of weather patterns, EPA scientists are better equipped than judges at determining how much a state should curb its air pollution in order to protect people living in other states downwind.

An even more obvious problem with giving judges this unrestrained interpretive authority? The federal court system is huge—and the roughly 850 judges who sit on the lower courts are a philosophically and ideologically diverse bunch, to say the least. And as the judicial appointments process has become increasingly partisan, the range of these judges’ views has gotten even wider. Ending Chevron deference is tantamount to throwing a dart at a lower-court dartboard…and hoping for the best. “[There are] more than 10 different circuits, each with multiple judges,” Walke says. “Each with the ability to decide which reasonable interpretation is their preferred reasonable interpretation.”

That’s probably not the result that those who called for an end to Chevron deference had in mind. But it’s what we’re all dealing with now. And when a judge’s ruling gets it wrong, Congress will have to try to make it right by passing a new law—cue, the sands of time


Jun 29, 2024, 5:40:38 PM (3 days ago) Jun 29
to Political Euwetopia
Gorsuch wrote a lengthy concurring opinion in which he spent pages explaining that stare decisis I.e. precedent is basically meaningless. Clearly he is more knowledgeable and “right” than all the justices to come before him.

“A longstanding precedent at the crux of administrative governance thus falls victim to a bald assertion of judicial authority. The majority disdains restraint, and grasps for power."—- Kagen dissent


Jun 30, 2024, 10:05:41 AM (3 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Precedent is what the Courts and our Common Law system are all about! 

The SCOTUS should only overturn it when the prior ruling is truly egregious, and social justice demands it, like when Brown v Board of Education (1954) overturned Plessy v Ferguson (1896). But this Supreme Court has been overturning everything in sight, from a century of campaign finance reform to separation of religion and government, to the right to privacy. And now to the administrative state, without which Americans are completely at the mercy of powerful predatory corporate and banking interests.

Hell, Thomas has even talked about overturning Brown v Board!


Jun 30, 2024, 11:16:33 AM (3 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
But this Supreme Court has been overturning everything in sight, from a century of campaign finance reform to separation of religion and government, to the right to privacy. And now to the administrative state, without which Americans are completely at the mercy of powerful predatory corporate and banking interests.

Hell, Thomas has even talked about overturning Brown v Board!

Yep, activist judges hell bent on fundamentally transforming the country into their vision. 

Amy Coney Barrett has been writing some very interesting opinions, both in dissent and concurrence.  It appears that she is growing quite frustrated with her activist majority. 

The Court does not dispute that Congress's joint session qualifies as an "official proceeding"; that rioters delayed the proceeding; or even that Fischer's alleged conduct (which includes trespassing and a physical confrontation with law enforcement) was part of a successful effort to forcibly halt the certification of the election results. Given these prem-ises, the case that Fischer can be tried for "obstructing, in-fluencing, or impeding an official proceeding" seems open and shut. So why does the Court hold otherwise?

Because it simply cannot believe that Congress meant what it said. Section 1512(c)(2) is a very broad provision, and admittedly, events like January 6th were not its target.

(Who could blame Congress for that failure of imagination?)

But statutes often go further than the problem that inspired them, and under the rules of statutory interpreta-tion, we stick to the text anyway. The Court, abandoning that approach, does textual backflips to find some way—

any way-to narrow the reach of subsection (c)(2). 


Jun 30, 2024, 11:57:20 AM (3 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia

Oh boohoo...


Jun 30, 2024, 12:44:47 PM (3 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Yeah boohoo, no big deal. Who needs courts that are bound by the law instead of their own personal preferences?  Why bother even having elections when a handful of activist judges will now be the ones setting policy for the nation? Afterall the whole idea that the power resides in “ we the people” was probably vastly over rated.


Jun 30, 2024, 1:16:08 PM (3 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Did you make that same complaint when Dred Scott was overturned?
Point being, the SC is not infallible.


Jun 30, 2024, 1:38:21 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
<< Amy Coney Barrett has been writing some very interesting opinions, both in dissent and concurrence.  It appears that she is growing quite frustrated with her activist majority.   >>

Still, I wouldn't count on her traveling far enough to the center to be considered "moderate" or a "swing justice".

Neil Gorsuch, who has the seat Leonard Leo, Mitch McConnell, and Donald Trump stole from president Obama (and the clear majority of Americans who twice voted Obama into the White House) learned anti-environmentalism and hatred of regulatory law from the knees of his crooked, anti-Earth, Reagan EPA Director Anne Gorsuch Burford.

Kavanaugh is Big Business over the environment, workers, consumers, public health and safety, etc, but I'm not sure how strident he is on it. 

Chief Justice Roberts has always been a "Whatever-Big-Corporations-Want-Big-Corporations-Get" kind of guy. 

And Thomas and Alito just do whatever they're told to do by the Federalist Society billionaires who pay them.


Jun 30, 2024, 1:42:56 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Dred Scott was never overturned by the Courts. It was rendered moot by the 13th Amendment.

But you might notice that I did mention a similar case:

<<Precedent is what the Courts and our Common Law system are all about! 

The SCOTUS should only overturn it when the prior ruling is truly egregious, and social justice demands it, like when Brown v Board of Education (1954) overturned Plessy v Ferguson (1896). But this Supreme Court has been overturning everything in sight, from a century of campaign finance reform to separation of religion and government, to the right to privacy. And now to the administrative state, without which Americans are completely at the mercy of powerful predatory corporate and banking interests.

Hell, Thomas has even talked about overturning Brown v Board!>>


Jun 30, 2024, 1:53:23 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
<< Oh boohoo...  >>

So, are you saying that it wouldn't bother you if, say, your grandchild was given baby food that had toxic waste or liquid pig shit in it, because the EPA had been rendered toothless to regulate how they must be contained under the Clean Water Act?

Statutory laws passed by Congress cannot and are not meant to cover all situations. That's what Executive branch regulatory laws are for: to "flesh out" the broader statutes.


Jun 30, 2024, 2:55:26 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Point being, the SC is not infallible.

Exactly why precedent is so important.  Law that has been established and reviewed over and over again for decades by numerous justices should only be overturned in extraordinary situations .  It takes a certain kind of arrogance to assume that this singular court is somehow more wise or correct where all the justices before were wrong.  

ImStillMags Mags

Jun 30, 2024, 3:37:49 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
Point being, the SC is not infallible.

Exactly why precedent is so important.  Law that has been established and reviewed over and over again for decades by numerous justices should only be overturned in extraordinary situations .  It takes a certain kind of arrogance to assume that this singular court is somehow more wise or correct where all the justices before were wrong.  



Jun 30, 2024, 4:25:35 PM (2 days ago) Jun 30
to Political Euwetopia
GOPers apparently think that the Court is supposed to be like the two political branches; a sort of unelected, life-tenured, super-legislature with the ultimate vote on our laws, that constantly shifts ideologically and changes laws according to which presidents appointed a majority of them, and the partisan political beliefs of the judges and justices themselves.

In fact, they're supposed to put their personal political beliefs aside, and rule not on whether a law is "good" or "bad", but only on whether laws or government policies are consistent with precedent and their interpretation of the Constitution.

The Warren Court was accused of being very "activist" by conservatives. But all that Court did was expand rights, liberties, and protections that they found in accord with, or even required by the Constitution and Constitutional values. I can't think of a single incident in which they created laws out of nothing but their own personal political or religious beliefs. And certainly no incident in which they demolished existing rights, liberties, or protections, as the Leo/McConnell/Roberts Court has been doing wholesale.


Jul 1, 2024, 9:24:25 AM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Political Euwetopia with the Civil Rights Cases of 1883?


Jul 1, 2024, 1:22:47 PM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Political Euwetopia
None of that is a concern of mine.


Jul 1, 2024, 1:54:47 PM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Political Euwetopia
<< None of that is a concern of mine.  >>

It hasn't been a concern for you before now because we've had a strong regulatory process in place to see to it that it doesn't become one. But I suspect you'll think different with the FDA's, EPA's, and other agency's independent rules-making authority gone, decisions have to be made by judges with zero expertise in the matters at hand -- only after lengthy litigation by greedy corporations concerned only with their profits bottom line -- and you have to gamble on the food for your grandkid being safe.


Jul 1, 2024, 2:05:34 PM (2 days ago) Jul 1
to Political Euwetopia
Or as Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said in her dissent when the Leo/McConnell Court overturned the 1965 Voting Rights Act -- yet another foundational landmark 20th century law they've abolished: “... Throwing out preclearance (the enforcement part of the Act) when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you are not getting wet."

ImStillMags Mags

Jul 2, 2024, 4:56:53 PM (8 hours ago) Jul 2
to Political Euwetopia
May be an image of 1 person and text


Jul 2, 2024, 5:02:13 PM (8 hours ago) Jul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Keep supporting unbridled immigration and more radical right things like this will happen.
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