These are the Facebook posts Russia used to undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign

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Oct 27, 2017, 8:07:40 AM10/27/17
to Political Euwetopia

Russian Facebook and Twitter accounts masqueraded as pro-Trump Americans when they took aim at Clinton.

By meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Moscow appears to have initially aimed to plant Donald Trump in the White House. But as signs toward the end of the campaign pointed to Trump’s defeat, actors in Russia were primarily trying to hamstring Hillary Clinton’s perceived ascension to the presidency. That theme ThinkProgress detailed earlier this week by analyzing Russia’s creation of hundreds of fake Facebook accounts, pumped via ads and promotion into Americans’ feeds.

We’ve also learned that certain pages called for followers to vote for Jill Steinand Bernie Sanders, as opposed to Clinton — although those posts, especially as pertaining to Sanders, haven’t yet been revealed publicly.

Both the “Secured Borders” and “Beyond Patriotic” pages revealed by the Daily Beast were steeped in anti-Clinton rhetoric, with the latter organizing on-the-ground rallies that featured Americans chanting to “lock her up!” In one example from “Secured Borders,” the authors — referring to Clinton as “Killary” — piggy-backed on the outrage over Clinton’s comments that certain Trump supporters are “deplorables.” As the post wrote, “If Killary thinks that being American, loving your country and be concerned about ours and our children’s future is deplorable, then hell yeah count me in in that basket! [sic]”

Anti-Clinton rhetoric shone through on the “Heart of Texas” page, a Russian account that advocated for Texas secession. When the page, which was the most popular Texas secession account on Facebook, wasn’t pushing to break Texas off from the rest of the U.S., it was railing against Clinton’s campaign, policies, and personality.

One post described Clinton as “pure evil,” while another shared an obviously photoshopped picture of her shaking hands with Osama bin Laden. Another post exclaimed “Hillary for prison!”, saying that Clinton “committed so many crimes that lifelong prison sentence is the least of what she deserves [sic].” All but one of these posts were published in the run-up to the election.


Perhaps the most egregious anti-Clinton material thus far identified stemmed from the “Heart of Texas” page’s attempts to rally its followers to pro-secession protests across the state in early November. The event’s promotion featured imagery of Clinton with a fly on her face and explicitly called to “Secede if Hillary!” It also referred to her as “Killary Rotten Clinton,” saying that more “refugees, more mosques, and terrorist attacks” would follow her election.

But not all anti-Clinton material was as egregious, or as obvious, as the material on the “Heart of Texas” page. To wit, the Daily Beast found that Russian agents controlled the “United Muslims of America” page — a page named after an actual, extant group. The account, along with attendant Twitter and Instagram pages, “pass[ed] along inflammatory memes” to its followers."

Mighty Mark

Oct 27, 2017, 8:58:50 AM10/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Yawn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Oct 27, 2017, 9:05:07 AM10/27/17
So, then, you voted for Trump because of the Facebook posts?  You never told us!!!!!!! 

Did you join the Benghazi demonstration because of the movie trailer?


Oct 27, 2017, 4:55:14 PM10/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
LOL! Almost  missed this gem. :)

Mighty Mark

Oct 27, 2017, 4:56:47 PM10/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Unlike the alt lefties, we don't need someone to tell us how to vote.


Oct 28, 2017, 11:37:34 AM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Sure mucky, you have a fire hose of liebart info shoved up your ass, and you puke it daily here

Image result for trump sheep
Auto Generated Inline Image 1


Oct 28, 2017, 12:30:41 PM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia

British courts may unlock secrets of how Trump campaign profiled US voters

Legal mechanism may help academic expose how Big Data firms like Cambridge Analytica and Facebook get their information

A US professor is trying to reclaim his personal data from the controversial analytics firm that helped Donald Trump to power. In what legal experts say may be a “watershed” case, a US citizen is using British laws to try to discover how he was profiled and potentially targeted by the Trump campaign.

David Carroll, an associate professor at Parsons School of Design in New York, has discovered a transatlantic legal mechanism that he hopes will give him access to information being sought by both the FBI and the Senate intelligence committee. In recent weeks, investigators looking at how people acting on behalf of Russia targeted American voters have focused on Trump’s data operation. But although the FBI obtained a court order against Facebook to make it disclose evidence, the exact way in which US citizens were profiled and targeted remains largely unknown.

But British data protection laws may provide some transparency on the company at the heart of Trump’s data operation – Cambridge Analytica– and how it created profiles of 240 million Americans. In January, Carroll discovered he – and a group of other citizens – had the right under UK law to ask for his personal data back from the company, and when it failed to supply it, he started filing pre-trial actions to sue the company under British law. The lawsuit is the result of a unique situation, according to Ravi Naik of Irvine Thanvi Natas, the British solicitor who is leading the case. It arose because although Cambridge Analytica is largely owned by Trump’s biggest donor, hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and though its vice-president at the time of the US election was Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, the company was spun out of an older British military and elections contractor, SCL, with which it still shares staff, directors and a London office.

aik says: “It’s this fascinating situation because when it became apparent that Cambridge Analytica had processed Americans’ data in Britain, it suddenly opened up this window of opportunity. In the US, Americans have almost no rights over their data whatsoever, but the data protection framework is set up in such a way that it doesn’t matter where people are: it matters where the data is processed.

“I’m a human rights practitioner and in the past most of my cases were national security issues, but increasingly it’s about data protection and the way people are affected by the misuse of their data. I see this as an issue affecting fundamental rights and it’s taking citizen activism to uncover what’s going on, to request data. I really hear echoes of the civil rights movement in people becoming more aware, more resistant and willing to fight.”

As an academic, Carroll had studied advertising, data and design, but he was still shocked when Cambridge Analytica eventually sent him a “profile” that it had created about him though not the data it was created from. “It was very strange and unsettling because they had given me ‘scores’ for different issues but I had no idea what they’d based this on.” The company scored him 3/10 on “Gun Rights Importance”, 7/10 on “National Security Importance” and “unlikely” to vote Republican.

“I was perplexed by it. I started thinking, ‘Have I had conversations about gun rights on Facebook? Where are they getting this from? And what are they doing with it?’” He reported the firm to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, which is investigating the use of data in political campaigning; he has also launched a CrowdJustice campaign and is appealing to the public to help him take the case as far as he can through the British courts...."


Oct 28, 2017, 12:53:08 PM10/28/17
People who have nothing better to do with their lives but eat themselves inside out with unbridled hatred are perplexed.  Before they self-destruct, they need to know why.

A friend who owned an internet security company advised me that the only way to be secure is to stay off the grid.  He had a rock solid opportunity to become a billionaire based on a sure thing software sale.  His dream was dashed when he agreed to speak at the RNC.  He lost the sale, his business and took his own life ,,, all because of the same flavor of hatred and intolerance that you are celebrating.


Oct 28, 2017, 2:02:08 PM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Sure slitchy, the orange dick you constantly fellate is all about hate and inciting that hatred in his cult lemmings 

"Long before calling Mexican immigrants “criminals” and “rapists,” Trump was a leading proponent of “birtherism,” the racist conspiracy theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is thus an illegitimate president. Trump claimed in 2011to have sent people to Hawaii to investigate whether Obama was really born there. He insisted at the time that the researchers “cannot believe what they are finding.”

Former Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) had a good breakdown of everything that was wrong with Trump’s comment.

“It’s like eating a watermelon and saying ‘I love African-Americans,’” Bush quipped.


He called supporters who beat up a homeless Latino man “passionate”

Trump’s racial incitement has already inspired hate crimes. Two brothers arrested in Boston last summer for beating up a homeless Latino man cited Trump’s anti-immigrant message when explaining why they did it.  

“Donald Trump was right — all these illegals need to be deported,” one of the men reportedly told police officers.

Trump did not even bother to distance himself from them. Instead, he suggested that the men were well-intentioned and had simply gotten carried away.

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” Trump said. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”


You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything.

Grab them by the p***y, you can do anything.

He then implied during a CNN interview that Kelly gave him a grilling because she was on her period, saying she had ""blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her... wherever."


While Trump was in court, during a lawsuit over a failed property project in Florida, lawyer Elizabeth Beck asked for a break.

Trump and his team objected, wanting proceedings to continue, but Beck pointed out she needed to feed her three-month old daughter, pulling out a breast pump to prove it.

Trump said in an outburst: "You're disgusting."


His remarks about his daughter, Ivanka Trump

In 2006, he joked on national television that if Ivanka was not his own daughter, he would be dating her. Which is a little awkward.

Yeah, she’s really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father...

In a 2004 radio interview, Trump told Howard Stern that he didn't mind if he called her "a piece of a**".


Oct 28, 2017, 5:20:45 PM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
We’ve also learned that certain pages called for followers to vote for Jill Steinand Bernie Sanders, as opposed to Clinton — although those posts, especially as pertaining to Sanders, haven’t yet been revealed publicly.


Jill Stein was at that dinner in Moscow, where she and Flynn were seated at Putin's table.


Oct 28, 2017, 6:11:05 PM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
I would be all for denying companies and candidates from using social media to profile prospective customers / voters.  For one thing, it would spell the end of facebook and the fascist who developed it.  As soon as you take away the ability to monetize social media platforms, they will disappear.  You morons who think it's OK for Facebook, Pinterest, and even Google and Amazon, etc. to track your every move and sell the profiles they collect ,,, but threw temper tantrums at the thought of ISPs doing the very same thing will have a rude awakening.

On Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 12:30:41 PM UTC-4, Ragnar wrote:


Oct 28, 2017, 6:19:27 PM10/28/17
I would be all for denying companies and candidates from using social media to profile prospective customers / voters.


Who would do the "denying"....the government?

If so, wouldn't that violate freedom of speech?


Oct 28, 2017, 6:52:19 PM10/28/17
Ask Raghead.  He was the one all  bent out of shape that candidates used social media to profile prospective voters.


Oct 28, 2017, 7:34:01 PM10/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
No, mitch, I'm asking YOU about what YOU wrote:

<<< I would be all for denying companies and candidates from using social media to profile prospective customers / voters. >>>

I repeat:

Who would do the "denying"....the government?

If so, wouldn't that violate free speech?


Oct 29, 2017, 1:20:41 AM10/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
How much Russian money found its way to the orange sewer rat coffers? 


Oct 29, 2017, 6:10:40 AM10/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
Who died and left you in charge?  Zuckerburg should remove social media features so facebook can't be used in ways he disapproves of and the bozo who's using fascist courts in England to figure out how he broadcast his profile to the world should remove himself from the grid voluntarily.  They are all morons.
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