Okay I get why dipshits like Mark don't get this, but how can anyone else not get...

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May 26, 2017, 2:02:20 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
when they say- hey this is all BS because they still don't have any prosecutable evidence, that Watergate took almost TWO freaking years to prosecute from the time that the case broke open?
And all the smoke there was for Nixon as the Watergate affair heated up?, there's so much more for Trump and we're only three months in. THAT'S why there are several investigations.
Why are most republicans knee-jerk enablers for this grotesque affront to even the most basic sense of decency and honor??... I really don't get it.


May 26, 2017, 2:06:03 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
It's called "innocent until proven guilty."  And, people are not at all into accepting information from "anonymous sources."  This would be my guess.


May 26, 2017, 2:49:24 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Funny how the GOP didn't see it that way with Hillary

Minister Rebel

May 26, 2017, 3:20:02 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
They all have low IQ's Bo, Its why they are called Chumpsters, How come America has 60% of the worlds fucking idiots ?


May 26, 2017, 3:25:46 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
There is no comparison of Russiagate to Watergate which started with a crime.  You guys have yet to identify and establish a crime.  In Watergate, by the time the special prosecutor was appointed, there were more than a dozen eye witnesses ready to testify.  Etc etc etc etc.  

Russiagate is a charade. A gross abuse of intelligence agencies for political purposes.   It is not a crime for ANYONE to talk to the Russians.  It is not a crime had Trump 'colluded' with the Russians.  The crimes that are revealing themselves are in the FISA warrants, the unmasking and failure to protect of American citizens, the very investigations themseles, and all the leaking.  

I posted this yesterday and thought of you. In case you missed it, it proves my point that all the intel agencies DID NOT agree that Russia hacked the DNC.  And also the point that they have no evidence of such.  https://consortiumnews.com/2017/05/23/new-cracks-in-russia-gate-assessment/

You guys need to be listening carefully to the testimonies and statements from Comey, Brennan, and Clapper.  They are contradicting each other, they are indicting the others in attempts to claim their own innocence.  

This is far bigger than Watergate but it is not about Trump. It is about Obama and his chronies, and the deep state.  


May 26, 2017, 3:33:47 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Like anything the Russian troll whore posts is believable 

Minister Rebel

May 26, 2017, 4:30:52 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Obamas fault....Rolling eyes to the heavens, from the troya that believes that the holocast was made up.


May 26, 2017, 6:45:22 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Like raggie cares that anything he spews is believeable.

Deplorable Mark

May 26, 2017, 6:58:06 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
There is no evidence to be found, because there is no evidence to be found. This is, and always has been a fake story manufactured by a bunch of sore losers, unable to accept the fact they were rejected. Period. End of story.


May 26, 2017, 6:58:11 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
You mean like the Russian propaganda you spew that has no basis in logic and reality? Get back on the Moscow streets, turning tricks for your pimp Putin your Russian whore. 


May 26, 2017, 7:55:12 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
They are much more than sore losers Mark.  They are major crackheads.  


May 26, 2017, 7:55:35 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Go listen to Brennan's testimony and come back to talk when you know what logic and reality are.  


May 26, 2017, 8:31:03 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Dear Russian Whore, 

Brennen said that at the time he did not know if there was evidence or not. He's been gone from the CIA since Jan 20, 2017, and the investigations weren't at the level then that they are now. But then again Russian whores like you are too busy turning tricks for their pimp Putin and are divorced from reality. 


May 26, 2017, 8:34:22 PM5/26/17
to political...@googlegroups.com
<<It's called "innocent until proven guilty.">>

"Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't mean that because people are presumed innocent there's no need to investigate. By that definition, there wouldn't be any point to police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges or juries, because everyone is "innocent".

Anyway, by any definition, Republicans pleading presumption of innocence on behalf of Trump and the Trump cabal might carry a little more weight if:

A) You had applied it to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and...

B) Your party would allow a real investigation -- a public investigation by a non-partisan commission with full subpoena powers -- instead of dragging their feet at every instance, or moaning that the "drama" is getting in the way of "important" stuff like taking food and health care away from millions of Americans, and slashing taxes on gazillionaires.

(Not that I would expect Republicans to consider a Russian assault on our country, or apparent collusion between a president and his people with Russia, as important as lying about a blowjob, or the Big Question of whether our last president was an illegal alien from Kenya, or whatever the Hillary-Benghazi "scandal" was supposed to have been that caused your party to devote years and countless millions of dollars to pursuing NINE major investigations of it...)


May 26, 2017, 9:09:34 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Ok bozo. Tell us what level the investigations are now at.  I would have sworn that this week, Brennan took the stage and we all learned how he is a crackhead and pursued the ILLEGAL surveillance of Trump people because he thought the Russians were trying to influence them because the Russians do that when they talk to people.  Of course, don't we all try to influence others all the time via talking?  Another impressive revelation was that either Brennan is  lying under testimony or Comey has been lying.  And we learned that the FISA court severely admonished the Obama admin for VIOLATING THE LAWS and abusing the FISA process.  

What else my dear did Brennan reveal besides their being no evidence of the Russians doing anything or the Trump people?  


May 26, 2017, 9:12:35 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Wow Lobo.  And what does ILLEGAL SEARCH AND SEIZURE mean to you?  

Hint hint.  

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. It requires governmental searches and seizures to be conducted only upon issuance of a warrant, judicially sanctioned by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. It is part of the Bill of Rights and was adopted in response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, a type of general search warrant issued by the British government and a major source of tension in pre-Revolutionary America. The Fourth Amendment was introduced in Congress in 1789 by James Madison, along with the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, in response to Anti-Federalist objections to the new Constitution. Congress submitted the amendment to the states on September 28, 1789. By December 15, 1791, the necessary three-fourths of the states had ratified it. On March 1, 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson announced the adoption of the amendment.

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 7:34:22 PM UTC-5, Lobo wrote:
<<It's called "innocent until proven guilty.">>

"Innocent until proven guilty" doesn't mean that because people are presumed innocent there's no need to investigate. Byt hat definition, there wouldn't be any point to police, prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges or juries, because everyone is "innocent".


May 26, 2017, 9:20:55 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Who's engaging in illegal search and seizure?


May 26, 2017, 10:35:11 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Meddling in our election is a crime.  Operatives were expelled from the country and sanctions were put on certain people in Russia

That's about as good as it gets with foreign nationals. 

Or did you not know that they have immunity and the most we can ever do to them is send them out of the country for good.


May 26, 2017, 11:09:26 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia

Nobody needed annonymous sources with Hillary. She provided multiple acts of perjury as well as 30,000 missing emails and let's not forget all of those emails proving the Clinton Organized Crime Family rigged the Democratic primary against Bernie so another Perjuror in Chief could run for office.


May 26, 2017, 11:16:24 PM5/26/17
to Political Euwetopia
Despite repeated claims that the primary was "rigged" against Sanders, no one has ever proved that.


May 27, 2017, 2:21:55 AM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Anonymous sources? you mean like 'Deep throat"... and btw, Nixon cried it was all a "witch hunt" too...
That Vesuvius size column of smoke coming out of the west wing?? oh probably just steam from the laundry room.
Pathetic drones.


May 27, 2017, 7:59:16 AM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Meddling is a crime in your fantasy planet?  So Trump colluded to meddle.  That has a ring to it don't you think.  Nevermind. you don't think.  

So does your meddling include giving campaign speeches?  Getting one's name on the ballot as an opponent of your Shilliary?  


May 27, 2017, 8:00:27 AM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Yes they did.  

Minister Rebel

May 27, 2017, 8:08:40 AM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
This forum has been invaded by the Putin whores and pimps, time Euwe cleaned out the closet. It is starting to stink all the way to the W.H Presisential suite.


May 27, 2017, 12:59:53 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia

On Friday, May 26, 2017 at 10:16:24 PM UTC-5, herman wrote:
Despite repeated claims that the primary was "rigged" against Sanders, no one has ever proved that.

One doesn't have to prove it when the DNC lawyers testify under oath in court that the DNC did it.


Wasserman-Schultz rescinded a ban on donations from lobbyists and PACs when Sanders emerged as a viable challenger to Clinton in late 2015.

The rule change paved the way for the establishment of the Hillary Victory Fund, which Politico uncovered was laundering money to the Clinton campaign under the claims of fundraising for state Democratic parties. The Clinton campaign would have been outpaced by the Sanders campaign in fundraising if it were not for the rule change.

Current DNC Chairman and former Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, while campaigning to become the DNC chairman, even admitted in February that the Democratic Party primaries were rigged in favor of Clinton.


The attorneys representing the DNC have previously argued that Sanders supporters knew the primaries were rigged, therefore annulling any potential accountability the DNC may have. In the latest hearing, they doubled down on this argument: “The Court would have to find that people who fervently supported Bernie Sanders and who purportedly didn’t know that this favoritism was going on would have not given to Mr. Sanders, to Senator Sanders, if they had known that there was this purported favoritism.”


Article 5, Section 4 of the DNC’s charter states the organization will operate with total neutrality throughout the course of the Democratic primaries. Court documents reveal the organization's lawyers made a lengthy case suggesting impartiality is nothing more than a political promise


But one DNC lawyer’s argument actually tries to justify the party’s right to be biased on behalf of one primary candidate over another

The same lawyer also argued that there is “no contractual obligation” to prevent advantage or disadvantage between candidates, and that the evenhandedness and impartiality language in the DNC charter is not “self-defining.”

This last one, from Law News is the most damning. That magazine and its readership make up the group of people who will be tasked with disbarring Hillary and the DNC upper party members, including their lawyers once the judge rules on this case.

There was no way the lawyers could hide the fact the DNC rigged the primary so now they are trying to "double down" on the DNC right to do it. The entire criminal fraud case is based on that section of the charter I bolded above. They, whoever the court decides "they" are, will go to jail. There is no out. It is a fraud case measuring in the many tens of millions making Bernie Madoff look small time.


May 27, 2017, 1:02:34 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
You know, the Democrats lost all right to get indignant about this when the Democrats in Congress committed treason by not impeaching Clinton.

Perjury is Perjury and it was perjury despite the constantly debunked article Lobo keeps trying to bring up claiming it was just a lie under oath and not perjury.


May 27, 2017, 1:11:06 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
You know, pretty much my entire life, not just my adult life, but my entire life the U.S. has been "meddling in elections" globally. Remember the Shaw of Iran? Just how many South Vietnam leaders did we manufacture during Vietnam war? How about that con man kicked out for corruption we installed in the gulf recently? The list goes on and on.

The DNC put in a cheap email server and staffed it with unskilled IT workers. The same thing Target, T.J. Max and Yahoo did. They all go hacked. Hanging some nasty email shorts on the line is nothing compared to mass identity theft.

The Clinton family of Organized crime, yes, the current trial and DNC lawyer testimony makes it an organized crime tied to actual financial fraud, is far more heinous than broadcasting embarrassing emails proving widespread corruption. When a tobacco insider did this they were a national hero.


May 27, 2017, 2:46:53 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Oh god, just when we think we have worst putin whores and conspiracy theorists in the world on this board, something like roland shows up.

when it comes to republicans there is no worst in the world.  There's always one more willing to go farther, be crazier and still not be in an asylum.

they accuse us of allowing Mexicans in the country to vote for Hillary.

But what did they do?  King Ron opened the gates of every asylum in the country (so that the government wouldn't have to pay for sick people any longer) and they've been voting republican for the last 30 years.


May 27, 2017, 3:12:41 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia

As Lobo proves. Asylum dwellers champion the Clinton Organized Crime Family no matter how heinous their crimes. At least the current trial will ultimately lead to Hillary and a few cronies being put behind bars. They exceeded Bernie Madoff's fraud amount and stayed under Jamie Dimon's  fraud amount which means it isn't too big a fraud to prosecute.


May 27, 2017, 4:38:06 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
cornhole and ddt fascist whore, quite the pair.....laws for the kochsuckers they worship, and laws for everyone else....including Hillary.....eat shit rolfie....Chicago will spill over and take over your hog wallow paradise ....sad. 


May 27, 2017, 4:41:08 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
"Shaw of Iran"...ROFL........rolfie the ignorant pig fucker living in a nightmare of ignorance of his own design 


May 27, 2017, 5:52:20 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Justass the conspiracy theorist, makes us laugh by bemoaning the existence of conspiracy theorits.  

On Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 1:46:53 PM UTC-5, Justice wrote:


May 27, 2017, 6:06:12 PM5/27/17
to political...@googlegroups.com
<<Perjury is Perjury and it was perjury despite the constantly debunked article Lobo keeps trying to bring up claiming it was just a lie under oath and not perjury.>>

Whether he lied in the Paula Jones deposition or not, your party didn't impeach him for that. The GOP's Articles of Impeachment only included his statements to the federal Kenneth Starr Grand Jury, in which he first read a statement admitting to the affair. The desperate House GOPers' absurd ideas of what constituted "perjury" consisted of ridiculous "GOTCHA!"s -- silliness like claiming that Clinton told "direct lies" when he said he and Lewinsky were alone only on "certain occasions" and only had "occasional" telephone conversations "WHEN IN FACT" <"GOTCHA!">, they did it on "NUMEROUS" occasions! Or his saying that, in his opinion, a blowjob did not amount to "having sexual relations". (In fact, I've always thought of the phrase "having sex" with someone as meaning engaging in the act of coitus. But however anyone defines it, it's still just a fucking opinion, not a deliberately true or false statement of fact. And yes, the lawyers in the Paula Jones deposition did provide a more detailed definition, but they didn't in the federal deposition your party impeached him on. 

If you're going to try to remove a popular, popularly-elected president from office on what amounts to a technical definition of a few words in regard to an act of private, adult, consensual oral sex, then you at least better get your technicalities right.

Minister Rebel

May 27, 2017, 6:33:05 PM5/27/17
to Political Euwetopia
Youb think DDT and Weary hired the help Justice, Maybe they are starting to feel the pinch already.


May 28, 2017, 5:13:20 AM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Jeezus another pathetic troll. Let go of Bubba junior, it's history and it pales in comparison to the monumental shit show that's rolled out in just three months, driven by Drumpf and no one else.
And I love how the guy who has the "best people around him to consult" doesn't consult them at all and just shoots his stupid mouth off without consulting anyone, which is why he has done nothing but make his situation exponentially worse while his team is pulling it's hair out.


May 28, 2017, 4:40:47 PM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Grease your fur all you want, you can't weasel out of it. They proved perjury when he said he did not have "sexual relations" because oral sex is a sexual act. The Democrats committed treason lock stock and two smelly socks when they did not impeach a lawyer who knew full well he committed perjury.

On Saturday, May 27, 2017 at 5:06:12 PM UTC-5, Lobo wrote:
<<Perjury is Perjury and it was perjury despite the constantly debunked article Lobo keeps trying to bring up claiming it was just a lie under oath and not perjury.>>

Whether he lied in the Paula Jones deposition or not, your party didn't impeach him for that. The GOP's Articles of Impeachment only included his statements to the federal Kenneth Starr Grand Jury, in which he first read a statement admitting to the affair. The desperate House GOPers' absurd ideas of what constituted "perjury" consisted of ridiculous "GOTCHA!"s -- silliness like claiming that Clinton told "direct lies" when he said he and Lewinsky were alone only on "certain occasions" and only had "occasional" telephone conversations "WHEN IN FACT" <"GOTCHA!">, they did it on "NUMEROUS" occasions! Or his saying that, in his opinion, a blowjob did not amount to "having sexual relations". (In fact, I've always thought of the phrase "having sex" with someone as meaning engaging in the act of coitus. But however anyone defines it, it's still just a fucking opinion, not a deliberately true or false statement of fact. And yes, the lawyers in the Paula Jones deposition did provide a more detailed definition, but they didn't in the federal deposition your party impeached him on. 

If you're going to try to remove a popular, popularly-elected president from office on what amounts to a technical definition of a few words, then you at least better get your technicalities right.


May 28, 2017, 4:44:21 PM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
It's not history. There is no statute of limitations on treason. That act of treason painted us into the shitty corner the nation is in. The Clinton family of organized crime would have been stopped in their tracks, unable to rig a primary for Hillary. All of you whining and sniveling about Trump should really be whining and sniveling about that fact. Without the Clinton family of organized crime Bernie Sanders would have won in a landslide taking a large part of the population who voted for Trump.


May 28, 2017, 5:16:35 PM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
How was lunch with Alex Jones?


May 28, 2017, 5:19:40 PM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Rolfie the hog fucker may not know, he was under the table the whole time

Minister Rebel

May 28, 2017, 5:42:10 PM5/28/17
to Political Euwetopia
Sexual relations, is not a sexual act, you need to define the meaning of Oral sex, Its a fucking blow job, any whore will give you a blow job for cash, Does that make it a sexual relation ? Who defines a sexual act ?


May 29, 2017, 8:49:46 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
The legal system defined sexual relations and the LAWYER Syphilis Willie had it spelled out for him.

He deliberately and willfully committed perjury.

The Democrats deliberately and willfully committed TREASON by not throwing his as out of office and behind bars where it belonged.

Quit whining and snivellling about how the Clinton Family of Organized crime didn't get to install yet another Perjurer In Chief. Had the Democrats done their jobs so many years ago they couldn't have rigged the Democratic primary against Bernie and you wouldn't be stuck with Trump.


May 29, 2017, 8:50:12 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
Never heard of him/her/it.


May 29, 2017, 8:51:59 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
I just hope someone has their camera phone turned on when you try to get on an airplane again.

It'll look just like that doctor getting pulled from that United flight only this time there will be no outrage and nobody will lose their jobs.

Of course you better do it pretty soon. With all your copyright infringement and talk of armed rebellion GITMO can't be too far away in your future.

Minister Rebel

May 29, 2017, 10:07:51 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
Rol likes the idiot in cheif with his family of spongies, Fucking idiot defends the mob and their rape of the american population.


May 29, 2017, 10:13:16 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
The mob which raped the American population would be the Clinton Family of Organized crime and the mindless drivel which follows and supports them.

I have never said I supported Trump. You are yet another person who sees words and cannot actually read. If it wasn't for the Clinton Family of Organized Crime and supporters like you, the country would have had Bernie.

Trump is in office because of you. Own it.

Minister Rebel

May 29, 2017, 10:17:59 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
I do not support Clinton, Buit you never gave us any alternatives in the booths. The whole clan in this political field are corrupt, no one more than Chump.


May 29, 2017, 10:36:14 AM5/29/17
to Political Euwetopia
Oh no. The Clinton Family of Organized Crime is far more corrupt, of that I have no doubt. The current legal proceeding is going to find the DNC and Clinton guilty of financial fraud. Lawyers for the DNC have already admitted in court the primary was rigged for Clinton. There is no way to weasel out of this now.

I gave money to Bernie and supported him even though I was born Republican. After the Clinton Family of Organized Crime rigged the primary against him and shoved him out the door, I gave money to Jill and supported her because she was the only real alternative.

The mindless drivel on here with their crazed eyed frothing at the mouth support for the Clinton Family of Organized Crime needs to own the fact they are the reason Trump is in the White House.

I do have to admit this about the scatter brain in office. Occasionally, when he is swinging the bat around wildly he manages to find the ball. It defies all odds, but he does it. During the campaign when he was relentlessly harping on a rigged primary/election system, long before the inconvenient emails surfaced on WikiLeaks, all of the Clinton Organized Crime Family supporters (including their media supporters) kept tossing out phrases like "baseless claim" and "no evidence." Now we have lawyers for the DNC owning the fact the DNC rigged the primary for the Clinton Organized Crime Family.

Haven't been following the story of this DNC worker/person who got killed. Keeping a distance and listening for the truth in the signal, haven't heard it yet. Awful lot of smoke though.

The current case against the DNC will lead to both a financial judgment and a criminal case. Already arguing before a judge so I expect that will all play out within the next two months. The criminal case is important because that will be able to obtain a search warrant gathering all phone, financial and Internet transaction records for everyone at the DNC during the primary and election. The current investigation into the death of whoever that was cannot produce such grounds. Speed is of the essence though. ISP log files are typically only around for about 6 months until the backups get recycyled.


May 30, 2017, 1:27:05 AM5/30/17
to Political Euwetopia
<<The legal system defined sexual relations and the LAWYER Syphilis Willie had it spelled out for him.>>

They did in the Paula Jones deposition, but not in the Starr Grand Jury deposition. They were two entirely separate things.

As I pointed out, your party impeached him on the latter deposition, not on the former.

And no matter how you cut it, your party tried to remove a president from office, undo an election you lost, for lying about a fucking blowjob -- a private sex affair with another consenting adult. Comparing that to the Iran-Contra crimes and lies, or lying us into a disastrous and utterly unnecessary war, or the countless lies, crimes and impeachable offenses of the current president doesn't even pass the smile test, never mind the laughing to death test.


May 30, 2017, 4:20:36 AM5/30/17
to Political Euwetopia
Not to mention the fucking irony of being outraged by Bubba's sexual misadventures but totally blase about the idiot in chief's predilection for grabbing pussies and bedding down married women, etc.


May 30, 2017, 9:16:16 AM5/30/17
to Political Euwetopia

On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 12:27:05 AM UTC-5, Lobo wrote:

And no matter how you cut it, your party tried to remove a president from office, undo an election you lost, for lying about a fucking blowjob -- a private sex affair with another consenting adult. Comparing that to the Iran-Contra crimes and lies, or lying us into a disastrous and utterly unnecessary war, or the countless lies, crimes and impeachable offenses of the current president doesn't even pass the smile test, never mind the laughing to death test.

No matter how you try to weasel out of it he committed perjury.

There is no "little white perjury" for a lawyer, President or anyone else.

Your party committed treason when they failed to remove from office.


May 30, 2017, 9:22:44 AM5/30/17
to Political Euwetopia

On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 3:20:36 AM UTC-5, BoSwenson wrote:
Not to mention the fucking irony of being outraged by Bubba's sexual misadventures but totally blase about the idiot in chief's predilection for grabbing pussies and bedding down married women, etc.

Perjury and treason are high crimes. Locker room behavior is locker room behavior.

Lots of married women cheat. If it really bothers you be sure to marry the ugliest, most obese and undesirable woman on the planet so nobody ever thinks of hitting on her. Otherwise, get over it. Those women on Ashley Maddison, Milan and all the other "discrete" dating sites have their reasons for being there.
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