So Joe's performance in the debate isn’t a new thing as the dems would have you believe

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Jul 2, 2024, 12:47:23 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
“There have been 15 to 20 occasions in the last year and a half when the President has appeared somewhat as he did in that horror show that we witnessed,” Bernstein told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Monday evening. “And what’s so significant is that the people that this is coming from, and also how many people around the president are aware of such incidents.”


Jul 2, 2024, 2:15:59 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
They're both geezers, with only 3 years between them, and both at least occasionally act the part, in or out of camera view. But while the mass news media constantly plays on their "Biden Is Too Old" narrative, they usually give Trump a pass on his own problems with long incoherent ramblings, forgetfulness, losing track of his own thoughts, gaffes, bizarre statements, and (most alarmingly) slurring his speech like a stroke victim.

In any case, even if Trump had no speaking problems, what this election boils down to is whether I want a president (Biden) who tells the truth, obeys the law, has been very successful at getting a great many good things done for the country, and who governs the way all previous US presidents other than Trump have governed; the way the Framers of the Constitution intended that they should govern. 

Or do I want one (Trump) who has done none of those things, but instead promises to spend his presidency weaponizing the DOJ and every aspect of the government in order to seek "retribution" against his many critics, political opponents, judges, prosecutors, and other assorted "Enemies"; one whose "Project 2025" platform is a blueprint for dictatorship, and who yesterday was effectively handed the powers of an absolute monarch by the US Supreme Court to do anything he wants, with no checks and total impunity.

What you rarely see on the msm, and never see on FOX or other rightwing media. (These are all different occasions, btw).
Trump slurs through speech as he mocks Joe Biden's stutter
‘Trump is losing it’: New scrutiny on Trump’s ‘gibberish’ at campaign rallies
Incoherent Trump Melts Down After Biden Calls Him Out in Jan. 6 Speech: A Closer Look
'He looks lost': Trump has gaffe-filled weekend on the campaign trail

President Donald Trump Seems To Slur Words In Speech, Stirring Speculation | TODAY

Trump Speech LIVE | Donald Trump Slurring Words At New Hampshire Rally | Donald Trump News LIVE

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Jul 2, 2024, 3:41:25 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Joey was showing signs in the 2016 election, some of us and Trump as well, were pointing it out.  Those close to him and the leaders of the democrapic party and known full well his state of mind.  

My question is "Who really has been running things?"  Is Joey the one who said it would be fine to attack Russian civilians on their soil?  An act of war that could result not just in Russia attacking us back on our soil which they are quite capable of doing, and nuclear war.  


Jul 2, 2024, 3:44:39 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Loco.  You are not going to be able to get out of this one by deflecting and projecting Joey's problems onto Trump.  Your party really went way too far over the cliff and you took this country with you.  Trump may not be the best solution but know what. He's all we got at this point.  


Jul 2, 2024, 4:47:48 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
So, it's OK for Russia to bomb and kill civilians in Ukraine as part of its invasion and forced annexation, but wrong for Ukraine to defend itself by attacking Russian military refineries near the border with their own self-manufactured drones?

The question in that part of the world is, do we really want to appease a brutal dictatorial conqueror like Putin for the prospect of "Peace In Our Time"? It didn't work out very well the last time it was tried with a similar conqueror, in 1938.

Or even worse, quit the democratic West and the Western Alliance, join up with the dictatorships in Russia, China, and North Korea, give Putin the green light to take whatever he wants, and settle down to a life of fascism under Trump? I can't speak for anyone else here, but my own answer is NYET.


Jul 2, 2024, 5:05:44 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
<<Loco.  You are not going to be able to get out of this one by deflecting and projecting Joey's problems onto Trump.  Your party really went way too far over the cliff and you took this country with you.  Trump may not be the best solution but know what. He's all we got at this point.>>
Those videos of Trump's cognitive, speech, and age problems are only too real; not anyone "projecting" anything. I was just pointing out that the msm gives Trump a pass and rarely shows his, while falling all over themselves to show us Biden's.
In what conceivable sense has the US gone over any cliff with Joe Biden? For someone who supposedly can't wipe his own ass, Biden has been an extremely successful president to date, getting things done to benefit ordinary Americans. Not just stuff for billionaires, big polluters, criminals, and foreign adversaries, like Trump.
What problem is Trump supposed to be a "solution" to? Too much freedom and democracy? An economy that's doing too well? Too little inequality? Not enough crime?


Jul 2, 2024, 5:16:53 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
What you are saying is that it is just fine for the US to wage war against Russia, without any forewarning to the American people, without forewarning to Congress, without the constitutional required approval of Congress and declaration of war, using weapons that are illegal by most international standards. And of course, public confirmation of that being exactly what they had done after the fact and would continue to do.  . 

Russia has promised to retaliate.  Maybe such a missile to a Florida beach?  Personally I cant help but wonder that the orders for all this came from 'doctor' Jill acting in her general state of stupidity, but who really knows.  .  

America's problems are not just the incompetent crazies in the WH but the populace in the country who are equally as incompetent and crazy.  


Jul 2, 2024, 5:33:07 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia

<<Russia has promised to retaliate.  Maybe such a missile to a Florida beach?  Personally I cant help but wonder that the orders for all this came from 'doctor' Jill acting in her general state of stupidity, but who really knows.>>

"Retaliate" for what?  We're not waging war on Russia. The drones were manufactured in and by Ukraine, which has every right to defend itself from invasion and being taken over by Russia.

As for him attacking the US, do you really think your Dear Leader Putin is crazy-stupid enough to blow up the world, including the Mutual Assured Destruction of his own country and himself, over Ukraine using its own weapons to fight back against him? Hell, even I think more highly of Putin than that.


Jul 2, 2024, 7:00:36 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
In the REAL world by the rules of the game loco, we most certainly just committed an act of war.  We are waging war on Russia, supplying the weapons used, financially supporting the government and peoples of Ukraine, and have our military personnel directly involved in the warfare, with no boots on their feet.  Ukraine is just the US and EU's proxy army.  Hiring someone to kill your wife makes you every bit as guilty of murder as the one who actually pulls the trigger. 

The REAL world also considers us equally complicit with Israel in what is being done to Gaza.  We both are considered war criminals and pariah states.       

The people I listen to are calling it the Fall of the US Empire.  We are no longer #1. We are no longer a 'Beacon on the Hill' for democracy.  No more are we the hegemonic ruler of the world.  It is now a multipolar world. Do you not grasp that when you fuck around causing war with another nuclear power, you are not just putting your own country at risk of annihilation, you are putting the whole world at risk.  No one but you libbies are living in the bubble.  


Jul 2, 2024, 8:59:49 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
In this case, Ukraine is using its own manufactured weapons to defend itself. But even where we have supplied weapons to Ukraine, that no more places us in a state of war with Russia than Russia was in a state of war with us when it supplied weapons to the North Vietnam and the Viet Cong. Even Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan did not consider us in a state of war with them when we were supplying Britain, the USSR and China before our entry into WWII. Historically, and probably well into pre-history, big powers have always supplied smaller countries with weapons without themselves being at war.

We're morally wrong in helping supply Israel's war on Palestine, because Netanyahu is basically doing the same thing to that country and people that Putin is doing to Ukraine and Ukrainians. But we're not at war with Palestine.

<<The people I listen to are calling it the Fall of the US Empire.  We are no longer #1. We are no longer a 'Beacon on the Hill' for democracy.  No more are we the hegemonic ruler of the world.  It is now a multipolar world. Do you not grasp that when you fuck around causing war with another nuclear power, you are not just putting your own country at risk of annihilation, you are putting the whole world at risk.  No one but you libbies are living in the bubble.  >>

No one doubts that the people you listen to (the Russian government in particular) hate the US, and see anyone else who hates us as "good guys", no matter how awful they might be themselves.

I certainly don't like or agree with everything the US has done over the years, domestically or abroad. But the people, countries, and leaders you cleave to are far worse. It's truly beyond my understanding how anyone could prefer Russian authoritarianism to Western democracy and liberty, or how you could imagine that our sending supplies to a democratic friend, to help defend itself from a brutal authoritarian invader/conqueror, somehow makes US the aggressor. Or how Putin's constant saber-rattling threats to start nuclear WWIII -- especially if Ukraine tries to take back its own stolen provinces -- somehow means that WE'RE the ones threatening nuclear war.

Putin could stop his war on Ukraine any time he wanted, just by pulling his troops back to Russia. Why do you and other Putinists never call on him to do that?


Jul 2, 2024, 9:32:46 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Focus homey...this thread is about slippin joe......

On Tuesday, July 2, 2024 at 1:15:59 PM UTC-5 Lobo wrote:


Jul 2, 2024, 9:59:04 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
When have these threads ever stuck strictly to any one subject? But if it bothers you, tell it to Susiejoe, who turned it to Russia/Ukraine.


Jul 2, 2024, 10:03:53 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Besides, if you're going to post a thread to attack Biden, why shouldn't I point out that your guy is even worse?


Jul 2, 2024, 10:06:58 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
I'll stand corrected by Irie but not loco.  He is the one who bought up Russia and I followed suit.  


Jul 2, 2024, 10:09:20 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Trump may not be the best solution but know what. He's all we got at this point. 
Hogwash. I would vote for anyone other than Trump.
That punk is a pos who has turned a fortune into a platform for lies, deceit, and cons.
I would rather see him eliminated than potus again.


Jul 2, 2024, 10:12:02 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
So you (et al) are not interested in the topic.


Jul 2, 2024, 10:27:01 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
<< I'll stand corrected by Irie but not loco.  He is the one who bought up Russia and I followed suit.  >>

Wrong. Not that it really matters, but yours was the first mention of Russia, third post in:

>Joey was showing signs in the 2016 election, some of us and Trump as well, were pointing it out.  Those close to him and the leaders of the democrapic party and known full well his state of mind.  

My question is "Who really has been running things?"  Is Joey the one who said it would be fine to attack Russian civilians on their soil?  An act of war that could result not just in Russia attacking us back on our soil which they are quite capable of doing, and nuclear war. <


Jul 2, 2024, 11:43:43 PMJul 2
to Political Euwetopia
Obviously you would vote for anyone other than Trump.  You would even vote for Jill alias Biden.  And obviously Trump did not destroy enough lives for you during his term.  


Jul 3, 2024, 12:02:35 AMJul 3
to Political Euwetopia
Well that pertains to who has been making all the terrible decisions in the Ukrainian war.  So I just listened to talk about it being Jill.  Staff say they have to go through her, they rarely see Joe.  Jill is the one who made the calls on Afghanistan. It fits that it has been someone who has absolutely no idea what they are doing.  What a way to cause to an Armageddon..    


Jul 3, 2024, 12:07:27 AMJul 3
to Political Euwetopia
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