I understand the libbies hating trump, but.....

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Jun 19, 2024, 10:56:11 PM (5 days ago) Jun 19
to Political Euwetopia
Never in my life have I seen almost the entirety of the msm in the bag for a president as they are for biden. 


Jun 19, 2024, 11:30:59 PM (5 days ago) Jun 19
to Political Euwetopia
Ok let’s assume that’s true…..so what are their options?
 10 years ago if someone had said that one of the major candidates for the Presidency of the United States would be a convicted felon, a guy found civilly liable for sexual abuse and fraud, no one on either side would have believed that was possible.  The idea that anyone would vote for such a person would have been unfathomable.

Yet here we are and the people in the cult can’t fathom why the outsiders won’t play along with their delusions and treat Trump like any other candidate to run for the Presidency .


Jun 19, 2024, 11:37:49 PM (5 days ago) Jun 19
to Political Euwetopia
The truth is the exact opposite, of course. It's hardly just FOX, OAN, Sinclair, and other MAGA "news: sources that have been pushing the false "Senile Joe" narrative (like that recent heavily cropped video supposedly showing him wandering off aimlessly at an air show at the G7 Summit), while refusing to show clips of Trump babbling incoherently, forgetting where he is, or even slurring his speech.


Jun 19, 2024, 11:47:21 PM (5 days ago) Jun 19
to Political Euwetopia
<< 10 years ago if someone had said that one of the major candidates for the Presidency of the United States would be a convicted felon, a guy found civilly liable for sexual abuse and fraud, no one on either side would have believed that was possible.  The idea that anyone would vote for such a person would have been unfathomable.  >>

Not to mention a candidate who has not only declared time and again that he will not accept any election he loses, including the current one -- along with the peaceful transfer of power the most fundamental precept of democracy -- but who actually instigated a violent Insurrection to overturn the last one by force. It's an outrage that he's even allowed to run, given the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

At the very least, the msm should always precede his name with the words, "convicted felon". But of course they don't.


Jun 19, 2024, 11:50:53 PM (5 days ago) Jun 19
to Political Euwetopia
At his every statement should be attached "but he is a notorious liar."


Jun 20, 2024, 12:57:05 AM (5 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
"Serial liar, convicted felon, failed Insurrectionist, and lifelong LOSER, Donald Trump..."


Jun 20, 2024, 9:21:22 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
What are their options.....IDK, maybe be objective news reporters?

Thanks for atleast addressing the question though, unlike the subsequent posters who just vomit their mantra, Trump sucks.


Jun 20, 2024, 9:33:17 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
Why not show us how this heavily redacted clip differs from joeys actual laser like focus, you know, when the Italian PM had to redirect him.


Jun 20, 2024, 9:36:32 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
Or how the obummer rescues differs from what is being reported?


Jun 20, 2024, 10:13:35 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
What are their options.....IDK, maybe be objective news reporters?

I’m trying to imagine what objective coverage of this campaign would look like.  Something along the the lines of 
“ sorry America but you are screwed. Forced to choose between an old man who is showing the signs of aging ( nowhere near the demented old fool right wing media would have you believe) , or another old man who is completely devoid of morals, ethics , integrity and hell bent on destruction.  
Objective coverage would be pointing out the absolute absurdity of pretending that this is a normal election with the two best qualified candidates that America can offer. 


Jun 20, 2024, 10:35:09 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
Or how the obummer rescues differs from what is being reported?

How do you do that? Someone labels a pause a “freeze" and people are going to believe what they want.  Freeze implies that he blanks out and is unaware of his surroundings. If you watch the video he is smiling at the cheering audience.  


Jun 20, 2024, 10:49:28 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
<< Why not show us how this heavily redacted clip differs from joeys actual laser like focus, you know, when the Italian PM had to redirect him  >>


In that instance, rightwing media cropped out the parachutists Biden was supposedly "aimlessly wandering" toward to greet. And the msm mindlessly repeated the FOX version.

Biden Wanders Away From Other G7 Leaders—And Controversy Ensues: The Video Explained
Sara Dorn
Forbes Staff
Sara Dorn is a Forbes news reporter who covers politics.
Jun 14, 2024,01:14pm EDT
Updated Jun 14, 2024, 10:08pm EDT

A video of President Joe Biden peeling off from other Group of Seven world leaders Thursday drew widespread scrutiny, with Biden's critics arguing he looked aloof on the world stage, though a different cut of the video showed him walking away to talk to other individuals outside of the frame — as Biden's mental fitness has become a focal point of Republican attacks against the president during an election year.


Video footage from a skydiving demonstration in G7 host country Italy shows Biden taking a few steps away from the other world leaders and giving a thumbs up to a nearby parachutist, as the rest of the group is focused on another parachutist.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni then taps Biden and directs him back to the group, where he slowly puts on his sunglasses and stands still.

Outlets like the New York Post and Trump’s allies have cast the video as the latest incident suggesting the 81-year-old president is slipping mentally.

The White House has hit back at the allegations, pointing out that the Post and some other critics shared clips that edit the parachutist Biden approached of the frame to make it look as if he wandered off from the group without explanation.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates accused “Murdoch outlets” of being so “desperate to distract from [Biden’s] record that they just lie,” in response to a Friday New York Post cover that dubbed Biden “Meander In Chief” and accused him of “embarrass[ing]” the United States with “confused wanderings.”

The Post cover, which includes an image of Biden walking away from the group but does not show what he is walking towards, uses “an artificially narrow frame,” Bates said.

Some other Biden critics, however, shared videos that did show the parachutist Biden was walking toward, still casting it as an awkward moment for the president, including the Republican National Committee, which tweeted “WHAT IS BIDEN DOING?,” and Fox News host Sean Hannity, whose staff wrote on his website that Biden “appeared to wander off.”

In the case of the edited video, it wouldn’t be the first time Biden’s adversaries have stretched reality to leverage concerns about his age—a video of the president hovering over a chair for a few seconds before he sat down at last week’s D-Day ceremony in France was cut just before Biden actually takes a seat, with right-wing critics falsely claiming he attempted to sit in a “nonexistent” chair.

Former President Donald Trump, who turned 78 on Friday, has also faced criticism for misstating facts and head-scratching asides in his speeches. Some CEOs who met with Trump Thursday at the powerful Business Roundtable lobbying group’s meeting in Washington, said he was “remarkably meandering…could not keep a straight thought” and “was all over the map,” New York Times financial columnist and co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box” Andrew Ross Sorkin said Friday on the network. Trump, perhaps aware he is just three years younger than Biden, has repeatedly said Biden isn’t too old to be president, but is “too incompetent.”


Biden’s penchant for public gaffes has come under heightened scrutiny amid concerns he is too old to serve as president. The president has struggled with a stutter for years and has a habit of telling far-fetched stories and making seemingly well-intentioned but ill-fated remarks, dating back to his time in the U.S. Senate, but a recent string of unflattering accounts about his mental fitness have dogged his re-election campaign. Special Counsel Robert Hur in February described Biden as a “well-meaning man with a poor memory” after interviewing him in his probe into Biden’s handling of classified documents. Hur noted in his report detailing the investigation that Biden’s lawyers had to remind him of key dates, including when his son, Beau Biden, died, throughout the interview. Biden has pushed back on Hur’s account. The Wall Street Journal also reported earlier this month that lawmakers who have met with Biden on Capitol Hill recently said his physical and mental state appears to have deteriorated, citing times when he spoke so softly it was hard to hear him, repeated himself in meetings and moved noticeably slowly around the room as he greeted attendees. Most of the criticism came from Republicans who spoke to the Journal under condition of anonymity, however.

“Congressional Republicans, foreign leaders and nonpartisan national-security experts have made clear in their own words that President Biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment,” Bates told the Journal in response to the report. “Now, in 2024, House Republicans are making false claims as a political tactic that flatly contradict previous statements made by themselves and their colleagues.”


Biden Flips The Script On Age Concerns By Highlighting Trump’s Gaffes (Forbes)

No, Biden Didn’t Try To Sit On Nonexistent ‘Invisible Chair’ While Onstage (Forbes)


Jun 20, 2024, 11:03:30 AM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
<<Or how the obummer rescues differs from what is being reported?>>

Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.
“The lie is sprinting the 100-meter dash and the fact-check is taking a stroll on the beach. So it’s never going to catch up," said one Democratic strategist.
June 17, 2024, 10:23 PM EDT

More Americans may think President Joe Biden tried to sit on a nonexistent chair the other day than know the boring truth that there was, in fact, a chair.

The chair-that-was-there was just one of many quick video clips the conservative media ecosystem willed into virality over the past two weeks, leaving fact-checkers and Biden’s team with little chance to catch up.

The Republican National Committee, major conservative media outlets and right-wing influencers have succeeded in blasting out videos that they claim show “proof” of Biden’s wandering offfreezing up or even filling his pants with a substance commonly represented by a brown swirl emoji.

Independent fact-checkers and the Biden campaign have pointed out that the videos, while they are un-doctored by artificial intelligence, tend to crumble under even basic scrutiny, such as when the moments are viewed in context or from wider camera angles

“Fresh off being fact checked by at least 6 mainstream outlets for lying about President Biden with cheap fakes, Rupert Murdoch’s sad little super PAC, the New York Post, is back to disrespecting its readers and itself once again,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement in reference to a video of Biden at a fundraiser with former President Barack Obama over the weekend that landed on the cover of the Post, a conservative tabloid.

While "deepfakes" are misleading audio, video or images that are created or edited with artificial intelligence technology, a "cheap fake," according to researchers Britt Paris and Joan Donovan, is a "manipulation created with cheaper, more accessible software (or, none at all). Cheap fakes can be rendered through Photoshop, lookalikes, re-contextualizing footage, speeding, or slowing."

Still, even if they are deceptive, the videos nonetheless play into voters’ existing concerns about Biden’s age and are tailor-made for internet virality, meaning busy voters may be more likely to encounter the brief incendiary clips than the more rigorous fact-checks that chase them.

“The lie is sprinting the 100-meter dash and the fact-check is taking a stroll on the beach. So it’s never going to catch up. And it’s never going to have the same reach,” said Eric Schultz, a Democratic strategist and Obama spokesperson who on Sunday publicly called out the Post’s characterization of the fundraiser as false.

Last week, Republicans pushed a video of Biden in Europe attending the Group of Seven summit in which he allegedly “wandered off” in a confused haze before Italy’s prime minister pulled him back. Uncut video and shots from wider angles showed Biden was greeting a parachutist who had just landed as part of the ceremony.

The controversy generated by the video grew so large that British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was asked to give his eyewitness account of the moment.

“They had all landed, and he was being very polite. And he just went over to kind of talk to all of them individually,” Sunak told reporters.

Before that, the RNC’s opposition research account suggested Biden was having a medical incident because he was not dancing at a Juneteenth event, though Biden has long said he is not much of a dancer and barely danced at his inaugural ball in 2021.

At the fundraiser in Los Angeles, Biden and Obama were waving to supporters after having received a standing ovation when Biden stared into the audience for a moment before the more punctual Obama signaled it was time to leave the stage. Several people at the event said they did not recognize the New York Post’s interpretation that Biden appeared to "freeze up."

'A pattern of behavior'

Republicans are unapologetic about the individual videos — despite the fact-checks from mainstream media they distrust.

“It’s a pattern of behavior. It’s not like it’s one instance,” Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said in an interview. “It’s not like we’re making these videos. This is Joe Biden in real time. We’re just putting it out there for the world to see.”

Asked about the clipped video that Republicans said showed Biden trying to sit in a chair that did not exist (in fact, it was just hidden from view by the camera angle), Leavitt said, “The videos speak for themselves.”

“It’s outrageous that the words ‘cheap fake’ [are] even being used," she said. "There’s nothing cheap or fake about these videos. They are real clips of Joe Biden acting bizarrely.

“The Biden campaign’s entire strategy is to convince people not to believe their own eyes,” she added.

The spread of the videos underscores what academics say could be a particularly tumultuous election cycle. Many major social media platforms have rolled back the few checks and balances on the spread of false or misleading information under pressure from Republicans. Meanwhile, the power and reach of just a handful of accounts on X can spread talking points to millions of people that is then picked up by more mainstream conservative media. 

Taking liberties with video editing — or simply misrepresenting what is happening in a video — is nothing new. But former President Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican Party has pushed the party further across the hazy divide between spin and mendacity, while technology has allowed for clips to be cut and broadcast constantly.

Reaching voters who do not consume much political news is a challenge in the best of cases, and it is made even harder when organizations try to reach the same voters a second time to try to change their views about a stray piece of political content they previously encountered.

Conservative media outlets disseminating such clips include not only famously ideological ones, like Fox News, but also the vast network of local TV news stations owned by Sinclair Broadcasting, dozens of which re-packaged identical versions of the same headline about Biden’s appearing to freeze. 

Few in conservative media have offered any resistance to the onslaught of videos. Howard Kurtz, a Fox News host and media journalist, is one of the few notable outliers, having called out the New York Post and fellow host Sean Hannity for their coverage of the G7 video.

And internet platforms’ algorithms and their users’ organic behavior tend to reward the surprising and controversial while ignoring the mundane. 

'We can't stop them from doing this'

Democrats’ strategy for dealing with the videos is twofold, according to multiple people familiar with the thinking of the Biden campaign, the White House and allied outside groups.

First, they will try to contain them to the conservative media ecosystem and extremely online spaces of political discourse like X, hoping to prevent them from breaking through into the mainstream as much as possible. 

By being aggressive in fact-checking, quickly posting fuller video clips with appropriate context and calling out media outlets that report on them, the White House and the Biden campaign hope to stop them from spreading too far.

“We can’t stop them from doing this. What we can do is fight like hell to get fact-checks and to spread those fact-checks,” said a Biden campaign official who requested anonymity to speak candidly about strategy. “Does it potentially permeate out to independent voters? Yes, and that’s what we’re guarding against and fighting against.”

Second, Democrats are stepping up their own attacks on Trump online, aggressively posting their own made-to-go-viral videos of Trump’s verbal cul-de-sacs, curious tangents and awkward actions.

They include highlighting what they say are Trump’s senior moments, such as one at a rally Saturday night when he said Biden “should have to take a cognitive test” — only to moments later flub the name of the doctor who administered a similar test to him.

Much of it has come from Biden HQ, an account the Biden campaign’s research and rapid-response teams use to blast Trump. For instance, in one clip from the same event, Trump promised to take questions after his speech — “This is different than Joe Biden. He doesn’t take any questions” — but instead left the stage without taking any questions.

Schultz said: “Both candidates are old, but one is coherent and has cogent thoughts. So to the extent that that breaks through, then I think we’ll be OK come November.”

Trump’s campaign has also complained about the Biden campaign’s deceptively portraying videos of its own in the past. That included when Trump told autoworkers there would be a “bloodbath” if he is not elected. Trump’s campaign said that the term specifically referred to the auto industry and that Democrats intentionally mischaracterized it by making it appear that Trump was inciting violence.

Still, Democrats up to and including Biden himself — hardly a digital native — seem to understand the challenge of suppressing viral videos that many Americans want to believe.

“The truth is that the way in which we communicate with people these days, there’s very little — there’s so much opportunity to just lie,” Biden said at the fundraiser in Los Angeles. "So much of it on the internet is absolutely a flat-out lie.”

First lady Jill Biden took on the issue of Biden’s age head-on Saturday at an event for seniors in Phoenix: "Joe and the other guy are essentially the same age, so let’s not be fooled."

According to polls, voters so far do not agree with her. And some Democrats seem to be constantly bracing for some major, unedited moment when Biden shows his age.

NBC News national poll in late January found three-quarters of voters, including many Democrats, saying they had major or minor concerns about Biden’s physical and mental health.

Alex Seitz-Wald

Alex Seitz-Wald is a senior politics reporter for NBC News.


Jun 20, 2024, 5:31:00 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
So NBC, a wing of Joes dem party has spoken.  As I said.
I watched several fox clips on Joe wandering away at the g7 event and they as just as msm clips.  Replete
With Joe "engaging" the parachutist (who doesn't even make eye contact) before Joe was steered back on task.


Jun 20, 2024, 6:05:09 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
Irie.  The board libbies are just playing out the fairy tale of the Emperor who had no clothes.  It is one of their favorites - for obvious reasons.


Jun 20, 2024, 6:16:00 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
OMG, the best anology ever.

ImStillMags Mags

Jun 20, 2024, 7:20:07 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
May be an image of 1 person and text


Jun 20, 2024, 7:27:24 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
Never in my life have I seen almost the entirety of the msm in the bag for a president as they are for biden. 
For a good reason. That man is worse than trailer park trash. He's used an inheritance to be a lying, cheating, and narcissistic punk who thinks he can run our government. He's not qualified for any government job. Maybe as an FBI informant. And it won't surprise me if he does that.

On Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 9:56:11 PM UTC-5 Irie wrote:


Jun 20, 2024, 9:38:34 PM (4 days ago) Jun 20
to Political Euwetopia
I was addressing the absolute free pass the senile fuck is getting from your msm, not trumps press.
Oy vey.....


Jun 21, 2024, 4:00:42 AM (4 days ago) Jun 21
to Political Euwetopia
<<  was addressing the absolute free pass the senile fuck is getting from your msm, not trumps press.
Oy vey.....>>

What "free pass"? A "free pass" on what?

The truth is the exact opposite.. Everything president Biden does on the msm is viewed through the false lens of "Senile Joe", while 180 degree lies about things like the economy and crime are almost never challenged or corrected.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump -- a disgraced criminal who has been convicted of 34 felonies and awaits trial on another 58 federal and state felonies -- is not only about the same age but even more doddering and forgetful, who tried to violently overthrow the government of the United States when he lost the last election and all but says that he he'll do it again if he loses in November, and has repeatedly promised dictatorship if and when he does -- is treated as just another normal candidate by the msm.


Jun 21, 2024, 7:01:42 AM (4 days ago) Jun 21
to Political Euwetopia
Are you talking about joeys uncle that was eaten by cannibals, his career driving a big rig, or his marching for civil rights?


Jun 21, 2024, 7:58:20 AM (4 days ago) Jun 21
to Political Euwetopia
Or Donald Trump, who can't even remember saying that he has a great memory. And who just in his four years in office made a whopping well-documented 30,573 "false or misleading claims" (aka, lies).

As for the rest, is it as bad as Ronald Reagan -- who never got past the Battle of Hollywood -- "remembering" being there at the liberation of the Death Camps? 

It's not at all impossible, or even improbable, that Biden's uncle was eaten by cannibals when his plane went down in Papua New Guinea in WWII. Joe Biden merely mentioned it as a possibility.

And how do you know he never marched for civil rights? A lot of people did. I did myself (along with marching against the Vietnam War) when I was at the Univ of Georgia in the early 70s.


Jun 21, 2024, 10:43:16 AM (3 days ago) Jun 21
to Political Euwetopia


Biden twice says he was ‘involved deeply’ in Civil Rights Movement — despite admitting in the past he wasn’t


Jun 21, 2024, 12:34:10 PM (3 days ago) Jun 21
to Political Euwetopia
"Involved" is kind of a relative, ambiguous term, don't you think? I certainly never got arrested for it, or had my brains beat out on Edmund Pettis Bridge, but I suppose I could say I was "involved" in civil rights by taking part in a march for it in college. As a US senator passing civil rights legislation, and before that a local politician, Joe Biden could rightly say that he was much more involved in it than me.

I wouldn't trust Rupert Murdoch's NY Post too far as a fact check source. I think they were the ones who started the lie about Joe Biden aimlessly wandering at the the G7 Summit.
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