White Supremacy's Rise in the US

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Aug 21, 2017, 10:01:05 PM8/21/17
to Political Euwetopia

"In all of our years of tracking, we've never seen this many [hate] groups," Heidi Beirich told CBS correspondent Tony Dokoupil. Beirich is the director of Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Intelligence Project, which monitors hate group activity online. "We've never seen their ideas penetrating the mainstream the way they are. I would say most Americans don't realize how much of this there is." 

It's been a little over a week since neo-Nazis marched in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting "Jews will not replace us." In the intervening days, debate has raged over just how America's national conversation has become a real-time discussion of white supremacy and its place in the U.S., muddied by President Trump's ambiguity on the matter. The groups in question -- who openly espouse racist views and have felt newly emboldened since the recent presidential campaign -- find themselves firmly back in the mainstream.

CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil traveled to Alabama for "CBSN: On Assignment" to speak with Beirich, before heading to Boston for last weekend's rally.

The flashpoints of this debate have been, for once, out in the open -- manifesting as public protests and counter-protests in the streets of major cities. Saturday saw a so-called "free speech" protest on Boston Common, organised by right-wing elements but dwarfed by its anti-supremacy counter-protest from the left. A similar, if smaller, pair of gatherings clashed in a shouting match in Laguna Beach, California. 

The nation witnessed what's considered one of the largest white supremacy marches in decades as hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Charlottesville. During the rally, a car rammed into a crowd of anti-fascist protesters, injuring dozens and killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. All this against a backdrop of a national debate around the rights and wrongs of maintaining statues that celebrate the Confederacy.

The SPLC estimates that there are currently more than 900 hate groups -- organizations with beliefs that attack an entire group of people -- operating in the country. Many of these hate groups subscribe to the ideals of white supremacy.

In fact, Beirich says the number of hate groups has doubled over the past two decades -- a trend that appears to follow the impact of minorities, financial crisis and political elections have on society.

According to the SPLC, there's a new generation of so-called white nationalism being run by millennials. Matt Heimbach, one of the main organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, is the face of this movement.

"Well, we have energy, I think, because Donald Trump's election showed that the majority of white American's social, working class America believes in sovereignty," Heimbach told "CBSN: On Assignment."

Heimbach represents a minority who feel strongly that "white America" is under growing threat. A recent Huffpost/YouGov poll found that Trump voters are more likely to believe that discrimination against whites is worse than discrimination against any other group. In the aftermath of Charlottesville, white supremacists feel re-energized. Their goal: to infiltrate the mainstream.

Heimbach, along with many other self-proclaimed white supremacists, deny that the Holocaust ever happened. He says his intent is to create an all-white nation -- excluding African Americans, Jews and homosexuals.

Starting this fall, Heimbach will begin recruiting candidates to run in local elections. At this time, he claims about 1,000 people have joined his political party.

"We're going to be running through our local school board, for county council," he said. "Being able to have an influence in the community to show nationalists can have better governments than the two broken political parties."


Matt Heimbach, one of the main organizers of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville...Heimbach, along with many other self-proclaimed white supremacists, deny that the Holocaust ever happened. He says his intent is to create an all-white nation -- excluding African Americans, Jews and homosexuals.


No need to worry, folks.  Our Republican POTUS insists there are many "very fine people" who are white supremacists, who deny the Holocaust, who want America to become a nation that excludes black, Jews, gays.....


Aug 22, 2017, 6:31:56 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Removed SPLC, ADL From Resources Pages Over ‘Number Of Concerns’


New information indicates the FBI removed two “hate watch” organizations from the resources page of its website because of internal concerns with the organizations.

In 2014, the FBI removed the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) from the resources page of its civil rights division, telling The Daily Caller at the time that the removal was because the groups were not themselves government-run.

“Upon review, the Civil Rights program only provides links to resources within the federal government,” an FBI spokesman told The Daily Caller in 2014. “While we appreciate the tremendous support we receive from a variety of organizations, we have elected not to identify those groups on the civil rights page.”

According to emails dating back to March 2014 and obtained via a Freedom of Information Act Request by the Immigration Reform Law Institute, the FBI-Civil Rights Unit Section Chief stated that his removal decision was actually “[b]ased on a number of concerns,” a decision which he came to after he had “met with a variety of external and internal partners with the Civil Rights Unit.”

It’s unclear exactly what those reasons are, but they seem to be extend beyond the reasoning issued in public.

In response to the FOIA release, FBI spokeswoman Samantha Shero told The Daily Caller News Foundation that there were multiple reasons the two groups were removed from the resources list. First, Shero reiterated that the FBI wanted to use government-only resources because the agency didn’t want to give the impression that it endorsed or had vetted any research conducted by those non-governmental organizations. And second, the FBI didn’t want any groups not on the resources page to feel left out.

According to Shero, those two reasons constituted the “number of concerns” mentioned in the FBI email from 2014.

The timing of the decision is somewhat notable.

The FBI, based on dates in the email, made the decision almost immediately after meeting with congressional staffers regarding concerns expressed by the head of the Family Research Council, a pro-family, pro-heterosexual marriage organization. The FRC’s head complained in February 2014 that its presence on the SPLC’s “hate-watch” list inspired a terrorist attack against the organization. Floyd Corkins, the shooter, explicitly targeted the FRC in August 2012 and wanted to kill as many employees as possible precisely because the FRC had been listed as an “anti-gay” group on the SPLC’s website since 2010.

The FBI met with these congressional staffers March 12, 2014, and a document obtained by TheDCNF showed that the FBI promised to re-evaluated the SPLC’s presence on the “resource” tab on the agency’s site.

The FBI email requesting the SPLC and ADL’s removal from the resources page came March 18, 2014, just days after agents met with congressional staffers to communicate FRC concerns about the SPLC.

The ADL immediately took umbrage at the removal back in March 2014. ADL’s then-National Director Abraham Foxman expressed shock that the FBI removed the group unilaterally without any discussion, whatsoever.

“We are shocked, surprised and disappointed that this would be done without any consultation with groups such as ours who have been working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on issues of hate crime. We look forward to having further conversations with them on this issue,” Foxman said at the time.

Both the SPLC and the ADL have a history of questionable claims relating to extremism. In a particularly recent example, the SPLC was forced to apologize after placing Ben Carson on an extremist watch list in early 2015, a move which generated serious public backlash.

Neither the ADL, nor the SPLC responded to a request for comment.


Aug 22, 2017, 6:34:56 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
More crap from idiot Herman. There are not more hate groups than ever.  The SPLC is rating more groups as hate groups hitting anything and everything that is near or attractive to conservative/libertarian ideologies and contrary to their own communistic ideologies.  


Aug 22, 2017, 8:41:43 AM8/22/17
to political...@googlegroups.com


Aug 22, 2017, 9:39:02 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Wonder how many of them are tax exempt thanks to the wailing and moaning and the withholding of funds because scrutiny is the enemy of thieves and liars.


Aug 22, 2017, 9:50:59 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
You are absolutely full of big brown loads of shit.

Were this story even remotely true true, you and your scum would never know it. The FBI does NOT publish their list of terrorist organizations OR HATE GROUPS. Only sessions feels powerful enough and is racist enough to name black and brown gangs -- never the names of hostile deadly white murderers. Cause they've always merely insane.

If you knew more about government, even you would catch some of the lies you post on this board, assuming you have any desire to provide anything but lies.


Aug 22, 2017, 10:27:15 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Idiot has to remind us again today that she is an idiot.  The gangs that are of any consequence or problem are black, hispanic, or asian Justanass.   They are all about racial identity of minorities.  


Aug 22, 2017, 10:54:56 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
The gangs that are of any consequence or problem are black, hispanic, or asian Justanass. They are all about racial identity of minorities
Guess you've never heard of the Aryan Nation.


Aug 22, 2017, 11:02:01 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
  1. 10 Most Dangerous Gangs in America

  2. Mara Salvatrucha (aka MS-13) — all over the U.S.: Most distinctive about the MS-13 is the brutality with which it operates, a tool used to intimidate its rivals. Members are involved in drug distribution, murder, prostitution, rape, kidnapping, robbery, carjackings and home invasions, each of which carry the possibility of innocent civilians being victimized. Founded in Los Angeles during the ’80s, where numerous gangs are headquartered, MS-13 has expanded its operations into at least 42 states. The gang consists mostly of Salvadorians, with the accompaniment of Hondurans, Guatemalans, Mexicans and other immigrants from Central and South America. Although it doesn’t have a concrete leadership structure, different cliques throughout the country keep in contact with each other for recruitment and “business” purposes.
  3. Latin Kings — mostly Chicago, but all over the U.S.: Considered by many to be the best-organized Latin gang in the country, the Latin Kings have a rigid hierarchy and various tribes stationed in different states. Currently, the imprisoned Gino Gustavo Colon, who was locked up on charges of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and other drugs, is said to be the leader. Members strictly adhere to the constitution — the Manifest — which details the three life stages of Nation life — The Primitive Stage, The Conservative or Mummy Stage, and The New King Stage. Because the gang was originally established in Chicago, most members, many of whom are Mexican-American, remain there.
  4. Crips — mostly Los Angeles, with sets in Texas, Missouri and Oklahoma: Until his execution in 2005, charismatic co-founder Tookie Williams was the Crips’ most reputable spokesperson. Despite changing his ways while in prison during the early ’90s, he was still feared by those who understood his previous influence. Established in 1969, his gang has expanded beyond Los Angeles, encompassing between 30,000 and 35,000 members in some 800 sets. An effective marketing tool for the gang, aside from Williams’ publicity, has been the supposed affiliation of rappers such as Snoop Dogg and the late Easy-E. Most Crips are African American, though some white, Hispanic and Asian members have been inducted.
  5. 18th Street Gang — mostly Los Angeles, with some members in other parts of the Southwest: For more than five decades, the 18th Street Gang has participated in everything from distribution of cocaine and marijuana to producing fraudulent Immigration and Customs Enforcement identification cards, the latter of which is testament to its sophistication. With an estimated 30,000 to 50,000 members, many of whom are illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America, it has just recently garnered the attention of the FBI, which has conducted raids across the country in an effort to neutralize it. The FBI considers it a transnational gang because of its reach into Mexico, Central and South America, but little evidence shows there’s a structured global network.
  6. Hells Angels — all over the U.S., with members in parts of Europe and Australia: One of the most famed gangs in America and worldwide — and certainly the most famed biker gang — are the Hells Angels, and with their loud Harleys, large gatherings and collectively intimidating demeanor, have both awed and scared Americans since 1948. Appropriately, the name was inspired by fighting squadrons from both World Wars, and the gang is unabashedly violent, partaking in criminal activities such as extortion, drug dealing and the trafficking of stolen goods. Most impressively, the gang’s influence extends into countries such as Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, The United Kingdom and Australia, among others.
  7. Bloods — mostly Los Angeles, with members in almost every state: It’s a well-known fact that the Bloods are the historical rivals of the Crips. Both battled over territory in Los Angeles as crack cocaine became the money-making drug during the ’80s. Both are divided by sets consisting of the same demographic of young African-American males, whom they recruit from the low-income areas of the city. However, because of the intense infighting between Blood members, the gang is no longer considered a major threat to the Crips, and isn’t as formidable as some of the more prominent gangs in the U.S. — though it’s still dangerous.
  8. Mongols — mostly Southern California, with members in 14 other states, Australia, Mexico and parts of Europe: Formed as an alternative gang for guys who were refused membership with the Hells Angels due to their race, the Mongols somewhat resemble their more popular counterpart, with members spread across the U.S. and chapters overseas. They specialize in the same criminal activities, including extortion and drug dealing, along with any other activity that has potential to be lucrative. Infamously, in 2002, the two gangs engaged in a confrontation in Nevada in which a Mongol and two Hells Angels were killed. In recent years, the FBI has cracked down on the gang. In 2008, for example, Operation Black Rain ended with the apprehension of 38 members.
  9. Nuestra Familia — inside and outside Northern California federal and state prisons: Given the brutality that usually occurs within our prison system, it should come as no surprise that gang activity thrives behind the walls — it’s merely protection. Nuestra Familia formed as a rival to the Mexican Mafia, a similarly-composed prison gang consisting of Mexican Americans. Outside of prison, it earns money primarily through drug trafficking, extortion and racketeering, criminal activities that resulted in the crippling Operation Black Widow, in which 22 members were indicted on RICO charges. During the operation, it was estimated that the gang was responsible for more than 600 murders in the previous three decades. After a decade of regrouping, Operation Knockout crippled the gang in 2010, ending in the arrest of 37 members. Even still, it’s believed that it has more than 2,000 members in prison and more than 40,000 members outside of the walls.
  10. Mexican Mafia — inside and outside California federal and state prisons: The Mexican Mafia is the original Mexican prison gang. As a burgeoning organization in the late ’50s and early ’60s, it united rival gang members from the outside and bullied non-members in California prisons, establishing itself as a force to be reckoned with. Inside and outside of the walls, it’s involved in extortion and drug trafficking, and in addition to its rivalry with Nuestra Familia, it has battled with the Black Guerilla Family and Aryan Brotherhood, now an ally. In the past, it has worked with the Los Angeles crime family, an Italian-American organization, in criminal activities, proving that it’s willing to try new measures to make money. Members of the gang are extremely loyal, as the penalty for disloyalty is often death.
  11. Aryan Brotherhood — inside and outside California, Texas, New York, Arizona, Ohio and Indiana federal and state prisons: With their distinctive swastika tattoos and general bodily adornment of symbols celebrating white pride, it’s not difficult for fellow inmates to identify members of the Aryan Brotherhood. That’s a good thing for their enemies given that they’ve accounted for a large portion of prison deaths in recent years despite existing in relatively small numbers. For the past two decades, the gang has transformed itself into more of an organized crime syndicate, relying on drug trafficking and prostitution as its main sources of income. It’s allied with the Mexican Mafia, and its rivals include Nuestra Familia, the Bloods and the Crips. Subject to several prison round ups during its history, the gang has been difficult to weaken because many of its highest ranking members were already serving harsh sentences when new charges were brought forth.
  12. http://www.criminaljusticedegreesguide.com/features/10-most-dangerous-gangs-in-america.html


Aug 22, 2017, 11:06:25 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
You get crazier and more stupid every single day.  Her article is not about the FBI publishing the names of terrorist groups, it's about the FBI removing the SPLC and ADL from their resources page.  Please, please seek psychiatric help.


Aug 22, 2017, 11:16:50 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Of course I have heard of it.  What is it Justice?  What is Aryan Nation about?  Why was it formed?  Who are its members?  


Aug 22, 2017, 11:32:49 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Right after you stop preaching kindness, and lets get along now that a white nationalist has slimed his way into the presidency. When you stop being a three-faced liar then I might even leave this board. NO PROBLEMS THERE THO FATASS. You haven't got the discipline to be what you preach. You're nothing but a Christian whore.

No, The FBI Hasn't Ditched The Southern Poverty Law Center

Conservative news outlets are hyping a minor website change to suggest that the FBI is distancing itself from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) - a group that monitors hate speech and violence - in response to criticism from anti-gay organizations. But the FBI has issued a statement debunking that narrative and continues to publicly tout its partnership with SPLC on its website.

On March 26, Washington Examiner reporter Paul Bedard asserted that the FBI was ending its relationship with SPLC, noting that a link to the group had been scrubbed from the FBI's Hate Crime "resources" page and calling it a "significant rejection of the influential legal group":

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has labeled several Washington, D.C.-based family organizations as "hate groups" for favoring traditional marriage, has been dumped as a "resource" on the FBI's Hate Crime Web page, a significant rejection of the influential legal group.

The Web page scrubbing, which also included eliminating the Anti-Defamation League, was not announced and came in the last month after 15 family groups pressed Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey to stop endorsing a group -- SPLC -- that inspired a recent case of domestic terrorism at the Family Research Council.


The FBI had no comment and offered no explanation for its decision to end their website's relationship with the two groups, leaving just four federal links as hate crime "resources." The SPLC had no comment.

Bedard's report has been touted by a number of right-wing media outlets, including The Daily Caller, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily, and The Blaze, which have framed the change as evidence that the FBI is ending its relationship with SPLC in response to criticism from right-wing anti-gay groups. It's also being celebrated by a number of extreme anti-gay organizations - like the Family Research Council (FRC) and American Family Association (AFA) - that have long resented SPLC for labeling them "hate groups." (Contrary to Bedard's report, those groups have been labeled "hate groups" for peddling falsehoods about LGBT people, not for "favoring traditional marriage."
But the claim that the FBI is ending its relationship, or even its website's relationship, with SPLC in response to right-wing outrage is false. As Good As You's Jeremy Hooper noted, the FBI continues to list SPLC as a partner in the fight against hate crimes on its website.

The right-wing narrative is also contradicted by an official statement from the FBI. In a statement to The Daily Caller, and FBI spokesperson said:
"Upon review, the Civil Rights program only provides links to resources within the federal government," an FBI spokesman told The Daily Caller. "While we appreciate the tremendous support we receive from a variety of organizations, we have elected not to identify those groups on the civil rights page."

The FBI's statement makes sense, given that - as Bedard's own report noted - a link to the Anti-Defamation League, which focuses primarily on combating anti-Semitism, was also scrubbed from the FBI's "resources" page.
But a total lack of evidence wasn't enough to stop The Washington Examiner's Bedard from peddling wild theories about an imagined rift between SPLC and the FBI. And it wasn't enough to stop right-wing media outlets, always hungry for an excuse to smear SPLC and vindicate the reputations of their hate group allies, from running with the story. https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2014/03/27/no-the-fbi-hasnt-ditched-the-southern-poverty-l/198645
As soon as you stop spreading typhoid I'll seek help.


Aug 22, 2017, 11:36:47 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Your article proves what btdt said:  That the SPLC and ADL have been removed from the FBI's resources page.  You can go to the FBI's resources page and search for the SPLC.


Aug 22, 2017, 11:39:16 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
The SPLC is rating more groups as hate groups hitting anything and everything that is near or attractive to conservative/libertarian ideologies and contrary to their own communistic ideologies.
ssshhhh ...


Aug 22, 2017, 11:40:39 AM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
And, I was responding to your dumbass post calling bdtd a liar because "The FBI does NOT publish their list of terrorist organizations OR HATE GROUPS"  Uh, hellooooooo.....do you consider the SPLC and ADL to be terrorist or hate groups?  You initially missed the point of her post entirely.

Minister Rebel

Aug 22, 2017, 4:37:04 PM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
You missed one Weary, Trump gang. No 1 terror org.


Aug 22, 2017, 7:28:53 PM8/22/17
to political...@googlegroups.com
"But the FBI has issued a statement debunking that narrative, and continues to publicly tout its partnership to the SPLC on its website."

Please re-read the article and notice the quotes and the source. No I don't believe that because you completely misunderstood my post that you need psychiatric help.

My reasons for suggesting that to you are entirely different and has to do with your hatred of truth and anyone who points it out to you.


Aug 22, 2017, 7:36:39 PM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
YOU reread the article, moron! 


Aug 22, 2017, 9:21:09 PM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
<<< It's been a little over a week since neo-Nazis marched in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting "Jews will not replace us." In the intervening days, debate has raged over just how America's national conversation has become a real-time discussion of white supremacy and its place in the U.S., muddied by President Trump's ambiguity on the matter. The groups in question -- who openly espouse racist views and have felt newly emboldened since the recent presidential campaign -- find themselves firmly back in the mainstream. >>>

Trump's "ambiguity" (he doesn't deserve this generosity on the part of CBS) represents a departure from tradition.  

WHY did the leader of our nation decide to tell Americans it's okay - hell, it's acceptable! - to be white supremacists and neo-Nazis?


Aug 22, 2017, 9:21:37 PM8/22/17
to Political Euwetopia
Read Justice's article.  They labeled a group that supports traditional marriage as a hate group.  Proves one of my points.  


Aug 23, 2017, 12:26:17 AM8/23/17
to Political Euwetopia
That is because they ARE hate groups dimwit ddt

In Its Own Words

“Family Research Council believes that homosexual conduct is harmful to the persons who engage in it and to society at large, and can never be affirmed. It is by definition unnatural, and as such is associated with negative physical and psychological health effects.”
– Family Research Council website, 2016

“The reality is, homosexuals have entered the Scouts in the past for predatory purposes.”
– FRC Vice President Rob Schwarzwalder, on radio’s “The Janet Mefferd Show,” Feb. 1, 2013.

“[H]omosexual activists vehemently reject the evidence which suggests that homosexual men … are … relative to their numbers, more likely to engage in such actions [childhood sexual abuse] than are heterosexual men.”
– Peter Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at FRC, on why the Boy Scouts should not allow LGBT Scouts or leaders, FRC blog, February 1, 2013.

“The videos are titled 'It Gets Better.' They are aimed at persuading kids that although they'll face struggles and perhaps bullying for 'coming out' as homosexual (or transgendered or some other perversion), life will get better. …It's disgusting. And it's part of a concerted effort to persuade kids that homosexuality is okay and actually to recruit them into that lifestyle."
— Tony Perkins, FRC fundraising letter, August 2011

"Those who understand the homosexual community—the activists—they're very aggressive, they're—everything they accuse us of they are in triplicate. They're intolerant, they're hateful, vile, they're spiteful. .... To me, that is the height of hatred, to be silent when we know there are individuals that are engaged in activity, behavior, and an agenda that will destroy them and our nation."
—Tony Perkins, Speaking to the Oak Initiative Summit, April 2011


In Its Own Words

“Homosexuality is a poor and dangerous choice, and has been proven to lead to a litany of health hazards to not only the individuals but also society as a whole.”
–AFA Action Alert, July 20, 2012

“[Islam] is, in fact, a religion of war, violence, intolerance, and physical persecution of non-Muslims.”
–Tim Wildmon, March 6, 2012

"The homosexual movement is a progressive outgrowth of the sexual revolution of the past 40 years and will lead to the normalization of even more deviant behavior."
– Don Wildmon, AFA website, 1999 (still posted as of 2011).

"Homosexuality gave us Adolph Hitler, and homosexuals in the military gave us the Brown Shirts, the Nazi war machine and six million dead Jews."
– Bryan Fischer, AFA director of issue analysis for government and public policy, 2010

"If President Obama, Congressional Democrats, and homosexual activists get their wish, your son or daughter may be forced to share military showers and barracks with active and open homosexuals who may very well view them with sexual interest."
– AFA press release, February 2010

"Homosexuality is not only harmful to homosexuals themselves, but also to children and to society."
– Stephen Bennett, AFA writer, 2004

"As with smoking, homosexual behavior's ‘second hand' effects threaten public health….Thus, individuals who choose to engage in homosexual behavior threaten not only their own lives, but the lives of the general population."
– Gary Glenn, president of Michigan chapter of AFA, 2001

"[T]he homosexual lifestyle is characterized by anonymous sexual encounters and celebration of sexual obsession and perversion unparalleled in any other social group."
– Richard Howe, "Homosexuality in America," AFA publication, 1994


Aug 23, 2017, 1:47:13 AM8/23/17
to Political Euwetopia
<<They labeled a group that supports traditional marriage as a hate group>>

The "Family Research Council", that provided "special assistance" to Christian African countries to write laws imposing the death penalty on homosexuals?

Yeah, what's hateful about THAT?


Sep 17, 2017, 10:49:01 PM9/17/17
to Political Euwetopia
btdt and chirp:

<<< Read Justice's article.  They labeled a group that supports traditional marriage as a hate group.  Proves one of my points. >>>


The "Family Research Council", that provided "special assistance" to Christian African countries to write laws imposing the death penalty on homosexuals?

Yeah, what's hateful about THAT?



Sep 17, 2017, 11:31:27 PM9/17/17
to Political Euwetopia

" I found child molesters and abductors to be a diverse group that possesses no tidy criminal profile and does not discriminate by race, gender, class or age.

So who are these sexual offenders?

  • Males and Females
  • Young Adults, Middle-Aged Adults, and Seniors
  • Upper Class, Middle Class, and Disadvantaged
  • All Races & Ethnicities
  • Vocationally Diverse

"How do child molesters get into situations where they can exploit children?

Few child molesters are able to resist their powerful urges to initiate contact with children and will go to great lengths to do so. Common strategies include:

  • Befriending parents, particularly single parents, to gain access to their children.
  • Offering babysitting services to overextended parents or caregivers.
  • Taking jobs and participating in community events that involve children.
  • Attending sporting events for children and/or offering to coach children's sports.
  • Volunteering in youth organizations, offering to chaperone overnight trips.
  • Loitering in places children frequent - playgrounds, malls, game arcades, etc.
  • Spending time in Internet gaming and social communities, learning the online interests and lingo of youngsters.
  • Becoming foster parents.

What is the most common method used by child molesters?

The Affection Lure. (See Think First & Stay Safe™ Parent Guide) Most victims of abuse are "groomed" over a period of weeks, months, or years. The Affection Lure is used both offline and online to seduce unsuspecting youngsters in need of love and attention. Child molesters have repeatedly told me: When there's a physically or emotionally absent parent in the picture, it makes the child more vulnerable than ever.

Which age group is most often targeted by child molesters?

In the interviews I conducted, the majority of molesters cited a preference for children on the brink of puberty. This is the age of sexual awakening, making it easy for molesters to prey on the sexual curiosity and ignorance of youngsters. To quote one of the sexual offenders I interviewed, "Give me a kid who knows nothing about sex, and you've given me my next victim."

How many of these assaults were by family members?

  • 49% of offenders of victims under age 6 were family members.
  • 42% of offenders of victims ages 7-11 were family members.
  • 24% of offenders of victims ages 12 - 17 were family members.*


Sep 18, 2017, 6:49:29 AM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
The most prominent group of White Supremacists are the DNC.  While Democrats used to hold slaves, guard schools from attendance by blacks and force blacks to the back of the bus, until today they hold blacks in the economic bondage they innovated in 1965 while filibustering the Civil Rights Act.

If that wasn't enough, Democrats validate their history by claiming that requiring Voter IDs  suppresses the black vote because only whites know how to get one.


Sep 18, 2017, 7:08:49 AM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
Sorry idiot shit-stick. The "KKK" and their ilk, no matter what party they've aligned with throughout history have "always" been "ULTRA CONSERVATIVE". Period.
You can crawl back into your slimy little lair again.


Sep 18, 2017, 8:50:11 AM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
Like this Grand Cleagle

and these two conservatives?

Who's kidding whom? 

Are you also saying that Democrats have never claimed that requiring Voter IDs suppresses the Black Vote -- the most White Supremacist mantra in the history of White Supremacy?

Mighty Mark

Sep 18, 2017, 8:52:24 AM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
White power.


Sep 18, 2017, 9:37:58 AM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
bitchy pretending the last 60 years didn't happen....what else can be expected of a stupid little kochsucker with the emotional IQ  of a pissed off seven year old 


Sep 18, 2017, 12:36:08 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
LMAO yeah dipshit the KKK are raging "liberals"!!... fucking hell how do you actually get that stupid without some kind of surgical help??


Sep 18, 2017, 12:42:03 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
LOL....bitchy may have some Borg implant to spout his ninny nonsense 


Sep 18, 2017, 1:32:32 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
Name a single Conservative who has claimed that requiring voters to obtain a photo ID suppresses the Black vote because it is too hard to get one.

Name a single Conservative who has claimed that not giving predominantly Black Districts 23 days to vote for every 1 day allotted to White Districts suppresses the Black vote.

White Supremacy is not racial tolerance.  It's quite the opposite.


Sep 18, 2017, 2:05:56 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
Yeah mitchy boy the KKK are liberals!! :D


Sep 18, 2017, 2:19:03 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
Name a single time you haven't spouted complete bullshit


Sep 18, 2017, 2:27:22 PM9/18/17
to Political Euwetopia
the KKK are liberals
Image result for jewish kkk
Image result for jewish kkk
Image result for jewish kkk

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