Buddhist Metaphysical Connections to Quantum Physics

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Dec 19, 2018, 2:23:50 PM12/19/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy
Buddhist Metaphysical Connections to Quantum Physics 

Energy can never be created or destroyed it only changes form. 
Energy follows the least path of resistance. 
For Every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 
All that we are is a direct result of what we have thought 
The universe is composed of primarily expanding empty matter 
In order to harness the mind the self must be made empty of all 
ephemeral  earthly distractions 

The mind is like the our unseen universe. Until one recognizes he is 
one with everything, he will be only full of ignorance while his 
conception of self will languish in static delirium of illusions and 
false hopes. All suffering is caused by Greed, Anger and Delusion. 

The physical  universe is an illusion as well as our perception of it. 
Picture residing oneself in the center of a Cosmic stellar Black hole, 
a state of infinite Singularity. If the Black hole is not Spinning, 
than you would be crushed into infinite Nothingness and strewed into 
microns of cosmic dust that reside at its bottom in some other 
Parallel universe. If the Black hole is spinning, than you could 
travel thousands of light years in perhaps a single year, through a 
time warp in the space time continium. This is much like the Taoist 
proverb, "The Journey of Ten Thousand Leagues begins with a single 


Dec 19, 2018, 2:28:51 PM12/19/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy
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