The Social Security Trust Fund is slated to Bankrupt by 2030!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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Tom Jigme Wheat

Aug 14, 2018, 12:11:48 PM8/14/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy
Dear Senator Dianne Feinstein,

The Social Security Trust Fund is slated to go bankrupt in 2030 around the same time the Pentagon is slated to wage war against china. Republican administrations since Bush and on through trump  plan to use the trust fund to subsidize the corrupt defense contractors, who in the past would charge 8 dollars for a single bolt.  Social security disability is slated to go bankrupt in 2024. In order to save social security the solution lies in former Iowa senator Tom Harken's plan of making income earned of more than 100000 dollars a year subject to the social security tax.  Presently,  10% of the population who controls 98% of the wealth, that is income earners of 100000 a year to multi-billionaires are only taxed on  $100000 of income, and any remaining income above that is not subject to the social security tax. If the social security tax was uniformly taxing wages the social security trust fund would no longer be in danger of going bankrupt.

Tom Jigme Wheat

Aug 14, 2018, 2:31:10 PM8/14/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy

Tom Jigme Wheat

Aug 14, 2018, 2:42:39 PM8/14/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy

Tom Jigme Wheat

Aug 15, 2018, 11:23:37 AM8/15/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy
contact the social security administration:

thomas wheat

Dec 6, 2018, 2:13:39 PM12/6/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy

"The wealthiest Americans are not only living longer and collecting more in Social Security benefits, they are also contributing less of their income toward Social Security.  Almost all of the income gains over the past three decades have gone to those earning above the $118,500 earnings cap and have therefore been exempt from Social Security taxes, costing the Social Security Trust Fund over $1.1 trillion."

thomas wheat

Dec 6, 2018, 2:48:50 PM12/6/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy

Sanders has introduced legislation that would ensure that Social Security would be able to pay every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 58 years. His plan would increase benefits by more than $1,300 a year for seniors with less than $16,000 in annual income. This includes boosting yearly cost-of-living adjustments by making the consumer price index better reflect seniors’ rising costs for health care and prescription medicine.

To shore up the retirement program’s trust fund, he would lift the cap on taxable income so everyone who makes more than $250,000 a year would pay the same percentage of their income into Social Security as middle-class working families.

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