Re: 9/11 Commission Covered Up Gorelick Warning - Clinton Administration prevented CIA communicating to NYC FBI about Attah's terrorist Cell

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Tom Jigme Wheat

Sep 24, 2012, 8:16:20 PM9/24/12
How did 19 hijackers armed only with box cutters hijack 4 planes
carrying a total of 800 people? The 911 commission and the US
government still have not declassified the audio recordings on the
cockpits of the planes flight black box data recorders. The most
likely scenario was that Bush mobilized AWAC's from Andrews Airforce
base just outside of Washington DC, and had them hijack the guidance
signals and the controls of at least 3 planes and by means of remote
piloting by the AWAC EM plane and remote control, crashed the planes
into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

The 4th hijacked flight, was most likely shot down by an F-15 falcon,
since its flight path was plotted to strike the White House.

Equally important to note is the fact that the Steel support beams of
the Twin Towers was comprised of faulty forged steel, such that the
steel support beams collapsed when the tempature reached 900 degrees
fairenheit. The normal melting tempature of steel is 1500 degrees. The
maximum heat generated by ignited jet fuel is 900 degrees, the same
tempature that the steel beams registered when they collapsed.
Therefore the contractor who built the World Trade Center is liable
for civil damages from the people of New York. The new lone tower is
trashy memorial to those that died there on September 11th 2001.

The fact of the matter was that Bush launched the war on terror as his
personal popular re-election campaign strategy. He had ample
oppurtunity to catch Bin Laden like at the december 2001 battle in
Tora Bora, Afghanistan and yet allowed the bogeyman bin laden slip
into Pakistan. The CBS show 60 minutes aired a special on the battle
and the US military's attempt to capture Bin Laden during that Battle,
with a retired member of the Army's Delta Force commandos. He
testified that Rumsfeld had ordered General Tommy Franks to tell Delta
Force not to pursue Bin Laden into Pakistan even after he had been
sighted. Osama Bin Laden's was George W. Bush's re-election Trump card
over Kerry. That's why he widened the War on Terror by invading Iraq
on the Pentagon contrived theory that Saddam hussein had weapons of
mass Destruction. The Reagan Bush administration feign amnesia about
the fact that Iraq was our ally during thye majority of Saddam
Hussein's human rights abuses, from 1981 - 1989.

Bush is a war criminal. He widened the scope on the war on terror, to
advance his imperial designs to enrich his oil clients and his Defense
Contractor buddies among Haliburton, who his vice president, Dick
Cheney was the vice president of until the end of 2000.

The War on terror waged by Bush was one of a War for Terror, as the
new emerging nations alliance network were encouraged to label popular
movements for socioeconomic land reform and the like as terrorist
organizations thereby making them exempt from US human rights

Fact is Bush's plan was to bankrupt and privatize Social Security and
Medicare, through his Mormon Hyena of a goon, Mitt Romney. Already the
War on Terror was entirely financed by borrowed money as Bush refused
to raise taxes on the Rich during War time, something that has never
happened before in the history of the Wars this nation has faced.

Bush's secret service protection runs out in 2018 making him a marked
man. His reign will be known as the era of the stolen Presidency and a
decade long age of Paranoia and deception, brought on by his
administration in order to faccillitate more wealth redistribution
benefitting the rich. The top one percent of income earners did double
there money under Bush.When can we tar and feather both Bush and
romney and send them packing out of DC?

On Sep 22, 1:48 pm, Tom Jigme Wheat <> wrote:
> The 9/11 commission left out the fact thaT George W. Bush's first
> business partner wasSalemBin Laden, Osama's elder brother. The Bin
> Laden's are family friends of the Bush's. George W. used to visit the
> Bin Laden ranch in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. When all air traffic across
> the United States was grounded on 9/12/2001 only the planes carrying
> the bin laden family were allowed to criss cross the country enroute
> to Saudi Arabia.SalemBin Laden died in a plane crash after leaving
> Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas. This act must have started the blood
> feud between Bush and Osama Bin Laden.
> Bush let the terrorists into the country so he could create  a Pearl
> Harbor scenario to mobilize the public and advance his popularity
> ranking, which had tanked soon after he took office. Bin Laden was his
> patsy, like Lee Harvey Oswald was to Kennedy. He had numerous warnings
> that Bin Laden was planning a terrorist attack, and yet did nothing.
> Both the July 2001, Phoenix Memo, and the President's August 7 2001
> PDB memo clearly warned that Bin Laden was planning to strike
> skyscrapers with hijacked Boeing 747's.
> check out more info on the Bush conspiracy at:http://www.georgebushconspiracy.comthomaswheat1975
> On Sep 11, 11:01 am, Obama's Legion of Flash Mobs @ 7/11.nig wrote:
> > Friday, Aug. 12, 2005 9:47 a.m. EDT
> > 9/11 Commission Covered Up Gorelick Warning
> > (Clinton Administration prevented the CIA from communication to NYC
> > FBI about Attah's terrorist Cell)
> > A 1995 memo from a top terrorism prosecutor warning that a directive
> > by Clinton administration Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick
> > "could cost lives" is being concealed by the 9/11 Commission.
> > Compounding the cover-up, Gorelick herself was a prominent member of
> > the Commission and refused to recuse herself from parts of the 9/11
> > investigation that covered the now notorious "wall" she erected that
> > prevented intelligence and law enforcement agencies from cooperating
> > in the war on terror.
> > In June 1995, U.S. Attorney for New York's Southern District Mary Jo
> > White warned the Justice Department that Gorelick's prohibition
> > against intelligence sharing would hamper U.S. counterterrorism
> > efforts.
> > "It is hard to be totally comfortable with instructions to the FBI
> > prohibiting contact with the United States Attorney's Offices when
> > such prohibitions are not legally required," White wrote on June 13,
> > 1995, in a memo reported Friday by the New York Post's Deborah Orin.
> > "The most effective way to combat terrorism is with as few labels and
> > walls as possible so that wherever permissible, the right and left
> > hands are communicating," advised White, who was then in the midst of
> > prosecuting the 1993 World Trade Center bombers.
> > According to Orin, however, "White was so upset that she bitterly
> > protested with another memo - a scathing one" - blasting Gorelick's
> > wall of separation.
> > While the former Clinton official and her fellow 9/11 commissioners
> > have so far declined to make the second memo public, the Post reports
> > that White used it to warn that Gorelick's wall "hindered law
> > enforcement and could cost lives."
> > The 9/11 Commission omitted any mention of White's scathing second
> > warning to Gorelick from its final report.
> > "Nor does the report include the transcript of its staff interview
> > with White," the Post said.
> > The revelation that the 9/11 Commission covered up White's full
> > account comes on the heels of news that Gorelick's wall may have
> > prevented the FBI from learning that lead 9/11 hijackers Mohamed Atta
> > and Marwan al-Shehhi had entered the U.S. and had been identified by
> > military intelligence as terrorist threats a year before the attacks.
> > On Wednesday, Rep. Curt Weldon, who uncovered the Atta-al-Shehhi
> > revelation, complained: "There was no reason not to share this
> > information with the FBI, except that the firewalls that existed back
> > then were so severe that they wouldn't let these agencies talk to one
> > another."
> > CB
> > Jamie Gorelick prevented the CIA from giving intelligence to the FBI
> > in NYC. Political Correctness from a DimocRAT prevented Mohammad
> > Attah's terrorist cell from being tracked.
> > It was Clintonian policies which caused 9/11
> > Able Danger, the CIA's intelligence program followed suspected
> > terrorists and tried to inform America about the conspirators planning
> > the 9/11 attack. Only because of the bureaucratic Jamie Gorelick and
> > her memo preventing a warning to the FBI did 3000 people die at the
> > heads of Osama ben Laden.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Tom Jigme Wheat

Nov 27, 2018, 8:35:23 PM11/27/18
to political conspiracy and the quest for democracy

Kamikaze: F-16 pilots planned to ram Flight 93

Pilots scrambled to intercept wayward plane so quickly there was no time to arm their jets

updated 9/9/2011 4:17:05 PM ET 2011-09-09T20:17:05
  • When the pilots of the 121st Fighter Squadron of the D.C. Air National Guard got the order to intercept Flight 93, the hijacked jet speeding toward the nation's capital, they figured there was a decent chance they would not come back alive.

That's because the F-16 jets they were rushing to get airborne were largely unarmed, recalls one of the pilots, then-Lt. Heather Penney, leaving them one option to take out the wayward plane: a kamikaze mission.

"We wouldn’t be shooting it down. We would be ramming the aircraft, because we didn’t have weapons on board to be able to shoot the airplane down," Penney told C-SPAN.

In the days before Sept. 11, there were no armed aircraft standing guard in Washington, D.C., ready to scramble at the first sign of trouble.

And with a Boeing 757 aircraft speeding in the direction of Washington, D.C., Penney and her commanding officer, Col. Marc Sasseville, couldn't wait the dozens of minutes it was going to take to properly arm their respective jets.

"It was decided that Sass and I would take off first, even though we knew we would end up having to take off before our aircraft were armed," Penney, among the first generation of American female fighter pilots, said to C-SPAN.

Penney said each jet had 105 lead-nosed bullets on board, but little more.

"As we were putting on our flight gear … Sass looked at me and said, 'I'll ram the cockpit.' And I had made the decision that I would take the tail off the aircraft," Penney recalled.

Both pilots thought about whether they would have enough time to eject before impact.

"I was hoping to do both at the same time," Sasseville told the Washington Post. "It probably wasn’t going to work, but that’s what I was hoping."

Penney, a rookie fight pilot, worried about missing her target.

"You only got one chance. You don’t want to eject and then miss. You’ve got to be able to stick with it the whole way," she said.

The pilots chose their impact spots in order to minimize the debris field on the ground. A plane with no nose and no tail would likely fall straight out of the sky, its forward momentum halted, Penney said.

“The people on Flight 93 were heroes, but they were going to die no matter what," she said. "My concern was how do I minimize collateral damage on the ground."

As it turned out, Sasseville and Penney never intercepted Flight 93. The passengers of that doomed plane made sure they didn't have to.

For more on this story, watch C-SPAN's interview with Penney and read the Washington Post's account of that day.

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