Polish Global Village

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Thank you for subscribing to the Polish Global Village (PGV) email announcement list on the Google Groups platform. PGV is a free email announcement service promoting Poland-related projects and events in the Washington metropolitan area, Baltimore and the entire District of Columbia-Maryland-Virginia region.

Typically you should expect no more than several messages per week from PGV.

PGV messages are publicly accessible on the Google Groups website as soon as they are sent out via email. Each individual PGV message has its own web address. Feel free to share any PGV messages with anyone who may be interested, by either sharing a web link to a given message or forwarding the entire message via email. If you forward a message, be sure to include the PGV footer to indicate your source.

Please ask yourself whom you could encourage to subscribe to PGV. Our announcements may be of interest to any Polish people living in the DMV region, but also to their non-Polish “significant others” as well as persons who may have a professional, research or business interest in local Poland-related news and information. Your assistance with promoting PGV will help make the group a more useful community resource. Thank you in advance!

Only a few authorized correspondents can post announcements to PGV. Our contributors and subscribers may have different opinions on many topics, but PGV definitely is not a discussion club. It means you cannot respond to any PGV announcements in the group and your inbox will not be flooded by responses to any announcements.

In the past, PGV operated on Yahoo! Groups for twenty years – until Verizon, the new owner of Yahoo!, shut down the Yahoo! Groups platform in December 2020. Now PGV is restarting on the Google Groups platform.

If you wish to subscribe to PGV from a different email address, please send a message from that other email address to polish-global-village+subscribe@googlegroups.com and check your inbox at that address for instructions on how to confirm your subscription.

If you no longer want to receive PGV messages, please send a message to polish-global-village+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.