The Call for Papers is open for the 5th annual ACE! Conference in Kraków

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Paul Klipp

Jan 28, 2014, 6:44:06 AM1/28/14
The fifth annual ACE! conference will be Poland's largest and most innovative agile event, attracting 350-400 attendees from large companies and startups alike. 

The innovative ACE! format (now used by several other events, as well) of short talks arranged in one-track with long open spaces is great for speakers. It means that you get 30 minutes to explain one or two key ideas to every attendee (no competing for participants with other tracks), then you can organize an open space in which to can explore ideas in more depth with only those attendees who are most enthusiastic to engage with them. Everyone learns more this way, attendees and speakers alike, and it's a great way to build relationships for learning and future collaboration.

Year after year, speakers report having a great time and high-value learning opportunities at ACE!. Come join us in one of Europe's most lovely old cities. The call for presentations is open until the end of January.

Some of the most influential thinkers in the agile community have presented at ACE!. Come, be a part of it, too.

See you there!

Paul Klipp
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