I've been working the past 24 hours on PodCamp stuff. Here's what I got done:
- Got half dozen markers, few dozen pens for registration
- Just over 200 nametag holders + about 200 lanyards
- Printed registration forms, 25 check ins per form
- Lined up Friday night and Saturday evening arrangements with Champps (Free appetizers with a purchase for PodCamp/WordCamp attendees)
- Printable Event Weekend Guide (linked to in newsletter)
- Email newsletter to registered attendees (count: 262)
- Email newsletter to past PodCamp 1 & 2 attendees (count: 392)
Printed Nametags with logo on them (count: 205)
- Updated map for back of schedule
- printed the back page of 350 schedules (back has map and event info)
Is there anything else we're missing?
Kelly has already stuffed the event bags, so tonight all we have to do is BS and drink at Champps! Thanks Kelly!
Daniel Lewis put together the schedule for us this year, it came together really well with very logical tracks. We put all of the most important WordPress tracks in the main lecture room.
Late tonight I'll print the other side of the schedule.
See everyone tonight and/or tomorrow morning,
PodCamp Ohio