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Results from the Meetup this afternoon at OSU

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Angelo Mandato

Jun 11, 2010, 5:48:28 PM6/11/10
to PodCamp Ohio
Mendenhall looks as good as it did last year! Looks like we can do the same thing we did last year as far as setup. The right rear room can be used for lunch, rather than using the left rear room liek we did last year. That may be better for Skyline to setup. Something we can talk about on Wednesday. They will be receiving the Internet accounts on Monday and have confirmed over 9 rooms for us including the lecture hall. OSU Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing is really going out of their way for us again!

I stopped at Mad Mex, then McFaddens. Both locations fell flat as far as being able to work with us as far as being an after event location. I stopped at Five Guys bugger and talked to the manager there, they may be able to do something, he's going to call me back Monday. I then went over to Baja-Sol to confirm doing a Friday night meetup like last year and discovered they went out of business. Apparently they shut down on Mothers day. I then stopped at Champps, and I wish I stopped their first. Talked to both managers and they seemed very interested in doing something for us both Friday night as a meetup location and as a destination after the event for dinner. I will call the manager Tuesday afternoon to see what kind of deal they can give us for both Friday night and Saturday.

Champps would be the most ideal location for both Friday night and Saturday, they have great food and a number of draft beers, as well as being conveniently off route 315.

I also found out that Route 315 will be starting construction again next week, so we will need to find out which exits and on-ramps will be open and relay that to all the attendees. From what I understand, both the southbound lane exit ramp and the northbound Medical Center Drive exits will be open.


PodCamp Ohio

Daniel Lewis

Jun 15, 2010, 3:57:02 PM6/15/10
Any word on Champps or our Before or After Party locations?


Daniel J. Lewis
Freelance digital designer, D.Joseph Design
the Ramen Noodle—"Seasoning packets of comedy from the life of a bachelor"
Are You Just Watching?—"Critical thinking for the entertained Christian"
On Twitter: @theRamenNoodle | @ruJustWatching

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Angelo Mandato

Jun 15, 2010, 10:25:32 PM6/15/10
No unfortunately, I called the manager tonight and he was already out for the day. Next day I can reach him is on Thursday.

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