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[PodcampOhio] Podcasting at Podcamp Ohio - sharing equipment setup?

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May 19, 2010, 1:16:15 PM5/19/10
to PodCamp Ohio
Steve and I will be doing a live recording of The iPad Show along
with Timothy Chaten from The iPad Possibilities. It also looks like
there are a lot of other people that will be recording live shows
during Podcamp Ohio. The one thing we all know about podcasters is
that we like to use lots of equipment. It would be great to work
together and share equipment. That way it would cut down on setup
time and avoid all us bringing boxes and boxes of stuff. Let me know
if you are doing a podcast and interested in sharing setups.


Dave Buchanan

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Daniel Lewis

May 19, 2010, 1:59:18 PM5/19/10
I am interested. I would be bringing two on-stage dynamic mics, maybe my Heil PR40, a Behinger Xenyx 1204 mixer, and my Zoom H4n. It would be handy to have a "live podcast" room dedicated just to that. Great idea!


Daniel J. Lewis
Freelance digital designer, D.Joseph Design
the Ramen Noodle—"Seasoning packets of comedy from the life of a bachelor"
Are You Just Watching?—"Critical thinking for the entertained Christian"
On Twitter: @theRamenNoodle | @ruJustWatching

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