Getting Re-engaged and excited about PodCamp Ohio 2

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Angelo Mandato

Dec 30, 2008, 5:36:57 PM12/30/08
to PodCamp Ohio
Hey Everyone,

After the new year (this Thursday to be exact) I'll be getting re-engaged in planning the next PodCamp Ohio! I'm quite excited, we have a lot of work to do and a lot of jobs to assign so if you're ready and willing to be an organizer for this year, please email me what you would like to do to help.

Brian is working on a new theme for the PodCamp Ohio 2 site. He will be creating new site badges and if he has time, some new shirts in the spreadshirt store.

I've been thinking about moving the existing PodCamp Ohio site to the following address ( and linking to it as an archive of last year's podcamp. This way all the archival content is accessible via the web, including the original web site theme. Does anyone see any problems with doing that?

Thanks everyone and look forward to planning PodCamp Ohio 2 with you,

PodCamp Ohio 2
June 20, 2009
Twitter: podcampohio

Dr. A

Dec 30, 2008, 6:37:32 PM12/30/08
Hi everybody - I'm getting excited about the event as well. Just to let everyone know, Angelo is going to be talking about Podcamp Ohio 2 on my show on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 9pm eastern time. So, hopefully, this will be a great 2009 kickoff to Podcamp Ohio 2 planning.

Happy New Year and hopefully we'll see you next week at the show!
 Dr. A



Jan 4, 2009, 9:02:34 PM1/4/09
to PodCamp Ohio

I am excited as well. I'll be relocating to Columbus in the next few
weeks. So I hope to get more involved in the planning. I'm hoping
that there will be no scheduling conflicts for me this time around
(last year my brother got married and I had to chose the wedding over
Podcamp - no one should have to make that decision). ;-)

Take care,

On Dec 30 2008, 6:37 pm, "Dr. A" <>
> Hi everybody - I'm getting excited about the event as well. Just to let
> everyone know, Angelo is going to be talking about Podcamp Ohio 2 on my show
> on Thursday, January 8th, 2009 at 9pm eastern time. So, hopefully, this will
> be a great 2009 kickoff to Podcamp Ohio 2 planning.
> Happy New Year and hopefully we'll see you next week at the show!
>  Dr. A
> --

Angelo Mandato

Jan 6, 2009, 3:18:05 PM1/6/09
No they shouldn't! Hopefully no one you know is getting marreid this June!
We need to schedule the meetups! I was talking woth the organizers of the Cleveland Social Media Club, they are interested in hosting the March meetup and I believe Daniel Johnson Jr was interested in hosting a couple in the Cincinnati area as well. Can someone organize this months meetup for Columbus?
I'm going to start working on all the tasks we need to do and post a list so see who would be interested in heading them up. The easiest of these is a PodCamp Ohio advocate who can twitter/blog for us and leave comments on other blogs/forums and sites. Other things that come to mind off the top of my head...
  • Organizer(s) to help find and contact sponsors
  • Organizer to lead getting lunch catered
  • Organizer to lead getting lunch time entertainment (Kait, are you intersested in leading this up again?)
  • Promos (everyone is welcome to create promos)
  • Event guide (Gave, are you interested in making this years guide?)
  • Organizer to lead in blocking off rooms at hotels

Sheila English

Jan 6, 2009, 4:25:47 PM1/6/09
Hey Angelo!

Not sure how much I can do, but I can do something!

I know some people over at TubeMogul. I am happy to do a workshop on Book Trailers. I noticed last time that there were a LOT of authors attending. I can also talk about online video distribution if anyone is interested.
I am happy to do some promo. I have a graphic artist on staff that could put together a nice event guide if Gave isn't available. If I can add my company as a sponsor I'll pay for printing. I have someone here who gives me a great deal.



Jan 7, 2009, 6:57:02 AM1/7/09
to PodCamp Ohio
I can work on getting a Columbus meeting set up. How does the Saturday
the 24th sound to everyone? Location preference? The downtown library
has great meeting rooms we could reserve.

On Jan 6, 3:18 pm, "Angelo Mandato" <> wrote:
> No they shouldn't! Hopefully no one you know is getting marreid this June!
> We need to schedule the meetups! I was talking woth the organizers of the
> Cleveland Social Media Club, they are interested in hosting the March meetup
> and I believe Daniel Johnson Jr was interested in hosting a couple in the
> Cincinnati area as well. Can someone organize this months meetup for
> Columbus?
> I'm going to start working on all the tasks we need to do and post a list so
> see who would be interested in heading them up. The easiest of these is a
> PodCamp Ohio advocate who can twitter/blog for us and leave comments on
> other blogs/forums and sites. Other things that come to mind off the top of
> my head...
>    - Organizer(s) to help find and contact sponsors
>    - Organizer to lead getting lunch catered
>    - Organizer to lead getting lunch time entertainment (Kait, are you
>    intersested in leading this up again?)
>    - Promos (everyone is welcome to create promos)
>    - Event guide (Gave, are you interested in making this years guide?)
>    - Organizer to lead in blocking off rooms at hotels

Angelo Mandato

Jan 7, 2009, 12:18:48 PM1/7/09
Hey Sheila,

Thanks for the help! Let me get you a copy of the sponsorship sheet to share with the folks you know at TubeMogul.

As far as sessions are concerned, keep an eye out for when we setup the sessions application, we'll make an announcement when it is online.

Please keep your audio promos under 2MB, preferably mp3 format at 44Khz / 64 or 128 kbps. If you do video, please just send the link and/or embed code.

Gabe will be putting together our event guide again this year. We would love to have your company as a sponsor in exchange for printing the event guide. Last year we printed and assembled them by hand which was a bit time consuming (We didn't have a stapler bonding machine). Please email me directly to discuss this further. Printing these would be greatly appreciated!

In-kind donations like these are preferred. It makes things easier for us organizers. We don't have to deal with money and it also gives the sponsor a more cost-effective way to sponsor the event.


Angelo Mandato

Jan 7, 2009, 12:23:25 PM1/7/09
The downtown library sounds good to me. Unless anyone objects I say lets go with the date and location. Once you have a time scheduled with the library please feel free to blog it on the web site. If you can wait till tonight, I should have the post to twitter working on the new blog.


Sheila English

Jan 7, 2009, 2:39:17 PM1/7/09
Great! I'll be looking for the sponsorship papers to send to TubeMogul!

Count us in for the printing and assembling! When it gets closer to time for this let us know what to send as far as in-kind sponsorship information (i.e. do you need our logo, name and URL?)

We have 5 radio shows that COS runs and we are happy to play any audio spots at no cost if anyone sends them in. And we will make announcements about PodCamp as it gets closer to that date. We are also happy to mention any sponsors if you like. We have over 28,000 listeners for our shows.




Jan 8, 2009, 7:51:21 AM1/8/09
to PodCamp Ohio
Okay, I have a room reserved at the main location of the library for
Jan 24th 3-5 PM. It's one of the smaller ones (everything else was
taken), but it should be fine. I'll admit, despite being fairly
familiar with the library, I'm not sure exactly where this room is in
the building, so I'll contact the library to figure it out, and post
it on the site then.

Angelo Mandato

Jan 8, 2009, 10:29:15 AM1/8/09
Okay great! Thanks for heading this up Jen!



Jan 9, 2009, 8:23:16 AM1/9/09
to PodCamp Ohio
Yeah, I am excited as well,and even if The Guys' Podcast does not do a
live show again or not, I believe we desire to help out again. Thanks!

In Trinity,

D.G. Hollums
Praxis Podcast
The Guys' Podcast


Jan 10, 2009, 7:01:57 PM1/10/09
to PodCamp Ohio
I hope you guys do a live podcast again this year. That was awesome
for somone such as myself that has never done one. It gave me a lot of
ideas on how to do it if I decide to try my hand at it. Also, the free
rootbeer was quite nice! :D

Just need to get Brad here this time!

Jon Kunze


Jan 14, 2009, 1:35:23 PM1/14/09
to PodCamp Ohio
Quick note about the Columbus meeting - I just had a conflict come up
for the date I mentioned earlier, so I was hoping to move it back a
week to Saturday, January 31, 3-5 PM instead. Is this okay with

Angelo Mandato

Jan 16, 2009, 12:54:07 AM1/16/09
Hey Jen,

January 31st works for me and I haven't seen anyone else object so go with that date and time.

Thanks for your help,

Angelo Mandato

Jan 23, 2009, 10:38:46 AM1/23/09
Hey Jen,

Did you secure the date and time for the meetup?

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