Z extends beyond limits error

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Apr 14, 2019, 11:32:59 PM4/14/19
to Pocket NC

Setting up a test run on the V2-10. Using F360.
My gcode works just fine in the simulator, no errors.

when I try to run the same code on the machine, it starts up, moves into position and then shuts down when the Z is supposed to move. I then get an error stating that the Z is trying to move beyond it's limit.

After that, when re-homing the machine the Z then shows -5.000 on the DRO. The only way to get it back to 0.000 is to disconnect the machine from USB and from power and restart everything.

The error is on line 20 of the gcode, here is line 19, 20 and 21 (in mm)

N75 G1 X-13.026 Y4.134 F10000.
N80 G43 Z24.7 H12
N85 G1 Z8.585

The machine limits I read in the FAQ is z = 3.55 in (-3.45 in to 0.1 in) (-87.63mm to 2.54mm) in Z

So it appears that the Z is trying to move in the opposite direction - but shouldn't the simulator indicate that as well?

When I setup the machine orientation, should the Z axes be pointing in the direction the Z moves? or does it matter?

I'm missing something here.

Bob Vawter

Apr 15, 2019, 9:40:31 AM4/15/19
to Pocket NC

> When I setup the machine orientation, should the Z axes be pointing in the direction the Z moves?

The +Z direction should point from the origin towards the spindle. That is, when the spindle is moving towards the work, it's moving in the -Z direction, just like in a vertical mill.

If you're setting up the CAM with the A and B axes in the home position, then +Z is right, +Y is up, and +X is away from the operator.

Tokyo Pav

Apr 15, 2019, 10:18:13 AM4/15/19
to Pocket NC
Did you check if the program is set to the correct units?
G20 specifies Imperial (inch) and G21 specifies Metric (mm) units.


Apr 15, 2019, 10:26:29 AM4/15/19
to Pocket NC

When checking your code in the simulator did you enter the "Z offset" value (after measuring tool) from your Pocket NC user interface into the "Tool xx Z offset" line on the "Summary" page of the simulator? If those numbers do not match the simulator will not give an accurate representation of machine function. 

Regarding the -5.000, that is a Z offset that is being set based on the "Z offset" value that is shown on the "Tooling" tab for whatever tool your program is calling up. We set all the tools to -5 before they leave the factory to help mitigate crashes due to unmeasured tools. To clear the offset without disconnecting the machine, go to the tooling tab in the user interface and click on the Z TLO box in the work offsets section, then choose clear offset. 

As far the directions of the axis, Bob described them accurately, thanks Bob.

Feel free to email me directly at qrot...@pocketnc.com for more questions or to dive into this further!


Q Rothing
Applications Engineer, Pocket NC 


Apr 15, 2019, 12:11:15 PM4/15/19
to Pocket NC
Thanks everyone,

Yep, that is how the orientation is set up. Thanks for confirming I have the axes right. I assumed the arrow is pointing in the positive direction. So in the home position, the z is pointing to the spindle, the Y up and the X away from me.

I have "Document Unit" selected in the post process window - should I specify?

I did not set a z offset. Does the simulator use info from the pocketNC user interface? Should I be connected to the machine when using the simulator?

Up to now, all my experiences has been on manual mills and lathes, so don't hurt me :)



Apr 15, 2019, 2:29:10 PM4/15/19
to Pocket NC
Well then welcome to the the CNC world!

The Pocket NC user interface and the simulator do not speak to one another. You will need to measure the tool that your code/program calls up (process can be found in section 3 of this article) and then take the "Z offset" you get and put it in the simulator to get an accurate simulation. Then, if there are errors, the "Summary" page on the simulator will give you suggestions or hints as to what the problem may be. A video tutorial on using the simulator can be found here if you would like more details.

Please let us know if you continue to run into problems, we are happy to help!

Happy Making!


Apr 18, 2019, 11:48:24 AM4/18/19
to Pocket NC
It was the tool measurement. thanks!
After running the Measure Tool utility, it all works.
I didn't think about other tools being different lengths, so will remember to set and measure all 1 of my tools :)


Apr 18, 2019, 2:11:05 PM4/18/19
to Pocket NC
Glad to hear it was a simple fix! 

Happy Making!
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