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Sep 4, 2013, 6:53:42 PM9/4/13
Greetings to all Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar 2013 fans!

The planning for this year's event is well underway, and Mike Epton, Randy LeVeque, and I wanted to give you a quick update on where things stand:

(1) We have a date.  This year's event will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2013.

(2) We have a venue.  We will be meeting at the Museum of Flight, 9404 East Marginal Way S, Seattle (  There is a very nice, small conference center there that will serve our needs very nicely, and they even will be serving us coffee and a catered lunch.

(3) We have speakers lined up, too.  They include Brad Chamberlain (Cray), Mike Epton (Boeing), Jay Gopalakrishnan (Portland State), Ulrich Hetmaniuk (Washington), Rachel Kuske (UBC), and Patricia Medina (Oregon State).  It promises to be an exciting program!

More details will be forthcoming soon.  In the meantime, mark the date on your calendars (preferably in pen), and plan for a great day of networking and interacting among our great regional group of scientists!


Randall J LeVeque

Sep 28, 2013, 1:59:14 PM9/28/13
Sorry for the delay in posting more information, but there is now a
website for this year's PNWNAS, to be held in Seattle on Saturday,
October 19, 2013:
Please register soon if you plan to attend and please help spread the
word to colleagues and students.

The talks will start at 9:30am and end at 4:15, followed by a no-host
dinner at 5:30 for those who those who can stick around. Registration
is $30 ($20 for students) and includes lunch and admission to the
Boeing Museum of Flight, which is open during lunch and until 5pm. We
tried to keep the registration fee as low as possible, thanks in part
to some funding from the UW Department of Applied Mathematics. See
the website for more details on the program and venue.

We hope you can all make it, should be a fun day!

Mike Epton, Tom Grandine, Randy LeVeque
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