Field Testing

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AG6QV - Frank

May 12, 2024, 4:58:33 PMMay 12
to PNW Microwave
Hello everyone,

Today we tested 10 GHz equipment bouncing signals on Vashon, The
Olympics, and the Foundlaroy ferry. W7GLF was at the beach at Three Tree
Point and N7FW and AG6QV was about a mile further north.This was the
first time Fred (N7FW) was able to transmit and receive signals and we
were able to test both SSB and FM.

We are now going to plan some longer distance attempt with either line
of sight or bounces. So for the next microwave meet in Burien we would
like for everyone to suggest  operating locations and possible dates
where you will be available to work multiple stations on 10 GHz and
other bands you might be QRV on. Bring the list of locations with grid
square (6 or more characters), address or coordinates so we can compile
a full list with distances and bearings between them. If you are unable
to come to the meeting on May 26th you can reply to this message with
your input.

- Frank

73 de Frank

Mike Lewis

May 12, 2024, 5:39:16 PMMay 12
to AG6QV - Frank, PNW Microwave, Paul Baer WA9BTV, AF7GL, kevin moore,, Kirk Marat, Dale KD7UO
CN88uj - Little Mtn Lookout east of Mt Vernon under the Gazebo in the park. No Mt Rainier but Olympics good. Requires lugging equipmenbt about 25 yards.

CN97at - Side of farm field, full view of Mt Rainier 67 miles south. Elevation 30ft. Just up the hill to the east a short distance at a logging clear cut and road intersection can see the top of the Olympics but trees block Mt Rainier. Can operate from or next to car.

Cn96aw - 3500ft near Lake Mowich and Mt. Rainier. Ray operates here several times. Can operate from or next to car.

For microwave portable ops I have 144, 432, 1.2, 2.3, 5.7 and 10Ghz bands available. Except for May 28 to Jume 12 I am available most any day. On our ToDo list is to get KD7UO's 2304 setup tested locally then move out at distance. Usually use 144 and 1.2 for liaison, fallback is text. Sometiome can only do one or the other at some sites.

Peter has a IC-905 that he is itching to get on the air on some mountain top.

KC6FLG is planning to get an IC-905 soon and operate from high above Hood Canal.

Paul has all bands up to 10G except 3.3G and 2.3G. 5.7 and 10G are portable. He might be able to operate from Burlington Hill just above his house in CN88, just a bit north of Little Mtn Lookout.

Kirk in Victoria is on 10G and high up, and Scott VA7OTC operates 10G and I think 5.7G portable high above Vancouver BC.

Like I mentioned above, I am flexible so will see how the schedule shakes out for others.
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May 12, 2024, 6:09:13 PMMay 12
to AG6QV - Frank, PNW Microwave
Sorry I missed you all.  I had Mother's day lunch with the inlaws.

It's good to hear that Fred has got his setup going well now.

I still have a ways to go to get a dish on my 10GHz tranverter.  Perhaps by May 26, I will be able to get something more than my transverter and the little horn up and running.

--Konrad  WA4OSH

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--Konrad Roeder
Cell:  425-444-0595

Ray Cannon - W7GLF

May 12, 2024, 10:54:47 PMMay 12
to PNW Microwave
The spot where I have gone has a good Rainier spot to CN86xx and CN96aw.  If one drives out far enough I hear there is a spot in CN97 that has a view of Rainier.  I have tried to find that spot but the road is rough and I have given up trying to find that spot since usually by that time it is starting to get dark and I spent all my time in CN96 and CN86.

There is also K7CVU John in CN85 and W7HDD Al in Wenachee.

There is a spot on Green Mountain (CN98) which used to work for Microwave but I think it is way overgrown by now.  I doubt the Mt. Pilchuck (CN98) ledge is reachable except by Jeep or pickup truck?  Where is a fire when one needs one?

I have several spots that have good views to the Olympics - at least to Mount Crag and Mount Jupiter.

If we want to plan doing some antenna testing some time I am thinking that over in central Washington probably would be the place to go.  Better weather and lots of space?  Perhaps Al might have some suggestions.   Al do you still have your Microwave gear?  Are you listening?

James Morris

May 13, 2024, 6:58:59 PMMay 13
to Ray Cannon - W7GLF, PNW Microwave
Where exactly is the Mt. Pilchuck ledge?

Also wondering if anyone is interested in working 24 GHz. I have enough parts, I think, to make a simple transverter on that band.

James W7TXT

Mike Lewis

May 13, 2024, 7:31:56 PMMay 13
to James Morris, Ray Cannon - W7GLF, PNW Microwave


We used to call it the bench.  It was the staging area for a clear cut on the west slope at about 2800 ft accessed by a 2-track road form the main road.  I was up there in a 2dr jeep in 2018.  It was a bit tight especially for overhead clearance with a few deep ruts and puddles.  The main road had the same deep potholes for decades it seems.  Green Mtn is on the north side of the Stilly from Pilchuck is about 3000ft and easier to access (NF4410).  Like Pilchuck both were clear cut around late 90s or early 2000s and they are now both grown up with no view left.  Just a small peak southwest from Green.


Pictures attached.  One is looking south from the bench. The other is NW where ethe trees appear a tad thinner.  This was 2018.  Don’t let the gravel road segment you see in the pics condition fool you.  The connection between that and the main road is far different.  There are a few offshoots near that connection I tried, they wandered through the woods but nothing good for radio.


The last pic with my truck is on Green Mtn in Sept 2019.  Just the narrow window between trees left.  If you take the road to the very top it puts you much further east where Mt Pilchuck blocks the view South.  It has probably grown up also by now.   Lots of bees up there too with occasional bear.


There is an old logging landing on Green at maybe 3500ft that might still be clear seen in the 2009 Rovercycle picture attached.  Imagine no fog.  It was only accessible by foot/ATV/motorcycle.


Grant Hopper

May 14, 2024, 3:31:18 AMMay 14
to PNW Microwave
I don't think Green Mountain is particularly easy to access anymore.  In 2022, N7SS and i were out scouting a good place for a Field Day location where we'd have better luck with the VHF+ station  Green Mountain was one of the locations we looked at.  NF-4110 wasn't horrible, but NF-024 was not only plowed up and ditched several times within 100 yards or so, but also blocked by a half dozen rather large boulders.

We did try to scout the road (which is how we discovered the multiple points at which it was blocked) but we were accompanied by so many bugs, they were flying in our mouths and that seemed like a deal breaker.

I think a motorcycle could do it, but not my jeep.

Green Mtn2.JPG

Ray Cannon - W7GLF

May 14, 2024, 3:42:28 AMMay 14
to PNW Microwave

I have 24 GHz and would be interested in operating.  Also I should mention we are NOT only looking for good mountain bounce spots but also good line of sight locations preferably at least 1km long.
I used to go to a place called Earthworks Park with KD7TS.  It is at   47.408103°   -122.284821°.  I should go back there - Mike used to have me park on the hill and he drove someplace (took about 30 minutes) where he used to set up.  Note sure how far away he was but I do have a picture - he was at where small circle is.

I have used Google Earth Pro and am still not sure exactly where he was.  I should just drive up there and see if I can get a better picture.  It is in Des Moines so not far from Frank's.


Ray Cannon - W7GLF

May 14, 2024, 3:52:37 AMMay 14
to PNW Microwave
I used to park on NF-4110 up about 2900' but last time I went there the road was rough and trees were blocking the view to the Southwest.  K7MDL has described the location on K7BWH rover page:  The main trick is when you come to a place where the road splits into two take the one on the right (it does not look like it climbs) but be patient.

James Morris

May 14, 2024, 4:31:04 AMMay 14
to Ray Cannon - W7GLF, PNW Microwave
I forgot about that website, thanks for posting it.

Love the directions for Mt Rainier Peak  "Take state highway 706 through Ashford to the Visitors Center. Park car, walk up hill."

James W7TXT

Ray Cannon - W7GLF

May 18, 2024, 6:26:16 PMMay 18
to PNW Microwave
For those with Google Earth Pro here are some spots around Earthworks Park that could work.
Earthworks Park.kmz
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