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Reed Nightingale

Jan 25, 2023, 12:03:47 AM1/25/23
to PNW Microwave
Zerina Kapetanovic, from the University of Washington, authored a paper I just ran across:

In the paper, they claim they can detect the transmission of thermal noise at 1.42GHz. I don't have the LNAs and such to replicate it, but figured that since the paper is a couple years old, perhaps somebody in the region might have seen this paper already, and perhaps tried to replicate it?

Would love to get the local amateur perspective, one way or another!


John Petrich

Jan 25, 2023, 3:43:26 PM1/25/23
to Frank Kromann AG6QV, PNW Microwave
Frank and all,
I think that I am QRV on 122 GHz and would like to test my rig and the various modulation options against working 122 GHz rigs.  Are others interested enough to bring their 122 GHz rigs to the next Group meeting for testing purposes?
On a related topic, Konrad, put me on to these drone strobe lights that might be a helpful tool for antenna pointing, especially so for 122 GHz operation.  These strobes are purported to have a visual range of over 3 miles, or maybe more in combination with some sort of spotting scope/binoculars.  Konrad demonstrated these strobes on his drone, and they are indeed quite piercing and  visible in daylight. 

See you at the next Group meeting,
John, W7FU

Nick Krachmalnick

Jan 27, 2023, 11:20:36 AM1/27/23
to John Petrich, Frank Kromann AG6QV, PNW Microwave
Good morning all,

I can bring my 122 GHz portable unit with to our next meeting. 


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