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Biochar systems: Developing a socio-technical system framework for biochar production in Norway

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Norman Baker

Dec 8, 2017, 1:45:27 PM12/8/17
to PNW Biochar

PNW Biocharistos;

This publication is the first start I have seen toward making biochar more of a civic and governmental issue and not just a grass roots issue and just cause for promotion. IF ONE OF YOU HAS ACCESS TO SCIENTIFIC DATABASES, PLEASE POST THE WHOLE PUBLICATION SO WE ALL CAN READ IT IN IT'S ENTIRETY.



PS My thank yous to Mary Harrington for finding this!


Biochar is charcoal produced from feedstock under pyrolysis. It has gained interests among researchers in recent years because of its agronomic and environmental benefits. It is considered to increase soil fertility and crop productivity, and biochar might play an important role as a climate mitigation tool that is able to capture carbon in the soil.

However, although research has focused on the chemical, biological, and technical aspects of biochar, we seem to be far away from the implementation of a functioning biochar system. One key aspect needed for the actual use of biochar technologies is increased awareness and emphasis on the social and organizational aspects of its implementation. As there are no functional markets for the services and products needed to ‘produce’ a biochar system, political and market devices are needed. This paper contributes to this debate by introducing a socio-technical framework that investigates the implementation of different biochar technologies in Norway. Based on this socio-technical system framework, we discuss necessary components of a sustainable biochar socio-technical system, and we outline variations of this system based on different levels of biochar production scaling.

Ronal W. Larson

Dec 8, 2017, 4:50:09 PM12/8/17
to, Norman Baker

Norm and list

1.  Can’t help on access here, but as I followed up on this one I found this (open access):   

The Impact of Biochar Application on Soil Properties and Plant Growth of Pot Grown Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and Cabbage (Brassica chinensis)

I had not seen this earlier, but am always looking for biochar superlatives - and this paper fits that criteria.  Not a field study, but there has to be some lessons.  Written by folk with a long history in biochar.  They found one case of 900% improvement - and many over 200%.  The data is multi-year.  Says to use more biochar!

2.  Looks like you have a new responsibility with PNW Biochar.  Thanks for taking this on.


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